Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Computação (DC)

Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)
Campus São Carlos

Plataforma Lattes / outubro de 2020

Trabalhos completos publicados em anais de congressos

Número total de itens: 2354
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1.   CASELI, H. M.; INACIO, M. L.. NMT and PBSMT Error Analyses in English to Brazilian Portuguese Automatic Translations. Em: Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), p. 3623-3629, 2020.
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2.   CONTRERAS, R. C. ; MORANDIN JR, O. ; VIANA, MONIQUE SIMPLICIO. A New Local Search Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for the Pseudo-Coloring Problem. Em: Eleventh International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI), v. 12145, p. 349-361, 2020.
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3.   EDWARD HINOJOSA, C. ; Sarmiente C., Edgar ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Genetic learning of fuzzy rule bases for multi-label classification using an iterative approach (accepted). Em: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2020.
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4.   FALCAO, F. V. ; ANDRADE, N. ; FIGUEIREDO, F. ; SILVA, D. F. ; MORAIS, F.. Measuring disruption in song similarity networks. Em: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2020.
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5.   FREIRE, P. G. L. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Classification of active multiple sclerosis lesions in MRI without the aid of Gadolinium-based contrast using textural and enhanced features from FLAIR images. Em: The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2020.
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6.   GREGÓRIO DA SILVA, BRUNO C. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Exploring Deep Convolutional Neural Networks as Feature Extractors for Cell Detection. Em: The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2020.
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7.   INACIO, M. L. ; CASELI, H. M.. Word Embeddings at Post-Editing. Em: International Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR), p. 1-10, 2020.
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8.   KORB, M. M. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Automatic positioning of hippocampus deformable mesh models in brain MR images using a weighted 3D-SIFT technique. Em: The 20th International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2020.
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9.   KUDO, T. N. ; BULCAO NETO, R. F. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Toward a Metamodel Quality Evaluation Framework: Requirements, Model, Measures, and Process. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software - SBES'2020 - Ideias Inovadoras e Resultados Emergentes, 2020.
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10.   KUDO, T. N. ; BULCAO NETO, R. F. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Uma Ferramenta para Construção de Catálogos de Padrões de Requisitos com Comportamento. Em: Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos - WER, 2020.
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11.   LEITE, J. A. ; SILVA, D. F. ; SCARTON, C. E. ; BONTCHEVA, K.. Toxic Language Detection in Social Media for Brazilian Portuguese: New Dataset and Multilingual Analysis. Em: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2020.
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12.   MARTIN, DANIEL SAN ; SIQUEIRA, BENTO ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira ; FERRARI, FABIANO. Characterizing Architectural Drifts of Adaptive Systems. Em: 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, p. 389-1, 2020.
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13.   NAKAO, E. K. ; LEVADA, A. L. M.. Unsupervised Learning and Feature Extraction in Hyperspectral Imagery. Em: 20th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2020, v. 12249, p. 792-806, 2020.
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14.   NSIMBA, C. B. ; LEVADA, A.L.M.. Exploring Information Theory and Gaussian Markov Random Fields for Color Texture Classification. Em: 17th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition (ICIAR), v. 12132, p. 130-143, 2020.
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15.   OLIVEIRA, I. A. D. ; POLONI, KATIA M. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Exploring Hippocampal Asymmetrical Features from Magnetic Resonance Images for the Classification of Alzheimer's Disease. Em: 2020 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), v. 1, p. 59-64, 2020.
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16.   ORTOLAN, L. F. ; SILVA, D. F.. Knowledge Discovery in Brazilian Soccer Championship Scout Data. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2020.
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17.   PARMEZAN, A. S. ; SILVA, D. F. ; BATISTA, G. E. A. P. A.. A combination of local approaches for hierarchical music genre classification. Em: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2020.
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18.   PETRI, A. C. F. ; SILVA, D. F.. Towards logical association rule mining onontology-based semantic trajectories. Em: IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2020.
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19.   PIZZOLETO, A. V. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; DALLILO, L. D. ; OFFUTT, J.. SiMut: Exploring Program Similarity to Support the Cost Reduction of Mutation Testing. Em: International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation'20) (to appear), p. 1, 2020.
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20.   RIEGER, CHRISTOPH ; Lucrédio, Daniel ; FORTES, RENATA PONTIN M. ; KUCHEN, HERBERT ; DIAS, FELIPE ; DUARTE, LIANNA. A model-driven approach to cross-platform development of accessible business apps. Em: SAC '20: The 35th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, v. 1, p. 984-993, 2020.
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21.   RODRIGUES, R. J. S. ; MENDES, I. P. ; Souza, W. L.. MyHealth: A System for Monitoring Non-Communicable Diseases. Em: 17th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2020), v. 1134, p. 439-444, 2020.
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22.   SANTOS, B. Z. ; KENJI NAKANO, FELIPE ; CERRI, RICARDO ; VENS, CELINE. Predictive Bi-Clustering Trees for Hierarchical Multi-label Classification. Em: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases, 2020.
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23.   SCARTON, C. E. ; SILVA, D. F. ; BONTCHEVA, K.. Measuring What Counts:The case of Rumour Stance Classification. Em: International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing, 2020.
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24.   SILVA, L. C. ; ZAGATTI, F. R. ; SETTE, B. S. ; SILVA, L. N. S. ; LUCREDIO, D. ; SILVA, D. F. ; CASELI, H. M.. Benchmarking Machine Learning Solutions in Production. Em: IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 2020.
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25.   SILVA, T. P. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Possibilistic Approach For Novelty Detection In Data Streams (accepted). Em: 2020 International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FuzzIEEE), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2020.
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26.   SIQUEIRA, B. R. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; SOUZA, K. E. ; SANTIBÁÑEZ, D. S. M. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira de. Fault Types of Adaptive and Context-Aware Systems and Their Relationship with Fault-based Testing Approaches. Em: International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation'20) (to appear), p. 1, 2020.
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27.   Souza, R.T. ; SANTOS, G. F. ; ZORZO, SERGIO D.. User's privacy management in IoT environment using dojot platform. Em: The 17th International Conference on Information Technology:New Generations, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2020.
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28.   SOYER CUNHA, WARTERUZANNAN ; ANGULO, GUISELLA ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. Investigating Non-Usually Employed Features in the Identification of Architectural Smells: A Machine Learning-Based Approach. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2020.
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29.   SOYER CUNHA, WARTERUZANNAN ; ANGULO, GUISELLA ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. InSet: A Tool to Identify Architecture Smells Using Machine Learning. Em: Tool Session of the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, 2020.
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30.   TARGINO, J. M. ; ROBERTS, K. J. ; SOUZA, J. F. ; SANTOS, H. B. ; SENGER, H ; GIORIA, R. S. ; GOMI, E. S.. A Deep-Learning inversion method for seismic velocity model building. Em: EAGE Conference on Machine Learning in Latin America, p. 1-5, 2020.
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31.   UENO, C. L. R. S. ; BRAGA, I. A. ; SILVA, D. F.. Towards an Instance-Level Meta-Learning-Based Ensemble for Time Series Classification. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2020.
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32.   VIANA, MONIQUE SIMPLICIO ; MORANDIN JR, O. ; CONTRERAS, R. C.. An Improved Local Search Genetic Algorithm with Multi-Crossover for Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Em: 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2020.
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33.   VIANA, MONIQUE SIMPLICIO ; MORANDIN JUNIOR, ORIDES ; CONTRERAS, R. C.. Transgenic Genetic Algorithm to Minimize the Makespan in the Job Shop Scheduling Problem. Em: ICAART2020 - International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2020.
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1.   BAREA, E. R. A. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; PEDROSO, D. ; SENGER, H.. Avaliação de Soluções de Emulação Leve e Distribuída para Experimentação de Rede. Em: Workshop em Desempenho de Sistemas Computacionais e de Comunicação (WPerformance), 2019.
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2.   BEDER, D. M. ; OTSUKA, J. L.. A platform for customization and publication of open educational games. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), 2019.
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3.   BELGAMO, A. ; VINCENZI, Auri Marcelo Rizzo ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; FABBRI, Sandra Camargo Pinto Ferraz. Using auxiliary artifacts during code inspection activity: findings from an exploratory study. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS), p. 149-157, 2019.
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4.   BENEVIDES, J. R. S. ; INOUE, R. S. ; PAIVA, M. A. D. ; Terra, M. H.. Parameter Estimation Based on Linear Regression for Commercial Quadrotors. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (SBAI), 2019.
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5.   BENEVIDES, J. R. S. ; PAIVA, M. A. D. ; INOUE, R. S. ; Terra, M. H.. ROS-Based Robust and Recursive Optimal Control of Commercial Quadrotors. Em: International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2019.
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6.   BORDINI, ROGÉRIO AUGUSTO ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; TORRES, JOSIANE PEREIRA ; MENDES, ENICÉIA GONÇALVES ; OHNUMA, CATARINE ; SILVA, JOÃO PEDRO SÃO GREGORIO ; CAETANO, JÚLIA MOURA. A Era Inclusiva - Jogo Digital como ferramenta de formação docente para a Educação Inclusiva. Em: VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, p. 1264, 2019.
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7.   Britto, Talita ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. A survey on the awareness of Brazilian web development community about cognitive accessibility. Em: IHC 2019, p. to be published, 2019.
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8.   CARDOSO, F. C. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; TOSTA, M. S.. Estudo sobre dados relevantes para o acompanhamento de participações em jogos educacionais. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2019.
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9.   CASSALES, GUILHERME WEIGERT ; SENGER, Hermes ; DE FARIA, ELAINE RIBEIRO ; BIFET, ALBERT. IDSA-IoT: An Intrusion Detection System Architecture for IoT Networks. Em: 2019 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), p. 1, 2019.
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10.   COSTA JUNIOR, JOEL ; FARIA, ELAINE ; SILVA, JONATHAN ; GAMA, JOAO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Novelty Detection for Multi-Label Stream Classification. Em: 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 144-149, 2019.
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11.   COSTA JUNIOR, JOEL D. ; FARIA, ELAINE R. ; SILVA, JONATHAN A. ; GAMA, JOAO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Pruned Sets for Multi-Label Stream Classification without True Labels. Em: 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1-8, 2019.
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12.   CRUZ, C.D.A. ; HOKAMA, P. H. B. ; SAN FELICE, M.C. ; MORABITO, R.. Heurística Lagrangeana para o Problema de Alocação de Veículos. Em: LI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2019.
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13.   DALLILO, L. D. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; PIZZOLETO, A. V.. An Evaluation of Internal Program Metrics as Predictors of Mutation Operator Score. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST), p. 12-21, 2019.
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14.   DIEGUES, D. ; INOUE, R. S. ; NOGUEIRA, S. L.. Método automático de calibração de acelerômetro baseadono filtro de Kalman. Em: Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, 2019.
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15.   DISCOLA JR, S. L. ; CECATTO, J. R. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. Handling imbalanced time series through Ensemble of Classifiers: a Multi-class Approach for Solar Flare forecasting. Em: 16th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, v. 1, p. 209-214, 2019.
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16.   FACONI, L. B. ; Terra, M. H. ; INOUE, R. S.. Architecture-Independent Quaternion-Based Attitude Planning and Control Allocation for Multirotors. Em: International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems (ICUAS), p. 169-177, 2019.
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17.   FAZZOLINO, R. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R. ; SILVA, S. ; SANTOS, L. S. ; FIGUEIREDO, R. M. C. ; RAMOS, C. S. ; RIBEIRO, L.. Validation Process for Services Produced by Digital Transformation. Em: Conference of the Centre for Advanced Studies on Collaborative Research - CASCON'2019, p. 354-363, 2019.
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18.   FERREIRA, RAFAELA ; POLPO, ADRIANO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Classificação de Uma Classe para Detecção de PIWI-interacting RNAs. Em: XVI Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 741-752, 2019.
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19.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; GALETI, H. V. A. ; BARCELLOS, R. ; KATO, E. R. R.. Dinâmica Aplicada na Disciplina de Iniciação à Engenharia Elétrica para Evitar Evasão. Em: XLVII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2019.
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20.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; GALETI, H. V. A. ; BARCELLOS, R. ; WATANABE, F. Y. ; KATO, E. R. R.. Aprendizagem Baseada em Projetos (PjBL) Através da Competição de Rôbos. Em: XLVII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2019.
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21.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; OGASHAWARA, O.. Aplicação da Aula Expositiva Dialogada para o Projeto de um Controlador Fuzzy Incremental. Em: XLVII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2019.
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22.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; OGASHAWARA, O.. Aplicando PBL para Melhorar o Desempenho de um Controlador Fuzzt PD+I. Em: XLVII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2019.
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23.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; NASCIMENTO, C. F. ; FRANCISCO, C. A. ; KATO, E. R. R.. Aprendizagem Colaborativa na Disciplina de Eletrônica de Potência. Em: XLVII Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2019.
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24.   GAIOSO, ROUSSIAN ; GUARDIA, H.C. ; GIL-COSTA, VERONICA ; SENGER, Hermes. Parallel strategies for the execution of MaxScore on GPUs. Em: International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), v. 1, p. 1, 2019.
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25.   GAIOSO, ROUSSIAN ; GUARDIA, HELIO CRESTANA ; GIL-COSTA, VERONICA ; SENGER, Hermes. Parallel Strategies for the Execution of Top-k Queries with MaxScore on GPUs. Em: 2019 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBACPAD), p. 104, 2019.
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26.   Garcia, F. E. ; BRANDAO, R. ; MENDES, G. C. P. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Able to Create, Able to (Self)Improve: How an Inclusive Game Framework Fostered Self-Improvement Through Creation and Play in Alcohol and Drugs Rehabilitation?. Em: IFIP TC.13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT), p. 1-10, 2019.
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27.   Garcia, F. E. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Strategies for Inclusive End-User Co-Creation of Inclusive Storytelling Games. Em: IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computation (ICEC), 2019.
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28.   GARCIA, W. ; NERIS, V.P.A. m-Motion: A mobile application for music recommendation that considers the desired emotion of the user. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), 2019.
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29.   JESUS, G. M. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; PASCHOAL, L. N. ; SOUZA, S. R. S.. Is It Worth Using Gamification in Software Testing Education? An Experience Report. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS), p. 178-187, 2019.
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30.   JÚNIOR, LUIZ CAVAMURA ; MORIMOTO, RICARDO ; FABBRI, SANDRA ; VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO RIZZO. Software Operational Profile vs. Test Profile. Em: the XVIII Brazilian Symposium, p. 139-148, 2019.
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31.   KUDO, T. N. ; BULCAO NETO, R. F. ; MACEDO, A. A. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Padrão de Requisitos no Ciclo de Vida de Software: Um Mapeamento Sistemático. Em: Congresso Ibero-Americano em Engenharia de Software - CIbSE, p. 420-433, 2019.
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32.   KUDO, TACIANA NOVO ; BULCÃO-NETO, RENATO F. ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. A Conceptual Metamodel to Bridging Requirement Patterns to Test Patterns. Em: the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium, p. 155-160, 2019.
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33.   Lopes, Bruno ; de Pontes, Diego Roberto Gonçalves ; ZORZO, S. D.. An Instrument for Measuring Privacy in IoT Environments. Em: 16th International Conference on Information Technology-New Generations (ITNG 2019), v. 800, p. 49-55, 2019.
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34.   MARTINS, G. M. ; AROCA, R. V. ; Becker, M.. Agrosphero: proposta de froam construtiva para uma plataforma robótica esférica destinada a cultura de soja. Em: 4o Simpósio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2019.
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35.   VALENTE, FREDY JOAO; MORIJO, JOAO PAULO ; VIVALDINI, KELEN CRISTIANE T. ; TREVELIN, LUIS CARLOS. Fog-based Data Fusion for Heterogeneous IoT Sensor Networks: A Real Implementation. Em: 2019 15th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), p. 1, 2019.
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36.   NETO, L.V. ; FONTOURA JUNIOR, P. H. F. ; BORDINI, R. A. ; OTSUKA, J. L.. Design and Implementation of an Educational Game Considering Issues for Visual Impaired People Inclusion. Em: 18th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2019), 2019.
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37.   NOGUERA, VIVIANA ; Lucrédio, Daniel. Implementing a Classic ER Algebra to Automatically Generate Complex Queries for Document-Oriented Databases. Em: the XIII Brazilian Symposium, v. 1, p. 43-10, 2019.
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38.   NSIMBA, C. B. ; LEVADA, A. L. M.. Nonlinear Dimensionality Reduction in Texture Classification: Is Manifold Learning Better Than PCA?. Em: International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), v. 11540, p. 191-206, 2019.
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39.   OLIVA, SAMUEL ZANFERDINI ; FELIPE, JOAQUIM CEZAR ; Ribeiro, Marcela Xavier. DETERMINISTIC TOURIST WALK FOR EFFECTIVE DIVERSIFICATION OF QUERY RESULTS. Em: International Conference on Applied Computing 2019, p. 163, 2019.
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40.   OLIVEIRA, L. T. ; KIM, M. S. ; DEL BARRIO, A. A. ; BAGHERZADEH, N. ; MENOTTI, R.. Design of Power-Efficient FPGA Convolutional Cores with Approximate Log Multiplier. Em: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, p. 203-208, 2019.
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41.   OLIVERIA, A. J. ; ASSIS, G. A. ; FARIA, E. R. ; Vivaldini, K. C. T. ; GUIZILINI, VITOR ; Ramos, F. ; MENDES, C. C. ; Wolf, D. F ; SOUZA, J. R.. Analysis of Nematodes in Coffee Crops at Different Altitudes Using Aerial Images. Em: 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 2019.
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42.   PAIVA, CLAUDIO EDUARDO ; BUENO, RENATO. Delimitation of Regions of Interest in Similarity Queries Visualization. Em: 2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), p. 31-36, 2019.
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43.   Pedro, SDS ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Crowd-Powered Systems to Diminish the Effects of Semantic Drift. Em: The 14th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 2019.
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44.   PEREIRA, G. T. ; GABRIEL, P. H. R. ; CERRI, R.. Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements with a Weighted Genetic Algorithm. Em: EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 737-749, 2019.
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45.   PEREIRA, GEAN TRINDADE ; GABRIEL, PAULO. H. R. ; CERRI, RICARDO. A lexicographic genetic algorithm for hierarchical classification rule induction. Em: the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, p. 846-854, 2019.
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46.   PIRES, R. G. ; SANTOS, D. S. ; SOUZA, GUSTAVO B. ; LEVADA, A.L.M. ; PAPA, JOÃO P.. A Sparse Filtering-based Approach for Non-Blind Deep Image Denoising. Em: 28th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 2019.
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47.   PORTO, D. P. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; FABBRI, Sandra Camargo Pinto Ferraz. Improving project manager decision with gamification: An Experience Report. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS), p. 286-295, 2019.
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48.   POVOA, L. V. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; H. Senger. Modeling Energy Consumption based on Resource Utilization. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), v. 11619, p. 225-240, 2019.
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49.   REAL, LUIZ GUSTAVO S. ; BUENO, RENATO ; RIBEIRO, MARCELA X.. Evaluating Boundary Conditions and Hierarchical Visualization in CBIR. Em: 2019 23rd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), v. 1, p. 68-73, 2019.
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50.   SANTANA, MAYKON ; CAMARGO, HELOISA. A Parallel Strategy for Generation of Fuzzy Rule Bases in Big Data Problems Using the NSGA-DO. Em: 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 48-53, 2019.
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51.   SANTOS, B. M. ; SANTIBANEZ, D. G. S. M. ; HONDA, RAPHAEL ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. Concern Metrics for Modularity-Oriented Modernizations. Em: 12th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2019.
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52.   SANTOS, BRUNO MARINHO ; DE SOUZA LANDI, ANDRÉ ; DE GUZMÁN, IGNACIO GARCÍA-RODRÍGUEZ ; PIATTINI, MARIO ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. Towards a Reference Architecture for ADM-based Modernization Tools. Em: the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium, p. 114-1, 2019.
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53.   SANTOS, E. B. ; RODRIGUES, I. H. P. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; BRUNO, L. R.. Bayesian networks for inference and discovery of semantic relations in a never-ending learning system. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2019.
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54.   SCHICK, LEONARDO ; LOPES, PRISCILLA ; CAMARGO, HELOISA. Merging Clusters in Summary Structures for Data Stream Mining based on Fuzzy Similarity Measures. Em: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2019), v. 1, 2019.
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55.   SILVA, FABRICIO A. B. ; FREIRE DE SOUZA, JAIME ; SENGER, Hermes. Escalabilidade de Aplicações Bag-of-Tasks em Plataformas Heterogêneas. Em: XXXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, v. 1, p. 664-692, 2019.
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56.   SILVA, J. R. ; CASELI, H. M.. Generating Sense Embeddings for Syntactic and Semantic Analogy for Portuguese (Best paper award). Em: Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology (STIL), v. 1, p. 104-113, 2019.
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57.   SOARES, FREDERICO ; M. R. VINCENZI, AURI ; REZENDE, SOLANGE ; RODRIGUES BARBOSA, JACSON ; E. DELAMARO, MÁRCIO ; BRITTO, RICARDO ; MARCONDES MARCACINI, RICARDO. BULNER: BUg Localization with word embeddings and NEtwork Regularization. Em: VII Workshop on Software Visualization, p. 21-28, 2019.
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58.   SOUZA, M. V. M. R. ; GUARDIA, H.C.. Controle de acesso a serviços usando Smart Contracts. Em: SBRC - Workshop Blockchain, v. 1, p. 86-99, 2019.
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59.   SOUZA, P. M. ; Rodrigues, K. H. ; NERIS, V.P.A. SemTh - An Approach to the Design of Therapeutic Digital Games. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), 2019.
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60.   SOYER CUNHA, WARTERUZANNAN ; VIEIRA DE CAMARGO, VALTER. Uma Investigação da Aplicação de Aprendizado de Máquina para Detecção de Smells Arquiteturais. Em: VII Workshop on Software Visualization, p. 78, 2019.
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61.   UENO, C. L. R. S. ; SILVA, D. F.. On Combining Diverse Models for Lyrics-Based Music Genre Classification. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 2019.
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62.   Wallace P. N. dos Reis ; Diogo P. de Oliveira ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Evaluating the RGB Camera Image Resolution Variation Impact on the Performance of an AGV Position Control System. Em: IEEE IECON 2019 Conference, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2019.
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63.   DOS REIS, WALLACE PEREIRA NEVES ; MORANDIN, ORIDES ; VIVALDINI, KELEN CRISTIANE TEIXEIRA. A Quantitative Study of Tuning ROS Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization Parameters and their Effect on an AGV Localization. Em: 2019 19th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2019.
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64.   YESILER, F. ; TRALIE, C. ; CORREYA, A. ; SILVA, D. F. ; TOVSTOGAN, P. ; GOMEZ, E. ; SERRA, X.. Da-TACOS: A Dataset for Cover Song Identification and Understanding. Em: International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2019.
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65.   ZORZO, SERGIO D.; ANDRADE, L.P.. Privacy Everywhere: a mechanism for decision making and privacy assurance in IoT environments. Em: Twenty-fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019.
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1.   ALENCAR, TATIANA ; BARBOSA, MARCELO ; MACHADO, LUCIANO ; NERIS, LUCIANO ; NERIS, VÂNIA. Considering the diversity of users in the development of a flexible bus stop. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2018), p. 1, 2018.
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2.   ANGULO, GUISELLA ; MARTÍN, DANIEL SAN ; SANTOS, BRUNO ; FERRARI, FABIANO CUTIGI ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. An Approach for Creating KDM2PSM Transformation Engines in ADM Context: The RUTE-K2J Case. Em: the VII Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, p. 92-101, 2018.
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3.   ARANHA, DIEGO F. ; BARBOSA, P. ; CARDOSO, T. ; LUDERS, CAIO ; MATIAS, PAULO. Execução de código arbitrário na urna eletrônica brasileira. Em: SBSeg, p. 57-70, 2018.
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4.   ASBAHR, R. K. ; LOPES, PRISCILLA DE ABREU ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Agrupamento Fuzzy para Fluxo Contínuo de Dados ? Um Estudo de Algoritmos Baseados em Blocos. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 1-12, 2018.
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5.   BARBIRATO, J. G. M. ; CERRI, R.. Classificação Multirrótulo com Mapas de Kohonen e Vizinhanças Vencedoras. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, 2018.
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6.   BAREA, E. R. A. ; OLIVEIRA, D. ; FLOOR, I. M. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; H. Senger. MiniSecBGP - Testbed de Emulação Leve em Segurança BGP. Em: WSCDC ? Workshop de Segurança Cibernética em Dispositivos Conectados, v. 1, 2018.
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7.   CANDIDO, PAULO L. ; SILVA, JONATHAN A. ; FARIA, ELAINE R. ; Naldi, Murilo C.. Scalable Batch Stream Clustering with k Estimation. Em: 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), p. 1-8, 2018.
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8.   CARDOSO, F. C. ; OTSUKA, J. L.. Visualização da Informação na análise de dados coletados a partir de jogos: um Mapeamento Sistemático. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2018.
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9.   Carniel, A.C. ; ROUMELIS, G. ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues ; VASSILAKOPOULOS, M. ; CORRAL, A. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. An efficient flash-aware spatial index for points. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GeoInfo 2018), 2018.
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10.   CARVALHO, JOSE REGINALDO H. ; VNICENZI, AURI ; MALDONADO, JOSE CARLOS ; GONCALVES, MARCEL. Industry and Academia Partnership for Short-time High-level Qualification. Em: 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), p. 1-8, 2018.
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11.   CASSALES, G. W. ; H. Senger. Detecção de Anomalia através da Mineração de Fluxos Contínuos de Dados. Em: WSCDC ? Workshop de Segurança Cibernética em Dispositivos Conectados, v. 1, p. 1-5, 2018.
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12.   CERRI, RICARDO; MANTOVANI, RAFAEL G. ; BASGALUPP, MARCIO P. ; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C. P. L. F.. Multi-label Feature Selection Techniques for Hierarchical Multi-label Protein Function Prediction. Em: 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1-7, 2018.
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13.   Comin, Cesar H.; VIANA, MATHEUS P. ; HENNING, BARBARA ; DOS REIS, SERGIO F. ; DOS SANTOS, THAIS M.P. ; LOPES, RICARDO T. ; DA F. COSTA, LUCIANO. Characterizing the Trabecular Bone Tissue of the Toco Toucan Bill. Em: 2018 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 1228, 2018.
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14.   CORDEIRO, N. H. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. An Architecture for Collision Risk Prediction for Visually Impaired People. Em: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, v. 31, p. 1, 2018.
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15.   COUTO, F. R. P. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Privacy Negotiation Mechanism in Internet of Things Environments. Em: Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems,, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2018.
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16.   DA COSTA, ALISSON HAYASI ; CERRI, RICARDO ; DOS SANTOS, RENATO AUGUSTO CORRÊA. Performance Analysis of Deep Neural Networks in piRNAs Classification. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 572-583, 2018.
