Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Química (DQ)

Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)
Campus São Carlos

Plataforma Lattes / outubro de 2020

Lee Mu Tao

Possui graduação em Bacharelado Em Química pela Universidade de São Paulo(1972), graduação em Licenciatura Em Química pela Universidade de São Paulo(1972), doutorado em Instituto de Química pela Universidade de São Paulo(1977), pós-doutorado pela California Instute Of Technology(1982) e pós-doutorado pela California Instute Of Technology(1991). Atualmente é professor titular da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Tem experiência na área de Física, com ênfase em Física Atômica e Molecular. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas:Difracao de Eletrons de Alta Energia, Espalhamento de Eletrons, Estrutura Molecular. (Texto gerado automaticamente pela aplicação CVLattes)

  • (07/12/2014)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq:
  • Período de análise: 1976-2012
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Química. VIA WASHINGTON LUIZ KM 235 13565000 - Sao Carlos, SP - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 676 Telefone: (16) 274-8282 Ramal: 283 Fax: (16) 274-8350
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Física
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

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Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

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Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (0)

    Prêmios e títulos

    • Total de prêmios e títulos (0)

      Participação em eventos

      • Total de participação em eventos (0)

        Organização de eventos

        • Total de organização de eventos (0)

          Lista de colaborações

          • Colaborações endôgenas (4)
            • Lee Mu Tao ⇔ Ione Iga (55.0)
              1. Manoel Gustavo Petrucelli Homem ; López-Castillo, Alejandro ; Mario Barbatti ; Lucio Rosa ; Peter Iza ; Reinaldo Luiz Cavasso-Filho ; Lúcio Sartori Farenzena ; Mu-Tao Lee ; Ione Iga. Experimental and theoretical investigations on photoabsorption and photoionization of trimethylphosphate in the vacuum-ultraviolet energy range. The Journal of Chemical Physics. v. 137, p. 184305, issn: 0021-9606, 2012.
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              2. de Souza, G.L.C. ; dos Santos, A.S. ; Lucchese, R.R. ; Machado, L.E. ; Brescansin, L.M. ; Manini, H.V. ; IGA, I. ; Lee, M.-T.. Theoretical investigation on electron scattering by benzene in the intermediate-energy range. Chemical Physics (Print). v. 393, p. 19-24, issn: 0301-0104, 2012.
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              3. Lee, M.-T. ; de Souza, G. L. C. ; MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; dos Santos, A. S. ; Lucchese, R. R. ; Sugohara, R. T. ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; SANCHES, I. P. ; IGA, I.. Electron scattering by methanol and ethanol: A joint theoretical-experimental investigation. The Journal of Chemical Physics. v. 136, p. 114311, issn: 0021-9606, 2012.
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              4. Sugohara, R. ; Homem, M. ; Sanches, I. ; de Moura, A. ; Lee, M.-T. ; IGA, I.. Cross sections for electron scattering by methanol in the intermediate-energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 83, p. 032708, issn: 1050-2947, 2011.
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              5. HOMEM, M. G. P. ; IGA, I. ; Sugohara, R. T. ; SANCHES, I. P. ; LEE, M. T.. Role of adsorption effects on absolute electron-molecule cross-section calibration using the relative flow technique. Review of Scientific Instruments. v. 82, p. 013109, issn: 0034-6748, 2011.
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              6. Machado, L. ; Sugohara, R. ; dos Santos, A. ; Lee, M.-T. ; IGA, I. ; de Souza, G. L. ; Homem, M. ; Michelin, S. ; Brescansin, L.. Absorption effects in electron sulfur-dioxide collisions. Physical Review. A. v. 84, p. 032709, issn: 1050-2947, 2011.
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              7. Sugohara, R. T. ; Lee, M.-T. ; de Souza, G. L. C. ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; IGA, I.. Cross sections for elastic electron scattering by tetramethylsilane in the intermediate-energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 84, p. 062709, issn: 1050-2947, 2011.
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              8. BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; IGA, I. ; MACHADO, L. E. ; MICHELIN, S. E. ; LEE, M. -T.. Cross sections for electron scattering by carbon disulfide in the low- and intermediate-energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 81, p. 012709-1-012709-6, issn: 1050-2947, 2010.
