Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Física (DF)

Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)
Campus São Carlos

Plataforma Lattes / outubro de 2020

Victor Lopez Richard

Possui graduação em Física pela Universidad de La Habana (1994), mestrado em Física - Universidad de La Habana (1996) e doutorado em Física pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos (2003). Atualmente é professor associado da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Tem experiência na área de Física, com ênfase em Física da Matéria Condensada, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: estrutura eletrônica, propriedades ópticas e de transporte em nano-estruturas. Membro do Centro Universitário de Montanhismo e Excursionismo de São Carlos (CUME). Executa projetos de extensão na área de montanhismo e gestão de visitação de Unidades de Conservação como Coordenador do Programa da Universidade Federal de São Carlos: Gestão e Promoção de Atividades da Natureza e Áreas Protegidas. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (17/08/2020)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 2
  • Período de análise: 2006-2020
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Física. UFSCar, Departamento de Física SP-310 13560905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil Telefone: (016) 33519335
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Física
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (6)
    1. 2016-Atual. Desafios em nano-optica e nanoeletronica
      Descrição: Os avanços na nanotecnologia e seus impactos estão vinculados à manufatura de dispositivos e estruturas nanoscópicas e suas caracterizações. O cerne desta proposta é o desenvolvimento de dispositivos semicondutores eletro-ópticos operando em nível quântico e o estudo sistemático das propriedades físicas de novas nanoestruturas.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador / Marques, G. E. - Integrante / Marcio Daldin Teodoro - Integrante / Leonardo K. Castelano - Integrante / HARTMANN, FABIAN - Integrante / HÖFLING, SVEN - Integrante. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Bolsa.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.
    2. 2015-Atual. Optical and Transport Phenomena in Nano-devices
      Descrição: this proposal foresees the search and development of nanoscale electro-optical semiconductor devices and the systematic study of their optical and transport properties. The goals set now are framed within the scope of a collaborative work between the experimental growth, electro- optical spectroscopy, and theoretical calculations. Previous projects allowed the evolution of our research from topics of fundamental condensed matter physics towards applications where the specialization in manufacturing and modeling of low-dimensional structures and devices appear in communion, combining the theoretical and experimental expertise of the project partners. The theoretical and experimental efforts include the study of transport and electro-optical phenomena in resonant tunneling devices (RTD) applied as photodetectors, accurate sensors, and LEDs, as well as low-dimensional wave guides integrated with quantum dots (QD) as devices for transmission and storage of information. In topics of fundamental semiconductor physics we propose to further deepen the research and simulation of semiconductor QDs, quantum rings, and mono-layers affected by impurities and structural defects. This path has already open new research horizons by combining affective mass models and ab-initio calculations. Many of the problems tackled are grounded on experimental challenging questions where preliminary results show interesting effects of confinement and topology of the strain fields inherent to the growth of these structures. The envisioned technological applications allow betting on the potential of this project for the generation of patents.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (3) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.
      Descrição: we propose a systematic study of the physical properties of novel low-dimensional electro-optical semiconductor nanostructures operating at the quantum level. The combination of both, a strong experimental and theoretical expertise by the project partners, offers the possibility for a roadmap strategy starting from basic fundamental properties of quantum transport phenomena of these structures towards the realization and applications of nano-scaled devices. The project relays on the strong collaboration between experimental growth, electro-optical spectroscopy and theoretical groups with an expertise on the fabrication and modeling of low dimensional structures and devices. The project aims at consolidating the nucleation and leadership in this key scientific and technology area through collaborative research. For that purpose two main devices will be investigated. The theoretical and experimental endeavors include the study of electro-optical transport phenomena of resonant tunneling devices (RTDs) as light sensitive photo-detectors and light emitting diodes as well as low dimensional ballistic electron waveguides integrated with site-controlled quantum dots (QDs) as state dependent information transmission and storage devices.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador / Leonardo Kleber Castelano - Integrante / Worschech, L - Integrante / Martin Kamp - Integrante. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.
      Descrição: We propose a systematic study of the physical properties of novel low-dimensional electro-optical semiconductor nanostructures operating at the quantum level. The combination of both, a strong experimental and theoretical expertise by the project partners, offers the possibility for a roadmap strategy starting from basic fundamental properties of quantum transport phenomena of these structures towards the realization and applications of nano-scaled devices. The project relays on the strong collaboration between experimental growth, electro-optical spectroscopy and theoretical groups with an expertise on the fabrication and modeling of low dimensional structures and devices. The project aims at consolidating the nucleation and leadership in this key scientific and technology area through collaborative research. For that purpose two main devices will be investigated. The theoretical and experimental endeavors include the study of electro-optical transport phenomena of resonant tunneling devices (RTDs) as light sensitive photo-detectors and light emitting diodes as well as low dimensional ballistic electron waveguides integrated with site-controlled quantum dots (QDs) as state dependent information transmission and storage devices.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Leonardo Kleber Castelano - Integrante / Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador / WORSCHECH, LUKAS - Integrante. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Leonardo Kleber Castelano.
    4. 2012-2014. Nanooptical systems and nanoelectronic devices
      Descrição: In this project we are proposing a sequence of tasks related to the systematic investigation of the optical response and electronic properties of semiconductor nano-structures of different geometries and compositions that offer interesting possibilities for the study of novel quantum phenomena. This contribution is part of a collaboration between experimental growth and spectroscopy groups with theoretical coworkers that tackle problems related to the manipulation of spin in quasi-zero and one-dimensional systems. Such a project would contribute to the support and encouragement to the nucleation of these lines of research under the coordination of the candidate. The theoretical and experimental endeavors include the study of semi-magnetic and non-magnetic quantum systems, with new structural properties.Conditions will be studied to enhance effects of optical and electronic correlation between nanostructures with a focus on implementing the application of these systems in devices for the transmission and storage of information in quantum levels. Challenging experimental questions are already placed on the agenda of this research where preliminary results show interesting effects of confinement and topology of the strain fields inherent in the growth process of these structures. The anisotropic optical response of these systems suggests their potential for use as photodetectors, optically controlled switches, and light sources. The partnerships established nationally and internationally in recent years with groups of growth and characterization as well as experience in the simulation of magneto-optical properties of nanostructures, are relevant to this work, responsible for the fundamental research achievements of the candidate in the last 10 years.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (3) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.
