1. | ALMEIDA, T.A.. The 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'14) - Special Session on Machine Learning in Information and System Security Issues. 2014. (Congresso).. . 0. |
2. | ALMEIDA, T.A.. The 14th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'15) - Special Session on Machine Learning in Information and System Security Issues. 2015. (Congresso).. . 0. |
3. | ALMEIDA, T.A.. The 16th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'17) - Special Session on Machine Learning in Big Data and Information Security Issues. 2017. (Congresso).. . 0. |
4. | ALMEIDA, T.A.. The 17th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'17) - Special Session on Machine Learning in Big Data and Information Security Issues. 2018. (Congresso).. . 0. |
5. | ALMEIDA, TIAGO A.. The 18th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'19) - Special Session on Machine and Deep Learning in Cyber Security and Privacy Issues. 2019. (Congresso).. . 0. |
6. | ALMEIDA, TIAGO A.. The 19th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'20) - Special Session on Machine and Deep Learning in Cyber Security and Privacy Issues. 2020. (Congresso).. . 0. |
7. | ALVARO, ALEXANDRE. I Startup Weekend Sorocaba. 2013. (Outro).. . 0. |
8. | ALVARO, ALEXANDRE. II Startup Weekend Sorocaba. 2014. (Outro).. . 0. |
9. | ALVARO, ALEXANDRE. III Startup Weekend Sorocaba. 2014. (Outro).. . 0. |
10. | AMEIDA, T.A.. The 15th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'16) - Special Session on Machine Learning in Information and Cyber Security. 2016. (Congresso).. . 0. |
11. | FELIPUSSI, S. C.. IX WIEC - Workshop de Intercâmbio de Experiências em Computação. 2016. (Outro).. . 0. |
12. | FELIPUSSI, S. C.. X WIEC - Workshop de Intercâmbio de Experiências em Computação. 2017. (Outro).. . 0. |
13. | FELIPUSSI, S. C.. XI WIEC - Workshop de Intercâmbio de Experiências em Computação. 2017. (Outro).. . 0. |
14. | FELIPUSSI, S. C.. XII WIEC - Workshop de Intercâmbio de Experiências em Computação. 2018. (Outro).. . 0. |
15. | GONZALEZ, S. M.. 1a. Semana da Ciência da Computação e Tecnologia da Informação (SCTI). 2008. (Congresso).. . 0. |
16. | GONZALEZ, S. M.. Congreso Internacional de Información INFO´95. 1995. (Congresso).. . 0. |
17. | GONZALEZ, S. M.. Universidade Aberta. 2011. (Outro).. . 0. |
18. | VERDI, FÁBIO L.. Salão de Ferramentas do SBRC 2017. 2017. (Outro).. . 0. |
19. | ZAINA, L. A. M.. SeCoT 2017 - IX Semana da Computação Tecnologia. 2017. (Outro).. . 0. |