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17.   DA SILVA, TIAGO PINHO ; SCHICK, LEONARDO ; DE ABREU LOPES, PRISCILLA ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. A Fuzzy Multiclass Novelty Detector for Data Streams. Em: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1-8, 2018.
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18.   DIAS, V. S. ; TORRES, C. ; Tronco, M. L. ; PEDRINO, E.C. ; TIBERTI, A. J. ; VALENCIO, C. R. ; ARCHILA, J. F.. Modelagem e Projeto dos Sistemas de Controle de Tração e Esterçamento da Plataforma Robótica Agrícola Móvel RAM. Em: CONEM - Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecânica, 2018.
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19.   DOURADO, A. M. B. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Embedded Navigation and Classification System for Assisting Visually Impaired People. Em: VISIGRAPP 2018 - 13th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, v. 5, p. 516-523, 2018.
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20.   FELINTO, J. C. ; TAVARES, J. C. ; FREIRE, P. G. L. ; AILY, J. B. ; ALMEIDA, A. C. ; PEDROSO, M. G. ; MATTIELLO, S. M. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Automatic Segmentation and Quantification of Thigh Tissues in CT Images. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, v. 10960, p. 261-276, 2018.
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21.   FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi; PIZZOLETO, A. V. ; OFFUTT, J.. A Systematic Review of Cost Reduction Techniques for Mutation Testing: Preliminary Results. Em: International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation'18), p. 1-10, 2018.
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22.   FREIRE, P. G. L. ; GREGÓRIO DA SILVA, BRUNO C. ; VILLA PINTO, CARLOS H. ; FERRI MOREIRA, C. A. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Midsaggital Plane Detection in Magnetic Resonance Images Using Phase Congruency, Hessian Matrix and Symmetry Information: A Comparative Study. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, v. 10960, p. 245-260, 2018.
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23.   FURTADO SILVA, DIEGO; E. A. P. A. BATISTA, GUSTAVO. Elastic Time Series Motifs and Discords. Em: 2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), p. 237, 2018.
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24.   GAIOSO, ROUSSIAN ; GIL-COSTA, VERONICA ; GUARDIA, HELIO ; SENGER, Hermes. A Parallel Implementation of WAND on GPUs. Em: 2018 26th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, v. 1, p. 10-8, 2018.
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25.   GALINDO JUNIOR, N. ; NERIS, V.P.A ; Rodrigues, K. H.. Diretivas para a Avaliação da Sustentabilidade em Soluções Computacionais. Em: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS DA INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR NA WEB SOCIAL (WAIHCWS), v. 1, p. 127-138, 2018.
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26.   GARCIA, W. ; NERIS, V.P.A. An algorithm for music recommendation based on the user's musical preferences and desired emotions. Em: International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM), v. 1, p. 205-2013, 2018.
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27.   GERDING, THIAGO MORANO ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; JUNIOR, PAULO HENRIQUE FONTOURA. Design and development of a memory game solution for players with and without visual impairment. Em: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education), p. 785, 2018.
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28.   GIMENEZ-GARCI#769 ; Duarte, MC ; ZIMMERMANN, A. ; GRAVIER, C. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; MARET, P.. NELL2RDF: Reading the Web, Tracking the Provenance, and Publishing it as Linked Data. Em: International Workshops on Contextualized Knowledge Graphs, 2018.
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29.   ITO, F. T. ; CASELI, H. M. ; MOREIRA, J.. The Effects of Unimodal Representation Choices on Multimodal Learning. Em: Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, p. 2119-2126, 2018.
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30.   ITO, F. T. ; CASELI, H. M. ; MOREIRA, J.. The Effects of Underlying Mono and Multilingual Representations for Text Classification. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 1-6, 2018.
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31.   JESUS, G. M. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; PORTO, D. P. ; FABBRI, Sandra Camargo Pinto Ferraz. Gamification in Software Testing: A Characterization Study. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST), p. 39-48, 2018.
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32.   KUSUMOTA, VICTOR ; AROCA, RAFAEL ; MARTINS, FELIPE. An Open Source Framework for Educational Applications Using Cozmo Mobile Robot. Em: 2018 Latin American Robotic Symposium, p. 569, 2018.
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33.   KUSUMOTA, VICTOR ; AROCA, RAFAEL ; MENDES, RAUL ; TAVEIRA, TATIANA. Development of a Smartphone-Based Educational Robot with Cloud Architecture and Evaluation of Its Performance. Em: 2018 Latin American Robotic Symposium, p. 541, 2018.
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34.   LOBO DE OLIVEIRA, ANDRE ASSIS ; GONCALVES CAMILO-JUNIOR, CELSO ; NORONHA DE ANDRADE FREITAS, EDUARDO ; RIZZO VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO. FTMES: A Failed-Test-Oriented Mutant Execution Strategy for Mutation-Based Fault Localization. Em: 2018 IEEE 29th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), p. 155-165, 2018.
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35.   Lorena, A. C. ; KASTER, D. S. ; CERRI, R. ; PAIVA, E. R. F. ; MELO, V. V.. Can I make a wish?: a competition on detecting meteors in images. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, 2018.
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36.   Marino, SC ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Automatic Identification of Equivalence of Concepts in Different Languages for Never-Ending Learning. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1, 2018.
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37.   Miani, R. G. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Eliminating Redundant and Irrelevant Association Rules in Large Knowledge Bases. Em: 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, 2018.
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38.   NAKANO, FELIPE KENJI ; MASTELINI, SAULO MARTIELLO ; BARBON, SYLVIO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Improving Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements using Deep Neural Networks. Em: 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1-8, 2018.
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39.   OLIVEIRA, A. A. L. ; CAMILO-JUNIOR, C. G. ; FREITAS, E. N. A. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. FTScMES: A New Mutation Execution Strategy based on Failed Tests' Mutation Score for Fault Localization. Em: International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences in Conjunction with the IFIP World Congress 2018, p. 177-187, 2018.
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40.   OLIVEIRA, R. R. ; Rodrigues, K. H. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Interaction Technologies Used in Intelligent Residences: A Systematic Review. Em: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS DA INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR NA WEB SOCIAL (WAIHCWS), v. 1, p. 59-70, 2018.
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41.   PADUA, R. ; CARVALHO, V. O. ; REZENDE, S. O. ; SILVA, D. F.. Exploring Musical Relations Using Association Rule Networks. Em: 2018 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2018.
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42.   PEDROSO, D. ; LOPES, B. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; MATIAS, PAULO ; BAREA, E.. Proposta de Testbed para Experimentação de Plano em Dados em Redes. Em: Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental da Internet do Futuro, 2018.
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43.   PEREIRA, GEAN TRINDADE ; SANTOS, BRUNA ZAMITH ; CERRI, RICARDO. A Genetic Algorithm for Transposable Elements Hierarchical Classification Rule Induction. Em: 2018 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), p. 1-8, 2018.
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44.   PEREIRA, V. N. G. ; San Felice, Mário César ; HOKAMA, P. H. D. B. ; XAVIER, E. C.. The Steiner Multi Cycle Problem with Applications to a Collaborative Truckload Problem. Em: 17th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms (SEA 2018), v. 103, p. 26:1-26:13, 2018.
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45.   PIMENTA, MAYRA Z. ; Comin, Cesar Henrique ; RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO A. ; COSTA, LUCIANO DA F.. The impact of Interconnecting Topologies on SOM Neural Networks. Em: 2018 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1, 2018.
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46.   PINHEIRO, P. ; VIANA, J. C. ; FERNANDES, L. ; RIBEIRO, M. M. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; FONSECA, B. ; GHEYI, Rohit. Mutation Operators for Code Annotations. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST), p. 77-86, 2018.
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47.   POLONI, K. M. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Detection and Classification of Hippocampal Structural Changes in MR Images as a Biomarker for Alzheimer’s Disease. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, v. 10960, p. 406-422, 2018.
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48.   POLONI, K. M. ; VILLA PINTO, CARLOS H. ; SOUZA, B. S. ; FERRARI, R. J.. Construction and Application of a Probabilistic Atlas of 3D Landmark Points for Initialization of Hippocampus Mesh Models in Brain MR Images. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, v. 10960, p. 310-322, 2018.
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49.   REIS, D. M. ; MALETZKE, A. G. ; SILVA, D. F. ; Batista, G. E. A. P. A.. Classifying and Counting with Recurrent Contexts. Em: ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 2018.
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50.   Rodrigues, K. H. ; CONRADO, D. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Lessons Learned in Designing a Digital Therapeutic Game to Support the Treatment and Well-Being of Children with Cancer. Em: Human-Computer Interaction International (HCI2018), 2018.
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51.   SANTOS, A. ; BARROS JUNIOR, J. D. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Annotation of a Corpus of Tweets for Sentiment Analysis. Em: Internacional Conference on the Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR), v. 1, p. 294-302, 2018.
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52.   SCHICK, LEONARDO ; DE ABREU LOPES, PRISCILLA ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. d-FuzzStream: A Dispersion-Based Fuzzy Data Stream Clustering. Em: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1-8, 2018.
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53.   SILVA JUNIOR, J. T. ; MATIAS, PAULO ; RUGGIERO, C. A.. piFlowMR - um protótipo dataflow escalável, implementado em um cluster de FPGAs de baixo custo. Em: Workshop em Computação Heterogênea, p. 585-596, 2018.
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54.   SILVA, D. F.; FALCAO, F. V. ; ANDRADE, N.. Summarizing and Comparing Music Data and its Application on Cover Song Identification. Em: 2018 International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), 2018.
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55.   SILVA, F. D. ; LEMOS, M. ; MEDEIROS, A. ; VENANCIO NETO, A. ; PASQUINI, R. ; MOURA, D. ; ROTHENBERG, C. ; MAMATAS, L. ; CORREA, S. L. ; Cardoso, K. V. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; ABELEM, A. ; NASCIMENTO, M. ; GALIS, A. ; CONTRERAS, L. ; SERRAT, J. ; PAPADIMITRIOU, P.. NECOS Project: Towards Lightweight Slicing of Cloud-Federated Infrastructures. Em: Workshop on advances in slicing for softwarized infrastructures (S4SI 2018), v. 1, 2018.
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56.   SILVA, R. P. ; CHERMONT, G. P. ; CAETANO, J. M. ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. XV Semana da Educação. Em: XV Semana da Educação da UFSCar, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2018.
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57.   SILVA, T. P. ; SOUZA, V. M. A. ; BATISTA, G. E. A. P. A. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. A Fuzzy Classifier for Data Streams with Infinitely Delayed Labels. Em: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2018.
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58.   SILVEIRA JUNIOR, C. R. ; CECATTO, J. R. ; SANTOS, MARILDE T. P. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. Thematic Spatiotemporal Association Rules to Track the Evolving of Visual Features and their Meaning in Satellite Image Time Series. Em: International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2018.
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59.   SILVEIRA JR., C.R. ; Santos, Marilde T. P. ; Ribeiro, Marcela X.. Spatiotemporal Associative Classifier for Satellite Image Time Series. Em: International Florida Artificial Intelligence Conference, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2018.
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60.   SILVEIRA JUNIOR, C. R. ; SANTOS, MARILDE T. P. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. Spatiotemporal Associative Classification for Satellite Image Time Series. Em: International Florida Artificial Intelligence Conference (FLAIRS), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2018.
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61.   SIQUEIRA, BENTO R. ; JÚNIOR, MISAEL COSTA ; FERRARI, FABIANO C. ; SANTIBÁÑEZ, DANIEL S. M. ; MENOTTI, RICARDO ; CAMARGO, VALTER V.. Experimenting with a Multi-Approach Testing Strategy for Adaptive Systems. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS), p. 111-120, 2018.
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62.   SOARES, EDUARDO A. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; CAMARGO, SUZANA J. ; LEITE, DANIEL F.. Incremental Gaussian Granular Fuzzy Modeling Applied to Hurricane Track Forecasting. Em: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1-8, 2018.
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63.   SOUSA, LEONARDO DA S. ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R. ; DELAMARO, MARCIO EDUARDO ; VIEIRA, IGOR R. ; MENDONCA, VINICIUS R. L. ; RODRIGUES, CASSIO LEONARDO. Reducing the Cost of Mutation Testing Using the Semantic Size of Mutant. Em: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, p. 2675-2680, 2018.
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64.   SOUZA, P. L. ; PRADO, A. F. ; Souza, W. L. ; PEREIRA, S. M. S. F. ; Pires, L.F.. Improving Agile Software Development with Domain Ontologies. Em: 15th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2018), v. 738, p. 267-274, 2018.
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65.   SOUZA, P. M. ; Rodrigues, K. H. ; Garcia, F. E. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Towards a Semiotic-Based Approach to the Design of Therapeutic Digital Games. Em: International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), 2018.
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66.   SOUZA, W. W. O. ; BROGNARA, D. ; Leite, J ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Subcategorias para a NELL em um ambiente de perguntas e respostas. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1-6, 2018.
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67.   VELTRONI, W. C. ; CASELI, H. M.. Text-Image Alignment in Portuguese News Using LinkPICS. Em: International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, p. 125-135, 2018.
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68.   VIEIRA, A. P. S. B. ; JOAO, R. S. ; Romani, Luciana A. S. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. The ST-Vis tool for SpatioTemporal Visualization. Em: International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2018.
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69.   WATANABE, F. Y. ; ANTONIALLI, A.Í.S. ; Paziani, F. T. ; Aguiar, F. G. ; OGASHAWARA, O. ; AROCA, R.V. ; SHIKI, S. B. ; KAWAHARA, Y.. A aprendizagem baseada em equipes e o desenvolvimento de habilidades transversais. Em: XLVI Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2018.
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70.   WEHRMANN, J. ; CERRI, R. ; Barros, R. C.. Hierarchical Multilabel Classification Networks. Em: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), v. 80, p. 5225-5234, 2018.
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71.   ZAMITH SANTOS, BRUNA ; TRINDADE PEREIRA, GEAN ; KENJI NAKANO, FELIPE ; CERRI, RICARDO. Strategies for Selection of Positive and Negative Instances in the Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements. Em: 2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 420-425, 2018.
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1.   BARBOSA, J. R. ; MATSUNO, I. P. ; GUIMARAES, E. R. ; REZENDE, S. O. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R. ; DELAMARO, M. E.. Mineração de Textos para Apoiar a Predição de Severidade de Relatórios de Incidentes: um Estudo de Viabilidade. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software - SBQS, p. 89-103, 2017.
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2.   BARBOSA, JACSON R. ; VALLE, PEDRO ; MALDONADO, JOSE ; Delamaro, Marcio ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. An experimental evaluation of peer testing in the context of the teaching of software testing. Em: 2017 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), p. 1-6, 2017.
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3.   BROGNARA, D. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Bayesian Sets for Binary Item Recommendation Systems. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2017.
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4.   BUENO, N. C. ; SOUZA, K. E. ; SILVA, L. A. ; MENDES, R. S. S. ; CERRI, RICARDO ; SILVEIRA, G. L.. Aplicativo Sororidade: Ferramente de Interação Feminina e de Promoção de Solidariedade entre Mulheres. Em: Congresso Internacional de Redes Sociais, p. 1045-1061, 2017.
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5.   CANDIDO, PAULO L. ; Naldi, Murilo C. ; SILVA, JONATHAN A. ; FARIA, ELAINE R.. Scalable Data Stream Clustering with k Estimation. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 336-341, 2017.
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6.   Carniel, A.C. ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. A Generic and Efficient Framework for Spatial Indexing on Flash-Based Solid State Drives. Em: European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, v. 1, p. 229-243, 2017.
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7.   Carniel, A.C. ; SILVA, T. B. ; BONICENHA, K. L. S. ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Analyzing the Performance of Spatial Indices on Flash Memories using a Flash Simulator. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, p. 40-51, 2017.
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9.   COLENCI NETO, A. ; VALENTE, F. J.. Internet das Coisas na Manufatura Avançada: Caso da Produção de Mudas de Cana de Açucar. Em: Enegep - XXXVII - Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção, 2017.
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10.   COLOMBINI, GUSTAVO G. ; DE ABREU, IURI BONNA M. ; CERRI, RICARDO. A self-organizing map-based method for multi-label classification. Em: 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 4291-4298, 2017.
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11.   CONCEICAO, L. ; ZANIN, G. ; AROCA, R.V. ; PAZELLI, TATIANA F. P. A. T.. Robótica na escola: Aplicação de kit didático na conscientização para o comportamento no trânsito - Motorista alcoolizado. Em: 8th Workshop of Robotics in Education (WRE 2017), 2017.
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12.   COSTA JUNIOR, J. D. ; PAIVA, E. R. F. ; SILVA, J. A. ; CERRI, RICARDO. Label Powerset for Multi-label Data Streams Classification with Concept Drift. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 97-104, 2017.
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13.   DAU, HOANG ANH ; SILVA, DIEGO FURTADO ; PETITJEAN, FRANCOIS ; FORESTIER, GERMAIN ; BAGNALL, ANTHONY ; KEOGH, EAMONN. Judicious setting of Dynamic Time Warping's window width allows more accurate classification of time series. Em: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), p. 917, 2017.
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14.   DE ABREU LOPES, PRISCILLA ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. FuzzStream: Fuzzy data stream clustering based on the online-offline framework. Em: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1-6, 2017.
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15.   DE ABREU, IURI BONNA M. ; MANTOVANI, RAFAEL G. ; CERRI, RICARDO. Incorporating instance correlations in multi-label classification via label-space. Em: 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 581-588, 2017.
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16.   DE OLIVEIRA BUENO, ANDRE ; Anacleto, Junia Coutinho. Municipal Virtual Communities (MuViC). Em: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1, 2017.
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17.   DE QUEIROZ PROENÇA, MAILSON ; NERIS, V.P.A. UIFlex: a meta-design solution for the web. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), v. 1, 2017.
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18.   DIAS, RAFAEL LOOSLI ; MPINDA, STEVE ATAKY TSHAM ; BUENO, RENATO ; RIBEIRO, MARCELA XAVIER. Visual-Interactive k-NDN Method (VIK): A Novel Approach to Visualize and Interact with Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems Regarding Similarity and Diversity. Em: 2017 21st International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), p. 72-77, 2017.
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19.   DISCOLA JR, S. L. ; CECATTO, J. R. ; Fernandes, Marcio M. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. An Optimized Data Mining Method to Support Solar Flare Forecast. Em: Information Technology - New Generations - 14th International Conference on Information Technology, v. 558, p. 1-742, 2017.
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20.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; DIAS, J. D. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; FONSECA, L. M. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Desenvolvimento de simulação por computador sobre segurança do paciente para o ensino de enfermagem. Em: Simpósio Internacional de Simulação Clínica Interprofissional e Mini Sun - Gestão dos centros de simulação-modelo de negócios, 2017.
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21.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; FONSECA, L. M. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Avaliação do serious game Cuidando Bem: percepção dos estudantes de enfermagem. Em: Congresso de Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.
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22.   DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; VIANA, MATHEUS C. ; DE S. LANDI, ANDRÉ ; DURELLI, VINICIUS H. S. ; DELAMARO, MARCIO E. ; DE CAMARGO, VALTER V.. Improving the structure of KDM instances via refactorings. Em: the 31st Brazilian Symposium, p. 174, 2017.
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23.   EDWARD HINOJOSA, C. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. A Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Tuning Type-2 Fuzzy Sets with Rule and Condition Selection on Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification System. Em: Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), v. 1, p. 389-299, 2017.
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24.   ESPERANÇA, VINICIUS NORDI ; Lucrédio, Daniel. Late Decomposition of Applications into Services through Model-Driven Engineering. Em: the 31st Brazilian Symposium, v. 1, p. 164-173, 2017.
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25.   EUSTAQUIO, F. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A. ; RESENDE, S. O. ; Nogueira, T. M.. On Fuzzy Cluster Validity Indexes for High Dimensional Feature Space. Em: Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT), v. 2, p. 12-23, 2017.
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26.   FARIA, KENYO ABADIO CROSARA ; FREITAS, EDUARDO NORONHA DE ANDRADE ; VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO RIZZO. Collaborative economy for testing cost reduction on Android ecosystem. Em: the 8th ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop, p. 11-18, 2017.
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27.   FERNANDES, L. ; RIBEIRO, M. M. ; CARVALHO, L. ; GHEYI, Rohit ; MONGIOVI, M. ; SANTOS, A. ; CAVALCANTI, A. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; MALDONADO, José Carlos. Avoiding Useless Mutants. Em: ACM International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE), p. 187-198, 2017.
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28.   FERREIRA, VINICIUS ; Anacleto, Junia. On-the-fly Prototyping. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1, 2017.
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29.   FILHO, AMAURI ANTUNES ; HOMEM, MURILLO RODRIGO PETRUCELLI. Restoring Images with Subpixel Precision Using Convex Restrictions. Em: the 2017 International Conference, p. 1, 2017.
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30.   FONSECA, LAYON MARTINS ; OTSUKA, JOICE. Aplicações educacionais com óculos de realidade virtual: um Mapeamento Sistemático. Em: XXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação SBIE (Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education), p. 233, 2017.
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31.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; ARAUJO, L. A. O. ; FRANCISCO, C. A. ; WATANABE, F. Y. ; OGASHAWARA, O. ; BARCELLOS, R.. Análise do Desempenho Discente em Relação ao seu Modo de Estudo, das suas Relações Sociais e de seu Hábito de Ler. Em: XLV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2017.
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32.   HERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ, J. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R. ; MITCHELL, T.. Merging knowledge bases in different languages. Em: TextGraphs-11: the Workshop on Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing, v. 1, 2017.
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33.   INOUE, R. S.; GUIZILINI, V. ; Terra, M. H. ; RAMOS, F.. Markovian Jump Linear Systems-Based Filtering for Visual and GPS Aided Inertial Navigation System. Em: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems - IROS, 2017.
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34.   ITO, F. S. C. ; QUERINO FILHO, L. C. ; INOUE, R. S. ; BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C.. Cooperative UAV formation control simulated in X-plane. Em: ICUAS - International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 2017.
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35.   JESUS, R. M. ; Duarte, MC ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Extração automática de sementes para sistemas de aprendizado sem-fim. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, 2017.
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36.   JOAO, R. S. ; MPINDA, S. A. T. ; VIEIRA, A. P. S. B. ; JOAO, R. S. ; Romani, L. A. S. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. A New Approach to Classify Sugarcane Fields Based on Association Rules. Em: 14th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2017.
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37.   KATO, E. R. R.; FRANÇA, C. A. ; ARAUJO, L. A. O.. Análise da Retenção de Alunos de Cursos de Engenharia Elétrica e Mecânica da UFSCar. Em: XLV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2017.
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38.   LAHR, GUSTAVO J. G. ; GARCIA, HENRIQUE B. ; SAVAZZI, JOSE O. ; MORETTI, CAIO B. ; Aroca, Rafael V. ; PEDRO, LEONARDO M. ; BARBOSA, GUSTAVO F. ; Caurin, Glauco A. P.. Adjustable interaction control using genetic algorithm for enhanced coupled dynamics in tool-part contact. Em: 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), p. 1630, 2017.
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39.   LANDI, ANDRE DE S. ; CHAGAS, FERNANDO ; SANTOS, BRUNO M. ; COSTA, RENATO S. ; DURELLI, RAFAEL ; TERRA, RICARDO ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. Supporting the Specification and Serialization of Planned Architectures in Architecture-Driven Modernization Context. Em: 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), p. 327, 2017.
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40.   LIMA, F. T. ; GAZZIRO, MARIO ; BATISTA JR, A. A. ; MATIAS, PAULO ; COSTA, J. V. C.. Urna eletrônica de terceira geração: Um protótipo para eleições auditáveis. Em: Workshop de Tecnologia Eleitoral, p. 677-685, 2017.
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41.   LIMA, S. C. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Concept Lattice Reduction using Fuzzy Data Clustering. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), v. 1, p. 1-12, 2017.
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42.   LOPES DE SOUZA, PEDRO ; FRANCISCO DO PRADO, ANTONIO ; LOPES DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY ; PEREIRA, SISSI MARILIA DOS SANTOS FORGHIERI ; FERREIRA PIRES, LUÍS. Combining Behaviour-Driven Development with Scrum for Software Development in the Education Domain. Em: 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, p. 449-458, 2017.
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43.   MAGALHAES, L. ; PETRI, A. C. F. ; ALVES, G. S. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; MATIAS, PAULO. Provisionamento automatizado de servidores para competições de segurança da informação. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro em Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais (SBSeg), p. 796-803, 2017.
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44.   MANSANO, A. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R. ; Papa, J. P.. Co-reference Analysis Through Descriptor Combination. Em: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2017.
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45.   MARTELLETO, M. ; AGUIAR, P. M. ; BURDET ; CAURIN, G. A. P. ; AROCA, R.V. ; PEDRO, L. M.. Instrumented module for investigation of contact forces for use in rehabilitation and assessment of bimanual functionalities. Em: 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2017.
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46.   MARTELLETO, M. ; CARDOSO, L. R. L. ; AGUIAR, P. M. ; BURDET, E. ; CAURIN, G. A. P. ; AROCA, R.V. ; PEDRO, L. M.. Upper limb rehabilitation through bicycle controlling. Em: 24th ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 2017.
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47.   MASTELINI, SAULO MARTIELLO ; SANTANA, EVERTON JOSE ; CERRI, RICARDO ; BARBON, SYLVIO. DSTARS: A Multi-target Deep Structure for Tracking Asynchronous Regressor Stack. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 19-24, 2017.
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48.   MATIAS, M. S. O. ; AMARAL, R. M. ; MATIAS, PAULO. Proxy customizado para acesso ao web service da Plataforma Lattes. Em: XI Workshop de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior do Brasil, 2017.
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49.   MELLO, J. S. M. ; ZORZO, S. D. ; Pontes, D.. Mobile privacy: users? expectations about the behavior of mobile apps. Em: 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.
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50.   Miani, R. G. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Correcting Inconsistencies through Association Rules in Temporal Large Growing Knowledge Bases. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), 2017.
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51.   NAKANO, F. K. ; CERRI, RICARDO. Denoising Auto-Encoders as Feature Extractors in Hierarchical Classification Problems. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), 2017.
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52.   NAKANO, FELIPE KENJI ; MARTIELLO MASTELINI, SAULO ; BARBON, SYLVIO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Stacking Methods for Hierarchical Classification. Em: 2017 16th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), p. 289-296, 2017.
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53.   NAKANO, FELIPE KENJI ; PINTO, WALTER JOSE ; PAPPA, GISELE LOBO ; CERRI, RICARDO. Top-down strategies for hierarchical classification of transposable elements with neural networks. Em: 2017 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 2539-2546, 2017.
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54.   OLIVEIRA, L. T. ; MENOTTI, R.. Usando o benchmark Rodinia para comparação de OpenCL e OpenMP em aplicações paralelas no coprocessador Intel Xeon Phi. Em: Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Arquitetura de Computadores e Computação de Alto Desempenho (WSCAD-WIC), p. 3-8, 2017.
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55.   ORLANDO, ALEX F. ; ZAINE, ISABELA ; PIMENTEL, MARIA G. ; DE SOUZA, DEISY G. ; TEIXEIRA, CESAR A.C.. Interactive Documents based on Discrete Trials. Em: the 2017 ACM Symposium, v. 1, p. 77-80, 2017.