    5. 2010-2012. Nano-fios semicondutores e sistemas pontos quanticos auto-organizados de simetria anelar e cilindrica sob tensao
      Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Mestrado acadêmico: (1) Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.
    6. 2006-2008. Caracterizacao e controle de estados de spin confinados em nano-estruturas semicondutoras
      Descrição: A presente proposta surge das necessidades inerentes à implantação e fomento de um projeto de pesquisa e formação de quadros em nanotecnologia junto ao Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Este projeto dará continuidade e apoio a empenhos do candidato, colaboradores e alunos no estudo das propriedades de dispositivos nanoscópicos semicondutores. Tais empenhos se enquadram dentro das projeções teóricas e práticas dos elementos fundamentais da chamada spintrônica.. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Doutorado: (2) . Integrantes: Victor Lopez Richard - Coordenador / Y. Galvão Gobato - Integrante / Worschech, L. - Integrante / Marques, Gilmar - Integrante / Henini, M - Integrante. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Victor Lopez Richard.

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (0)

    Participação em eventos

    • Total de participação em eventos (22)
      1. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OPTICS + PHOTONICS.Interplay between structure asymmetry, defect-induced localization, and spinorbit interaction in quantum dots. 2019. (Simpósio).
      2. International Conference on Advance Nano Materials. (1) Engineering the Bistable Electroluminescence in Resonant Tunneling Devices (2) Exploring the Functionalities of Quantum Dot-Based Transistors. 2018. (Congresso).
      3. International Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures and Nanodevices. (1) Spin tuning with structure asymmetry, impurities, and defects in quantum dots (2) Expanded functionalities of a quantum dot-based transistor. 2018. (Congresso).
      4. 18 Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics. A quantum dot arquitechture for memristive and memcapacitive functionalities. 2017. (Congresso).
      5. 17 International Conference on II-VI Compounds and Rewlated Materials. Mn-Enhanced collective emission of CdMnSe quantum dots. 2015. (Congresso).
      6. 31 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. Paramagnetic response of annealed nonmagnetic single quantum dots. 2012. (Congresso).
      7. 31 International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors. Contrasting spin dynamics of exciton and trions in 2D systems. 2012. (Congresso).
      8. lnternational Conference on Superlattices, Nanostructures, and Nanodevices". Anomalous paramagnetic shift of annealed nonmagnetic quantum dots. 2012. (Congresso).
      9. VII Congresso Brasileiro de Atividades de Aventura, I Congresso Internacional de Atividades de Aventura. ESCALADA EM ROCHA E SEU IMPACTO NO AMBIENTE NATURAL: ABERTURA DE VIAS DE ESCALADA. 2012. (Congresso).
      10. VII Congresso Brasileiro de Atividades de Aventura, I Congresso Internacional de Atividades de Aventura. Programas de Aventura em Atividades de Treinamento e Facilitação: Vivencias de Escalada, um Estudo de Caso.. 2012. (Congresso).
      11. 5 International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems. CORRELATION TUNING OF EXCITON CREATION AND RECOMBINATION BY STRAIN IN NANO-WIRES. 2011. (Congresso).
      12. 5 International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems. Oral Presentation: Aharonov- Bohm interference in excitons: built-in electric fields. 2011. (Congresso).
      13. XVIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica - UFSCar. EFEITOS DE CAMPOS EXTERNOS SOBRE POÇOS QUÂNTICOS UNIDIMENSIONAIS. 2010. (Congresso).
      14. 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor. OPTICAL PROBING OF SELF-ASSEMBLED QUANTUM DOT STACKING: INTER-DOT COUPLING. 2008. (Congresso).
      15. 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor. ANOMALOUS DYNAMICS OF CARRIERS IN P-TYPE RESONANT TUNNELING DIODES. 2008. (Congresso).
      16. 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor. LIGHT CONTROLLED SPIN POLARIZATION IN A RESONANT TUNNELING DIODE. 2008. (Congresso).
      17. 29th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor. TUNING THE MAGNETO-POLARIZATION IN THERMALLY ANNEALED SELF ASSEMBLED QUANTUM DOTS. 2008. (Congresso).
      18. 5th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-related Phenomena in Semiconductors (PASPS V). Spin Polarization in Asymmetric N-type GaAs/AlGaAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes. 2008. (Congresso).
      19. Physics of Light-Matter Coupling in Nanostructures PLMCN-7. Landè Factor Tuning by Thermal Annealing in Self-assembled Semicondutor Quantum Dots. 2007. (Congresso).
      20. The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices. Tunneling dynamics of carriers in asymmetric p-type GaAs/AlAs double barrier diodes. 2007. (Congresso).
      21. The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices. Spin-state dynamics during thermal annealing in self-assembled Semicondutor Quantum Dots. 2007. (Congresso).
      22. The Sixth International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures and Devices. Voltage-controlled spin-splitting in p-type double barrier diodes. 2007. (Congresso).