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              9. FUJIMOTO, M. M. ; MICHELIN, S. E. ; ARRETCHE, F. ; MAZON, K. T. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ; IGA, I.. Spin-Exchange Effects in Elastic Electron Scattering from Linear Triatomic Radicals. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 21, p. 226-233, issn: 0103-5053, 2010.
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              10. de Souza, G. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; Sanches, I. ; RAWAT, P. ; IGA, I. ; dos Santos, A. ; Machado, L. ; Sugohara, R. ; Brescansin, L. ; Homem, M. ; Lucchese, R.. Cross sections for electron scattering by propane in the low- and intermediate-energy ranges. Physical Review. A. v. 82, p. 012709, issn: 1050-2947, 2010.
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              11. Rawat, P ; Homem, M G P ; SUGOHARA, R T ; SANCHES, I P ; IGA, I ; de Souza, G L C ; SANTOS, A S dos ; Lucchese, R R ; MACHADO, L e ; BRESCANSIN, L M ; Lee, M-T. Cross sections for electron scattering by ethane in the low- and intermediate-energy ranges. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (Print). v. 43, p. 225202, issn: 0953-4075, 2010.
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              12. HOMEM, M. G. P. ; Iza P ; Farenzena LS ; Cavasso-Filho R L ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I.. Cross-section measurements of photoabsorption and ionization quantum yields for tetrahydrofuran in the vacuum-ultraviolet energy range. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 42, p. 235204, issn: 0953-4075, 2009.
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              13. Homem, M. ; Sugohara, R. ; Sanches, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I.. Cross sections for elastic electron collisions with tetrahydrofuran. Physical Review. A. v. 80, p. 032705-1-032705-7, issn: 1050-2947, 2009.
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              14. Lee, M.-T. ; IGA, I. ; Machado, L. ; Brescansin, L. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Theoretical investigation of electron collisions with sulfur monoxide in the low- and intermediate-energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 80, p. 022706-022706-8, issn: 1050-2947, 2009.
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              15. MICHELIN, S. E. ; MAZON, K T ; ARRETCHE, F. ; TENFEN, W. ; OLIVEIRA, H L ; FALCK, A. S. ; SCOPEL, M. A. ; SILVA, L. S. S. da ; FUJIMOTO, M M ; IGA, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Comparative study of electron-impact C(1s) core-excitation processes in C2 and C2N2 molecules. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena (Print). v. 171, p. 30-36, issn: 0368-2048, 2009.
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              16. H. Cho ; Y. S. Park ; CASTRO, e Ay ; SOUZA, G L C ; IGA, I. ; MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. A comparative experimental-theoretical study on elastic electron scattering of methane. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 41, p. 045203, issn: 0953-4075, 2008.
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              17. ARRETCHE, F. ; MAZON, K. T. ; MICHELIN, S. E. ; FUJIMOTO, M. M. ; IGA, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Low energy elastic scattering of positrons by CO: an application of continued fractions ans Schwinger variational iterative methods. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section B. Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms. v. 266, p. 441-446, issn: 0167-5087, 2008.
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              18. IGA, I ; SANCHES, I P ; ALMEIDA, D. P. ; SUGOHARA, R T ; ROSANI, L ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Experimental verification on the applicability of the independent-atom model (IAM) for elastic electron-molecule scattering in the intermediate-energy range. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. v. 155, p. 7-13, issn: 0368-2048, 2007.
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              19. SOUZA, G L C ; CASTRO, e A Y ; MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; IGA, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Theoretical study on electron collisions with SiF and SiF2 radicals in the low- and intermediate-energy range.. Physical Review. A. v. 76, p. 042706-1-042706-9, issn: 1050-2947, 2007.
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              20. MICHELIN, S. E. ; MAZON, K. T. ; ARRETCHE, F. ; PIACENTINI, J. J. ; Marin A ; OLIVEIRA, H L ; TREVESSINI D ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I. ; FUJIMOTO, M. M.. Study of inner-shell excitation processes from N(1s) orbitals in N2O molecules by electron impact. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 40, p. 4333-4345, issn: 0953-4075, 2007.