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56.   PAIVA, M. A. ; BENEVIDES, J. R. S. ; INOUE, R. S. ; Terra, M. H.. Regulador linear quadrático robusto aplicado a um quadicóptero Parrot Bebop 2.0. Em: Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, 2017.
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57.   Paziani, F. T. ; WATANABE, F. Y. ; AROCA, R.V. ; NARDIN, F. L.. Desenvolvimento de material didático para uso em aulas práticas de metrologia industrial. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2017.
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58.   PEREIRA, G. T. ; CERRI, RICARDO. Classificação Hierárquica e Não Hierárquica de Elementos Transponíveis. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 69-76, 2017.
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59.   PEREIRA, JULIANA WOLF ; GONCALVES, MARCELO ROCHA BARROS ; Santos, Marilde Terezinha Prado. Semantic annotation in historical documents. Em: 2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), p. 1, 2017.
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60.   PEREIRA, MARIANA ALVES ; PAIVA, ELAINE RIBEIRO DE FARIA ; NALDI, MURILO COELHO. Online Detection of Outliers in Clusters of Continuous Data Streaming. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 324-329, 2017.
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61.   PIRES, R. G. ; SANTOS, D. S. ; SOUZA, GUSTAVO B. ; MARANA, APARECIDO N. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; PAPA, J. P.. A Deep Boltzmann Machine-Based Approach For Robust Image Denoising. Em: 22nd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), 2017.
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62.   PIRES, RAFAEL GONCALVES ; SANTOS, DANIEL FELIPE SILVA ; PEREIRA, LUIS AUGUSTO MARTINS ; SOUZA, GUSTAVO BOTELHO DE ; LEVADA, ALEXANDRE LUIS MAGALHAES ; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. A Robust Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Binary Image Denoising. Em: 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 390, 2017.
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63.   Pontes, D. ; ZORZO, SERGIO D. ; MELLO, J. S. M.. Evaluation Of The Reliability Of Using The Prototype Ppmark - A Tool To Support The Computer Human Interaction In Readings The Privacy Policies - Using The GQM And TAM Models. Em: 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.
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64.   PRADO, E. F. V. ; SANTANA, M. R. ; SILVA, T. P. ; SANTOS, M. A. A. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Sistema Fuzzy Genético Baseado em Regras: Um Operador de Pré-Seleção com Foco na Diversidade das Soluções. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), v. 1, p. 1-12, 2017.
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65.   QUECOLE, F. ; Duarte, MC ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Acoplamento para resolução de correferência em ambiente de aprendizado sem-fim. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, 2017.
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66.   RAMOS, GUILHERME M. A. ; HANADA, RAIZA ; DA GRAÇA C. PIMENTEL, MARIA ; Teixeira, Cesar A. C.. A word-prediction eye-typing approach for Brazilian Portuguese entries using geometric movements. Em: the 35th ACM International Conference, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2017.
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67.   RODRIGUES, LARISSA FERREIRA ; NALDI, MURILO COELHO ; MARI, JO'O FERNANDO. HEp-2 Cell Image Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. Em: 2017 Workshop of Computer Vision (WVC), p. 13-18, 2017.
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68.   RODRIGUES, LARISSA FERREIRA ; NALDI, MURILO COELHO ; MARI, JOAO FERNANDO. Exploiting Convolutional Neural Networks and Preprocessing Techniques for HEp-2 Cell Classification in Immunofluorescence Images. Em: 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 170-177, 2017.
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69.   SANTIBANEZ, D. G. S. M. ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. An Approach for Remodularization of KDM-represented Adaptive Systems. Em: VII Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do CBSoft (WTDSoft 2017), 2017.
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70.   SCHICK, L. ; Souza, W. L. ; PRADO, A. F.. Wireless Body Sensor Network for Monitoring and Evaluating Physical Activity. Em: 14th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2017), v. 558, p. 81-86, 2017.
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71.   SILVA, C. F. ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C. ; CASELI, H. M.. Classificação de tweets por relevância para concepção de um modelo de aprendizado de máquina para uso em aplicações de TV Social. Em: ENIAC - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2017.
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72.   SILVA, N. ; FONTES, J. ; INOUE, R. S. ; BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C.. Development of a fixed-wing vertical takeoff and landing aircraft as an autonomous vehicle. Em: LARS - Latin American Robotics Symposium (To be presented in LARS), 2017.
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73.   SILVA, T. P. ; URBAN FILHO, G. A. ; LOPES, P. A. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. A Fuzzy Variant for On-Demand Data Stream Classification. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), v. 1, p. 67-72, 2017.
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74.   SILVA, VINÍCIUS BARCELOS ; ARAUJO, CLÁUDIO ANTONIO ; SPOTO, EDMUNDO SÉRGIO ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. Incremental Strategy for Applying Mutation Operators Emphasizing Faults Difficult to be Detected by Automated Static Analyser. Em: the 31st Brazilian Symposium, p. 24-33, 2017.
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75.   SPERANZA, E. A. ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues. Integração de ferramentas de SIG e mineração de dados para utilização em atividades de gestão espacialmente diferenciada aplicada na agricultura de precisão. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Agroinformática (SBIAgro), v. 1, p. 639-652, 2017.
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76.   TOMAZINI, L. F. ; ROMERO, O. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. An Architectural Approach for Developing Intelligent Personal Assistants Supported by NELL. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, 2017.
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77.   VALENTE, F. J.; COLENCI NETO, A.. Intelligent Steel Inventory Tracking with IoT / RFID. Em: IEEE RFID-TA 2017, p. 158-163, 2017.
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78.   VARGAS, N. L. ; Ramisch, Carlos ; CASELI, H. M.. Discovering Light Verb Constructions and their Translations from Parallel Corpora without Word Alignment. Em: Workshop on Multiword Expressions, p. 91-96, 2017.
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79.   VASCONCELLOS, FRANCISCO J.S. ; MINHARE, C. ; FUCHS, L. ; VASCONCELLOS, J. F. A. ; CUNHA, J. A. O. G. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Alinhamento estratégico de melhoria de processos de software: percepções de um processo de apoio à decisão. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software - SBQS, p. 119-133, 2017.
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80.   WATANABE, F. Y. ; ANTONIALLI, A.Í.S. ; AROCA, R.V. ; VERGAMINI, E. ; CERANTOLA, P. C. M.. Acesso, Permanência e Evasão no Curso de Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica da UFSCar. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2017.
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81.   WATANABE, F. Y. ; AROCA, R.V. ; ANTONIALLI, A.Í.S. ; AVILA, M. T.. Metodologias Ativas no Ensino de Engenharia: Um Relato de Experiência no Curso de Engenharia Mecânica da UFSCar. Em: III Congresso de Ensino de Graduação da UFSCar, 2017.
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82.   WEHRMANN, JÔNATAS ; BARROS, RODRIGO C. ; DÔRES, SILVIA N. DAS ; CERRI, RICARDO. Hierarchical multi-label classification with chained neural networks. Em: the Symposium, p. 790-795, 2017.
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83.   YENGERA, G. R. ; INOUE, R. S. ; NARASIMHAPPA, M. ; Terra, M. H.. Computation of Extended Robust Kalman Filter for Real-Time Attitude and Position Estimation. Em: SBAI - Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, 2017.
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1.   Alencar, T. S. ; Rodrigues, K. H. ; Bianchi, R. G. ; Barbosa, M. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Emotional Response Evaluation of users in Ubiquitous Environments: an Observational Case Study. Em: 13th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference (ACE2016), 2016.
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2.   ALMEIDA, M. A. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; NICOLETTI, M. C.. A genetically programmable hybrid virtual reconfigurable architecture for image filtering applications. Em: 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, v. 1, p. 152-157, 2016.
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3.   ARANTES, GILMAR F. ; DE FREITAS, DIOGO M. ; LEITÃO-JÚNIOR, PLÍNIO S. ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. Systematic Functional Testing with Decision Table. Em: the 1st Brazilian Symposium, p. 1-10, 2016.
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4.   AROCA, R.V.; HERNANDES, A. C. ; Magalhães, D. V. ; Becker, M. ; Vaz, C. M. P ; Calbo, A. G.. Application of Standard EPC/GEN2 UHF RFID Tags as Soil Moisture Sensors. Em: 3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, v. 3, 2016.
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5.   Aroca, Rafael V.; WATANABE, F. Y. ; AVILA, M. T. ; HERNANDES, A. C.. Mobile Robotics Integration in Introductory Undergraduate Engineering Courses (Aceito para publicação). Em: Latin American Robotics Symposium - LARS 2016, 2016.
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6.   BARBOSA, T. V. ; SANTOS, E. B. DOS ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Optimizing the induction of Bayesian Networks using PC and Variable Ordering Genetic Algorithms. Em: XIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC 2016), v. 1, 2016.
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7.   BARCELOS, L. V. ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA DELLOSSO. A Especificação de Requisitos no Domínio de Sistemas de Informação com o Uso de Padrões. Em: Worshop de Enganharia de Requisitos - WER, v. 1, p. 351-364, 2016.
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8.   BARCELOS, L. V. ; PENTEADO, ROSÂNGELA A.D.. Apoio Computacional para Especificação de Requisitos com Reúso de Padrões de Requisitos. Em: Sessão de Ferramentas do XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
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9.   BORDINI, R. A. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; CAMARGO, A. E. R. ; VALERIO NETO, L. ; TSUDA, M.. Design de Em Busca do Santo Grau - Jogo Eletrônico Educacional Customizável. Em: XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), p. 522-530, 2016.
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10.   BRITO, J. J. ; MOSQUEIRO, T. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Faster Cloud Star Joins with Reduced Disk Spill and Network Communication. Em: International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), p. 74-85, 2016.
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11.   Britto, Talita ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. Towards Web Accessibility Guidelines of Interaction and Interface Design for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Em: The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, v. 1, p. 138-144, 2016.
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12.   Britto, Talita ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. GAIA: uma proposta de um guia de recomendações de acessibilidade de interfaces Web com foco em aspectos do Autismo. Em: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
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13.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; CONSTANTINO, ADEMIR A. ; FIGUEIREDO, MAURICIO. Individual distinguishing pheromone in a multi-robot system for a Balanced Partitioned Surveillance task. Em: 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 4346, 2016.
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14.   CARDENAS, EDWARD HINOJOSA ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; TUPAC, YVAN J.. Imbalanced datasets in the generation of fuzzy classification systems - an investigation using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition. Em: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1445-1452, 2016.
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15.   Carniel, A.C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. The Performance Relation of Spatial Indexing on Hard Disk Drives and Solid State Drives. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GEOINFO), p. 263-274, 2016.
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16.   CARVALHO, NILTON V. ; REZENDE, SOLANGE O. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; NOGUEIRA, TATIANE M.. Flexible document organization by mixing fuzzy and possibilistic clustering algorithms. Em: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 790-797, 2016.
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17.   CHAGAS, FERNANDO ; DURELLI, RAFAEL ; TERRA, RICARDO ; CAMARGO, VALTER. KDM as the Underlying Metamodel in Architecture-Conformance Checking. Em: the 30th Brazilian Symposium, v. 1, p. 103-113, 2016.
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18.   COLNAGO, JESSICA ; GUARDIA, HÉLIO. How to inform privacy agents on preferred level of user control?. Em: the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference, p. 1542, 2016.
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19.   CORDEIRO, N. H. ; DOURADO, A. M. B. ; QUIRINO, G. S. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. A data fusion architecture proposal for visually impaired people. Em: 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, v. 1, p. 158-165, 2016.
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20.   COSTA, P. B. ; CASELI, H. M. ; KEPLER, F. N.. A simple but potentially powerful approach for multilingual parsing. Em: PROPOR 2016 Student Research Workshop, p. 1-6, 2016.
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21.   Costa, P.C. ; POLITANO, PAULO ROGERIO ; FIGUEIREDO, M. F. ; KWONG, W. H.. Um exemplo simulado da integração do scheduling com o controle avançado usando MPC na Indústria de processos. Em: XXI CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA QUÍMICA, 2016.
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22.   Costa, P.C. ; POLITANO, PAULO ROGERIO ; FIGUEIREDO, M. F. ; KWONG, W. H.. O impacto na programação da produção devido à integração das camadas de controle avançado e de scheduling na indústria de processos. Em: XXIII SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2016.
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23.   DE OLIVEIRA BUENO, ANDRE ; FERREIRA, LUCAS CESAR ; FERREIRA, VINICIUS ; Anacleto, Junia Coutinho. Research trends in HCI in Brazil. Em: the 15th Brazilian Symposium, p. 1, 2016.
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24.   DESANI, DIEGO ; GIL-COSTA, VERONICA ; MARCONDES, CESAR A. C. ; SENGER, Hermes. Black-box Optimization of Hadoop Parameters Using Derivative-free Optimization Methods. Em: 2016 24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, p. 43, 2016.
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25.   DIAS, J. D. ; MEKARO, M. ; LU, J. K. C. ; SORRENTINO, GABRIEL ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, SILVIA. Design e avaliação de um jogo educacional de anatomia e fisiologia digestória humana. Em: XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), p. 288-294, 2016.
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26.   DOMINGOS, JEAN CARLOS ; POLITANO, PAULO ROGERIO ; PEREIRA, N. A.. Avaliação de um modelo de dinâmica de sistemas para planejamento de vendas e operações (SOP). Em: XXIII SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2016.
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27.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; OTSUKA, JOICE L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. CUIDANDO BEM: DESENVOLVIMENTO DE UM SERIOUS GAME SOBRE SEGURANÇA DO PACIENTE. Em: I Congresso Internacional da Rede Brasileira de Enfermagem e Segurança do Paciente, 2016.
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28.   DOMINGUES, ALINE ; OHNUMA, CATARINA SANTANA ; SANTOS, BRENO CALIXTO ; LOTUFO, MARCELO ; BORDINI, ROGÉRIO AUGUSTO ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, SILVIA ; BEDER, DELANO. Cuidando Bem: um serious game sobre segurança do paciente para o ensino de enfermagem. Em: Workshops do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, p. 233-240, 2016.
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29.   FABBRI, SANDRA; SILVA, Cleiton ; HERNANDES, ELIS ; OCTAVIANO, FÁBIO ; DI THOMMAZO, ANDRÉ ; BELGAMO, Anderson. Improvements in the StArt tool to better support the systematic review process. Em: the 20th International Conference, p. 1, 2016.
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30.   FARIA, K. A. C. ; FREITAS, E. N. A. ; MALDONADO, J. C. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Pharos: Uma Ferramenta para Identificação de Defeitos em Nível de Métodos a partir de Commits e Gerenciadores de Defeitos. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática - CBSoft - Sessão de Ferramentas, p. 105-112, 2016.
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31.   Ferrari, Ricardo J. ; PINTO, CARLOS H. VILLA ; MOREIRA, CAMILO A. FERRI. Detection of the midsagittal plane in MR images using a sheetness measure from eigenanalysis of local 3D phase congruency responses. Em: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 2335, 2016.
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32.   FERRAZ JUNIOR, W. M. ; SANTOS, C. H. S. ; HOMEM, M. R. P.. Metodologia Baseada em Métodos Ágeis, Dilema e Rerroupagem para o Desenvolvimento de Jogos Digitais Educacionais. Em: SBGames 2016, 2016.
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33.   FREITAS, E. N. A. ; CAMILO JUNIOR, C. G. ; FARIA, K. A. C. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. AMT: An Android Mirror Tool for Instant Feedback Across Platform. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática - Sessão de Ferramentas, p. 97-104, 2016.
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34.   FREITAS, EDUARDO NORONHA DE ANDRADE ; CAMILO-JUNIOR, CELSO GONCALVES ; VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO RIZZO. SCOUT: A Multi-objective Method to Select Components in Designing Unit Testing. Em: 2016 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), p. 36-46, 2016.
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35.   Garcia, F. E. ; Rodrigues, K. H. ; NERIS, V.P.A. An Interaction Modeling Language for Therapeutic Applications. Em: XV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2016), 2016.
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36.   GOMES, M. V. ; BASSORA, L. A. ; MORANDIN JR, O. ; VIVALDINI, K. C. T.. PID Control applied on a line-follower AGV using a RGB camera. Em: 2016 IEEE 19th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2016.
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37.   GONCALVES JUNIOR, C. B. ; HOMEM, M. R. P.. Lógica Indutiva Aplicada à Computação Musical: uma revisão sistemática. Em: 14º CONGRESSO DE ENGENHARIA DE AUDIO - AES - BRASIL, p. 14-22, 2016.
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38.   GREGÓRIO DA SILVA, BRUNO C. ; CARVALHO-TAVARES, JULIANA ; FERRARI, R. J.. Automated technique for in vivo analysis of leukocyte recruitment of mice brain microcirculation. Em: XII Workshop de Visão Computacional, p. 93, 2016.
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39.   GUIDO, A. R. ; PRADO, A. F. ; Souza, W. L. ; SILVA, E. G.. Supporting the Development of User-Driven Service Composition Applications. Em: 13th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2016), v. 448, p. 519-530, 2016.
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40.   HERNANDES, A. C. ; Magalhães, D. V. ; Becker, M. ; AROCA, R.V.. Modular sensor architecture for automated agricultural data collection on the field. Em: 3rd International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications, v. 3, 2016.
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41.   JALILIFARD, A. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. An Efficient KNN Approach for Automatic Drowsiness Detection Using Single Channel EEG Recording. Em: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, v. 1, p. 5-9, 2016.
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42.   JALILIFARD, A. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B. ; ISLAM, M. K.. Emotion Classification Using Single Channel Scalp EEG Recording. Em: 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, v. 1, p. 1-4, 2016.
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43.   KATO, E. R. R.; FRANÇA, C. A.. Implantação do Curso de Engenharia Elétrica da UFSCar: Avaliação dos Egressos. Em: XLIV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia (COBENGE), 2016.
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44.   LANDI, A. S. ; Valter Vieira de Camargo. Recomendações de Refatorações Arquiteturais Baseadas em Análise de Impacto no contexto da ADM. Em: VI Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do CBSoft, 2016.
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45.   MANTOVANI, RAFAEL G. ; HORVATH, TOMAS ; CERRI, RICARDO ; VANSCHOREN, JOAQUIN ; CARVALHO, ANDRE C.P.L.F. DE. Hyper-Parameter Tuning of a Decision Tree Induction Algorithm. Em: 2016 5th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 37-42, 2016.
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46.   MATTOS, FRANCIELLE ; FERREIRA, VINICIUS ; Anacleto, Junia. O Ensino de Programação com Scratch e seu Impacto na Opção Profissional para Meninas. Em: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, p. 300, 2016.
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47.   Mpinda, Steve Ataky T. ; SANTOS, M. T. P. ; Ribeiro, Marcela X.. Transport Logistic Application: Train's adherence evolution and prediction based on Decision Tree and Markov Models. Em: 13th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations, v. 448, p. 833-845, 2016.
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49.   NAKAI, M. E. ; INOUE, R. S. ; TERRA, Marco Henrique ; JUNIOR, V. G.. Wheeled Mobile Robot Formation using Recursive Robust Regulator with Discrete-Time Markov Linear System. Accepted to presentation. Em: LARS - Latin American Robotics Symposium, 2016.
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50.   Navarro, L. F. ; Appel, AP ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Ontological Networks: Mapping Ontological Knowledge Bases into Graphs. Em: 5th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (WWW '16 Companion): International Workshop on Web Intelligence Communities, v. 1, p. 949-954, 2016.
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51.   Navarro, L. F. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R. ; Appel, AP. Finding Inference Rules using Graph Mining in Ontological Knowledge Bases. Em: 5th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent System (BRACIS), v. 1, 2016.
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52.   OCTAVIANO, FÁBIO ; SILVA, Cleiton ; FABBRI, SANDRA. Using the SCAS strategy to perform the initial selection of studies in systematic reviews. Em: the 20th International Conference, p. 1, 2016.
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53.   OSAKU, DANIEL ; LEVADA, ALEXANDRE L. M. ; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. A block-based Markov random field model estimation for contextual classification using Optimum-Path Forest. Em: 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), p. 994, 2016.
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54.   OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; FERNANDES, MATHEUS V. ; BOCANEGRA, L. ; MOURAO, M. ; BORDINI, R. A.. Uma Plataforma de Apoio à Publicação e Customização de Jogos Educacionais Abertos. Em: XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância(ESUD), 2016.
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55.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; PENTEADO, ROSÂNGELA A.D.. ObasCId: An Ontologically-Based Approach for Concern Identification and Classification. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Componentes, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
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56.   PAULA, M. H. ; SERIKAWA, M. A. ; LANDI, A. S. ; SANTOS, B. M. ; COSTA, R. ; Valter Vieira de Camargo. SARA-MR: Uma Arquitetura de Referência para Facilitar Manutenções em Sistemas Robóticos Autoadaptativos. Em: IV Workshop on Software Visualization, 2016.
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57.   PIAGGE, R. M. D. ; ANDRADE, J. H. ; POLITANO, PAULO ROGERIO. Desafios e benefícios da implantação de um programa mestre de produção: um relato a partir de estudo de caso de duas empresas industriais. Em: XXIII SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2016.
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58.   POLASTRI, P. C. ; CASELI, H. M. ; SENO, E. R. M.. NEPAL: A Tool for Never-Ending Paraphrase Learning. Em: PROPOR 2016 Student Research Workshop, p. 1-6, 2016.
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59.   PRADO, MARLLOS P. ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. Advances in the Characterization of Cognitive Support for Unit Testing: The Bug-Hunting Game and the Visualization Arsenal. Em: 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), p. 213-220, 2016.
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60.   SANTOS, B. M. ; Valter Vieira de Camargo. A Reference Architecture for KDM-based Modernization Tools. Em: VI Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do CBSoft, 2016.
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61.   SANTOS, B. Z. ; CERRI, R.. A New Machine Learning Dataset for Hierarchical Classification of Transposable Elements. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 661-672, 2016.
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62.   SANTOS, E. B. DOS ; FERNANDES, M. L. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R. ; Duarte, MC. Bayesian Networks for Identifying Semantic Relations in a Never-Ending Learning System. Em: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), v. 1, 2016.
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63.   Santos, H. F. ; Souza, W. L. ; PRADO, A. F. ; PEREIRA, S. M. S. F.. Augmented Reality Approach for Knowledge Visualization and Production (ARAKVP) in Educational and Academic Management System for Courses Based on Active Learning Methodologies (EAMS?CBALM). Em: 13th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG 2016), v. 448, p. 1113-1123, 2016.
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64.   SANTOS, HELEN ; SABIO, GABRIEL ; SOUZA, WANDERLEY LOPES DE. Abordagem em Realidade Aumentada para Momentos de Aprendizagem Autodirigida. Em: XXVII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, p. 42-51, 2016.
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65.   Santos, M.C. S. ; BERTAOZINI, B. S. M. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Studies in Organisational Semiotics: a Systematic Literature Review. Em: 17th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO2016), v. 1, p. 13-24, 2016.
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66.   SCABORA, L. C. ; BRITO, J. J. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Physical Data Warehouse Design on NoSQL Databases - OLAP Query Processing over HBase. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 111-118, 2016.
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67.   SERIKAWA, M. A. ; LANDI, A. S. ; SIQUEIRA, B. R. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; MENOTTI, R. ; CAMARGO, V. V.. Towards Monitor Smells in Adaptive Systems. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Components, p. 1-10, 2016.
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68.   SERIKAWA, MARCEL A. ; LANDI, ANDRE DE S. ; SIQUEIRA, BENTO R. ; COSTA, RENATO S. ; FERRARI, FABIANO C. ; MENOTTI, RICARDO ; CAMARGO, VALTER V. DE. Towards the Characterization of Monitor Smells in Adaptive Systems. Em: 2016 X Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, v. 1, p. 51-61, 2016.
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69.   SILVA FILHO, A. Q.; MEIRELLES, G. L. ; VIANA, A. N. C. ; Dias Júnior, R. S. C.. Análise da Viabilidade Técnica e Econômica da Utilização de Inversores de Frequência em Siustemas de Abastecimento de Água. Em: XXXV Congresso de AIDIS y 59º Congresso Internacional ACODAL, 2016.
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70.   Silva, A. ; SANTOS, DAVI ; MEDEIROS, P. ; Negreiros, A. ; JACOBO, J. E. A. ; VILAS BOAS, JOÃO ; GONCALVES, L. M. G. ; Aroca, Rafael V.. Sistema de Monitoramento em Tempo Real da Qualidade da Água para Reservatórios de Usinas Hidrelétricas. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Elétricos, 2016.
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71.   SILVEIRA JUNIOR, C. R. ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; SANTOS, M. T. P.. IncMSTS-PP: an Algorithm to the Incremental Extraction of Significant Sequences from Environmental Sensor Data. Em: 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining (MLDM 2016), v. 9729, p. 284-293, 2016.
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72.   SIMOCS DA SILVA, ROAN ; ZORZO, SERGIO DONIZETTI. On the use of proxy re-encryption to control access to sensitive data on information centric networking. Em: 2016 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN), v. 1, p. 7-12, 2016.
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73.   SIQUEIRA, BENTO RAFAEL ; FERRARI, FABIANO CUTIGI ; SERIKAWA, MARCEL AKIRA ; MENOTTI, RICARDO ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. Characterisation of Challenges for Testing of Adaptive Systems. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
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74.   SOUZA, C. H. P. ; BARBOSA, G. F. ; Aroca, Rafael V. ; FRANCO, V. R.. USO DA TECNOLOGIA RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) PARA GESTAO DE FERRAMENTAS NO AMBIENTE DA MANUFATURA (Aceito para publicação). Em: IX Congresso Nacional de Engenharia Mecânica, 2016.
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75.   SOUZA, GUSTAVO B. ; ALVES, GABRIEL M. ; LEVADA, ALEXANDRE L. M. ; CRUVINEL, PAULO E. ; MARANA, APARECIDO N.. A Graph-Based Approach for Contextual Image Segmentation. Em: 2016 29th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 281, 2016.
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76.   SOUZA, W. W. O. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Cognitive Conversation Language-CCL. Em: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2016.
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77.   SPERANZA, E. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Clustering Approaches and Ensembles Applied in the Delineation of Management Classes in Precision Agriculture. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GEOINFO), p. 152-165, 2016.
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78.   TUMA, C. C. M. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; MORANDIN JUNIOR, O. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Comparison of performance the neighborhood operators and the ratio of search local-global in minimizing makespan using an GA-VNS collaboration to solve reactive production scheduling. Em: The 42nd Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2016.
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79.   VINCENZI, AURI M. R.; BACHIEGA, TIAGO ; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIEL G. ; DE SOUZA, SIMONE R. S. ; MALDONADO, JOSÉ C.. The complementary aspect of automatically and manually generated test case sets. Em: the 7th International Workshop, p. 23-30, 2016.