    Organização de eventos

    • Total de organização de eventos (3)
      1. Lopez-Richard, V.; MARQUES, G. E. ; CASTELANO, L. K.. Paulista-Bavarian Workshop on Nanotailored Semiconductor Devices (NTSD). 2017. Congresso
      2. SIPAHI, G. M. ; Galvao Gobato, Yara ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. 16th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics. 2013. Congresso
      3. Lopez-Richard, Victor; Eduardo Bellini Ferreira. Encontro Nacional da Rede de Nanobiotecnologia Aplicada à Medicina e à Defesa. 2010. Congresso

    Lista de colaborações

    • Colaborações endôgenas (10)
      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Gilmar Eugenio Marques (62.0)
        1. GUARIN CASTRO, EDGAR DAVID ; ROTHMAYR, FLORIAN ; KRÜGER, SEBASTIAN ; KNEBL, GEORG ; SCHADE, ANNE ; KOETH, JOHANNES ; WORSCHECH, LUKAS ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; MARQUES, GILMAR EUGENIO ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; PFENNING, ANDREAS ; HÖFLING, SVEN. Resonant tunneling of electrons in AlSb/GaInAsSb double barrier quantum wells. AIP Advances. v. 10, p. 055024-055024-6, issn: 2158-3226, 2020.
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        2. CABRAL, L. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L.F. ; Marques, G.E. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; ONOFRE, Y.J. ; TEODORO, M.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. v. 227, p. 117536, issn: 0022-2313, 2020.
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        3. CABRAL, L. ; ANDRÉS, J. ; MACHADO, T. R. ; PICININ, A. ; RINO, J. P. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; LONGO, E. ; GOUVEIA, A. F. ; Marques, G. E. ; DA SILVA, E. Z. ; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.. Evidence for the formation of metallic In after laser irradiation of InP. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. v. 126, p. 025902, issn: 0021-8979, 2019.
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        4. LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; CABRAL, L. ; MARGAPOTI, EMANUELA ; MAHAPATRA, SUDDHASATTA ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Defect-induced magnetism in II-VI quantum dots. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 99, p. 014424-1-014424-7, issn: 2469-9950, 2019.
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        5. BRAGANÇA, HELENA ; RICHE, FLÁVIO ; Qu, Fanyao ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio. Dark-exciton valley dynamics in transition metal dichalcogenide alloy monolayers. Scientific Reports. v. 9, p. 4575, issn: 2045-2322, 2019.
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        6. LLORENS, J.M. ; Lopes-Oliveira, V. ; López-Richard, V. ; DE OLIVEIRA, E.R. CARDOZO ; WEWIÓR, L. ; ULLOA, J.M. ; TEODORO, M.D. ; Marques, G.E. ; GARCÍA-CRISTÓBAL, A. ; HAI, G.-Q. ; ALÉN, B.. Topology Driven g -Factor Tuning in Type-II Quantum Dots. Physical Review Applied. v. 11, p. 044011-1-044011-13, issn: 2331-7019, 2019.
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        7. CARDOZO DE OLIVEIRA, E. R. ; PFENNING, A. ; GUARIN CASTRO, E. D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; DOS SANTOS, E. C. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Worschech, L. ; HARTMANN, F. ; HÖFLING, S.. Electroluminescence on-off ratio control of n i n. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 98, p. 075302-1-075302-6, issn: 2469-9950, 2018.
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        8. MENESES-GUSTIN, D. ; CABRAL, LUIS ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; MARGAPOTI, EMANUELA ; ULLOA, SERGIO E. ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Photomodulation of transport in monolayer dichalcogenides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 98, p. 241403-1-241403-5, issn: 2469-9950, 2018.
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        9. CABRAL, L. ; SABINO, FERNANDO P. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Azobenzene Adsorption on the MoS 2 (0001) Surface: A Density Functional Investigation within van der Waals Corrections. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. v. 122, p. 18895-18901, issn: 1932-7447, 2018.
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        10. HARTMANN, F. ; MAIER, P. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; GÖPFERT, S. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; EMMERLING, M. ; SCHNEIDER, C. ; HÖFLING, S. ; KAMP, M. ; PERSHIN, Y. V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L.. Nanoscale Tipping Bucket Effect in a Quantum Dot Transistor-Based Counter. NANO LETTERS (PRINT). v. 17, p. 2273-2279, issn: 1530-6984, 2017.
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        11. CABRAL, L. ; SABINO, FERNANDO P. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, VIVALDO ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Interplay between structure asymmetry, defect-induced localization, and spin-orbit interaction in Mn-doped quantum dots. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 95, p. 205409-1-205409-6, issn: 2469-9950, 2017.
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        12. Trallero-Giner, Carlos ; PADILHA, JOHNNI XAVIER ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar ; CASTELANO, L. Quantum well electronic states in a titled magnetic field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. v. 29, p. 325503, issn: 0953-8984, 2017.
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        13. HARTMANN, F. ; PFENNING, A. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; LANGER, F. ; HÖFLING, S. ; KAMP, M. ; Worschech, L. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V.. Temperature tuning from direct to inverted bistable electroluminescence in resonant tunneling diodes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. v. 122, p. 154502-154502-6, issn: 0021-8979, 2017.
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        14. FERNANDES DOS SANTOS, L. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; PADILHA, J. X. ; PUSEP, Y. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; SMIRNOV, D. ; BAKAROV, A. ; TOROPOV, A. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, VICTOR. Excitonic spin-splitting in quantum wells with a tilted magnetic field. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 055503, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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        15. VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, LEONARDO ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Qu, Fanyao ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Effective particle-hole symmetry breaking, quasi-bond state engineering and optical absorption in graphene based gated dot-ring nanostructures. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 6, p. 51845-51855, issn: 2046-2069, 2016.
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        16. P. Maier ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama ; EMMERLING, M. ; SHNEIDER, C. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; KAMP, MARTIN ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L ; HÖFLING, SVEN. Light sensitive memristor with bi-directional and wavelength-dependent conductance control. Applied Physics Letters. v. 109, p. 023501, issn: 0003-6951, 2016.
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        17. MAIER, P. ; HARTMANN, F. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; EMMERLING, M. ; SCHNEIDER, C. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; KAMP, M. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L. ; HÖFLING, S.. Mimicking of pulse shape-dependent learning rules with a quantum dot memristor. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 120, p. 134503, issn: 0021-8979, 2016.