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              21. FUJIMOTO, M M ; MICHELIN, S e ; IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Spin-exchange effects in elastic electron-radical collisions. Physical Review. A. v. 73, n. 1, p. 12714-12719, issn: 1050-2947, 2006.
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              22. MICHELIN, S e ; FALCK, A S ; MAZON, Kahio T ; PIACENTINI, J. J. ; SCOPEL, M. A. ; SILVA, L. S. S. da ; IGA, I. ; OLIVEIRA, H L ; FUJIMOTO, M. M. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. A comparative study for elastic electron collisions on C2N2 isomers. Physical Review. A. v. 74, n. 2, p. 22702, issn: 1050-2947, 2006.
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              23. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I. ; MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; CASTRO, e A Y ; SOUZA, G L C. A theoretical study on electron collisions with the CF2 radical. Physical Review. A. v. 74, p. 52716-1-52617-7, issn: 1050-2947, 2006.
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              24. MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L M ; IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Elastic and rotational excitation cross sections for electron-water collisions in the low- and intermediate-energy ranges. European Physical Journal D. v. 33, n. 2, p. 193-199, issn: 1434-6060, 2005.
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              25. IGA, I. ; RAWAT, P. ; SANCHES, I P ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; HOMEM, M. G. P.. An experimental study on elastic electron-trifluoromethane (CHF3) scattering in the low- and intermediate-energy ranges. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 38, n. 13, p. 2319-2326, issn: 0953-4075, 2005.
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              26. IGA, I. ; SANCHES, I P ; RAWAT, P. ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Experimental study on electron-hexafluoroethane (C2F6) collisions in the low- and intermediate- energy ranges. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 38, p. 3477-3487, issn: 0953-4075, 2005.
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              27. MICHELIN, S e ; PESSOA, O. ; VEITENHEIMER, E. ; SANTOS, A S dos ; FUJIMOTO, M M ; IGA, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Inner-shell excitation of acetylene by electron impact. Physical Review. A. v. 72, p. 022730, issn: 1050-2947, 2005.
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              28. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; MACHADO, L. E. ; BRESCANSIN, L e ; IGA, I.. A theoretical study on elastic electron-CHx (x=1,2,3,4) collisions in the low-energy range. Journal of Physics. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 38, n. 21, p. 3795-3807, issn: 0953-4075, 2005.
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              29. BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; RAWAT, P. ; IGA, I ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; MACHADO, L. E.. Elastic and absorption cross sections for electron scattering by ethylene in the intermediate energy range. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 37, n. 2, p. 471-483, issn: 0953-4075, 2004.
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              30. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I. ; RAWAT, P. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MACHADO, L. E.. Elastic and total cross-sections for electron scattering by acetylene in the intermediate energy range. European Physical Journal D. v. 31, n. 1, p. 45-51, issn: 1434-6060, 2004.
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              31. KROIN, T. ; MICHELIN, S e ; FALCK, A S ; ARRETCHE, F. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I.. Influence of chemical environment on resonant core excitation of C(1s) in CO2, OCS, and CS2 by electron impact. Physical Review. A. v. 68, n. 1, p. 12701-12707, issn: 1050-2947, 2003.
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              32. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MACHADO, L. E.. Elastic and rotational excitation cross sections for electron-nitrous oxide collisions. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. v. 95, n. 3, p. 260-266, issn: 0020-7608, 2003.
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              33. RAWAT, P. ; IGA, I. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; BRESCANSIN, L e ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MACHADO, L. E.. Cross sections for elastic electron-hydrogen sulfide collisions in the low- and intermediate energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 68, n. 5, p. 52711, issn: 1050-2947, 2003.
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              34. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I ; BRESCANSIN, L M ; MACHADO, L e ; MACHADO, F. B. C.. Theoretical studies on electron-carbon monoxide collisions in the low and intermediate energy range. Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem. v. 585, p. 181-187, issn: 0166-1280, 2002.