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80.   VIVALDINI, KELEN C. T.; GUIZILINI, VITOR ; OLIVEIRA, MATHEUS D. C. ; MARTINELLI, THIAGO H. ; WOLF, DENIS F. ; RAMOS, FABIO. Route planning for active classification with UAVs. Em: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), p. 2563, 2016.
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82.   ZORZO, S. D.; Pontes, D. ; Mello, J. ; Dias, D.. Privacy Rules: Approach in the Label or Textual Format. Em: 22nd Americas Conference on Information Systems, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2016.
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1.   ABADE, A. S. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; LUCREDIO, Daniel. Testing M2T Transformations - A Systematic Literature Review. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), v. 1, p. 177-187, 2015.
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2.   ABIB, JANAINA C. ; Anacleto, Junia C.. Interaction design process for healthcare professionals. Em: the 14th Brazilian Symposium, p. 1, 2015.
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3.   Alencar, T. S. ; Barbosa, M. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Uma Abordagem para o Design de Sistemas Ubíquos que consideram a Diversidade de Usuários. Em: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2015), 2015.
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4.   ANTONIO, TIAGO ; DONIZETTI ZORZO, SERGIO. Location-sharing Model in Mobile Social Networks with Privacy Guarantee. Em: 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 3, p. 44-54, 2015.
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5.   ARAUJO, A. F. ; RODRIGUES, C. L. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R. ; CAMILO JUNIOR, C. G.. Avaliação do Nível de Maturidade em Teste de Software em Micro e Pequenas Empresas do Estado de Goiás. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação. Relatos de Experiência em Sistemas de Informação, p. 415-422, 2015.
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6.   ARAUJO, CLAUDIO ANTONIO DE ; DELAMARO, MARCIO EDUARDO ; MALDONADO, JOSE CARLOS ; VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO RIZZO. Investigating the Correspondence between Mutations and Static Warnings. Em: 2015 29th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), p. 1-10, 2015.
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7.   AROCA, R. V. ; INOUE, R. S. ; PEDRO, L. M. ; CAURIN, G. A. P. ; MAGALHAES, D. V.. Towards a battery-free wireless smart glove for rehabilitation applications based on RFID. Em: IEEE Brasil RFID conference, 2015.
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8.   AROCA, R. V.; Aguiar, F. G. ; AIHARA, C. ; TONIDANDEL, F. ; Romero, R. A. F. ; MONTANARI, R. ; FRACCAROLI, E.. Olimpíada Brasileira de Robótica: relatos da primeira regional em São Carlos-SP. Em: 5o Workshop de Robótica Educacional, v. 1, p. 35-41, 2015.
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9.   ASSIS, V. C. ; SALVADEO, DENIS H. P. ; MASCARENHAS, NELSON D. A. ; LEVADA, A. L. M.. Denoising Computed Tomography Projections Using Contextual Filters with Statistical Estimation from a Non-Local Approach on Anscombe Domain. Em: XI Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC 2015), p. 265-270, 2015.
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10.   ASSIS, VINICIUS C. ; SALVADEO, DENIS H.P. ; MASCARENHAS, NELSON D.A. ; LEVADA, ALEXANDRE L.M.. Double Noise Filtering in CT: Pre- and Post-Reconstruction. Em: 2015 28th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 313, 2015.
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11.   BARROSO, RODRIGO FERNANDES ; PONCIANO-SILVA, MARCELO ; TRAINA, Agma Juci Machado ; BUENO, RENATO. Speeding up the combination of multiple descriptors for different boundary conditions. Em: 2015 XLI Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), p. 1-11, 2015.
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12.   BELGAMO, Anderson ; DI THOMMAZO, ANDRÉ ; PEDRO, JEFFERSON ; FABBRI, SANDRA ; HERNANDES, ELIS ; CAMARGO, KAMILLA ; GONÇALVES, GISLAINE. Using the Dependence Level Among Requirements to Priorize the Regression Testing Set and Characterize the Complexity of Requirements Change. Em: 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 231, 2015.
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13.   Bianchi, R. G. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Com que cor eu vou? Um estudo sobre cores e emoções na Interação Humano-Computador. Em: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 2015.
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14.   BORDINI, ROGERIO AUGUSTO ; OTSUKA, JOICE LEE ; BEDER, Delano Medeiros ; FONSECA, LUCAS FERREIRA ; FREITAS, PABLO AUGUSTO GONCALVES DE ; NUNES, ANTONIO AVANZI ; SANTIAGO, DANIEL LOPES ; SANTIAGO, GLAUBER LUCIO ALVES ; OLIVEIRA, MARCIA ROZENFELD GOMES DE. Musikinésia -- An Educational Adventure Game for Keyboard Learning. Em: 2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), p. 142-146, 2015.
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15.   BORDINI, ROGÉRIO AUGUSTO ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; BEDER, DELANO ; FONSECA, LUCAS FERREIRA ; FREITAS, PABLO AUGUSTO GONÇALVES DE ; NUNES, ANTÔNIO PEDRO AVANZI ; SANTIAGO, DANIEL LOPES ; SANTIAGO, GLAUBER. Musikinésia: Jogo Eletrônico para o Aprendizado de Teclado Musical. Em: XXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, p. 647-646, 2015.
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16.   BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C. ; INOUE, R. S. ; MELLO, A. ; CHIARAMONT, R. B. ; QUERINO FILHO, L. C.. Simulation Results of Cooperative Formation Flying Control of UAVs with Collision Avoidance based on ORCA. Em: Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology - APISAT, 2015.
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17.   BRANCO, K. R. L. J. C. ; INOUE, R. S. ; QUERINO FILHO, L. C.. UAV Formation Controller with Leader-follower Interchange - A Case Study Using X-Plane. Em: Asia Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology - APISAT, 2015.
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18.   CABREJOS, LUIS JORGE ENRIQUE RIVERO ; VINCENZI, AURI MARCELO RIZZO ; MALDONADO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; CONTE, TAYANA. Evaluating Software Engineers? Acceptance of a Technique and Tool for Web Usability Inspection. Em: The 27th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, p. 140-145, 2015.
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19.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; CONSTANTINO, ADEMIR A. ; FIGUEIREDO, MAURICIO. A multi-pheromone stigmergic distributed robot coordination strategy for fast surveillance task execution in unknown environments. Em: 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1, 2015.
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20.   Carniel, A.C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Embedding Vague Spatial Objects into Spatial Databases Using the VagueGeometry Abstract Data Type. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GEOINFO), p. 233-244, 2015.
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21.   Carniel, A.C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. An Abstract Data Type to Handle Vague Spatial Objects Based on the Fuzzy Model. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (GEOINFO), p. 210-221, 2015.
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22.   CERRI, RICARDO; BARROS, RODRIGO C. ; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C. P. L. F.. Hierarchical classification of Gene Ontology-based protein functions with neural networks. Em: 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), p. 1-8, 2015.
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23.   Cintra, Marcos E. ; Monard, Maria C. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. FCA-BASED RULE GENERATOR, a framework for the genetic generation of fuzzy classification systems using formal concept analysis. Em: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015.
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24.   COLPANI, ROGERIO ; HOMEM, MURILLO RODRIGO PETRUCELLI. Preliminary study on systematic literature review of augmented and virtual reality applied to motor and cognitive disabilities. Em: 2015 10th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), p. 1, 2015.
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25.   COLPANI, ROGERIO ; HOMEM, MURILLO RODRIGO PETRUCELLI. An innovative augmented reality educational framework with gamification to assist the learning process of children with intellectual disabilities. Em: 2015 6th International Conference on Information, p. 1, 2015.
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26.   Costa, P.C. ; POLITANO, P. R. ; FIGUEIREDO, M. F. ; PEREIRA, N. A.. Importância da integração da programação da produção com o controle avançado na indústria de processos. Em: XXII SIMPEP SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2015.
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27.   Pacceli, E. ; Politano, P. ; Pereira, N. ; Figueiredo, M. ; Tavares Neto, R.. Integração da programação da produção com o controle de processo na indústria de processo. Em: XXXV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO, 2015.
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28.   DA SILVA, BRUNO C. GREGORIO ; Ferrari, Ricardo J. ; TAVARES, JULIANA CARVALHO. Detection of Leukocytes in Intravital Video Microscopy Based on the Analysis of Hessian Matrix Eigenvalues. Em: 2015 28th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, v. 1, p. 345-352, 2015.
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29.   DA SILVA, ROAN SIMOES ; ZORZO, SERGIO DONIZETTI. An access control mechanism to ensure privacy in named data networking using attribute-based encryption with immediate revocation of privileges. Em: 2015 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), v. 1, p. 128-133, 2015.
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30.   de Oliveira, Cristiano B. ; Menotti, Ricardo ; CARDOSO, JOAO M. P. ; Marques, Eduardo. A special-purpose language for implementing pipelined FPGA-based accelerators. Em: 2015 Forum on Specification and Design Languages (FDL), p. 1, 2015.
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31.   DE SOUZA, RAFAEL TOME ; ZORZO, SERGIO D. ; DA SILVA, DANIELE APARECIDA. Evaluating capstone project through flexible and collaborative use of Scrum framework. Em: 2015 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-7, 2015.
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32.   DIAS, D. R. C. ; GUIMARAES, M. P. ; TREVELIN, L.C.. Integração de Ambientes Virtuais 3D Colaborativos baseados em Aglomerados Gráficos. Em: WRVA 2015, v. 1, p. 119-124, 2015.
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33.   DIAS, DIEGO R. C. ; GUIMARÃES, MARCELO P. ; KUHLEN, TORSTEN W. ; TREVELIN, LUIS C.. A dynamic-adaptive architecture for 3d collaborative virtual environments based on graphic clusters. Em: the 30th Annual ACM Symposium, v. 1, p. 480-6, 2015.
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34.   DIAS, J. D. ; MEKARO, MARCELO ; LU, JENNIFER ; SORRENTINO, G. S. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H. ; FONSECA, LUCIANA MARA MONTI. Design e avaliação de um jogo educacional para promoção da saúde e combate à obesidade infantil. Em: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGAMES), p. 319-328, 2015.
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35.   DIAS, JÉSSICA ; MEKARO, MARCELO ; LU, JENNIFER ; SORRENTINO, GABRIEL ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; BEDER, DELANO ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, SILVIA ; FONSECA, LUCIANA MARA MONTI. Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um jogo educacional digital para enfrentamento da obesidade infantil. Em: I Workshop de Jogos Educativos Digitais Interdisciplinares, p. 1104-1113, 2015.
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36.   DOMINGOS, J. C. ; POLITANO, P. R. ; PEREIRA, N. A.. Simulação computacional híbrida de dinâmica de sistemas e eventos discretos para auxílio ao processo de SOP. Em: XXXV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO, 2015.
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37.   DOMINGOS, J. C. ; POLITANO, P. R. ; PEREIRA, N. A.. Uma revisão sobre o uso de dinâmica de sistemas em planejamento de vendas e operações. Em: XXII SIMPÓSIO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO, 2015.
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38.   DOMINGUES, ALINE ; CAMARGO, ANA ESTHER ; NISHIGUCHI, JESSICA SAYURI ; LOTUFO, MARCELO ; BORDINI, ROGÉRIO AUGUSTO ; BEDER, DELANO ; OTSUKA, JOICE ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, SILVIA. Protótipo digital do Cuidando Bem: um jogo educacional sobre Segurança do Paciente. Em: I Workshop de Jogos Educativos Digitais Interdisciplinares, p. 1094-1103, 2015.
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39.   FERREIRA, VINICIUS ; ANACLETO, JUNIA ; Bueno, André. WishBoard: Promoting Self-expression in Public Displays to Leverage the Notion of Community. Em: Workshop: Doing CSCW Research in Latin America: Differences, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2015.
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40.   FEUERSTACK, SEBASTIAN ; DE OLIVEIRA, ÁLLAN C. M. ; DOS SANTOS ANJO, MAURO ; ARAUJO, REGINA B. ; PIZZOLATO, EDNALDO B.. Model-based design of multimodal interaction for augmented reality web applications. Em: the 20th International Conference, v. 1, p. 259-8, 2015.
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41.   FRACCAROLI, E. S. ; INOUE, R. S. ; FARIA, I. C. S. ; ROMERO, R. A. F.. Identificação dos Parâmetros e Simulação de um Quadrotor Construído por meio de Prototipação Rápida. Em: Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, 2015.
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42.   FRANÇA, C. A. ; BARCELLOS, R. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; WATANABE, F. Y. ; OGASHAWARA, O.. O Uso de Inovação Tecnológica com Dispositivos Móveis para Divulgação das Informações no Curso de Engenharia. Em: XLIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino em Engenharia, 2015.
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43.   FREITAS, D. M. ; LEITAO JUNIOR, P. S. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Aplicação de Propriedades de Weyuker, Parrish e Zweben a Critérios de Adequação. Em: Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST, p. 21-30, 2015.
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44.   GONCALVES JUNIOR, C. B. ; HOMEM, M. R. P.. Representação de Conhecimento Musical e Programação Lógica Indutiva - Uma Revisão Sistemática. Em: 15º Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Musical, 2015.
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45.   GUIMARAES, M. P. ; DIAS, D. R. C. ; MARTINS, V. F. ; Brega, J.R.F. ; TREVELIN, L.C.. Immersive and Interactive Simulator to Support Educational Teaching. Em: 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2015), v. 1, p. 250-260, 2015.
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46.   GUIMARAES, M. P. ; GNECCO, B. B. ; DIAS, D. R. C. ; BREGA, J. R. F. ; TREVELIN, L.C.. Graphical High Level Analysis of Communication in Distributed Virtual Reality Applications. Em: International Conference On Computational Science, v. 51, p. 1373-1382, 2015.
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47.   HINOJOSA, C. EDWARD ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; TUPAC, V. YVAN J.. Learning fuzzy classification rules from imbalanced datasets using multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Em: 2015 Latin America Congress on Computational Intelligence (LACCI), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2015.
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48.   IDEGUCHI, A. D. H. ; MORON, C. E. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino. CHAOS-MCAPI: An Optimized Mechanism To Support Multicore Parallel Programming. Em: 6th Workshop on Applications for Multi-Core Architectures (SBAC-PAD 2015), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2015.
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49.   JOAO, R. S. ; NICOLETTI, M. C. ; MONTEIRO, A. M. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. Extracting association rules from a retail database: two case studies. Em: 15th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, v. 420, p. 1-11, 2015.
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50.   JUSTO DOS SANTOS, FABIO JOSE ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. A hybrid forecast model combining fuzzy time series, linear regression and a new smoothing technique. Em: 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (IFSAEUSFLAT15), v. 89, 2015.
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51.   KATO, E. R. R.; FRANÇA, C. A.. Estratégia de Ensino de Sistemas de Automação com Controlador Lógico Programável (CLP) baseada em Projetos. Em: XLIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino em Engenharia, 2015.
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52.   LEAO, W. M. ; INOUE, R. S. ; Terra, M. H.. Análise Comparativa de Controles Robustos aplicados em um Quadricóptero. Em: SBAI - Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente, 2015.
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53.   LEME, F. G. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; RASHID, Awais ; MALDONADO, José Carlos. Multi-Level Mutation Testing of Java and AspectJ Programs Supported by the Proteum/AJv2 Tool. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática - Sessão de Ferramentas (aceito para publicação), 2015.
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57.   Lucrédio, Daniel; ADRIANO NOGUEIRA DA SILVA, ELIAS ; FORTES, RENATA ; MOREIRA, ANA. Supporting Multiple Persistence Models for PaaS Applications using MDE - Issues on Cloud Portability. Em: 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, p. 331, 2015.
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59.   Marçola, J. ; POLITANO, P. R.. Inteligência competitiva: estudo de caso em uma empresa que atua no segmento de infraestrutura. Em: XXXV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO, 2015.
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65.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA DELLOSSO. Domain Ontologies in the Context of Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Mapping. Em: AICCSA 2015, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2015.
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66.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; Penteado, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso. OnTheme/Doc - an Ontology based Approach for Crosscutting Concern Identification from Software Requirements. Em: 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, p. 188-200, 2015.
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67.   PESSONI, V. V. ; FEDERSON, F. M. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Learning Difficulties on Computing Courses: Cognitive Processes Assessment Methods Research and Application. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação - SBSI, p. 31-38, 2015.
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68.   PIERONI, R. ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA APARECIDA DELLOSSO. A DSL for Configuration Management of Integrated Network Management System. Em: 17th International conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, p. 355-365, 2015.
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69.   PIMENTA, ADINOVAM H. M. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa de Arruda. NSGA-DO: Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Distance Oriented. Em: 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2015.
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70.   PINHEIRO, V. S. F. ; VALENTIM, N. M. C. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R.. Um Comparativo na Execução de Testes Manuais e Testes de Aceitação Automatizados em uma Aplicação Web. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software - SBQS, p. 260-279, 2015.
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71.   PINTO, R. M. ; VELASQUEZ, A. E. B. ; GUERRERO, H. B. ; HIGUTI, V. A. H. ; Magalhães, D. V. ; PORTO, A. ; Becker, M. ; AROCA, R. V.. Orientation (Yaw) fuzzy controller applied to a differential drive mobile robot prototype for indoor and outdoor applications. Em: Congress of Mechanical Engineering (COBEM 2015), 2015.
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72.   POPOLIN NETO, M. ; DIAS, D. R. C. ; TREVELIN, L.C. ; GUIMARAES, M. P. ; BREGA, J. R. F.. Unity Cluster Package: Dragging and Dropping Components for Multi-projection Virtual Reality Applications Based on PC Clusters. Em: 15th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2015), v. 1, p. 261-272, 2015.
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73.   PRADO, E. F. ; LUCRÉDIO, D.. A Flexible Model-Driven Game Development Approach. Em: 2015 IX Brazilian Symposium on Components, v. 1, p. 130-139, 2015.
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74.   PRADO, MARLLOS P. ; VERBEEK, ERIC ; STOREY, MARGARET-ANNE ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. WAP: Cognitive aspects in unit testing: The hunting game and the hunter's perspective. Em: 2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE), p. 387-392, 2015.
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75.   QUERINO FILHO, L. C. ; INOUE, R. S. ; BRANCO, K. C.. A Decentralized Control System for Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Formation using Robust Hinfinity Control with Markovian Jumps. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2015.
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76.   RABELO, LUIZ A. PACINI ; PRADO, ANTONIO F. DO ; SOUZA, WANDERLEY L. DE ; PIRES, LUIS F.. An Approach to Business Process Recovery from Source Code. Em: 2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations (ITNG), p. 361, 2015.
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77.   RONDON, A. C. ; CASELI, H. M. ; Ramisch, Carlos. Never-Ending Multiword Expressions Learning. Em: Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE), p. 45-53, 2015.
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78.   SANTOS, ELOISA CRISTINA SILVA ; BEDER, DELANO MEDEIROS ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA A. DELLOSSO. A Study of Test Techniques for Integration with Domain Driven Design. Em: 2015 12th International Conference on Information Technology New Generations (ITNG), p. 373-378, 2015.
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79.   SANTOS, J. S. ; VINCENZI, A. M. R. ; DIAS NETO, A. C.. Um Estudo Exploratório sobre a Aplicação de Operadores de Mutação Java em Aplicações Android. Em: Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST, p. 11-20, 2015.
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80.   SANTOS, L. F. D. ; DIAS, R. L. ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; TRAINA, AGMA J. M. ; Traina-Jr., Caetano. Combining Diversity Queries and Visual Mining to Improve Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems: The DiVI Method. Em: 17th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM 2015), v. 1, p. 357-362, 2015.
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81.   Santos, M.C. S. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. A caminho de um método analítico para avaliação de respostas emocionais na interação humano-computador. Em: XIV Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 2015.
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1.   ABIB, JANAINA C. ; Anacleto, Junia C.. Improving Communication in Healthcare: a case study. Em: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 3336-3348, 2014.
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2.   Alencar, T. S. ; MACHADO, L. ; Neris, L. O. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Addressing the Users Diversity in Ubiquitous Environments through a Low Cost Architecture. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), p. 439-450, 2014.
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3.   Alencar, T. S. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Towards Design Guidelines for Software Applications that Collect User Data for Ubicomp. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2014), p. 246-254, 2014.
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4.   ALVES, P. R. O. ; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi. Avoiding Code Pitfalls in Aspect-Oriented Programming. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Linguagens de Programação (SBLP), p. 31-46, 2014.
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5.   ANDRADE, C. G. ; CAZZOLATO, M. T. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. Data Mining in Meteorological Time Series Using Association Rules and a Similarity Searching Based Method. Em: II Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 1-8, 2014.
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6.   ANTONIO, E. ; ROVINA, R. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Verification and Validation Activities for Embedded Systems - A Feasibility Study on a Reading Technique for SysML Models. Em: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 01, p. 233-240, 2014.
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7.   AROCA, R. V.; Calbo, A. G.. Protótipo de Wiltmeter R2: para a leitura da pressão de turgescência celular de folhas em campo (aceito para publicação). Em: SIAGRO, 2014.
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8.   Barchi, P. H. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Never-Ending Ontology Extension Through Machine Reading. Em: 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2014.
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9.   BELGAMO, Anderson ; HERNANDES, E. C. M. ; Zamboni, A. B. ; ROVINA, R. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Code Inspection Supported by Stepwise Abstraction and Visualization - An Experimental Study. Em: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 01, p. 39-48, 2014.
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10.   BORDINI, R. A. ; FREITAS, P. A. G. ; FONSECA, L. F. ; SANTIAGO, D. L. ; NUNES, A. P. A. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; SANTIAGO, G. L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, M. R. G.. Musikinésia: Uma Aventura Musical Educativa. Em: II Simpósio Internacional de Educação a Distância, 2014.
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11.   BORDINI, R. A. ; FREITAS, P. A. G. ; FONSECA, L. F. ; SANTIAGO, D. L. ; NUNES, A. P. A. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; SANTIAGO, G. L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, M. R. G.. Processo de Design de um jogo eletrônico para o aprendizado de Teclado Musical. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, p. 139-147, 2014.
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12.   BORDINI, R. A. ; FREITAS, P. A. G. ; FONSECA, L. F. ; SANTIAGO, D. L. ; NUNES, A. P. A. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; SANTIAGO, G. L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, M. R. G.. Avaliação do protótipo de um game educacional de Música. Em: XIX Conferência Internacional sobre Informática na Educação, v. 10, p. 327-338, 2014.
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13.   BOTEGA, L. ; BERTI, C. ; Araujo, R. B. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. A Model to Promote Interaction Between Humans and Data Fusion Intelligence to Enhance Situational Awareness. Em: Workshop on Human Factors in Assistive Technologies, v. 8510, p. 1-10, 2014.
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14.   BRANDAO, A. F. ; PARIZOTTO, N. A. ; TREVELIN, L.C.. Natural User Interface Applied for Spatial Disorientation and Movement Disorder: GestureMaps. Em: Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, p. 72-76, 2014.
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15.   BRASIL, G. J. C. ; BRANDAO, A. F. ; DIAS, D. R. C. ; Parizotto, N. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Natural User Interface Applied for Spatial Disorientation and Movement Disorder: GestureMaps. Em: Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada - WRVA, p. 1-5, 2014.
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16.   Bruno Silva ; Freire, P.G.L. ; MELLO, R. F. ; Bernardes, D. ; TAVARES, J. C. ; Ferrari, R.J.. Técnica de Estabilização de Movimento em Microscopia Intravital Utilizando Médodos de Co-registro de Imagens. Em: XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica – CBEB 2014, p. 193-196, 2014.
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17.   Calderon, Roberto ; FELS, SIDNEY ; Anacleto, Junia ; MEMAROVIC, NEMANJA ; THOMPSON, W. TRAVIS. Hacking HCI3P. Em: the 2014 companion publication, v. 1, p. 195-198, 2014.
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18.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; DE OLIVEIRA, JANDERSON R. ; FIGUEIREDO, MAURICIO ; ROMERO, ROSELI AP.. Parametric investigation of a distributed strategy for multiple agents systems applied to cooperative tasks. Em: the 29th Annual ACM Symposium, p. 207, 2014.
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19.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, J. ; Figueiredo, M. ; Romero, R. ; Ademir Constantino. Análise de uma estratégia de coordenação bio-inspirada de múltiplos robôs para a tarefa de vigilância em ambientes desconhecidos. Em: Encontro nacional de Inteligencia Artificial e Computacional - ENIAC'14, p. 564-569, 2014.
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20.   CAMARGO, Heloisa A. A Review of Membership Functions Tuning Approaches in Multi-Objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems. Em: Terceiro Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy, p. 396-407, 2014.
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21.   CARIDA, VINICIUS F. ; MORANDIN, ORIDES ; CERIONI, PAULO R. ; TUMA, CARLOS C.M.. Prediction Model Using Coverability Tree from a Modeling in Petri Nets Applied in AGVs Dispatching. Em: 2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 140, 2014.
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22.   CHAGAS, F. ; Camargo, V.V.. Uma Abordagem para Checagem de Conformidade Arquitetural na Modernização Apoiada por Modelos. Em: Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do CBSoft, v. 1, 2014.
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23.   Coletta, L. F. S. ; DA SILVA, NÁDIA F.F. ; HRUSCHKA, E. R. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Combining Classification and Clustering for Tweet Sentiment Analysis. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS-2014), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2014.
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24.   Costa, P.C. ; POLITANO, P. R. ; TAVARES NETO, R. F.. Integração da produção com distribuição: oportunidades e desafios. Em: XXXIV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO, 2014.
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25.   da Silva, Rener Baffa ; COLNAGO, J. ; Anacleto, J.. Design de Aplicações Para Interação em Espaços Públicos: Formalizando as Lições Aprendidas. Em: IHC '14, v. 1, p. 120-129, 2014.
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26.   DI THOMMAZO, A. ; ROVINA, R. ; RIBEIRO, T. ; OLIVATO, G. ; HERNANDES, E. C. M. ; Werneck, V. M. B. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Enhance Traceability Links. Em: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 01, p. 26-38, 2014.
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27.   DIAS, D. R. C. ; BREGA, J. R. F. ; GNECCO, B. B. ; DURELLI, R. S. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos ; GUIMARAES, M. P.. Data Network in Development of 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments: A Systematic Review. Em: 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, v. 8579, p. 769-785, 2014.
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28.   DIAS, D. R. C. ; Brega, J.R.F. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos ; GNECCO, B. B. ; PAPA, J. P. ; GUIMARÃES, M. P.. 3D Network Traffic Monitoring Based on an Automatic Attack Classifier. Em: The 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014), v. 1, p. 342-351, 2014.
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29.   DIAS, D. R. C. ; Durelli, Rafael Serapilha ; Brega, J.R.F. ; GNECCO, B. B. ; TREVELIN, L.C. ; GUIMARÃES, M. P.. . Data Network in Development of 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments: A Systematic Review. Em: The 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2014, v. 1, p. 769-785, 2014.
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30.   DIAS, J. D. ; MEKARO, M. S. ; LU, J. K. C. ; SORRENTINO, G. S. ; SANTIAGO, D. L. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; BORDINI, R. A. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. DIGESTOWER: jogo educacional para auxiliar o enfrentamento da obesidade infantil. Em: XIX Conferência Internacional sobre Informática na Educação, v. 10, p. 309-317, 2014.