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        18. Mazur, Yu. I. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; DE SOUZA, L. D. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Benamara, M. ; WU, J. ; Tarasov, G. G. ; Marega, E. ; WANG, Z. M. ; Marques, G. E. ; Salamo, G. J.. Carrier transfer in vertically stacked quantum ring-quantum dot chains. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 154307-154307-9, issn: 0021-8979, 2015.
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        19. PFENNING, ANDREAS ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, MARIAMA ; Castelano, Leonardo Kleber ; SÜßMEIER, CHRISTOPH ; LANGER, FABIAN ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; KAMP, MARTIN ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio ; WORSCHECH, LUKAS ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Nanothermometer Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes: From Cryogenic to Room Temperatures. ACS Nano. v. 9, p. 150602093834006, issn: 1936-0851, 2015.
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        20. LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; Castelano, L. K. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V.. Berry phase and Rashba fields in quantum rings in tilted magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 92, p. 035441-1-035441-7, issn: 1098-0121, 2015.
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        21. PFENNING, ANDREAS ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, MARIAMA ; LANGER, FABIAN ; KAMP, MARTIN ; CASTELANO, LEONARDO KLEBER ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; MARQUES, GILMAR EUGENIO ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; WORSCHECH, LUKAS. Photocurrent-voltage relation of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters. v. 107, p. 081104, issn: 0003-6951, 2015.
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        22. REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E. ; ULLOA, S.. Spin filtering in nanowire directional coupler. Europhysics Letters (Print). v. 106, p. 17002, issn: 0295-5075, 2014.
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        23. LOPES-OLIVEIRA, VIVALDO ; MAZUR, YURIY I. ; DE SOUZA, LEONARDO DIAS ; MARÇAL, LUCAS A. BERNARDES ; WU, JIANG ; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN ; MALACHIAS, ANGELO ; DOROGAN, VITALIY G. ; BENAMARA, MOURAD ; TARASOV, GEORGIY G. ; MAREGA, EUCLYDES ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; WANG, ZHIMING M. ; Orlita, Milan ; SALAMO, GREGORY J. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Structural and magnetic confinement of holes in the spin-polarized emission of coupled quantum ring-quantum dot chains. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 90, p. 125315/8, issn: 1098-0121, 2014.
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        24. KUNETS, VAS. P. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; REMBERT, T. ; WARE, M. E. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, V. ; MANTOOTH, H. A. ; Marques, G. E. ; Salamo, G. J.. Electron transport in quantum dot chains: Dimensionality effects and hopping conductance. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 113, p. 183709, issn: 0021-8979, 2013.
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        25. REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; PICININ, A. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Rino, J. P. ; Marques, G. E.. Tuning hole mobility in InP nanowires. Applied Physics Letters. v. 101, p. 182104, issn: 0003-6951, 2012.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        26. GALETI, Helder Vinicios Avanço ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; Vanessa Orsi Gordo ; SANTOS, Lara Fernandes dos ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; V. Lopez-Richard ; MARQUES, G. E. ; M.Orlita ; Jan Kunc ; D.K. Maude ; HENINI, M. ; R.J.Airy. Magneto-optical investigation of two-dimensional gases in n-type resonant tunneling diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 27, p. 015018, issn: 0268-1242, 2012.
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        27. Dantas, N.O. ; Neto, E.S. Freitas ; Silva, R.S. ; Chen, F. ; Pereira-da-Silva, M.A. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G.E.. The migration of Mn2+ ions in Cd1 xMnxS nanocrystals: Thermal annealing control. Solid State Communications. v. 152, p. 337-340, issn: 0038-1098, 2012.
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        28. Ribeiro-Santos, D ; Qu, Fanyao ; Lopez-Richard, V ; Marques, G E. Magnetic phase diagram of non-magnetic few-electron quantum dot molecules. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 45, p. 055301, issn: 0022-3727, 2012.
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        29. Margapoti, E ; ALVES, F M ; Mahapatra, S ; Lopez-Richard, V ; Worschech, L ; Brunner, K ; Qu, F ; Destefani, C ; Menéndez-Proupin, E ; Bougerol, C ; Forchel, A ; Marques, G E. Paramagnetic shift in thermally annealed Cd Zn Se quantum dots. New Journal of Physics. v. 14, p. 043038, issn: 1367-2630, 2012.
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        30. Freitas Neto, E S ; DANTAS, N O ; da Silva, S W ; Morais, P C ; Pereira-da-Silva, M A ; Moreno, A J D ; López-Richard, V ; Marques, G E ; Trallero-Giner, C. Temperature-dependent Raman study of thermal parameters in CdS quantum dots. Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print). v. 23, p. 125701, issn: 0957-4484, 2012.
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        31. Villegas-Lelovsky, Leonardo ; Trallero-Giner, Carlos ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar E ; Villegas, Cesar E P ; Tavares, Marcos R S. Voltage-driven ring confinement in a graphene sheet: assessing conditions for bound state solutions. Nanotechnology (Bristol. Online). v. 23, p. 385201, issn: 1361-6528, 2012.
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        32. Trallero-Giner, C. ; López-Richard, V. ; Núñez-Fernández, Y. ; Oliva, M. ; Marques, G. E. ; Chung, M. C.. Superfluidity and collective oscillations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates in a periodical potential. The European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics (Online). v. 66, p. 177, issn: 1434-6060, 2012.
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        33. Teodoro, M. D. ; Malachias, A. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; Cesar, D. F. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G. E. ; MAREGA JR, E. ; Marega, E. ; Benamara, M. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; SALAMO, G. J.. In-plane mapping of buried InGaAs quantum rings and hybridization effects on the electronic structure. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 112, p. 014319, issn: 0021-8979, 2012.
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        34. Prado, Silvio J ; Villegas-Lelovsky, Leonardo ; Alcalde, Augusto M ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar E. Magneto-optical properties in IV-VI lead-salt semimagnetic nanocrystals. Nanoscale Research Letters (Online). v. 7, p. 374, issn: 1556-276X, 2012.