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31.   DIAS, J. D. ; MEKARO, M. S. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Jogo educacional como auxílio ao enfrentamento da obesidade infantil. Em: XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde, 2014.
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32.   DIEGUES, D. ; INOUE, R. S. ; AROCA, R. V. ; F. P. A.T. Pazelli, T.. Rede CAN para estimitiva de orientação e posição de máquinas agrícolas. Em: Simpósio Nacional de Instrumentação Agropecuária, 2014.
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33.   Diegues, D. ; Pazelli, T. ; AROCA, R. V. ; Inoue, R.. Rede CAN para estimativa de orientação e posição de máquinas agrícolas (aceito para publicação). Em: SIAGRO, 2014.
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34.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; GUIMARAES, A. C. P. ; SILVA, A. F. S. ; ESTEVES, J. G. S. F. ; LOTUFO, M. L. ; SANTIAGO, D. L. ; BORDINI, R. A. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H. ; BEDER, D. M. ; OTSUKA, J. L.. Desenvolvimento de Jogo Educativo sobre Segurança do Paciente para Ensino Profissionalizante de Enfermagem. Em: II Simpósio Internacional de Educação a Distância, 2014.
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35.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; LOTUFO, M. L. ; GUIMARAES, A. C. P. ; ESTEVES, J. G. S. F. ; SILVA, A. F. S. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Uso de protótipo em papel no design de um jogo educacional acessível. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, p. 130-138, 2014.
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36.   DOMINGUES, A. N. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Cuidando Bem: um serious game sobre segurança do paciente. Em: XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde, 2014.
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37.   Dourado, A. ; BOTEGA, L. C. ; ARAUJO, R.B.. A New Specification Model for Tabletop Tangible User Interfaces. Em: Simpósio de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada (SVR), v. 16, p. 1-10, 2014.
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38.   Duarte, MC ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. How to Read The Web In Portuguese Using the Never-Ending Language Learner's Principles. Em: 14th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA?14), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2014.
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39.   Duarte, MC ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Exploring two Views of Coreference Resolution in a Never-Ending Learning System. Em: 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2014.
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40.   DURELLI, RAFAEL ; SANTOS, B. M. ; HONDA, R. H. ; DELAMARO, MÁRCIO E. ; Camargo, V.V.. KDM-RE: A Model-Driven Refactoring Tool for KDM. Em: Workshop on Software Visualization, v. 1, 2014.
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41.   DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; SANTIBANEZ, DANIEL S. M. ; DELAMARO, MARCIO E. ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. Towards a refactoring catalogue for knowledge discovery metamodel. Em: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), v. 1, p. 569-1, 2014.
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42.   DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; SANTIBANEZ, DANIEL S. M. ; MARINHO, BRUNO ; HONDA, RAPHAEL ; DELAMARO, MARCIO E. ; ANQUETIL, NICOLAS ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. A mapping study on architecture-driven modernization. Em: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), v. 1, p. 577-2, 2014.
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43.   EDWARD HINOJOSA, C. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Multi-objective Evolutionary Membership Functions Tuning as a Post-processing Task in the Generation of Fuzzy Classification Systems (accepted for publication). Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-6, 2014.
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44.   FERREIRA, VINICIUS ; Anacleto, Junia ; BUENO, ANDRE. Translating Art Installation into ICT. Em: the 32nd ACM International Conference, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2014.
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45.   Freire, P.G.L. ; Ferrari, R.J.. Influence of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Image Registration. Em: XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica – CBEB 2014, p. 134-137, 2014.
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46.   Garcia, F. E. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. A Data-Driven Entity-Component Approach to Develop Universally Accessible Games. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), p. 537-548, 2014.
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47.   GODOY, ARTHUR PEDRO ; TEIXEIRA, CESAR A.C.. An Architecture to Promote the Use of Mobile Devices on Interactions with Media Synthesized Remotely. Em: the 20th Brazilian Symposium, p. 143, 2014.
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48.   GONCALVES, M. B. ; PAIVA, D. M. B. ; Camargo, V.V. ; CAGNIN, Maria Istela. Comparing Agility Analysis Techniques: AgilAC Framework versus Ad Hoc Approach. Em: International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, v. 1, 2014.
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49.   HERNANDES, E. C. M. ; TEODORO, E. ; DI THOMMAZO, A. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Using Visualization and Text Mining to Improve Qualitative Analysis. Em: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 01, p. 201-208, 2014.
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50.   INOUE, R. S.; SIQUEIRA, A. A. G. ; Terra, M. H.. Simulação de coordenação de robôs heterogêneos em formação. Em: CBA - Congresso Brasileiro de Automática, 2014.
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51.   KATO, E. R. R. Metodologia de Projeto de Sistemas de Automação com Controlador Lógico Programável. Em: II Congresso de Automação e Inovação Tecnológica Sucroenergética, 2014.
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52.   LACERDA, J. T. S. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi. Towards the Establishment of a Sufficient Set of Mutation Operators for AspectJ Programs. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST), 2014.
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53.   LEVADA, ALEXANDRE. Information Geometry in Gaussian Random Fields: Searching for an Arrow of Time in Complex Systems. Em: 1st International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications, p. c003, 2014.
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54.   LEVIN, T. G. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi. Is it Difficult to Test Aspect-Oriented Software? Preliminary Empirical Evidence based on Functional Tests. Em: Workshop on Software Modularity (WMod), 2014.
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55.   LIMA, DENIS P. ; KATO, EDILSON R.R. ; TSUNAKI, ROBERTO H.. A new comparison of Kalman filtering methods for chaotic series. Em: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, p. 3531-3536, 2014.
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56.   LIMA, HELANO POVOAS DE ; CAMARGO, Heloisa de Arruda. A Methodology for Building Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems Integrating Expert and Data Knowledge. Em: 2014 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), v. 1, p. 300-305, 2014.
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57.   LOPES, C. C. ; Times, Valéria Cesário ; MATWIN, S. ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Processing OLAP Queries over an Encrypted Data Warehouse Stored in the Cloud. Em: International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK), p. 195-207, 2014.
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58.   Maciel, R. S. ; CRUZ, A. P. ; AROCA, R. V. ; Cruz, V. M. F.. Sistema de monitoramento e avaliação de empresas incubadas: aplicação em uma incubadora da UFRN. Em: XXIV Seminário Nacional de Parques Tecnológicos e Incubadoras de Empresas, v. 24, 2014.
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59.   MEKARO, M. S. ; DOMINGUES, A. N. ; DIAS, J. D. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; ZEM-MASCARENHAS, S. H.. Jogos educacionais para o ensino profissionalizante de enfermagem: Relato de experiência. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde, 2014.
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60.   Miani, R. G. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Association Rules to Help Populating a Never-Ending Growing Knowledge Base. Em: 14th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence, v. 8864, p. 169-181, 2014.
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61.   Miani, R. G. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Analyzing the use of Obvious and Generalized Association Rules in a Large Knowledge Base. Em: 14th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, v. 1, p. 1-61, 2014.
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62.   MORON, CELIO ESTEVAN ; IDEGUCHI, ANTONIO ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino ; MALONY, ALLEN D.. From MultiTask to MultiCore: Design and Implementation Using an RTOS. Em: 2014 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), v. 1, p. 111-118, 2014.
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63.   Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida; Rodrigues, K. H. ; LIMA, R. F.. A Systematic Review about Sustainability and Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), 2014.
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64.   NOGUEIRA, S. L. ; SIQUEIRA, A. A. G. ; INOUE, ROBERTO ; TERRA, MARCO H.. Markov Jump Linear Systems-Based Position Estimation for Lower Limbs Exoskeletons. Em: ACC - American Control Conference, 2014.
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65.   OLIVEIRA, A. C. M. ; ARAUJO, R.B. ; JARDINE, A. K. S.. Human-Centered Interfaces for Situation Awareness in Maintenance. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International), v. 16, p. 1-8, 2014.
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66.   OSAKU, D. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; PAPA, J. P.. On the Influence of Markovian Models for Contextual-Based Optimum-Path Forest Classification. Em: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), v. 8827, p. 462-469, 2014.
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68.   PANDIN, F. J. ; PEREIRA, N. A. ; POLITANO, P. R.. Barreiras Relacionadas à Implantação do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) - Uma Revisão da Literatura. Em: XXXIV ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO, 2014.
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69.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; Penteado, Rosângela Dellosso. Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering - A Systematic Mapping. Em: 16th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 83-95, 2014.
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70.   PEDRINO, EMERSON CARLOS ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino. Automatic Generation of Custom Parallel Processors for Morphological Image Processing. Em: IEEE Computer Society - SBAC-PAD - 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, v. 1, p. 176-181, 2014.
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71.   PINTO, V. H. S. C. ; DURELLI, R. S. ; OLIVEIRA, A.L. ; Camargo, V.V.. Evaluating the Effort for Modularizing Multiple-Domain Frameworks Towards Framework Product Lines with Aspect-oriented Programming and Model-driven Development. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 60-70, 2014.
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72.   PINTO, V. H. S. C. ; SANTIBANEZ, D. G. S. M. ; Camargo, V.V.. Identifying Subdomains of Multiple-Domain Frameworks. Em: Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, p. 27-40, 2014.
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73.   POLASTRI, P. C. ; CASELI, H. M. ; SENO, E. R. M.. Extração de paráfrases em português a partir de léxicos bilíngues: um estudo de caso. Em: Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish (ToRPorEsp), p. 1-6, 2014.
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74.   PORTO, L. F. ; MENOTTI, R.. Geração automática de hardware a partir de programas descritos em linguagem C com pragmas. Em: XV Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho - WSCAD2014, p. 87-98, 2014.
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75.   PORTUGAL-POMA, LOURDES P. ; MARCONDES, CESAR A.C. ; SENGER, Hermes ; ARANTES, LUCIANA. Applying Machine Learning to Reduce Overhead in DTN Vehicular Networks. Em: 2014 Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC), p. 94, 2014.
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76.   POVOA, L. V. ; Souza, W. L. ; Pires, L.F. ; PRADO, A. F.. An Approach to the Decomposition of Business Processes for Execution in the Cloud. Em: 11th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2014), v. 1, p. 470-477, 2014.
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77.   RIBEIRO, M. V. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A. ; CINTRA, Marcos Evandro. On Feature Subset Selection for Fuzzy and Classic Machine Learning Classification Methods. Em: KDMILE 2014 - 2nd Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 1-6, 2014.
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78.   RIBEIRO, M. V. ; CUNHA, L. M. S. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A. ; RODRIGUES, L. H. A.. Applying a Fuzzy Decision Tree Approach to Soil Classification. Em: International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, v. 442, p. 87-96, 2014.
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79.   Rocha, F.G. ; SENGER, H.. Análise de Escalabilidade de Aplicações Hadoop/MapReduce por meio de Simulação. Em: XII Workshop de Computação em Clouds e Aplicações (WCGA 2014), 2014.
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80.   Rodrigues, K. H. ; BOCANEGRA, L. ; GONÇALVES, VINÍCIUS P. ; CARVALHO, V. ; NERIS, V.P.A. Enriquecimento de Personas para Apoio ao Design de Aplicações Terapêuticas para a Saúde Mental. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2014), 2014.
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81.   Rodrigues, K. H. ; Teixeira, C. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Assessing the elderly’s emotional responses while interact with movies enriched with additional multimedia content. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), p. 158-169, 2014.
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82.   Rodrigues, K. H. ; Teixeira, C. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Heuristics for assessing emotional response of viewers during the interaction with TV programs. Em: 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2014), p. 577-588, 2014.
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83.   ROSA, TIAGO ANTONIO ; ZORZO, SERGIO DONIZETTI. Model of Location-Sharing-Based Services with Privacy Guarantee. Em: 2014 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), v. 1, p. 271-278, 2014.
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86.   SANTOS, B. M. ; HONDA, R. H. ; DURELLI, RAFAEL ; Camargo, V.V.. Investigating Lightweight and Heavyweight KDM Extensions for Aspect-Oriented Modernization. Em: Workshop on Software Modularity, v. 1, 2014.
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87.   SANTOS, BRUNO MARINHO ; HONDA, RAPHAEL RODRIGUES ; DURELLI, RAFAEL SERAPILHA ; CAMARGO, VALTER VIEIRA DE. KDM-AO: An Aspect-Oriented Extension of the Knowledge Discovery Metamodel. Em: 2014 Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), v. 1, p. 61-71, 2014.
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88.   SANTOS, E. G. C. ; MASSETO, D. C. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; FURNIVAL, A. C. M.. Acesso aberto na educação a distância: A experiência da SEaD-UFSCar. Em: II Simpósio Internacional de Educação a Distância, 2014.
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89.   SANTOS, F. J. J. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Séries Temporais Fuzzy: Um Modelo de Previsão Baseado no Intervalo Temporal das Amostras. Em: Terceiro Congresso Brasileiro de Sistemas Fuzzy, v. 1, p. 265-276, 2014.
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90.   SANTOS, F. J. J. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Forecasting in Fuzzy Time Series by an Extension of Simple Exponential Smoothing. Em: 14th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2014, v. 8864, p. 257-268, 2014.
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91.   SANTOS, L. F. D. ; DIAS, RAFAEL L. ; Ferreira, Monica R. P ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; TRAINA, A. J. M. ; Traina-Jr., Caetano. Have You Met VikS? A Novel Framework for Visual Diversity Search Analysis. Em: Sessão de Demos e Aplicações do 29º Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, p. 1-6, 2014.
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92.   Santos, R. G. S. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Markov Logic Scalability in a Never-Ending Language Learning System. Em: Workshop NewsKDD: Data Science for News Publishing. at KDD 2014, v. 1, p. 21-25, 2014.
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93.   SILVA, H. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; MONTANARO, P. R. ; GONCALVES, D. A.. Estudo comparativo de soluções para o desenvolvimento de um laboratório virtual 3D interativo. Em: II Simpósio Internacional de Educação a Distância, 2014.
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94.   SPERANZA, E. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; GREGO, C. R. ; VICENTE, L. E.. A Cluster-Based Approach to Support the Delineation of Management Zones in Precision Agriculture. Em: IEEE International Conference on eScience, p. 119-126, 2014.
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95.   TABA, L. S. ; CASELI, H. M.. Automatic semantic relation extraction from Portuguese texts. Em: International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, p. 2739-2746, 2014.
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96.   TAVARES, D. M. ; Lima, M. ; Aroca, Rafael V. ; CAURIN, G. A. P. ; Junior, A. O ; Filho, T. S. ; Bachega, S. ; Batista, M. ; Silva, S.. Access Point Reconfiguration Using OpenWrt. Em: 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, 2014.
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97.   Tavares, Dalton M. ; Aroca, Rafael V. ; Bachega, S. ; Caurin, Glauco A. P. ; Silva, A. ; Ueyam, J. ; Junior, A. O. A Practical Evaluation of Smartphone Application on Mesh Networks. Em: 2014 World Congress in Computer Science, 2014.
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98.   TSUDA, M. ; SANCHES, V. M. ; FERREIRA, T. G. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; BEDER, D. M.. Análise de métodos de avaliação de jogos educacionais. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, p. 158-166, 2014.
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99.   VIEIRA, T. L. ; CASELI, H. M.. Aprendizado de Máquina Sem-Fim para Indução Automática de Léxico Bilíngue. Em: Workshop on Tools and Resources for Automatically Processing Portuguese and Spanish (ToRPorEsp), p. 1-8, 2014.
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100.   VIEIRA, T. L. ; de Medeiros Caseli, Helena. NEBEL - Never-Ending Bilingual Equivalent Learner. Em: Mexican International Conference on Artificial Inteligence, v. 8856, p. 99-103, 2014.
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101.   Villa Pinto, C. H. ; Bruno Silva ; Bernardes, D. ; TAVARES, J. C. ; Ferrari, R.J.. Detection of Motion Blur in Intravital Microscopy Video Images Via Analysis of Oriented Texture Features. Em: XXIV Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Biomédica – CBEB 2014, p. 953-956, 2014.
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102.   XAVIER, R. A. C. ; NERIS, V.P.A. A Hybrid Semantic Approach to Measure the Emotional Experience of Users. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC2014), 2014.
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1.   Abelém, A. J. G. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; STANTON, M. ; Machado, I. ; Marcos R. Salvador ; Cardoso, K. V. ; Monteiro, J.A.S. ; Martins, J. ; REZENDE, J. F.. FIT@BR - a Future Internet Testbed in Brazil. Em: APAN (Asia Pacific Advanced Network) Network Research Workshop, 2013.
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3.   Alencar, T. S. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Sistemas Ubíquos para Todos: conhecendo e mapeando os diferentes perfis de interação. Em: XII Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2013), p. 178-187, 2013.
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4.   ANACLETO, J. C. Recognizing Cultural Differences on Food. Em: INTERACT2013, 2013.
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5.   ANACLETO, J. C.; SILVA, M. A. R. ; HERNANDES, E. C. M.. Co-authoring Proto-patterns to Support on Designing Systems to Be Adequate for Users´ Diversity. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 164-169, 2013.
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6.   ANDRADE, C. G. ; KAWAKAMI, C. ; BETETTO, L. A. O. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. A proposal for measuring interest in privacy preservation in data mining using Jaccard index. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 1-7, 2013.
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7.   ANDRADE, C. G. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. A Novel Method for Similarity Search over Meteorological Time Series Data based on the Coulomb s Law. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 209-8, 2013.
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8.   APARECIDO GOTARDO, REGINALDO ; RAFAEL, ESTEVAM ; JUNIOR, HRUSCHKA ; DONIZETTI ZORZO, SERGIO ; MASSA CEREDA, PAULO ROBERTO. Approach to Cold-Start Problem in Recommender Systems in the Context of Web-Based Education. Em: 2013 12th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA), v. 1, p. 543-548, 2013.
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9.   Assumpção J. ; Marcos R. Salvador ; Rothenberg, C.E. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C.. Balanceamento da Carga de um Fluxo em Multiplos Caminhos Usando Conceito de Redes Par-a-Par. Em: Wp2p+ 2013: Workshop de Redes P2P, 2013.
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10.   BARROSO, R. F. ; Silva M. P. ; TRAINA, Agma Juci Machado ; BUENO, R.. Using Boundary Conditions for Combining Multiple Descriptors in Similarity Based Queries. Em: Iberoamerican Congress, v. 8258, p. 375-382, 2013.
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11.   BEVILAQUA, A. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; TSUNAKI, R. H.. Automated Generalized Petri Net Reduction Using an Evolutionary Approach Applied to a Manufacturing System Model. Em: IEEE International Conference on Systems_Man_and Cybernetics, v. 1, p. 2360-2365, 2013.
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12.   BRANDAO, A. F. ; SOARES, M. C. ; BRASIL, G. J. C. ; FABBRO, A. C. ; DUARTE, A. C. G. O. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Prevenção de atrofia muscular da articulação glenoumeral por meio de atividade física adaptada a realidade virtual e reconhecimento de gestos. Em: Simpósio Sesc de Atividades Físicas Adaptadas 2013, p. 1-6, 2013.
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13.   BRANISSO, L. B. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; MORANDIN JR., O. ; TSUNAKI, R. H.. A Multi-Agente System using Fuzzy Logic to Increase AGV Fleet Performance in Warehouses. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Sistemas Computacionais, v. 1, p. ---, 2013.
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14.   BREGA, J. R. F. ; MARCA, A. F. L. ; POPOLIN NETO, M. ; D. R. C. Dias ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Sistema Gerador de Apoio a um Dicionário Temático Visual-Gestual Baseado em Realidade Virtual. Em: WAVE/CBIE - Congreso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2013.
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15.   BUENO, A. O. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Releasing the OMCS-Br Knowledgebase: facilitating insertion of Brazilian Culture into Applications. Em: SEKE2013, 2013.
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16.   Caio Viel ; MELO, E. L. ; PIMENTEL, M. G. C. ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C.. How are they Watching Me - Learning from Student Interactions with Multimedia Objects Captured from Classroom Presentations. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 3, p. 5-16, 2013.
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17.   CALDERON, R. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; FELS, S. ; LEA, R. ; BLACKSTOCK, M.. Towards Interactive Community Displays. Em: ACM CHI'13 Workshop on Human Computer Interaction in Third Places (HCI3P), 2013.
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18.   CALDERON, R. ; FELS, S. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Towards understanding the effects of public displays on the functioning of a Brazilian health-care centre. Em: INTERACT2013, 2013.
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19.   CAMARGO, K. G. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; FABBRI, Sandra Camargo Pinto Ferraz. Identifying a Subset of TMMi Practices to Establish a Streamlined Software Testing Process. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), v. 1, p. 152-161, 2013.
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20.   CASTRO, R. L. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Estratégia de Modelagem para Controle de FMS Combinando Redes De Petri e Sistemas Fuzzy. Em: 13º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica CONIC-SEMESP, 2013.
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21.   CAZZOLATO, M. T. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. A Statistical Decision Tree Algorithm Applied on Noisy Data Streams. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 1-8, 2013.
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22.   CERIONI, P. R. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Sistema de Simulação de Modelos de Tomada de Decisão para Despacho de AGVs em Cenários de Fábrica Configuráveis. Em: 13º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica CONIC-SEMESP, 2013.
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23.   DA SILVA, ELIAS ADRIANO NOGUEIRA ; DA SILVA, VICTOR GOMES ; LUCREDIO, DANIEL ; de Mattos Fortes, Renata Pontin. Towards a model-driven approach for promoting cloud PaaS portability. Em: 2013 Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), p. 1, 2013.
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24.   DIAS, D. R. C. ; BRASIL, G. J. C. ; GNECCO, B. B. ; POPOLIN NETO, M. ; AGOSTINHO, I. A. ; VALDIVIA, R. ; Brega, J.R.F. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Gesture Chess - Interface Natural de Usuário na Atividade Motora e Cognitiva. Em: Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, v. 3, p. 115-120, 2013.
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25.   DIAS, RAFAEL L. ; BUENO, RENATO ; RIBEIRO, MARCELA X.. Reducing the complexity of k-nearest diverse neighbor queries in medical image datasets through fractal analysis. Em: 2013 IEEE 26th International Symposium on ComputerBased Medical Systems (CBMS), v. 1, p. 101-106, 2013.
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26.   DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; SANTIBÁÑEZ, DANIEL S. M. ; ANQUETIL, NICOLAS ; DELAMARO, MÁRCIO E. ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira. A systematic review on mining techniques for crosscutting concerns. Em: the 28th Annual ACM Symposium, p. 1080-1087, 2013.
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27.   EDWARD HINOJOSA, C. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Multi-objective iterative genetic approach for learning fuzzy classification rules with semantic-based selection of the best rule. Em: 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), v. 1, p. 292-297, 2013.
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28.   FELS, S. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; SILVESTRE, R. G.. Designing a Health-care Worker-Centred System for a Chronic Mental Care Hospital. Em: INTERACT2013, p. 16-21, 2013.
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29.   FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi; CAFEO, Bruno Barbieri de Pontes ; LEMOS, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini ; MALDONADO, José Carlos ; MASIERO, Paulo Cesar. Difficulties for Testing Aspect-Oriented Programs: A Report based on Practical Experience on Structural and Mutation Testing. Em: Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP), p. 12-17, 2013.
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30.   FEUERSTACK, SEBASTIAN ; PIZZOLATO, EDNALDO BRIGANTE. Comparing the multimodal interaction technique design of MINT with NiMMiT. Em: the 19th Brazilian symposium, v. 1, p. 133-10, 2013.
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31.   FLORENCIO, A. G. B. ; TERRA, MARCO H. ; INOUE, R. S. ; JUNIOR, V. G.. Sistema de Estabilização Digital de Vídeo Baseado em Algoritmo TSS e Filtro Robusto BDU para Sistemas Robóticos. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente - SBAI, 2013.
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32.   FRAGA, E. ; H. Senger ; BRILHANTE, J. ; Francisco V. Brasileiro ; BIGNATTO JUNIOR, P. W. ; Desani, D. ; PEREIRA, A. ; GARCIA, V. C. ; TRINTA, F. ; Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux ; MACEDO, R.. Just-in-Time Clouds Uma abordagem para Federação de Clouds Privadas. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos - Salão de Ferramentas do SBRC (SBRC), p. 1-8, 2013.
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33.   Garcia, F. E. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida. Design Guidelines for Audio Games. Em: 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2013), v. 8005, p. 229-238, 2013.
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34.   Garcia, F. E. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida. Design de Jogos Universais: Apoiando a Prototipação de Alta Fidelidade com Classes Abstratas e Eventos. Em: XII Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2013), p. 82-91, 2013.
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35.   GNECCO, B. B. ; J. R. F. Brega ; D. R. C. Dias ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Sistema Imersivo e Interativo Baseado em Projeção Semi-cilíndrica. Em: WRVA 2013, p. 1-6, 2013.
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36.   Gonçalves, V. ; Neris, Vânia Paula de Almeida ; Ueyama, J. ; SERAPHINI, S. ; DIAS, T. C. M. ; R. FILHO, G. P.. Senior Citizens in Interaction with Mobile Phones: A Flexible Middleware Approach to Support the Diversity. Em: 11th International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP 2013), 2013.
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37.   Gotardo, RA ; Cereda, P. R. M. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Predição do Desempenho do Aluno usando Sistemas de Recomendação e Acoplamento de Classificadores. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 1, p. 657-667, 2013.
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38.   HERNANDES, E. C. M. ; BELGAMO, Anderson ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Experimental Studies in Software Inspection Process - A Systematic Mapping. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 66-79, 2013.
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39.   INOUE, R. S.; CERRI, J. P. ; TERRA, MARCO H. ; SIQUEIRA, ADRIANO A. G.. Robust Recursive Control of a Skid-Steering Mobile Robot. Em: Accepted article for 16th International Conference on Advanced Robotics - ICAR, 2013.
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40.   KATO, E. R. R. Método de Ensino da Disciplina de ?Laboratório de Microcontroladores e Aplicações? do Curso de Engenharia de Computação da UFSCar. Em: XLI CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA - COBENGE 2013, 2013.
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41.   LEMOS, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini ; ZANICHELLI, F. C. ; RIGATTO, R. ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; GHOSH, S.. Visualization, Analysis, and Testing of Java and AspectJ Programs with Multi-Level System Graphs. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), p. 49-58, 2013.
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42.   MEIRELLES, G. L. ; VIANA, A. N. C. ; SILVA FILHO, A. Q. ; Dias Júnior, R. S. C.. Microgeração Através de Bombas Funcionando como Turbinas na Psicultura: Estudo de Caso do Hotel Casa Alpina Itamonte/MG. Em: IX Congresso Internacional sobre Geração Distribuída e Energia no Meio Rural, 2013.
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43.   MEIRELLES, G. L. ; VIANA, A. N. C. ; SILVA FILHO, A. Q. ; Dias Júnior, R. S. C.. Microgeneration Using Pumps As Turbines: Case Study In Alpina House Hotel. Em: Microgeneration Using Pumps As Turbines: Case Study In Alpina House Hotel, 2013.
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44.   MEIRELLES, G. L. ; VIANA, A. N. C. ; SILVA FILHO, A. Q. ; Dias Júnior, R. S. C.. Energy Savings And Pressure Control Using Pumps As Turbines In Water Supply Systems. Em: X Latin-American Congress On Electricity Generation And Transmission, 2013.
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46.   DE MORAES, JOAO LUIS CARDOSO ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY LOPES ; PIRES, LUIS FERREIRA ; CAVALINI, LUCIANA TRICAI ; FRANCISCO DO PRADO, ANTONIO. A Novel Architecture for Message Exchange in Pervasive Healthcare based on the use of Intelligent Agents. Em: 10th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2013), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2013.
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47.   MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PIRES, L. F. ; PRADO, A. F.. A Novel Approach to Developing Applications in the Pervasive Healthcare Environment through the use of Archetypes. Em: The 13th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2013), v. 7975, p. 475-490, 2013.
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48.   MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PIRES, L. F. ; PRADO, A. F.. Towards a Reusable Architecture for Message Exchange in Pervasive Healthcare. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2013), v. 2, p. 393-402, 2013.
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49.   MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PIRES, L. F. ; PRADO, A. F.. Message Generation Facilities for Interoperability in Pervasive Healthcare Environments. Em: 19th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2013), v. 1, p. 1-12, 2013.
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50.   MORANDIN, ORIDES; TUMA, CARLOS C. M. ; CARIDA, VINICIUS F. ; PEDRINO, EMERSON C. ; TSUNAKI, ROBERTO H.. PSO in 2D-space to solve reactive scheduling problems in FMS to reduce the makespan. Em: 2013 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2013.
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51.   NAKAMURA, R. ; OSAKU, D. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; CAPPABIANCO, F. ; FALCAO, A. X. ; PAPA, J. P.. OPF-MRF: Optimum-Path Forest and Markov Random Fields for Contextual-Based Image Classification. Em: International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, v. 8048, p. 233-240, 2013.
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52.   Navarro, L. F. ; Appel, AP ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. GraphDB - Storing Large Graphs on Secondary Memory. Em: 17th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2013.
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53.   NOGUEIRA, S. L. ; SIQUEIRA, ADRIANO A. G. ; INOUE, R. S. ; TERRA, MARCO H.. Estimation of Lower Limbs Angular Positions using Robust Kalman Filter and Genetic Algorithm. Em: 22nd International Congress of Mechanical Engineering - COBEM, 2013.
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54.   NOGUEIRA, SAMUEL L. ; INOUE, ROBERTO S. ; TERRA, MARCO H. ; SIQUEIRA, ADRIANO A. G.. Estimation of lower limbs angular positions using Kalman filter and genetic algorithm. Em: 2013 ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference: Biosignals and Robotics for Better and Safer Living (BRC), p. 1, 2013.
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55.   OSAKU, D. ; NAKAMURA, R. ; PAPA, J. P. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; CAPPABIANCO, F. ; FALCAO, A. X.. Optimizing contextual-based optimum-forest classification through swarm intelligence. Em: 15th International Conference on Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), v. 8192, p. 203-214, 2013.
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56.   OZELIM, N. A. ; MORON, C. E. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino. Sistema Embarcado Multicore para Reconhecimento de Íris. Em: III Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Sistemas Computacionais, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2013.
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57.   PAPOTTI, P. E. ; PRADO, A. F. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; CIRILO, C. E. ; PIRES, L. F.. A Quantitative Analysis of Model-Driven Code Generation through Software Experimentation. Em: 25th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 2013), v. 7908, p. 321-337, 2013.
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58.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D.. Critérios para Comparação entre Abordagens para Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada a Aspectos. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, v. 01, p. 16-25, 2013.
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59.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; VIANA, MATHEUS C ; DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; COSTA, H. A. X. ; PENTEADO, ROSÂNGELA DELLOSSO. Concern-based Refactorings Supported by Class Models to Reengineer Object-Oriented Software into Aspect-Oriented Ones. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, p. 46-57, 2013.
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60.   PEDRINO, E. C.; NICOLETTI, M. C. ; SAITO, J. H. ; CURA, L. ; RODA, V. O.. A Binary Morphology-Based Clustering Algorithm Directed by Genetic Algorithm. Em: IEEE SMC 2013 - IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 409-414, 2013.
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61.   Pedro, SDS ; Appel, AP ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Autonomously reviewing and validating the knowledge base of a never-ending learning system. Em: WWW Workshop on Web Intelligence and Communities #WiC2013, v. 1, p. 1195-1204, 2013.
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64.   PINHEIRO, G. P. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Sistema mobile-servidor para gerenciamento de despacho de empilhadeiras. Em: 13º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica CONIC-SEMESP, 2013.
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65.   POVOA, L. V. ; BIGNATTO JUNIOR, P. W. ; MONTEIRO, C. E. ; MUELLER, D. S. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; H. Senger. Predição de Consumo Energético com Base em Variáveis de Sistemas Operacionais. Em: WCGA 2013: Workshop de Computação em Clouds e Aplicações, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2013.
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66.   POVOA, L. V. ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY L. ; PRADO, A. F. ; PIRES, L. F. ; DUIPMANS, F. E.. Uma Abordagem para a Decomposição de Processos de Negócio para Execução em Nuvens Computacionais. Em: 27o Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES 2013), v. 1, p. 124-133, 2013.
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67.   POVOA, LUCAS VENEZIAN ; BIGNATTO, PEDRO W. ; MONTEIRO, CARLOS E. ; MUELLER, DANIEL ; MARCONDES, CESAR A. C. ; SENGER, Hermes. A model for estimating energy consumption based on resources utilization. Em: 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), p. 1, 2013.
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68.   RAMOS, MARCELO A. ; MASIERO, P. C. ; BRAGA, ROSANA T. V. ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA A. D.. From software product lines to system of systems: Analysis of an evolution path. Em: 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse Integration (IRI), p. 394-401, 2013.
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69.   REIS, FELIPE B. ; CARIDA, VINICIUS F. ; MORANDIN, O. ; CASTRO, RENAN L. ; TUMA, CARLOS C.M.. A collaborative fuzzy CPN system for conflict solution of flexible manufacturing system. Em: IECON 2013 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, v. 1, p. 3216-1, 2013.
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70.   RIBEIRO, MARIANA V. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; Cintra, Marcos E.. A comparative analysis of pruning strategies for fuzzy decision trees. Em: 2013 Joint IFSA World Congress and NAFIPS Annual Meeting (IFSA/NAFIPS), v. 1, p. 709-714, 2013.
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71.   ROCHA, RAFAELA V. ; Araujo, Regina B.. Metodologia de Design de Jogos Sérios para Treinamento: Ciclo de vida de criação, desenvolvimento e produção. Em: SBGAMES, v. 12, p. 63-72, 2013.
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72.   ROCHA, RAFAELA V. ; Araujo, Regina B.. Avaliação de Desempenho Humano Como Parte Integrada da Metodologia de Criação de Jogos Sérios para Treinamento. Em: XXIV Simposio Brasileiro de Informatica na Educação, v. 24, p. 1-10, 2013.
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73.   RODRIGUES, JOSE F. ; CIRILO, CARLOS E. ; PRADO, ANTONIO F. ; ZAINA, LUCIANA A. M.. Hierarchical visual filtering, pragmatic and epistemic actions for database visualization. Em: the 28th Annual ACM Symposium, p. 946-952, 2013.
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74.   Rodrigues, K. H. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida ; Teixeira, C.. Interaction of the elderly viewer with additional multimedia content to support the appreciation of television programs. Em: 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII), p. 227-236, 2013.
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76.   SANTIBANEZ, D. G. S. M. ; DURELLI, R. S. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. CCKDM - A Concern Mining Tool for Assisting in the Architecture-Driven Modernization Process. Em: Session Tools - CBSoft 2013 (Congresso Brasileiro de Software), 2013.
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77.   SANTIBANEZ, D. G. S. M. ; DURELLI, R. S. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. A Combined Approach for Concern Identification in KDM models. Em: Latin-American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, v. 1, p. 18-23, 2013.
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78.   SAQUI, D. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; RODA, V. O. ; SATO, F. C. ; TSUNAKI, R. H.. Mathematical morphology applied in object tracking on position-based visual servoing. Em: IEEE International Conference on Systems_Man_and Cybernetics, v. 1, p. 4030-4035, 2013.
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79.   SILVA FILHO, A. Q.; MEIRELLES, G. L. ; VIANA, A. N. C. ; Dias Júnior, R. S. C.. Geração de Energia em Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água com Captação por Gravidade. Em: XXIV Congresso Nacional de Saneamento e Meio Ambiente, 2013.
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80.   SILVA, E.A.N. ; FORTES, Renata Pontin de Mattos ; LUCRÉDIO, D.. A model-driven approach for promoting Cloud PaaS Portability. Em: CASCON 2013, p. 92-105, 2013.
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81.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Patterns to Support Designing of Co-authoring Web Educational Systems. Em: WWW/Internet (ICWI 2013), p. 1-8, 2013.
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82.   da Silva, V. G. ; CIRILO, C. E. ; PRADO, A. F. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PEREIRA, V.. An Approach to Dynamic Discovery of Context-Sensitive Web Services. Em: The Eighth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services (ICIW 2013), v. 1, p. 83-89, 2013.
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83.   SILVEIRA JUNIOR, C. R. ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; SANTOS, M. T. P.. Stretchy Time Pattern Mining: A Deeper Analysis of Environment Sensor Data. Em: The Twenty-Sixth International FLAIRS Conference, v. 1, p. 468-473, 2013.
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84.   Siqueira, Thiago Luís Lopes ; OLIVEIRA, J. C. S. ; Times, Valéria Cesário ; CIFERRI, C. D. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R.. Indexing Vague Regions in Spatial Data Warehouses. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics, v. 1, p. 158-169, 2013.
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85.   SOUZA, B. O. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Desenvolvimento e Análise de Desempenho de Arranjo Físico de Fábrica voltado para Testes de Sistemas de AGVs. Em: 13º Congresso Nacional de Iniciação Científica CONIC-SEMESP, 2013.
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86.   SOUZA, C. R. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. Sign Language Recognition with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Conditional Random Fields Going from Fingerspelling to Natural Articulated Words. Em: 9th International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Mining, v. 7988, p. 84-98, 2013.
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87.   TANNER, O. J. F. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D. ; VIANA, M. C. ; CARNEIRO, G.. Metamodelo para Integração de Ferramentas de Mineração de Interesses Transversais e de Visualização de Software. Em: Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2013.
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88.   THOMMAZO, A. ; RIBEIRO, T. ; OLIVATO, G. ; ROVINA, R. ; Werneck, V. M. B. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Detecting traceability links through neural networks. Em: International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, v. 1, p. 36-41, 2013.
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89.   THOMMAZO, A. ; RIBEIRO, T. ; OLIVATO, G. ; Werneck, V. M. B. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. An automatic approach to detect traceability links using fuzzy logic. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, v. 1, p. 36-45, 2013.
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90.   TUMA, CARLOS C. M. ; MORANDIN, ORIDES ; CARIDA, VINICIUS F.. Minimizing the makespan for the problem of reactive production scheduling in a FMS with AGVs using a new structure of chromosome in a hybrid GA with TS. Em: 2013 IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies amp; Factory Automation (ETFA), v. 1, p. 1-1, 2013.
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91.   VIANA, M. C. ; DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D. ; DO PRADO, ANTONIO FRANCISCO. F3 - From Features to Framework. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 2, p. 110-117, 2013.
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92.   VIANA, MATHEUS ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA ; DO PRADO, ANTONIO FRANCISCO ; DURELLI, RAFAEL S.. An approach to develop frameworks from feature models. Em: 2013 IEEE 14th International Conference on Information Reuse Integration (IRI), p. 594-601, 2013.
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93.   VIANA, M. C. ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Delloso ; PRADO, A. F. do ; DURELLI, R. S.. F3T: From Features to Frameworks Tool. Em: 2013 27th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), v. 01, p. 104-113, 2013.
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95.   VIEL, CAIO CESAR ; Melo, Erick Lazaro ; PIMENTEL, MARIA DA GRAÇA ; TEIXEIRA, CESAR A.C.. Multimedia multi-device educational presentations preserved as interactive multi-video objects. Em: the 19th Brazilian symposium, p. 51-58, 2013.
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96.   VIEL, CAIO CESAR ; Melo, Erick Lazaro ; PIMENTEL, MARIA DA GRAÇA CAMPOS ; Teixeira, Cesar Augusto Camillo. Go beyond boundaries of iTV applications. Em: the 2013 ACM symposium, p. 263-272, 2013.
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97.   VILLAS, L. ; BOUKERCHE, A. ; ARAUJO, R. B. ; Loureiro, Antonio A.F. ; UEYAMA, J.. Network Partition-Aware Geographical Data Dissemination. Em: International Conference on Communications, p. 1-8, 2013.
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98.   YAGUINUMA, C. A. ; MAGALHAES JR., W. C. P. ; Santos, T. P. M. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. HyFOM Reasoner: Hybrid Integration of Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani Reasoning. Em: 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 370-380, 2013.
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99.   YAGUINUMA, CRISTIANE A. ; SANTOS, MARILDE T. P. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; REFORMAT, MAREK. A FML-based Hybrid Reasoner Combining Fuzzy Ontology and Mamdani Inference. Em: 2013 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2013.
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100.   ZORZO, SERGIO DONIZETTI ; DE PONTE, LEANDRO ; LUCREDIO, DANIEL. Using Scrum to Teach Software Engineering: a case study. Em: 2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 101, 2013.
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1.   Alencar, T. S. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida. Ubiquitous Environments and Brazilian Personas: Can our citizens universally access this technology?. Em: XXXIX Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware (SEMISH'12), 2012.
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2.   ALVES, MANOEL GERALCINO ; SPEGLICH, CARLOS ; Trevelin, Luis Carlos ; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, FERNANDO M.. Bioinformatics applied to public safety: Improving fingerprint revelation left in crime scenes to criminal identification in real time. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 2306-2311, 2012.
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3.   Amaral, LR ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Never-Ending Learning Principles in Gene Ontology Classification using Genetic Algorithms. Em: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), v. 1, 2012.
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4.   ANACLETO, J. C.; FELS, S. ; SILVESTRE, R. G.. Transforming a Paper based Process to a Natural user Interfaces Process in a Chronic Care Hospital. Em: Procedia Computer Science Journal, v. 14, p. 173-180, 2012.
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5.   ANACLETO, J. C.; FELS, S. ; SILVESTRE, R. G. ; BRITTO, T. C. P. ; GUARDIA, H. C. ; LUCREDIO, D.. Bringing Information and Communication Technologies to Transform a Paper Based Process to a Natural User Interfaces Process in a Chronic Care Hospital. Em: Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion, 2012.
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6.   Anacleto, Junia; SILVESTRE, RODRIGO ; CARLOS SOUZA FILHO ; SANTANA, BRUNO ; FELS, SIDNEY. Therapist-centred design of NUI based therapies in a neurological care hospital. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, p. 2318, 2012.
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7.   Antonio, Erik Aceiro ; Ferrari, Fabiano Cutigi ; FABBRI, Sandra Camargo Pinto Ferraz. A Systematic Mappging of Architecture for Embedded Software. Em: 2012 Second Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC), v. 1, p. 18-23, 2012.
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8.   AYRES, R. M. J. ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; SANTOS, M. T. P.. Exploring Fuzzy Ontologies in Mining Generalized Association Rules. Em: 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), v. 7335, p. 667-681, 2012.
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9.   AYRES, R. M. J. ; Santos, Marilde T. P.. Mining Generalized Association Rules using Fuzzy Ontologies with Context-based Similarity. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), p. 74-83, 2012.
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10.   AYRES, RODRIGO MOURA JUVENIL ; Santos, Marilde Terezinha Prado. OntGAR algorithm: An ontology-based algorithm for mining generalized association rules. Em: 2012 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), p. 656-660, 2012.
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11.   BALBINO, F. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Redes sociais online orientadas à difusão de inovações como suporte à comunicação sustentável nas organizações. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 67-75, 2012.
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12.   BALDÁRRAGO, A. U. ; SANTOS, Marilde T P ; PRADO, A. F.. UPFON: Unified Process for Building Fuzzy Ontology. Em: 9th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2012.
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13.   BECK, D. E. ; CASELI, H. M.. Portuguese-English Statistical Machine Translation using Tree Transducers. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, p. 1-10, 2012.
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14.   BECK, D. E. ; CASELI, H. M.. Bayesian Induction of Syntactic Language Models for Brazilian Portuguese. Em: International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese (PROPOR), v. 7243, p. 157-167, 2012.
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15.   Bruno Silva ; FREIRE, P. G. ; Bernardes, D. ; TAVARES, J. C. ; MELLO, R. F. ; Ferrari, R.J.. Estabilização de imagens de vídeo de microscopia intravital aplicado à detecção e rastreamento automático de leucócitos. Em: XII Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM 2012) - CSBC 2012, p. 1-4, 2012.
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16.   CALDERON, R. ; FELS, S. ; LEA, R. ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. It?s a Dog eat Dog World! Selfish versus altruistic co-located play and their effect on Third Place trust. Em: Graphics, p. 1-4, 2012.
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17.   CALDERON, R. ; FELS, S. ; OLIVEIRA, J. L. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Understanding NUI-supported nomadic social places in a Brazilian health care facility. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 76-84, 2012.
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18.   CANO, M. D. ; SANTOS, M. T. P. ; Avila, A. M. H ; Luciana A. S. Romani ; Traina, Agma J.M. ; RIBEIRO, M. X.. SART: A New Association Rule Method for Mining Sequential Patterns in Time Series of Climate Data. Em: 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2012), v. 7335, p. 743-757-16, 2012.
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19.   CARDENAS, EDWARD HINOJOSA ; Carmago, Heloisa A.. Multiobjective Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Partitions and T-Norm Parameters in Fuzzy Classifiers. Em: 2012 Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN), p. 154-159, 2012.
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20.   CARNIEL, ANDERSON CHAVES ; DE AGUIAR SA, ARIED ; BRISIGHELLO, VINICIUS HENRIQUE PORTO ; Ribeiro, Marcela Xavier ; BUENO, RENATO ; CIFERRI, RICARDO RODRIGUES ; DE AGUIAR CIFERRI, CRISTINA DUTRA. Query Processing over Data Warehouse using Relational Databases and NoSQL. Em: 2012 XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana En Informatica (CLEI), p. 1-10, 2012.
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21.   CINTRA, Marcos Evandro ; MONARD, Maria Carolina ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. FuzzyDT- A Fuzzy Decision Tree Algorithm Based on C4.5. Em: Recentes Avanços em Sistemas 'Fuzzy', p. 199-211, 2012.
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22.   CNTRA, MARCOS E. ; Monard, Maria C. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Using fuzzy formal concepts in the genetic generation of fuzzy systems. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 1784-1791, 2012.
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23.   CONRADO, DANIEL B.F. ; DE CAMARGO, VALTER V.. A Process for Engineering DSLs from Mobile Robot Applications. Em: 2012 Second Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC), p. 94-6, 2012.
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24.   CORREA, D. C. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; COSTA, L. F.. A Graph-Based Method for Playlist Generation. Em: 9th International Symposium on Computer Music Modeling and Retrieval (CMMR), p. 466-473, 2012.
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25.   OLIVEIRA, André Luiz de ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira de. Investigating framework product lines. Em: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), v. 1, p. 1634-1639, 2012.
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26.   DIAS, DIEGO ROBERTO COLOMBO ; NETO, MARIO POPOLIN ; BREGA, JOSE REMO FERREIRA ; Gnecco, Bruno Barberi ; Trevelin, Luis Carlos ; DE PAIVA GUIMARAES, MARCELO. Design and evaluation of an advanced virtual reality system for visualization of dentistry structures. Em: 2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), p. 429-7, 2012.
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27.   DURELLI, R. S. ; GOTTARDI, T. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. CrossFIRE: An Infrastructure for Storing Crosscutting Framework Families and Supporting their Model-Based Reuse. Em: Sessão de Ferramentas do CBSoft, p. 1-6, 2012.
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28.   EDWARD HINOJOSA CARDENAS ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Multiobjective genetic generation of fuzzy classifiers using the iterative rule learning. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), v. 1, p. 863-870, 2012.
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29.   FABBRI, S. C. P. F.; Hernandes, E. C. M. ; THOMMAZO, A. ; BELGAMO, Anderson ; Zamboni, A. B. ; SILVA, Cleiton. Managing Literature Reviews Information through Visualization. Em: 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 36-10, 2012.
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30.   Feuerstack, S. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. Engineering Device-spanning, Multimodal Web Applications using a Model-based Design Approach. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2012.
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31.   FRANCISCO, E. C. ; LIMA, D. C. ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; MARTINEZ, C. M. S. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Jogos narrativos informatizados: produção textual colaborativa. Em: V Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Especial (CBEE 2012), p. 7147-7156, 2012.
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32.   FREIRE, P. G. ; Bruno Silva ; Bernardes, D. ; TAVARES, J. C. ; MELLO, R. F. ; Ferrari, R.J.. Detecção de leucócitos em imagens de microscopia intravital. Em: XII Workshop de Informática Médica (WIM 2012) - CSBC 2012, p. 1-4, 2012.
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34.   GHELARDI, A. ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; KAWAKAMI, C.. Acessibilidade na Educação a Distância: desenvolvimento de um player de mídia acessível utilizando HTML5 e WAI-ARIA e sua integração com o Moodle. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 1, p. 10, 2012.
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35.   GOTTARDI, T. ; PASTOR, O. L. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. A Model-Based Approach for Reusing Crosscutting Frameworks. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, p. 1-13, 2012.
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36.   GOTTARDI, THIAGO ; DURELLI, RAFAEL SERAPILHA ; LOPEZ, OSCAR PASTOR ; CAMARGO, VALTER VIEIRA DE. Model-Based Reuse for Crosscutting Frameworks: Assessing Reuse and Maintainability Effort. Em: 2012 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), p. 31-10, 2012.
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37.   GRILLO, F. N. ; FORTES, Renata Pontin de Mattos ; LUCRÉDIO, D.. Towards collaboration between sighted and visually impaired developers in the context of Model-Driven Engineering. Em: First Workshop on Graphical Modeling Language Development, 2012.
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39.   HUBNER, R. ; Rogério Aparecido Gonçalves ; Menotti, Ricardo. Experiências com o Uso de Ferramentas Gratuitas no Ensino de Hardware. Em: Workshop sobre Ensino em Arquitetura de Computadores, v. 1, p. 28-33, 2012.
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40.   Juvenil Ayres, Rodrigo Moura ; Prado Santos, Marilde Terezinha. FOntGAR algorithm: Mining generalized association rules using fuzzy ontologies. v. 1, p. 1-8, 2012.
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41.   KATO, E. R. R. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; OGASHAWARA, O. ; MORANDIN JR, O.. Implementação do Curso de Engenharia Elétrica da UFSCar: Avaliação Parcial (2009 a 2011). Em: XL CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO EM ENGENHARIA - COBENGE 2012, 2012.
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42.   KATO, E. R. R.; PEDRINO, E. C.. Introdução aos Sistemas Embarcados utilizando FPGAs. Em: II Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, 2012.
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43.   KAWAMORITA, C. T. ; CASELI, H. M.. Memórias de Tradução: Auxiliando o humano a traduzir. Em: Encontro de Linguística de Corpus (ELC), p. 1-10, 2012.
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44.   KIMURA, B. Y. L. ; GUARDIA, H. C. ; MOREIRA, E. S.. Disruption-Tolerant Sessions for Seamless Mobility. Em: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012), 2012.
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45.   LEMOS, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; SILVEIRA, Fábio Fagundes ; GARCIA, Alessandro Fabricio. Development of auxiliary functions: Should you be agile? An empirical assessment of pair programming and test-first programming. Em: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 529-539, 2012.
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46.   Lopes, J. R. ; FERRARI, R.. INDICADORES DE PRODUÇÃO CIENTÍFICA E INOVAÇÃO TECNOLÓGICA NO BRASIL. Em: 3 Congresso Científico da Semana Tecnológica - IFSP, 2012.
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47.   LOPES, PRISCILLA DE ABREU ; CAMARGO, Heloisa de Arruda. Automatic labeling by means of semi-supervised fuzzy clustering as a boosting mechanism in the generation of fuzzy rules. Em: 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse Integration (IRI), p. 279-286, 2012.
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48.   LUCREDIO, DANIEL; ALMEIDA, Eduardo Santana de ; FORTES, RENATA P. M.. An Investigation on the Impact of MDE on Software Reuse. Em: 2012 Sixth Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, v. 1, p. 101-110, 2012.
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49.   MARCONDES, C. A. C.; GUARDIA, H. C. ; Moschetto, D. ; ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; POMA, L. ; Freitas, D.. Influência da topologia de mapas na capacidade de transmissão em redes DTN de pessoas. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2012.
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50.   MARCONDES, C. A. C.; GUARDIA, H. C. ; POMA, L. ; ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; Moschetto, D. ; Freitas, D.. Influence of a metropolitan map in mobility and transmission capacity of a human-based DTN. Em: 12th International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA 2012), 2012.
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51.   MARINHO, M. ; RODA, V. O. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; FERNANDES, H.. Images and electrical signal correlation to find bubble sizes in liquids. Em: 3rd International Conference on Metamaterials Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (MPCP), 2012.
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53.   Melo, Erick Lazaro ; VIEL, CAIO CÉSAR ; Teixeira, Cesar Augusto Camillo ; RONDON, ALEXANDRE COELHO ; SILVA, DANIEL DE PAULA ; RODRIGUES, DANILO GASQUES ; SILVA, ENDRIL CAPELLI. WebNCL. Em: the 18th Brazilian symposium, p. 403-410, 2012.
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54.   MELO, L. L. ; ZORZO, S. D.. PUPDroid - Personalized User Privacy Mechanism for Android. Em: IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2012.
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55.   MEZZALIRA, D. ; Trevelin, L. C.. A low cost scalable predictive server architecture for embedded systems applications. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 692-696, 2012.
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56.   MEZZALIRA, D. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Impact of intermittent connectivity for telemetry server applications of vehicular embedded systems in agribusiness: study and modeling of hi-performance architecture. Em: International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2012.
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57.   MEZZALIRA, DANIEL ; TREVELIN, LUIS C.. Study and Modeling of the Server Application for Monitoring Embedded Systems of Vehicle Fleet in Agribusiness. Em: 2012 Second Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC), v. 1, p. 100-6, 2012.
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58.   MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; MENEZES, A. L. ; CIRILO, C. E. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PRADO, A. F.. Usando Arquétipos e Linguagem Específica de Domínio no D esenvolvimento de Aplicações Ubíquas para o Cuidado de Saúde Pervasivo. Em: XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde (CBIS 2012), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2012.
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59.   BRANISSO, L. B. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; MORANDIN JR., O. ; TSUNAKI, R. H.. An Intelligent Autonomous Vehicle Management System. Em: IEEE Computer Society - II Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems (CBSEC), v. 1, p. 42-47, 2012.