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        35. dos Santos, L. ; Pusep, Yu. ; VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. ; Gusev, G. ; Smirnov, D. ; Bakarov, A.. Quantum oscillations of spin polarization in a GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 86, p. 125415, issn: 1098-0121, 2012.
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        36. Noelio Oliveira Dantas ; P. M. N. de Paula ; R. S. Silva ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; MARQUES, G. Radiative versus nonradiative optical processes in PbS nanocrystals. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 109, p. 024308, issn: 0021-8979, 2011.
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        37. dos Santos, Lara F ; Galvao Gobato, Yara ; Teodoro, Marcio D ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar E ; Brasil, Maria JSP ; Orlita, Milan ; Kunc, Jan ; Maude, Duncan K ; Henini, Mohamed ; Airey, Robert J. Circular polarization in a non-magnetic resonant tunneling device. Nanoscale Research Letters (Online). v. 6, p. 101, issn: 1931-7573, 2011.
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        38. Cesar, D. F. ; Teodoro, Marcio D ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio ; MAREGA JR, E. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; MAZUR, Y. I. ; Salamo, G. J.. Carrier transfer in the optical recombination of quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 83, p. 195307-195305-5, issn: 1098-0121, 2011.
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        39. Tsuzuki, Helio ; Cesar, Daniel Ferreira ; Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama ; Castelano, Leonardo Kleber ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Rino, Jose? Pedro ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio. Tailoring Electronic Transparency of Twin-Plane 1D Superlattices. ACS Nano. v. 5, p. 5519-5525, issn: 1936-0851, 2011.
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        40. VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L. ; Qu, Fanyao ; Massa, L. O. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E.. Hole-mediated ferromagnetism in coupled semimagnetic quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 84, p. 075319, issn: 1098-0121, 2011.
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        41. Leonardo K. Castelano ; CASTRO, E. P. ; D. F. Cesar ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, G. E. ; Odilon D. D. Couto Jr ; IIKAWA, F ; Rudolf Hey ; Paulo V. Santos. Zeeman splitting and spin dynamics tuning by exciton charging in two-dimensional systems. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 84, p. 205332, issn: 1098-0121, 2011.
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        42. Galva o Gobato, Y. ; Galeti, H. V. A. ; dos Santos, L. F. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Cesar, D. F. ; Marques, G. E. ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; Orlita, M. ; Kunc, J. ; Maude, D. K. ; HENINI, M. ; Airey, R. J.. Spin Injection from two dimensional electron and hole gases in resonant tunneling diodes. Applied Physics Letters. v. 99, p. 233507-1-233507-4, issn: 0003-6951, 2011.
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        43. Ribeiro-Santos, D. ; Qu, Fanyao ; Morais, P. C. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E.. Gate-controlled electron g-factor in lateral quantum dot molecules. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 110, p. 124309, issn: 0021-8979, 2011.
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        44. Teodoro, M. D. ; Campo, V. L. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marega, E. ; Marques, G. E. ; Gobato, Y. Galvão ; Iikawa, F. ; Brasil, M. J. S. P. ; AbuWaar, Z. Y. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; Benamara, M. ; Salamo, G. J.. Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Neutral Excitons: Effects of Built-In Electric Fields. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 104, p. 086401-1-086401-4, issn: 0031-9007, 2010.
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        45. Mazur, Yu. I. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Marega, E. ; Cesar, D. F. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Zhuchenko, Z. Ya. ; Tarasov, G. G. ; Salamo, G. J.. Cooperative Effects in the Photoluminescence of (In,Ga)As/GaAs Quantum Dot Chain Structures. Nanoscale Research Letters. v. 5, p. 991-1001, issn: 1931-7573, 2010.
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        46. Cesar, D. F. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Tsuzuki, H. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Rino, J. P. ; Lourenço, S. A. ; Marega, E. ; Dias, I. F. L. ; Duarte, J. L. ; González-Borrero, P. P. ; Salamo, G. J.. Contrasting LH-HH subband splitting of strained quantum wells grown along [001] and [113] directions. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 81, p. 233301, issn: 1098-0121, 2010.
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        47. Qu, Fanyao ; Santos, D. R. ; Morais, P. C. ; Lo?pez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E.. Tunability of magnetization in lateral few electron double quantum dots. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 108, p. 094325, issn: 0021-8979, 2010.
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        48. Margapoti, E. ; Alves, Fabrizio ; Mahapatra, S. ; Schmidt, T. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Destefani, C. ; Menéndez-Proupin, E. ; Qu, Fanyao ; Bougerol, C. ; Brunner, K. ; Forchel, A. ; Marques, G. ; Worschech, L. ; Marques, G. E.. Characterization of spin-state tuning in thermally annealed semiconductor quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 82, p. 205318, issn: 1098-0121, 2010.
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        49. VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L. ; Qu, Fanyao ; López-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E.. Control of p-d exchange interaction in single Mn-doped vertically coupled asymmetric double quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 82, p. 193304, issn: 1098-0121, 2010.
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        50. VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L. ; GINER, C Trallero ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; DIAS, M. R. S. ; MARQUES, G. Spin-polarization in quantum wires: Influence of Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction and cross-section effects. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 155306, issn: 0556-2805, 2009.
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        51. GINER, C Trallero ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; ULLOA, S ; MARQUES, G. Eigenstate symmetries and information transfer in parabolic quantum reflectors. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 79, p. 153403, issn: 0556-2805, 2009.
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        52. MAZUR, Y. I. ; V. G. Dorogan ; MAREGA JR, E. ; G. G. Tarasov ; D. F. Cesar ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G ; Salamo, G. J.. Mechanisms of interdot-coupling in (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dot arrays. Applied Physics Letters. v. 94, p. 123112, issn: 0003-6951, 2009.