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60.   MOSCHETTO, D. A. ; FREITAS, D. O. ; POMA, L. P. P. ; ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; GUARDIA, H. C. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C.. Influência da topologia da área de movimentação na capacidade de transmissão de redes DTN de pessoas. Em: XXX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 858-871, 2012.
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61.   NICOLETTI, M. C. ; Lisboa, F. O. S. S. ; Hruschka, E. R. ; OLIVEIRA, O. L. DE. Representation and automatic learning of temporal relations between time periods with uncertain boundaries. Em: 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), p. 443-448, 2012.
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62.   NOGUEIRA, TATIANE M. ; REZENDE, SOLANGE O. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Fuzzy cluster descriptors improve flexible organization of documents. Em: 2012 12th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), v. 1, p. 616-621, 2012.
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63.   NUNES, D. F. S. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PRADO, A. F. ; DEMARZO, M. M. P.. UCEMEPA: Ubiquitous Computing Environment for Monitoring and Evaluating Physical Activity. Em: Eighteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2012), p. 1-8, 2012.
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64.   NUNES, DOUGLAS F. S. ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY L. ; DO PRADO, ANTONIO F. ; DEMARZO, MARCELO M. P.. Designing an ubiquitous computing environment for monitoring physical activity. Em: 2012 25th IEEE International Symposium on ComputerBased Medical Systems (CBMS), p. 1-6, 2012.
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65.   Octaviano, Fabio R. ; THOMMAZO, A. ; Camargo, Kamilla G. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Test Scenarios Generation Based on Use Cases. Em: Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, v. 1, p. 1-12, 2012.
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66.   OGASHAWARA, O. ; FRANCISCO, C. A. ; KATO, E. R. R.. Disciplinas Integradoras do Curso de Engenharia Elétrica da UFSCar. Em: XL Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia - COBENGE, 2012.
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67.   OLIVEIRA, A. C. M. ; Araujo, Regina B.. A human centered perspective of E-maintenance. Em: Workshop de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, v. 9, p. 1-10, 2012.
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68.   OLIVEIRA, André Luiz de ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; MASIERO, Paulo Cesar ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira de. A Design Strategy to Facilitate the Instantiation Process of White-Box Frameworks. Em: Workshop Latinoamericano de Desenvolvimento de Software Orientado a Aspectos, v. 09, p. 19-24, 2012.
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69.   OLIVEIRA, J. L. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. SoS: um algoritmo para identificar pessoas homófilas em redes sociais com o uso da tradução cultural. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 119-122, 2012.
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70.   Oliverio, V. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Contradiction Detection and Ontology Extension in a Never-Ending Learning System. Em: 13th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2012, v. 7637, p. 1-10, 2012.
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71.   OTSUKA, J. L.; BEDER, Delano Medeiros ; MONTANARO, P. R. ; ROCCA, I. Z. ; GHELARDI, A.. Desenvolvimento de jogos educacionais abertos. Em: Workshop Recursos Educacionais Abertos, 2012.
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72.   PAPOTTI, P. E. ; PRADO, A. F. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de. Uma Abordagem para Apoiar a Reengenharia de Sistemas Legados para o MDD Usando Metaprogramação. Em: XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana en Informática (CLEI 2012), p. 1-10, 2012.
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73.   PAPOTTI, P. E. ; PRADO, A. F. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de. Reducing time and effort in legacy systems reengineering to MDD using metaprogramming. Em: 2012 ACM Research in Applied Computation Symposium (RACS 2012), p. 348-355, 2012.
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74.   PAREDES, L. N. G. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Instant messaging in the clouds. Em: Americas Conference on Information System, v. 1, p. 1, 2012.
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75.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, PAULO AFONSO ; MENDES, WILIAN ; de Camargo, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA APARECIDA DELLOSSO ; COSTA, HEITOR AUGUSTUS XAVIER. Mining crosscutting concerns with ComSCId: A rule-based customizable mining tool. Em: 2012 XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana En Informatica (CLEI), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2012.
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76.   PARREIRA, P. A. ; COSTA, H. X. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Ap Deloso. A Rule-Based Customizable Mining Tool. Em: Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática, 2012.
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77.   PEDRINO, E. C. ; RUSSO, L. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; RODA, V. O.. Image Convolution Processing: a GPU versus FPGA Comparison. Em: Southern Conference on Programmable Logic, 2012.
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78.   Pedro, SDS ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Conversing Learning: Active Learning and Active Social Interaction for Human Supervision in Never-Ending Learning Systems. Em: 13th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IBERAMIA 2012, v. 7637, p. 231-240, 2012.
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79.   Pedro, SDS ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Collective Intelligence as a Source for Machine Learning Self-Supervision. Em: International Workshop on Web Intelligence Communities, 2012.
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80.   PENTEADO, M. G. ; Trevelin, L. C.. JMonitor: A monitoring tool for distributed systems. Em: 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 1767-1772, 2012.
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81.   RAMOS, MARCELO A. ; MASIERO, P. C. ; BRAGA, ROSANA T. V. ; PENTEADO, ROSANGELA A. D.. Reengineering legacy systems towards system of systems development. Em: 2012 IEEE 13th International Conference on Information Reuse Integration (IRI), v. 1, p. 624-630, 2012.
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82.   Ribaldo, R. ; AKABANE, T. ; RINO, L. H. M. ; PARDO, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro. Graph-based Methods for Multi-document Summarization: Exploring Relationship Maps, Complex Networks and Discourse Information. Em: 10th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese Language, 2012.
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83.   ROCHA, RAFAELA V. ; CAMPOS, MARCIO R. ; BOUKERCHE, A. ; Araujo, Regina B.. From Behavior Modeling to Communication, 3D Presentation and Interaction: an MS life cycle for serious games for training. Em: The 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications, v. 16, p. 1-8, 2012.
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85.   RUSSO, L. M. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; KATO, E. ; RODA, V. O.. CUDA x FPGA for image convolution processing. Em: VIII Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL), 2012.
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87.   SANTOS, T.P.C. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; TEIXEIRA, C.A.C. ; GODOY, A.P. ; VIEL, C.C.. CastFlow: Clean-Slate Multicast Approach using In-Advance Path Processing in Programmable Networks. Em: IEEE symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2012), 2012.
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88.   SILVA, E.A.N. ; Lucrédio, Daniel. Em direção à portabilidade entre plataformas de Computação em Nuvem usando MDE. Em: WB-DSDM - Workshop Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento de Software Dirigido por Modelos, v. 1, p. 9-16, 2012.
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89.   SILVA, ELIAS ADRIANO NOGUEIRA DA ; LUCREDIO, DANIEL. Software Engineering for the Cloud: A Research Roadmap. Em: 2012 26th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), v. 1, p. 71-80, 2012.
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90.   Siqueira, Thiago Luís Lopes ; CIFERRI, C. D. A. ; Times, Valéria Cesário ; CIFERRI, R. R.. Towards Vague Geographic Data Warehouses. Em: International Conference on Geographic Information Science, p. 173-186, 2012.
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91.   SOUZA, C. R. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B. ; Anjo, M. S.. Fingerspelling Recognition with Support Vector Machines and Hidden Conditional Random Fields. Em: Ibero-American Artificial Intelligence Conference, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2012.
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92.   SOUZA, J. M. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino. Reconhecimento de Íris em Ambiente Não Cooperativo. Em: WVC-2012 - VIII Workshop de Visão Computacional, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2012.
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93.   SOUZA, J. M. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino. Sistema Dinâmico para Reconhecimento de Íris Utilizando Imagens de Vídeo. Em: Workshop on Industry Applications (WGARI) in SIBGRAPI 2012 (XXV Conference on Graphics, v. 1, p. 35-41, 2012.
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94.   Souza, W. L.; Pires, L. F. ; DUIPMANS, E. F. ; PRADO, A. F. ; POVOA, L. V.. PROCESSO COMO UM SERVIÇO NA COMPUTAÇÃO EM NUVEM PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DE APLICAÇÕES NA SAÚDE. Em: Workshop de Informática Biomédica, v. 2, p. 5-11, 2012.
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95.   Stocco, J. A. ; MICHELOTI, GISLAINE CRISTINA ; OTSUKA, JOICE LEE ; Araujo, Regina B.. Uma Abordagem para Prover Avaliações Online Seguras. Em: 23o Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 23, p. 1-9, 2012.
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96.   TABA, L. S. ; CASELI, H. M.. Uma ferramenta para anotação de relações semânticas entre termos. Em: Encontro de Linguística de Corpus (ELC), p. 1-10, 2012.
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97.   THOMMAZO, A. ; Malimpensa, G. ; Olivatto, G. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Geração Automática da Matriz de Rastreabilidade de Requisitos com suporte de Visualização. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, v. 1, p. 1-12, 2012.
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98.   VERMA, S. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Coupled Bayesian Sets Algorithm for Semi-supervised Learning and Information Extraction. Em: European Conference Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, v. 7524, p. 307-322, 2012.
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99.   VIANA, M. C. ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Delloso ; PRADO, A. F. do. Generating Applications - Framework Reuse Supported by Domain-Specific Modeling Languages. Em: International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), v. 2, p. 5-14, 2012.
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100.   VICHIATTO, D. ; FERRARI, R.. Análise das Pesquisas para Monitoramento da Inovação. Em: Congresso ABIPTI ? Tecnologia para um Brasil Inovador e Competitivo, p. 12-19, 2012.
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104.   VIEL, CAIO CÉSAR ; MELO, ERICK LAZARO ; GODOY, ARTHUR PEDRO ; DIAS, DIEGO ROBERTO COLOMBO ; TREVELIN, LUIS CARLOS ; TEIXEIRA, CESAR AUGUSTO CAMILLO. Multimedia presentation integrating interactive media produced in real time with high performance processing. Em: the 18th Brazilian symposium, p. 115-122, 2012.
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105.   VILELA, M. A. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. RAHMN: A Routing Algorithm for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks. Em: II Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, v. 2, p. 1, 2012.
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106.   Villas, Leandro A. ; Guidoni, D. ; de Araujo, Regina B. ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; LOUREIRO, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira. Um Algoritmo Ciente da Correlação Espaço-Temporal e Consumo de Energia para Coleta de Dados em Redes de Sensores sem Fio. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), p. 1-14, 2012.
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107.   Villas, Leandro A. ; RAMOS, HEITOR S. ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; GUIDONI, DANIEL L. ; Araujo, Regina B. ; Loureiro, Antonio A.F.. An efficient and robust data dissemination protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks. Em: the 9th ACM symposium, 2012.
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108.   XAVIER, R. A. C. ; Garcia, F. E. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida. Decisões de design de interfaces ruins e o impacto delas na interação: um estudo preliminar considerando o estado emocional de idosos. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC'12), p. 127-136, 2012.
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1.   ABIB, S.; ARAUJO, M. J. ; LIMA, D. A. E.. Secretaria de Educação a Distância da Universidade Federal de São Carlos: prática de formação em EaD e modelos de qualidade. Em: VIII Congresso Brasileiro de Ensino Superior a Distância (ESUD 2011), v. 1, 2011.
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3.   ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; MARTINS, J. V. ; MOSCHETTO, D. A. ; MARCONDES, C. A. C. ; GUARDIA, H. C.. An Architecture for Secure and Disruption Tolerant Communication. Em: 1ª Conferência Brasileira de Sistemas Embarcados Críticos, v. 1, p. 41ª Conferênci3-48, 2011.
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4.   ALMEIDA, Vania Paula; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.. A Framework for Designing Flexible Systems. Em: IEEE International Conference on Systems_Man_and Cybernetics (SMC) - Human-Machine Systems Track, 2011.
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5.   ALMEIDA, Vania Paula; HAYASHI, E. ; MARTINS, M. C. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.. A Semiotic-informed Evaluation of an Inclusive Social Network System. Em: XIII International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2011), 2011.
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6.   ALVES, P. R. O. ; SANTOS, Alcemir ; FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi. How do Programmers Learn AOP? An Exploratory Study of Recurring Mistakes. Em: Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP), p. 37-42, 2011.
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7.   Amaral, LR ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Transgenic, an operator for Evolutionary Algorithms. Em: the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, v. 1, 2011.
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8.   Amaral, LR ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Non-Linear Computational Evolutionary Environment (NLCEE): Building High-level Knowledge in Complex Biological Databases. Em: 5th Workshop on Data Mining in Functional Genomics and Proteomics: Current Trends and Future Directions - ECML/PKDD2011, v. 1, 2011.
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10.   Appel, AP ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Prophet - a link-predictor to learn new rules on NELL. Em: IEEE ICDM2011 Workshop on Data Mining in Networks, v. 1, 2011.
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11.   BALBINO, F. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Redes Sociais Online Orientadas a Difusão de Inovações como Suporte à Extensão de Práticas Educativas. Em: XXII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), p. 830-839, 2011.
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12.   BALBINO, F. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; ASTOLFI, G.. "Sack-of-Semantics": Applying Cultural Knowledge to Identify Similar People in Social Network Sites. Em: IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2011, p. 75-82, 2011.
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13.   BALBINO, F. C. ; MAGALHAES, V. M. A. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Improving Diffusion of Innovations in Social Media through a Content Generation Process Supported by Cultural Knowledge. Em: Social Media for Development Workshop - CSCW 2011, 2011.
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14.   BARBASSA, A. P. ; MOREIRA, J. ; Fernandes, S.. KAIROS: Processamento e análise de pluviogramas. In: XIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Hídricos, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2011.
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15.   BEDER, D. M.; ARAÚJO, R. B.. Towards the Definition of a Context-Aware Exception Handling Mechanism. Em: First Workshop on Exception Handling in Contemporary Software Systems, p. 25-28, 2011.
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16.   BEDER, D. M.; UEYAMA, J. ; CHAIM, M. L.. A Generic Policy-free Framework for Fault-tolerant Systems: Experiments on WSNs. Em: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Networked Embedded Systems for Enterprise Applications, p. 1-7, 2011.
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17.   BELLINI, A. ; Cirilo, C. E. ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do ; Souza, W. L. ; Zaina, L. A. M.. A Service Layer for building GSM Positioning Systems in e-Health Domain. Em: 4th International Conference on Ubi-media Computing (U-Media), p. 07-12, 2011.
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18.   BELTRAMI, F. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Implementação de um sistema embarcado de baixo custo usando redes neurais e visão artificial para navegação inteligente de uma plataforma robótica. Em: 9o Jornada Científica e Tecnológica da UFSCar, 2011.
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19.   BOARETTE, P. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Reconhecimento de padrões de caracteres de mostradores digitais de ambientes industriais utilizando uma câmera e a biblioteca OpenCV. Em: 9o Jornada Científica e Tecnológica da UFSCar, 2011.
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20.   BONATO, Vanderlei ; MAZZOTI, B. ; FERNANDES, Marcio Merino ; MARQUES, Eduardo. Sistema Embarcado para Localização de Robôs Móveis Utilizando o Gerador de Números Aleatórios Mersenne Twister. Em: VII Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2011.
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21.   BOSSONARO, A. ; VILELA, M. A. ; PRADO, A. F. ; MORAES, J. L. C. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. An Integrated System to Support Critical Infrastructure Security. Em: I Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems 2011, v. 1, 2011.
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22.   BOSSONARO, Adriano Aleixo ; MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; PRADO, A. F. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; ARAÚJO, R. B.. Um Sistema Ciber-Físico para Operações de Segurança de Infra-Estruturas Críticas. Em: XIII Simpósio de Aplicações Operacionais em Áreas de Defesa, 2011.
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23.   BOTELHO, R.P. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Privacify: Extending Privacy in Online Social Networking. Em: Informatik 2011 - Workshop on Digital Social Networks, v. 1, 2011.
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24.   BRITO, J. J. ; SIQUEIRA, T. L. L. ; TIMES, V. C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Efficient Processing of Drill-Across Queries over Geographic Data Warehouses. Em: International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, p. 152-166, 2011.
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25.   BRITTO, T. C. P. ; ABIB, J. C. ; ARAUJO, L. S. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. A Participatory Design Approach to use Natural User Interface for e-Health. Em: 5th WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE AND USABILITY ENGINEERING CROSS-POLLINATION: Patterns, v. 1, p. 35-42, 2011.
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26.   BRITTO, T. C. P. ; MARTINS, L. C. G. ; PENTEADO, B. E. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Técnicas de Prototipação para Smartphones no Apoio à Avaliação de Interfaces com o Usuário. Em: Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, p. 39-42, 2011.
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27.   BRITTO, T. C. P. ; RIBEIRO, P. B. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. USES: sistema especialista de apoio à avaliação heurística de usabilidade em interfaces web. Em: Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI 2011), 2011.
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28.   BRITTO, T. C. P. ; RIBEIRO, P. B. ; Anacleto, Junia. USES: sistema especialista de apoio à avaliação heurística de usabilidade em interfaces web. Em: Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI 2011), v. 1, p. 841-854, 2011.
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29.   BUENO, R.; KASTER, D. S. ; RAZENTE, Humberto Luiz ; BARIONE, Maria Camila N. ; TRAINA, Agma Juci Machado ; TRAINA JR, Caetano. Using Visual Analysis to Weight Multiple Signatures to Discriminate Complex Data. Em: International Conference on Information Visualization (IV), p. 282-287, 2011.
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30.   BUGATTI, P. H. ; RIBEIRO, M. X. ; TRAINA, Agma Juci Machado ; TRAINA JR, C.. Feature Selection Guided by Perception in Medical CBIR Systems. Em: First IEEE conference on Healthcare Informatics, p. 323-330, 2011.
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31.   BURROWS, Rachel ; TAÏANI, François ; GARCIA, Alessandro Fabricio ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi. Reasoning about Faults in Aspect-Oriented Programs: A Metrics-based Evaluation. Em: IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), p. 131-140, 2011.
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32.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, J. R. ; FIGUEIREDO, M. ; Romero, R.. Inverse ACO Applied for Unknown Environment Exploration. Em: The Third International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, p. 142-147, 2011.
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33.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, J. R. ; FIGUEIREDO, M. ; Romero, R.. Uma Estratégia de Coordenação Distribuída e Bio-Inspirada para Sistema Multiagentes Aplicada à Tarefa de Vigilância em Ambientes Desconhecidos. Em: X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional (CBIC, p. 1-9, 2011.
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34.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, JANDERDESON RODRIGO DE ; FIGUEIREDO, MAURICIO ; ROMERO, ROSELI AP. FRANCELIN. Bio-inspired coordination of multiple robots systems and stigmergy mechanims to cooperative exploration and surveillance tasks. Em: IEEE 5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems and on Robotics, p. 223-228, 2011.
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35.   CALVO, Rodrigo ; OLIVEIRA, JANDERSON RODRIGO DE ; FIGUEIREDO, MAURICIO ; FRANCELIN ROMERO, ROSELI AP.. A distributed, bio-inspired coordination strategy for multiple agent systems applied to surveillance tasks in unknown environments. Em: 2011 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2011 San Jose), p. 3248-3255, 2011.
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36.   CARDOSO, P. C. ; MAZIERO, E. G. ; JORGE, M. L. R. C. ; SENO, Eloize Rossi Marques ; FELIPPO, Ariani Di ; RINO, L. H. M. ; NUNES, M. G. V. ; PARDO, Thiago Alexandre Salgueiro. CSTNews - A Discourse-Annotated Corpus for Single and Multi-Document Summarization of News Texts in Brazilian Portuguese. Em: 3rd RST Brazilian Meeting, v. 1, p. 88-105, 2011.
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37.   CASTRO, PABLO A. D. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; VON ZUBEN, FERNANDO J.. Designing fuzzy rule bases with a Bayesian Artificial Immune System. Em: 2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011), v. 1, p. 584-589, 2011.
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39.   CHAVEZ, Christina von Flach Garcia KULESZA, Uirá SOARES, Sérgio BORBA, Paulo LUCENA, Carlos MASIERO, Paulo Cesar SANT'ANNA, Claudio PIVETA, Eduardo Kessler FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi CASTOR FILHO, Fernando COELHO, Roberta Souza SILVA, Lyrene Fernandes da ALVES, Vander Ramos MENDONÇA, Nabor das Chagas FIGUEIREDO, Eduardo CAMARGO, Valter Vieira de SILVA, Carla PIRES, Paulo de Figueiredo BATISTA, Thais Vasconcelos CACHO, Nelio von STAA, Arndt LEITE, Julio Cesar Sampaio do Prado SILVEIRA, Fábio Fagundes LEMOS, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Dellosso , et al.DELICATO, Flávia Coimbra BRAGA, Rosana Teresinha Vaccare VALENTE, Marco Tulio de Oliveira RAMOS, Ricardo Argenton BONIFACIO, Rodrigo ALENCAR, Fernanda Maria Ribeiro de CASTRO, Jaelson Freire Brelaz de ; The AOSD Research Community in Brazil and its Crosscutting Impact. In: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), 2011, São Paulo. Proceedings of the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES) (to appear). Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society. p. 72-81, 2011.
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40.   Cintra, Marcos E. ; MEIRA, CARLOS A. A. ; Monard, Maria C. ; Camargo, Heloisa A. ; RODRIGUES, LUIZ H. A.. The use of fuzzy decision trees for coffee rust warning in Brazilian crops. Em: 2011 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), v. 1, p. 1347-1352, 2011.
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41.   Cintra, Marcos E. ; Monard, Maria C. ; CHERMAN, EVERTON A. ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. On the estimation of the number of fuzzy sets for fuzzy rule-based classification systems. Em: 2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011), v. 1, p. 211-216, 2011.
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42.   CINTRA, Marcos Evandro ; MONARD, Maria Carolina ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A. ; MARTIN, T. P. ; MAJIDIAN, A.. On Rule Generation Approaches for Genetic Fuzzy Systems. Em: 8o. Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, v. 1, p. 263-274, 2011.
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43.   Cirilo, C. E. ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do ; Souza, W. L. ; Zaina, L. A. M.. Experimentação do Processo Model Driven RichUbi no Desenvolvimento de Interfaces Ricas Adaptativas. Em: XXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), v. 1, p. 182-191, 2011.
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44.   CIRILO, CARLOS EDUARDO ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do ; SOUZA, WANDERLEY LOPES DE ; ZAINA, LUCIANA APARECIDA MARTINEZ. Experimentation of the Model Driven RichUbi Process in the Adaptive Rich Interfaces Development. Em: 2011 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), v. 1, p. 184-269, 2011.
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45.   CORREA, D. C. ; LEVADA, A. L. M. ; COSTA, L. F.. Finding Community Structure in Music Genres Networks. Em: International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR), p. 447-452, 2011.
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46.   CORREA, M. F. ; GUIMARÃES, M. P. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Molecular Visualization with supports of interaction, immersion and collaboration among geographically-separated research groups, Moacyr Francischetti-Corręa, Luis Carlos Trevelin, Marcelo de Paiva Guimarăes. Em: HCist 2011 ? International Workshop on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, v. 3, p. 128-134, 2011.
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47.   Dourado, A. ; Botega, L. ; Trindade, O. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. A New Specification Model for the Design of Tangible User Interfaces. Em: I Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems 2011, v. 1, p. 101-106, 2011.
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48.   Duarte, MC ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; NICOLETTI, Maria Do Carmo. Minimização do Impacto do Problema de Desvio de Conceito por Meio de Acoplamento em Ambiente de Aprendizado Sem Fim. Em: 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology - STIL2011, 2011.
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49.   DUQUE, J. L. ; MATOS, P. F. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A. ; PARDO, T. A. S. ; CIFERRI, R. R.. Um Processo Baseado em Parágrafos para a Extração de Tratamentos em Artigos Científicos do Domínio Biomédico. Em: Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology, p. 124-133, 2011.
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50.   Favarin, G. ; VILLAS, Leandro ; VILELA, M. A. ; BOSSONARO, A. ; Cavalheiro, C.A.M. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. Exploring Spatial Correlation through Virtual Cells in Wireless Sensor Networks. Em: I Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems 2011, v. 1, 2011.
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51.   FERRARI JUNIOR, R. ; Serra, S. M. B. ; ABIB, S. ; CAETANO, P. A. ; URQUIETA-GONZALES, E. A. ; Póvoa, J. M. ; COSTA, M. A. B. ; POIANI, L. M.. Uso de Ferramentas EAD no Ensino Presencial: Política de Incentivo do Centro de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia da UFSCar. Em: IGIP?2011 - XL IGIP International Symposium on Engineering Education, v. 1, 2011.
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52.   Feuerstack, S ; OLIVEIRA, A. C. M. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. Model-based Design of Interactions that can bridge Realities - The Augmented Drag-and-Drop. Em: XIII Simpósio de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada, v. 13, p. 144-152, 2011.
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53.   Feuerstack, S. ; PIZZOLATO, E. B.. Building Multimodal Interfaces out of Executable, Model-based Interactors and Mappings. Em: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, v. 1, p. 221-228, 2011.
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54.   FLACH, C. V. ; KULESZA, U. ; SOARES, S. ; BORBA, P. ; LUCENA, C. ; MASIERO, Paulo Cesar ; SANTANNA, C. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. The AOSD Community in Brazil and its Crosscutting Research Contributions. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, 2011.
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55.   FREIRE, G. ; PEDRO, L. ; ANTONIO, E. ; NEPOMUCENO, J. ; CAURIN, G. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. Applying Reengineering on Simulink Model Assited by UML Statechart. Em: Brazilian Conference on Critical Embedded Systems, v. 1, p. 95-100, 2011.
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57.   Gonçalves, V. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida ; Ueyama, J.. Interação de Idosos com Celulares: Flexibilidade para Atender a Diversidade. Em: Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), 2011.
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58.   GOTTARDI, T. ; PENTEADO, Rosângela ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. A Model Based Process to Support the Reuse of Aspect-Oriented Frameworks. Em: Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development, v. 1, p. 1-6, 2011.
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59.   GOTTARDI, THIAGO ; DELOSSO PENTEADO, ROSÂNGELA APARECIDA ; VIEIRA DE CAMARGO, VALTER. A Process for Aspect-Oriented Plataform Specific Profile Checking. Em: the 2011 international workshop, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2011.
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60.   GUIMARÃES, M. P. ; MARTINS, Valeria F. ; BRASIL, Gusavo J. C. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Um Modelo de Processo de Desenvolvimento de Interfaces de Gesto: Definição e um Estudo de Caso. Em: XXXVII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (XXXVII CLEI), v. 1, p. 411-42, 2011.
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61.   KATO, E. R. R.; DIAS, T. C. M. ; OGASHAWARA, O. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; MORANDIN JR., O.. Implantação do Curso de Engenharia Elétrica da UFSCar: Acompanhamento dos Estudantes do Programa de Reserva de Vagas. Em: XXXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2011.
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62.   LEMOS, Otávio Augusto Lazzarini ; FERRARI, Fabiano Cutigi ; ELER, M. M. ; MALDONADO, José Carlos ; MASIERO, Paulo Cesar. Evaluation Studies of Software Testing Research in the Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), p. 56-65, 2011.