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        53. RICHARD, Victor Lopez; J. C. Gonzalez ; F. M. Matinaga ; GINER, C Trallero ; E. Ribeiro ; DIAS, M. R. S. ; VILLEGAS-LELOVSKY, L. ; MARQUES, G. Markovian and Non-Markovian Light-Emission Channels in Strained Quantum Wires. Nano Letters (Print). v. 9, p. 3129-3136, issn: 1530-6984, 2009.
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        54. Ferreira, Eduardo Bellini ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Zanotto, Edgar Dutra ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio. Analytical Model for Heterogeneous Crystallization Kinetics of Spherical Glass Particles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. v. 92, p. 2616-2618, issn: 0002-7820, 2009.
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        55. FANYAO, Q. ; G. Iorio Luiz ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G. Electrical control of singlet-triplet entanglement in lateral quantum dot molecules. Applied Physics Letters. v. 95, p. 083101, issn: 0003-6951, 2009.
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        56. MARQUES, G. E.; ALVES, Frabrizio Myaki ; TRALLEROGINER, C ; LOPEZRICHARD, V. Inversion asymmetry spin-splitting in self-assembled quantum rings. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 77, p. 035434, issn: 1098-0121, 2008.
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        57. Margapoti, E. ; Worschech, L. ; Mahapatra, S. ; Brunner, K. ; Forchel, A. ; ALVES, F M ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G ; Bougerol, C.. Negative magnetopolarization in thermally annealed self-assembled quantum dots. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 77, p. 073308, issn: 0556-2805, 2008.
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        58. GALETI, H.v.a. ; BONETTE, Hugo ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, V. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; HENINI, Mohamed ; HILL, G.. Role of X valley on the dynamics of electron transport through a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier structure. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 78, p. 165309-165315, issn: 1098-0121, 2008.
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        59. ALVES, Frabrizio Myaki ; MARQUES, G. E. ; RICHARD, Victor López ; TRALLERO, C J. Spin?orbit effects in single electron quantum rings. Semiconductor Science and Technology. v. 22, p. 301-306-6, issn: 0268-1242, 2007.
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        60. MARQUES, G ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; PRADO, S J ; ALCALDE, A M ; GINER, C Trallero. Controlled optical switching in DMS quantum dots. Physica Status Solidi. C: Current Topics in Solid State Physics. v. 4, n. 2, p. 344-346, issn: 1610-1634, 2007.
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        61. RICHARD, Victor López ; PRADO, Silvio José ; MARQUES, G. E. ; TRALLEROGINER, C ; ALCALDE, A M. Manipulation of g-factor in diluted magnetic semiconductors quantum dots: Optical switching control. Applied Physics Letters. v. 88, n. 052101, p. 52101, issn: 0003-6951, 2006.
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        62. CARVALHO, H. B. de ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; GOBATO, Y. Galvão ; CAMPS, I. ; MARQUES, G ; EAVES, L. ; HENINI, M. ; HILL, G. ; DACAL, L. C. O.. Electric field inversion asymmetry: Rashba and Stark effects for holes in resonant tunneling devices. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 74, n. 041305(R), p. 041305, issn: 0556-2805, 2006.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Leonardo Kleber Castelano (13.0)
        1. RIVERA-RUIZ, C. M. ; DE LIMA, E. F. ; FANCHINI, F. F. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; CASTELANO, L. K.. Optimal control of hybrid qubits: Implementing the quantum permutation algorithm. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. v. 97, p. 032332, issn: 2469-9926, 2018.
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        2. HARTMANN, F. ; MAIER, P. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; GÖPFERT, S. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; EMMERLING, M. ; SCHNEIDER, C. ; HÖFLING, S. ; KAMP, M. ; PERSHIN, Y. V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L.. Nanoscale Tipping Bucket Effect in a Quantum Dot Transistor-Based Counter. NANO LETTERS (PRINT). v. 17, p. 2273-2279, issn: 1530-6984, 2017.
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        3. Trallero-Giner, Carlos ; PADILHA, JOHNNI XAVIER ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar ; CASTELANO, L. Quantum well electronic states in a titled magnetic field. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. v. 29, p. 325503, issn: 0953-8984, 2017.
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        4. HARTMANN, F. ; PFENNING, A. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; LANGER, F. ; HÖFLING, S. ; KAMP, M. ; Worschech, L. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V.. Temperature tuning from direct to inverted bistable electroluminescence in resonant tunneling diodes. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. v. 122, p. 154502-154502-6, issn: 0021-8979, 2017.
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        5. FERNANDES DOS SANTOS, L. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; PADILHA, J. X. ; PUSEP, Y. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; SMIRNOV, D. ; BAKAROV, A. ; TOROPOV, A. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, VICTOR. Excitonic spin-splitting in quantum wells with a tilted magnetic field. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 055503, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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        6. P. Maier ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama ; EMMERLING, M. ; SHNEIDER, C. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; KAMP, MARTIN ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L ; HÖFLING, SVEN. Light sensitive memristor with bi-directional and wavelength-dependent conductance control. Applied Physics Letters. v. 109, p. 023501, issn: 0003-6951, 2016.
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        7. MAIER, P. ; HARTMANN, F. ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; EMMERLING, M. ; SCHNEIDER, C. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; KAMP, M. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Worschech, L. ; HÖFLING, S.. Mimicking of pulse shape-dependent learning rules with a quantum dot memristor. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 120, p. 134503, issn: 0021-8979, 2016.
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        8. PERSHIN, YURIY ; Castelano, Leonardo ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DI VENTRA, MASSIMILIANO. A Memristive Pascaline. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. II, Express Briefs. v. 63, p. 1-1, issn: 1549-7747, 2016.
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        9. PFENNING, ANDREAS ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, MARIAMA ; Castelano, Leonardo Kleber ; SÜßMEIER, CHRISTOPH ; LANGER, FABIAN ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; KAMP, MARTIN ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio ; WORSCHECH, LUKAS ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Nanothermometer Based on Resonant Tunneling Diodes: From Cryogenic to Room Temperatures. ACS Nano. v. 9, p. 150602093834006, issn: 1936-0851, 2015.