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63.   LEVADA, A. L. M.; CORREA, D. C.. An Adaptive Approach for Contextual Audio Denoising using Local Fisher Information. Em: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), v. 1, p. 125-128, 2011.
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65.   LOPES, P. A. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Semi-supervised Clustering in Fuzzy Rule Generation. Em: 8o. Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial - ENIA2011, v. 1, p. 228-239, 2011.
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66.   LOUZA, F. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Efficiently Querying Protein Sequences with the Proteinus Index. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, p. 58-65, 2011.
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67.   MAGALHAES, V. M. A ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; BUENO, A. O. ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; FELS, S. ; BALBINO, F. C.. e-Rural: a framework to generate hyperdocuments for milk producers with different levels of literacy to promote better quality milking. Em: 13th IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2011), p. 422-429, 2011.
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68.   MAGALHAES, V. M. A. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; SILVA, M. A. R.. Building contextualized web hyperdocuments taking into consideration readers´ culture and literacy in order to allow them to understand these hyperdocuments. Em: IADIS International Conference e-Society (e-Society 2011), p. 1-10, 2011.
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69.   MAPP, GLENFORD ; AIASH, MAHDI ; GUARDIA, HÉLIO CRESTANA ; CROWCROFT, JON. Exploring Multi-homing Issues in Heterogeneous Environments. Em: 2011 IEEE Workshops of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA), p. 690-695, 2011.
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70.   MARTINS, B. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Operação de um braço robótico por pessoas portadoras de necessidades especiais utilizando um wiimote. Em: 9o Jornada Científica e Tecnológica da UFSCar, 2011.
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71.   MARTINS, B. S. ; PEDRINO, E. C. ; RODA, V. O.. Using a WII remote and a FPGA to drive a mechanical (SPL). Em: VII IEEE Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL), 2011.
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72.   Mohamed, T. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; MITCHELL, T.. Discovering Relations between Noun Categories. Em: Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing - EMNLP, v. 1, p. 1447-1455, 2011.
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73.   MORAES, J. L. C. ; BOSSONARO, A. A. ; MENEZES, A. L. ; Souza, W. L. ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do. Uma arquitetura baseada em agentes inteligentes para a troca de mensagens sensível ao contexto para o cuidado de saúde pervasivo. Em: Anais da Conferência IADIS Ibero-Americana WWW/Internet (WWW/Internet), p. 421-425, 2011.
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74.   MORAES, João Luis Cardoso de ; BOSSONARO, Adriano Aleixo ; MENEZES, A. L. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PRADO, A. F.. Arquitetura Baseada em Agentes Inteligentes para Troca de Mensagens Sensíveis ao Contexto para o Cuidado de Saúde Pervasivo. Em: Conferência IADIS Ibero-Americana (WWW/Internet), p. 421-425, 2011.
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75.   MORANDIN JR., O. ; CARIDA, V. F. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; FONSECA, M. A. S.. A Hierarchical Fuzzy Rule-Based Building Model applied to a AGV Dispatching System in a FMS. In: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2011, Shangai. Em: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2011.
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76.   MORANDIN, O.; CARIDA, V. F. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; FONSECA, M. A. S.. A hierarchical fuzzy rule-based building model applied to a AGV dispatching system in an FMS. Em: 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), p. 3764, 2011.
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77.   MORANDIN, ORIDES; CARIDA, VINICIUS F. ; KATO, EDILSON R. R. ; TUMA, CARLOS C. M.. Adaptive genetic fuzzy, predictive and multiobjective approach for AGVs dispatching. Em: IECON 2011 37th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics, p. 2317, 2011.
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78.   MORON, C. E.; MALONY, A. D.. Development of Embedded Multicore Systems Based on a Model-Driven Process. Em: INCT-SEC-Internal Workshop, 2011.
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79.   NASCIMENTO, S. M. ; TSURUDA, R. M. ; SIQUEIRA, T. L. L. ; TIMES, V. C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. The Spatial Star Schema Benchmark. Em: Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics, p. 73-84, 2011.
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80.   NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida; FORTUNA, F. ; BONACIN, R. ; BARANAUSKAS, M. C. C.. Addressing Diversity in Web Systems with norms and a tailoring-based approach. Em: IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet, 2011.
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81.   Nicoletti, M.C. ; Reali, A. M.M. R. ; Abib, S. ; NERIS, Vania Paula de Almeida. Bachelor Degree in Information Systems: A Brazilian Distance Education Experience. Em: International Conference on Engeneering and Mathematics (ENMA 2011), v. 1, p. 15-22, 2011.
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82.   NICOLETTI, Maria Do Carmo ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; Lisboa, F. O. S. S.. Learning Temporal Interval Relations Using Inductive Logic Programming. Em: 1st Integrated Computing Technology - INTECH 2011, v. 1, p. 90-104, 2011.
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83.   NOGUEIRA, TATIANE M. ; REZENDE, SOLANGE O. ; Camargo, Heloisa A.. Fuzzy cluster descriptor extraction for flexible organization of documents. Em: 2011 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011), v. 1, p. 528-533, 2011.
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84.   NUNES, D. F. S. ; BALDÁRRAGO, A. U. ; SOUZA, Wanderley Lopes de ; PRADO, A. F.. AMRP: Ambiente para o Monitoramento Remoto de Pacientes. Em: XXXVII Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI), v. 1, p. 937-981, 2011.
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85.   OGASHAWARA, O. ; WATANABE, F. Y. ; MONTAGNOLI, A.N. ; KATO, E. R. R.. Implementação de Grupos de Estudos para Alunos de Graduação dos Cursos de Engenharia Elétrica e Engenharia Mecânica da UFSCar. Em: XXXIX Congresso Brasileiro de Educação em Engenharia, 2011.
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86.   Oliveira, M. R. ; FERRARI, R.. Indicadores da Produção Científica sobre Mortalidade de Empresas. Em: IGIP?2011 - XL IGIP International Symposium on Engineering Education, 2011.
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87.   Oliveira, M. R. ; FERRARI, R.. Análise da Colaboração Científica sobre Empresas de Base Tecnológica. Em: IV Simpósio Nacional de Tecnologia e Sociedade, 2011.
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89.   PAREDES, L. N. G. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Privacy Mechanism for Applications in Cloud Computing. Em: International Information and Telecommunication Technologies Conference, v. 1, p. 1, 2011.
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90.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; COSTA, H. A. X.. ComSCID: Identificação Automática de Interesses em Sistemas Orientados a Objetos. Em: Workshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2011.
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91.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; COSTA, H. A. X.. Um Estudo Quantitativo de Técnicas de Mineração de Interesses Transversais. Em: Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2011.
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92.   PARREIRA, P. A. ; COSTA, H. X. ; GONZALES, R. D. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, Rosângela. MoBRe: Refatoração de Modelos de Classes OO Anotados para Modelos de Classes OA. Em: Sessão de Ferramentas do II CBSoft (Congresso Brasileiro de Software), v. 1, p. 1-7, 2011.
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93.   PEDRINO, E. C. ; MORANDIN JR., O. ; KATO, E. R. R. ; RODA, V. O.. Intelligent FPGA Based System for Shape Recognition. Em: VII IEEE Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL), 2011.
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94.   PEDRINO, E. C.; SAITO, J. H. ; KATO, E. ; MORANDIN JR., O. ; RODA, V. O. ; TRONCO, M. L. ; TSUNAKI, R. ; CURA, L.. Automatic Construction of Image Operators Using a Genetic Programming Approach. Em: International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), 2011.
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95.   Pedrosa, D. ; MARTINS JR, J. A. C. ; MELO, E. L. ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C.. A multimodal interaction component for digital television. Em: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), v. 1, p. 1253-1258, 2011.
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96.   PEREIRA, V. ; PRADO, A. F.. Introducing a New Agile Development for Web Applications Using a Groupware as Example. Em: 1st International Conference on Integrated Computing Technology (INTECH), v. 165, p. 144-160, 2011.
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97.   PEREIRA, V. ; PRADO, A. F.. A New Agile Process for Web Development. Em: 6th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Software Approaches to Software Engineering, p. 177-187, 2011.
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98.   PONTI JR, M. P. ; PAPA, J. P. ; LEVADA, A. L. M.. A Markov Random Field Model for Combining Optimum-Path Forest Classifiers using Decision Graphs and Game Strategy Approach. Em: Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), v. 7042, p. 581-590, 2011.
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99.   PRADO, G. M. ; ZORZO, S. D. ; TREVELIN, L. C. ; GUIMARAES, M. P. ; GNECCO, B. B.. Interactive Architecture for Interactive Social Inclusion Applications. Em: International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, v. 1, p. 1280-1285, 2011.
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100.   PRADO, Gabriel M. ; ZORZO, Sergio Donizetti ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos ; GUIMARÃES, M. P. ; GNECO, Bruno B.. Interactive Architecture for Interactive Social Application. Em: IEEE SMC 2011 International conference on Man, v. 1, p. 1280-1285, 2011.
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101.   ROCHA, R. V. ; ROCHA, R. V. ; CAMPOS, Marcio Roberto ; ARAUJO, R. B.. Sistema Integrado para Avaliação de Desempenho Humano em Simulações Interativas. Em: 22º Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação e 17º Workshop de Informática na Escola, v. 22, p. 436-445, 2011.
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102.   Rodrigues, K. R. H. ; Luiz Gustavo Quinelato ; Suetônio Pereira ; MELO, E. L. ; Vânia Neris ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C.. Interação com conteúdo complementar por meio de múltiplos dispositivos para apoio à apreciação de programas televisivos. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WEBMEDIA), 2011.
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103.   ROSALES, G. C. M. ; BEDER, Delano Medeiros ; OTSUKA, J. L. ; ARAUJO, R. B.. Using Logical Sensor Network to Support Context-Aware Learning Assessment. Em: I Workshop do INCT-SEC - Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia em Sistemas Embarcados Críticos, 2011.
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104.   SANTOS, E. B. ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Learning Bayesian Network Structures using Multiple Offspring Sampling. Em: 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA), v. 1, 2011.
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105.   SANTOS, E. B. DOS ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Score Metrics for Learning Bayesian Networks used as Fitness Function in a Genetic Algorithm. Em: X Brazilian Congress on Computational Intelligence, v. 1, 2011.
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106.   SCHREINER, P. ; VILLAVICENCIO, A. ; ZILIO, L. ; CASELI, H. M.. Improving Lexical Alignment Using Hybrid Discriminative and Post-Processing Techniques. Em: Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology (STIL), p. 97-106, 2011.
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107.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Adaptação Contextualizada do Conteúdo da Interface de um Jogo Narrativo Educacional. Em: X Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC 2011), p. 38-47, 2011.
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108.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; LIMA, D. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; SOUZA, D. G. ; MARTINEZ, C. M. S.. A Narrative Game as an Educational Entertainment Resource to teach words to children with learning deficits: A feasibility study. Em: 10th International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2011), v. 6972, p. 222-227, 2011.
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109.   SIQUEIRA, T. L. L. ; MATEUS, R. C. ; CIFERRI, R. R. ; TIMES, V. C. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A.. Querying Vague Spatial Information in Geographic Data Warehouses. Em: AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, v. 1, p. 379-397, 2011.
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110.   SUGIYAMA, BRUNO AKIO ; ANACLETO, JUNIA COUTINHO ; CASELI, HELENA MEDEIROS. Assisting users in a cross-cultural communication by providing culturally contextualized translations. Em: ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC), p. 189-6, 2011.
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111.   VALONE, C. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Sistema de baixo custo para reconhecimento de faces usando FPGAs. Em: 9o Jornada Científica e Tecnológica da UFSCar, 2011.
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112.   VIANA, M. C. ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Delloso ; NHOQUE, C. R. ; PRADO, A. F.. Utilizando o GMF para a Construção de Linguagens de Modelagem Específicas do Domínio de Frameworks de Aplicação. Em: Conferência Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI), v. 1, p. 1013-1028, 2011.
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113.   VIEL, Caio C. ; MELO Erick L. ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. RV-MTV: Framework para Interação Multimodal com Aplicações de Realidade Virtual em TV Digital e Dispositivos Móveis. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WEBMEDIA), 2011.
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114.   VILLAS, Leandro ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; GUIDONI, D. ; ARAUJO, R. B. ; LOUREIRO, Antonio Alfredo Ferreira. Explorando a Correlação Espacial na Coleta de Dados em Redes de Sensores sem Fio. Em: XXIX SBRC - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES E SISTEMAS DISTRIBUÍDOS -- SBRC 2011, v. 29, 2011.
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115.   VILLAS, Leandro ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; GUIDONI, DANIEL L. ; OLIVEIRA, HORACIO A.B.F. ; Araujo, Regina B. ; Loureiro, Antonio A.F.. Time-space correlation for real-time, accurate, and energy-aware data reporting in wireless sensor networks. v. 14, p. 59-66, 2011.
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116.   Villas, Leandro A. ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; GUIDONI, DANIEL ; Araujo, Regina B. ; Loureiro, Antonio A.F.. An energy-aware spatial correlation mechanism to perform efficient data collection in WSNs. Em: 2011 IEEE 36th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2011), v. 99, p. 882-889, 2011.
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117.   Villas, Leandro A. ; GUIDONI, DANIEL ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine ; Araujo, Regina B. ; LOUREIRO, ANTONIO A. F.. Dynamic and Scalable Routing to Perform Efficient Data Aggregation in WSNs. v. 10, p. 1-5, 2011.
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118.   VITALI, J. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Kit de Desenvolvimento de Hardware via USB. Em: 9o Jornada Científica e Tecnológica da UFSCar, 2011.
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119.   VIVENCIO, D. P. ; TREVELIN, Luis Carlos. Multicore memory subsystem aspects and its influence on the performance of modern VMMs. Em: SMC 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, v. 1, p. 2419-2424, 2011.
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3.   Amaral, LR ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER. Gene Ontology Classification: Building High-level Knowledge using Genetic Algorithms. Em: 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, v. 1, 2010.
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4.   ANACLETO, J. C.; VILLENA, J. M. R. ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; FELS, S.. Culturally Sensitive Computer Support for Creative Co-authorship of a Sex Education Game. Em: International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC 2010), v. 6243, p. 302-307, 2010.
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5.   ANACLETO, JUNIA COUTINHO; DA SILVA, DIEGO DESANI ; SANTOS, VICTOR HUGO B. R. ; VILLENA, JOHANA M. ROSAS ; SILVA, MARCOS ALEXANDRE R. ; PORTO, JOÃO CARLOS. Experiencing a process to create a multimedia game and validating results application in a socio-cultural environment. Em: the 28th ACM International Conference, p. 1-8, 2010.
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6.   ANNIBAL, L. P. ; FELIPE, J. C. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R.. iCube: Um Cubo de Dados para Imagens Médicas Baseado em Similaridade. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Saúde, p. 1-6, 2010.
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7.   ANNIBAL, L. P. ; FELIPE, J. C. ; CIFERRI, C. D. A. ; CIFERRI, R. R.. iCube: A Similarity-Based Data Cube for Medical Images. Em: IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, p. 321-326, 2010.
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8.   ARAUJO, J. G. ; CASELI, H. M.. Alinhamento de árvores sintáticas português-inglês. Em: V Workshop on MSc Dissertation and PhD Thesis in Artificial Intelligence, p. 1-10, 2010.
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9.   ARAUJO, J. G. ; CASELI, H. M.. Alignment of Portuguese-English syntactic trees using part-of-speech filters. Em: Workshop in Natural Language Processing and web-based technologies (collocated with IBERAMIA), p. 31-40, 2010.
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10.   ARIMOTO, M. M. ; CAGNIN, Maria Istela ; KAWAMOTO, André ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira. ADAMA: A Pattern Language for Adherence Analysis and Adaptation of Agile Methods to MR-MPS Model. Em: Sugarloaf Plop, 2010.
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11.   ASTOLFI, G. ; MAGALHAES, V. M. A ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Using cultural differences to join people with common interests or problems in enterprise environment. Em: 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), p. 1-6, 2010.
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12.   ASTOLFI, G. ; MAGALHAES, V. M. A ; SILVA, M. A. R. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Understanding Cultural Differences to Identify People with Common Interest in Social Network. Em: II WAIHCWS ? Workshop sobre Aspectos da Interação Humano-Computador na Web Social (WAIHCWS 2010@IHC 2010), 2010.
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13.   AVILA, P. M. ; GATTO, E. C. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Recommender: Helping viewers in their choise for educational programs in digital TV context. Em: Frontiers in Education Conference, v. 1, p. T1A1-T1A6, 2010.
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90.   PARDO, T.A.S. ; GASPERIN, C. ; CASELI, H. M. ; NUNES, M. G. V.. Computational Linguistics in Brazil: An Overview. Em: Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas, p. 1-7, 2010.
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91.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; COSTA, H. A. X. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D.. ComSCId - Um Apoio Computacional Customizável para Identificação de Interesses Transversais em Softwares Legados Orientados a Objetos. Em: Worshop de Manutenção de Software Moderna (WMSWM), v. 1, p. 1-10, 2010.
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92.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; COSTA, H. A. X. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D.. ComSCId DMAsp: Identificação de Interesses Transversais e Recuperação de Modelos de Classes Anotados a partir Aplicações OO Java. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (SBES), v. 4, p. 13-48, 2010.
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93.   PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; COSTA, H. A. X. ; CAMARGO, V. V. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D.. Uma Abordagem Iterativa para Identificação de Interesses Transversais com o Apoio de Modelos de Classes Anotados. Em: Latin American Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (LA-WASP), v. 9, p. 7-12, 2010.
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94.   PARREIRA, P. A. ; COSTA, H. X. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, Rosângela. Comscid - Um Apoio Computacional Customizável para a Identificação de Interesses Transversais em Sistemas Legados Orientados a Objetos. Em: WMSWM, 2010.
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95.   PARREIRA, P. A. ; COSTA, H. X. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, Rosângela. ComSCId DMAsp: Identificação de Interesses Transversais e Recuperação de Modelos de Classes Anotados a partir Softwares OO Java. Em: Sessão de Ferramentas do CBSoft, 2010.
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96.   PEDRINO, E. C. ; RODA, V. O. ; SAITO, J. H.. Architecture for Binary Mathematical Morphology Reconfigurable by Genetic Programming. Em: VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference (SPL), v. 1, p. 93-98, 2010.
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97.   Emerson Carlos Pedrino ; jose hiroki saito ; H. Senger ; valentin obac roda. Color Mathematical Morphology in a FPGA. Em: International Conference on Systems Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), v. 1, p. 130-133, 2010.
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98.   Emerson Carlos Pedrino ; jose hiroki saito ; H. Senger ; valentin obac roda ; marcelo marinho. An FPGA-Based Region-Growing Architecture for Binary Images. Em: International Conference on Systems Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP), v. 1, p. 73-76, 2010.
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99.   PEDRINO, E. C.; OGASAWARA, O. ; RODA, V. O.. Reconfigurable Architecture for Mathematical Morphology using Genetic Programming and FPGAs. Em: 24th IEEE International Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2010.
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100.   PEDRINO, E. C.; RODA, V. O. ; SAITO, J. H.. A reconfigurable general framework for pipelined image processing: a color mathematical morphology application. Em: VI Southern Programmable Logic Conference (SPL), v. 1, 2010.
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101.   PIMENTA, A H M ; de Arruda Camargo, Heloisa. Genetic Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier Generation: A Comparative Approach. Em: 2010 Eleventh Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN 2010), v. 1, p. 194-199, 2010.
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102.   PIMENTA, A. H. M. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Classifier Design Using Genetic Algorithms. Em: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), v. 1, p. 2061-2067, 2010.
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103.   PIZZOLATO, E. B.; Anjo, M. S. ; Pedroso, G. C.. Automatic Recognition of Finger Spelling for LIBRAS based on a Two Layer Architecture. Em: ACM Symposium On Applied Computing, p. 970-974, 2010.
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106.   PORTO, J. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Desenvolvimento de um plugin com um parser vxml que viabiliza a interação por voz na web. Em: XVIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica (CIC 2010), v. 6, p. 397-397, 2010.
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107.   PORTOCARRERO, J. M. T. ; Souza, W. L. ; DEMARZO, M. M. P. ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do. SIAF: Um Sistema de Informação de Atividade Física. Em: Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), p. 1650--1659, 2010.
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108.   PORTOCARRERO, J. M. T. ; Souza, W. L. ; DEMARZO, M. M. P. ; PRADO, Antonio Francisco Do. Desenvolvimento e Avaliação de um Sistema de Informação para Gerenciamento de Atividade Física. Em: XII Congresso Brasileiro de Informática em Saúde (CBIS), v. 1, p. 1-6, 2010.
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109.   PRADO, G. M. ; ZORZO, S. D.. Interactive Service Provider Architecture for Interactive Digital Television Systems. Em: 6th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, v. 1, p. 541-546, 2010.
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110.   RAMISCH, C. E. ; CASELI, H. M. ; VILLAVICENCIO, A. ; MACHADO, A. ; FINATTO, M. J.. A Hybrid Approach for Multiword Expression Identification. Em: Workshop on Computational Processing of Written and Spoken Portuguese (PROPOR), v. 6001, p. 65-74, 2010.
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111.   RAMOS, RICARDO ARGENTON ; CASTRO, J. B. de ; ARAUJO, J. ; ALENCAR, F. ; PENTEADO, R. A. D.. Divide and Conquer Refactoring: Dealing with the Large, Scattering or Tangling Use Case Model. Em: 8th Latin America Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2010.
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113.   RIBEIRO, HEBERTH BRAGA G. ; MEIRA, Silvio Romero de Lemos ; ALMEIDA, Eduardo Santana de ; LUCREDIO, DANIEL ; ALVARO, Alexandre ; ALVES, VANDER ; GARCIA, Vinicius Cardoso. An Assessment on Technologies for Implementing Core Assets in Service-Oriented Product Lines. Em: 2010 IV Brazilian Symposium on Software Components, p. 90-104, 2010.
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114.   ROCHA, RAFAELA V. ; Araujo, Regina B. ; CAMPOS, MARCIO R. ; BOUKERCHE, Azzedine. Understanding and Building Interoperable, Integrable and Composable Distributed Training Simulations. Em: 2010 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DSRT), v. 14, p. 121-128, 2010.
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115.   Rodrigues, K. R. H. ; NAKAGAWA, P. I. ; TEIXEIRA, C. A. C.. Interação com conteúdo complementar para apoio ao entendimento de programas televisivos. Em: Simpósio sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais (IHC), v. 1, 2010.
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116.   RUSSO, L. M. ; PEDRINO, E. C.. Estudo Comparativo das Arquiteturas CUDA e FPGA para Implementação de Filtros Lineares e Não-Lineares. Em: XVIII CIC UFSCar, 2010.
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118.   Sande, D. M. ; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.. PW-PLAN - A Strategy to Support Iteration-based Software Planning. Em: 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, v. 1, p. 66-74, 2010.
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119.   SANTOS, E. B. DOS ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. Evolutionary Algorithm using Random Multi-point Crossover Operator for Learning Bayesian Network Structures. Em: The Ninth International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2010), v. 1, 2010.
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120.   SANTOS, E. B. DOS ; HRUSCHKA JR., ER ; HRUSCHKA, E. R. ; EBECKEN, N. F. F.. A Distance-Based Mutation Operator for Learning Bayesian Network Structures using Evolutionary Algorithms. Em: 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC-2010), v. 1, 2010.
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121.   SANTOS, F. J. J. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Decision Support Systems in Multicriteria Groups: An Approach Based on Fuzzy Rules. Em: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ), v. 1, p. 1065-1072, 2010.
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122.   SANTOS, F. J. J. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Sistemas Baseados em Regras Fuzzy para Tomada de Decisão em Grupos Muticritério. Em: III Workshop on Computational Intelligence, v. 1, p. 464-469, 2010.
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123.   SANTOS, V. H. B. R ; ANACLETO, J. C.. JOGO CULTURALMENTE CONTEXTUALIZADO PARA APOIO NO ENSINO DA ESCRITA. Em: XVIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica (CIC 2010), v. 6, p. 358-358, 2010.
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124.   SENGER, Hermes; da Silva, Fabricio A.B. ; Miranda Filho, Luciano J.. Influence of Communication Models on the Scalability of Master-Slave Platforms Running Bag-of-Tasks Applications. Em: 2010 11th Symposium on Computing Systems (WSCADSCC), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2010.
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125.   SILVA, F. A. B. da ; SENGER, Hermes. Scalability analysis of embarassingly parallel applications on large clusters. Em: Workshop on System Management Techniques, 2010.
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126.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; DIAS, A. L. ; ANACLETO, J. C.. Using Contextualized Narrative Game to Improve Students and Teachers Communication. Em: Internation Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2010), 2010.
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127.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; LIMA, D. C. ; ANACLETO, J. C. ; SOUZA, D. G. ; MARTINEZ, C. M. S.. Jogos narrativos informatizados no apoio a aprendizagem de escrita. Em: IV Congresso Brasileiro de Educação Especial (CBEE 2010), p. 1-10, 2010.
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128.   SILVA, M. A. R. ; MAGALHAES, V. M. A ; ANACLETO, J. C.. O Uso de um Jogo Narrativo Computacional em um Ambiente Escolar. Em: XVI Workshop Sobre Informática na Escola (WIE 2010), p. 1225-1234, 2010.
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131.   Souza, W. L.; Santos, B. L. G. ; E. F. Z. Santana ; Gatto, E. C. ; Duarte, F. C. ; Freitas, G. B. ; Custódio, I. V. ; PORTOCARRERO, J. M. T. ; Ávila, P. M. ; Almeida, R. A. P.. Utilizando PBL no Ensino de Computação Ubíqua. Em: XVIII Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), p. 877-886, 2010.
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132.   SUGIYAMA, BRUNO A. ; ANACLETO, JUNIA C. ; FELS, SIDNEY ; CASELI, HELENA M.. Using cultural knowledge to assist communication between people with different cultural background. Em: ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (ACM-SIGDOC), p. 183-190, 2010.
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133.   TEIXEIRA, C. A. C.; FREITAS, G. B. ; PIMENTEL, M. G. C.. Distributed discrimination of media moments and media intervals: a Watch-and-Comment approach. Em: ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), v. 1, p. 1929-1935, 2010.
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140.   Yaguinuma, C. ; Santos, M. T. P. ; CAMARGO, Heloisa A.. Ontologias Fuzzy para Representação e Processamento de Conhecimento Impreciso. Em: WTDIA - Workshop de Teses e Dissertações em Inteligência Artificial, v. 1, p. 792-800, 2010.
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3.   ALMEIDA, R. A. P. ; MOSCHETTO, D. A. ; GUARDIA, H. C.. Modelo de Disseminação e Compartilhamento de Conteúdo com suporte à Comunicação Oportunística. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Multimídia e Web (Webmedia), 2009.
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4.   AMANCIO, S. F. ; COSTA, H. X. ; CAMARGO, Valter Vieira ; PENTEADO, Rosângela Aparecida Delosso. Gerência de Recursos Humanos para uma Fábrica de Software de Pequeno Porte. Em: Workshop Olhar Sóciotécnico sobre a Engenharia de Software (WOSES),, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2009.
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