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        10. LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; Castelano, L. K. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; Lopez-Richard, V.. Berry phase and Rashba fields in quantum rings in tilted magnetic field. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 92, p. 035441-1-035441-7, issn: 1098-0121, 2015.
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        11. PFENNING, ANDREAS ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, MARIAMA ; LANGER, FABIAN ; KAMP, MARTIN ; CASTELANO, LEONARDO KLEBER ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; MARQUES, GILMAR EUGENIO ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; WORSCHECH, LUKAS. Photocurrent-voltage relation of resonant tunneling diode photodetectors. Applied Physics Letters. v. 107, p. 081104, issn: 0003-6951, 2015.
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        12. REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; PICININ, A. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Rino, J. P. ; Marques, G. E.. Tuning hole mobility in InP nanowires. Applied Physics Letters. v. 101, p. 182104, issn: 0003-6951, 2012.
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        13. Tsuzuki, Helio ; Cesar, Daniel Ferreira ; Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama ; Castelano, Leonardo Kleber ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Rino, Jose? Pedro ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio. Tailoring Electronic Transparency of Twin-Plane 1D Superlattices. ACS Nano. v. 5, p. 5519-5525, issn: 1936-0851, 2011.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Yara Galvão Gobato (10.0)
        1. GALETI, Helder Vinicios Avanço ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; Vanessa Orsi Gordo ; SANTOS, Lara Fernandes dos ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; V. Lopez-Richard ; MARQUES, G. E. ; M.Orlita ; Jan Kunc ; D.K. Maude ; HENINI, M. ; R.J.Airy. Magneto-optical investigation of two-dimensional gases in n-type resonant tunneling diodes. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 27, p. 015018, issn: 0268-1242, 2012.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        2. dos Santos, Lara F ; Galvao Gobato, Yara ; Teodoro, Marcio D ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Marques, Gilmar E ; Brasil, Maria JSP ; Orlita, Milan ; Kunc, Jan ; Maude, Duncan K ; Henini, Mohamed ; Airey, Robert J. Circular polarization in a non-magnetic resonant tunneling device. Nanoscale Research Letters (Online). v. 6, p. 101, issn: 1931-7573, 2011.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        3. Galva o Gobato, Y. ; Galeti, H. V. A. ; dos Santos, L. F. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Cesar, D. F. ; Marques, G. E. ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; Orlita, M. ; Kunc, J. ; Maude, D. K. ; HENINI, M. ; Airey, R. J.. Spin Injection from two dimensional electron and hole gases in resonant tunneling diodes. Applied Physics Letters. v. 99, p. 233507-1-233507-4, issn: 0003-6951, 2011.
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        4. Teodoro, M. D. ; Campo, V. L. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marega, E. ; Marques, G. E. ; Gobato, Y. Galvão ; Iikawa, F. ; Brasil, M. J. S. P. ; AbuWaar, Z. Y. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; Benamara, M. ; Salamo, G. J.. Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Neutral Excitons: Effects of Built-In Electric Fields. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 104, p. 086401-1-086401-4, issn: 0031-9007, 2010.
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        5. GALETI, H.v.a. ; BONETTE, Hugo ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, V. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; HENINI, Mohamed ; HILL, G.. Role of X valley on the dynamics of electron transport through a GaAs/AlAs double-barrier structure. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 78, p. 165309-165315, issn: 1098-0121, 2008.
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        6. GALETI, Helder Vinicius A. ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; CARVALHO, Hugo B. de ; HENINI, M. ; HILL, G.. Time-resolved photoluminescence studies in p-type double barrier diodes. Em: 11th International Conference on the formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, 2007, Manaus. 11th International Conference on the formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, 2007.
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        7. CARVALHO, H. B. de ; GOBATO, Y. Galvão ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G ; HENINI, M. ; HILL, G.. Hole Spin polarization in p-type double barrier diodes. Em: 11th International Conference on the formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, 2007, Manaus. Proceedings of 11th International Conference on the formation of Semiconductor Interfaces, 2007.
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        8. CARVALHO, Hugo de ; GOBATO, Y. G. ; LOPEZRICHARD, Victor ; BRASIL, Maria José Santos Pompeu ; MARQUES, Gilmar Eugênio ; HENINI, Mohamed ; EAVES, Laurence ; HILL, G. Electric field induced inversion asymmetry on resonant tunneling devices: spin-effcts. Em: At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter III, 2006, Buenos Aires. At the Frontiers of Condensed Matter III, 2006.
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        9. GOBATO, Y. Galvão ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; CARVALHO, H. B. de ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; MARQUES, G ; HENINI, M. ; EAVES, L. ; HILL, G.. Bias tuned spin-splitting in resonant tunneling devices. Em: 17th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, 2006, Wurzburg. 17th International Conference on High Magnetic Fields in Semiconductor Physics, 2006.
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        10. CARVALHO, H. B. de ; GOBATO, Y. Galvão ; BRASIL, M. J. S. P. ; SANTOS, L. ; GALETI, H. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; CAMPS, I. ; MARQUES, G ; HENINI, M. ; EAVES, L. ; HILL, G.. Hole Spin Polarization in symmetric and asymmetric p-type GaAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes. Em: 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor, 2006, Viena. 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductor, 2006.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Matheus Paes Lima (5.0)
        1. CABRAL, L. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L.F. ; Marques, G.E. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; ONOFRE, Y.J. ; TEODORO, M.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. v. 227, p. 117536, issn: 0022-2313, 2020.
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        2. LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; CABRAL, L. ; MARGAPOTI, EMANUELA ; MAHAPATRA, SUDDHASATTA ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; HARTMANN, FABIAN ; HÖFLING, SVEN ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Defect-induced magnetism in II-VI quantum dots. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 99, p. 014424-1-014424-7, issn: 2469-9950, 2019.
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        3. MENESES-GUSTIN, D. ; CABRAL, LUIS ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; MARGAPOTI, EMANUELA ; ULLOA, SERGIO E. ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Photomodulation of transport in monolayer dichalcogenides. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 98, p. 241403-1-241403-5, issn: 2469-9950, 2018.
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        4. CABRAL, L. ; SABINO, FERNANDO P. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; Marques, G. E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F.. Azobenzene Adsorption on the MoS 2 (0001) Surface: A Density Functional Investigation within van der Waals Corrections. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. v. 122, p. 18895-18901, issn: 1932-7447, 2018.
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        5. CABRAL, L. ; SABINO, FERNANDO P. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, VIVALDO ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L. F. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Interplay between structure asymmetry, defect-induced localization, and spin-orbit interaction in Mn-doped quantum dots. PHYSICAL REVIEW B. v. 95, p. 205409-1-205409-6, issn: 2469-9950, 2017.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Marcio Daldin Teodoro (4.0)
        1. CABRAL, L. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L.F. ; Marques, G.E. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; ONOFRE, Y.J. ; TEODORO, M.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. v. 227, p. 117536, issn: 0022-2313, 2020.
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        2. Mazur, Yu. I. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; DE SOUZA, L. D. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Benamara, M. ; WU, J. ; Tarasov, G. G. ; Marega, E. ; WANG, Z. M. ; Marques, G. E. ; Salamo, G. J.. Carrier transfer in vertically stacked quantum ring-quantum dot chains. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 117, p. 154307-154307-9, issn: 0021-8979, 2015.
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        3. LOPES-OLIVEIRA, VIVALDO ; MAZUR, YURIY I. ; DE SOUZA, LEONARDO DIAS ; MARÇAL, LUCAS A. BERNARDES ; WU, JIANG ; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN ; MALACHIAS, ANGELO ; DOROGAN, VITALIY G. ; BENAMARA, MOURAD ; TARASOV, GEORGIY G. ; MAREGA, EUCLYDES ; MARQUES, GILMAR E. ; WANG, ZHIMING M. ; Orlita, Milan ; SALAMO, GREGORY J. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor. Structural and magnetic confinement of holes in the spin-polarized emission of coupled quantum ring-quantum dot chains. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 90, p. 125315/8, issn: 1098-0121, 2014.
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        4. Teodoro, M. D. ; Malachias, A. ; LOPES-OLIVEIRA, V. ; Cesar, D. F. ; RICHARD, Victor Lopez ; MARQUES, G. E. ; MAREGA JR, E. ; Marega, E. ; Benamara, M. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; SALAMO, G. J.. In-plane mapping of buried InGaAs quantum rings and hybridization effects on the electronic structure. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 112, p. 014319, issn: 0021-8979, 2012.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ José Pedro Rino (3.0)
        1. REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; PICININ, A. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Rino, J. P. ; Marques, G. E.. Tuning hole mobility in InP nanowires. Applied Physics Letters. v. 101, p. 182104, issn: 0003-6951, 2012.
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        2. Tsuzuki, Helio ; Cesar, Daniel Ferreira ; Rebello de Sousa Dias, Mariama ; Castelano, Leonardo Kleber ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; Rino, Jose? Pedro ; Marques, Gilmar Eugenio. Tailoring Electronic Transparency of Twin-Plane 1D Superlattices. ACS Nano. v. 5, p. 5519-5525, issn: 1936-0851, 2011.
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        3. Cesar, D. F. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Tsuzuki, H. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marques, G. E. ; Rino, J. P. ; Lourenço, S. A. ; Marega, E. ; Dias, I. F. L. ; Duarte, J. L. ; González-Borrero, P. P. ; Salamo, G. J.. Contrasting LH-HH subband splitting of strained quantum wells grown along [001] and [113] directions. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 81, p. 233301, issn: 1098-0121, 2010.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Adalberto Picinin (2.0)
        1. CABRAL, L. ; ANDRÉS, J. ; MACHADO, T. R. ; PICININ, A. ; RINO, J. P. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; LONGO, E. ; GOUVEIA, A. F. ; Marques, G. E. ; DA SILVA, E. Z. ; SAN-MIGUEL, M. A.. Evidence for the formation of metallic In after laser irradiation of InP. JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. v. 126, p. 025902, issn: 0021-8979, 2019.
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        2. REBELLO SOUSA DIAS, M. ; PICININ, A. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; ULLOA, S. E. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; Rino, J. P. ; Marques, G. E.. Tuning hole mobility in InP nanowires. Applied Physics Letters. v. 101, p. 182104, issn: 0003-6951, 2012.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Emanuel Fernandes de Lima (1.0)
        1. RIVERA-RUIZ, C. M. ; DE LIMA, E. F. ; FANCHINI, F. F. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; CASTELANO, L. K.. Optimal control of hybrid qubits: Implementing the quantum permutation algorithm. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. v. 97, p. 032332, issn: 2469-9926, 2018.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Marcio Peron Franco de Godoy (1.0)
        1. CABRAL, L. ; Lopez-Richard, Victor ; DA SILVA, JUAREZ L.F. ; Marques, G.E. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; ONOFRE, Y.J. ; TEODORO, M.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Insights into the nature of optically active defects of ZnO. JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE. v. 227, p. 117536, issn: 0022-2313, 2020.
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      • Victor Lopez Richard ⇔ Vivaldo Leiria Campo Junior (1.0)
        1. Teodoro, M. D. ; Campo, V. L. ; Lopez-Richard, V. ; Marega, E. ; Marques, G. E. ; Gobato, Y. Galvão ; Iikawa, F. ; Brasil, M. J. S. P. ; AbuWaar, Z. Y. ; Dorogan, V. G. ; Mazur, Yu. I. ; Benamara, M. ; Salamo, G. J.. Aharonov-Bohm Interference in Neutral Excitons: Effects of Built-In Electric Fields. Physical Review Letters (Print). v. 104, p. 086401-1-086401-4, issn: 0031-9007, 2010.
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