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              35. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MACHADO, L e ; BRESCANSIN, L M. Elastic and absorption cross sections for electron-nitrous oxide collisions. Physical Review. A. v. 65, p. 62702, issn: 1050-2947, 2002.
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              36. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; LIMA, M. F. ; C SOBRINHO, A M ; IGA, I. A theoretical study on electron-methylidyne collisions in the low and intermediate energy range. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 35, n. 11, p. 2437-2449, issn: 0953-4075, 2002.
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              37. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MACHADO, L e ; MACHADO, F. B. C.. Theoretical study on electron-free-radical scattering: An application on CF. Physical Review. A. v. 65, n. 1, p. 12720, issn: 1050-2947, 2002.
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              38. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; LIMA, M. F. ; C SOBRINHO, A M ; IGA, I. Theoretical study on electron-free-radical collisions: An application to SiH and SiF. Physical Review. A. v. 66, n. 6, p. 62703, issn: 1050-2947, 2002.
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              39. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I ; MACHADO, L e ; BRESCANSIN, L M. Model absorption potential for electron-molecule scattering in the intermediate-energy range. Physical Review. A. v. 62, n. 62710, p. 27101-27107, issn: 1050-2947, 2000.
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              40. IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MACHADO, L e ; BRESCANSIN, L M. Elastic cross sections for (e-)-CH4 collisions at intermediate energies.. Physical Review. A. v. 61, n. 22708, p. 22708, issn: 1050-2947, 2000.
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              41. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; MICHELIN, S. E. ; KROIN, T. ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; IGA, I ; MIGLIO, H. S.. Elastic and total cross sections for electron-carbonyl sulphite collisions. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 33, n. 17, p. 3293-3305, issn: 0953-4075, 2000.
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              42. JENETT, H. ; AI, X. ; HODOROABA, V. D. ; IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Low Energy BO and BO2 Emission from H3BO3 sputtered in a low pressure High-frequency SNMS plasma.. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. v. 155, p. 13-24, issn: 0167-5087, 1999.
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              43. IGA, I. ; HOMEM, M. G. P. ; MAZON, K T ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Elastic and total cross sections for electron-carbon dioxide collisions in the intermediate energy range.. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 32, p. 4373-4388, issn: 0953-4075, 1999.
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              44. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I.. Elastic and total cross sections for electron scattering by nitrogen molecule in the intermediate energy range.. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 32, n. 2, p. 453-462, issn: 0953-4075, 1999.
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              45. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I ; FUJIMOTO, M M ; LARA, O.. The Method Of Continued Fractions For Electron (Positron) - Atom Scattering. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 28, n. 9, p. L299-L305, issn: 0953-4075, 1995.
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              46. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I ; FUJIMOTO, M M ; LARA, O.. Application of the method of continued fractions for electron-scattering by linear-molecules.. Journal of Physics. B, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. v. 28, n. 15, p. 3325-3334, issn: 0953-4075, 1995.
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              47. PEIXOTO, E. M. A. ; IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Molecular structure of 1,4-Dioxin by gas-phase electron-diffraction with 40 keV electrons.. Journal of Chemical Research. Synopses. v. 77, n. 3, p. 1864-1878, issn: 0308-2342, 1980.
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              48. PEIXOTO, E. M. A. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I ; NOGUEIRA, J. C.. The Half Molecule Model Ii-Complete And Quantitative Description Of Electron Scatering By H2 From 100 eV To 40 keV.. Ciência e Cultura (SBPC). v. 30, n. 1878, p. 47-1878, issn: 0009-6725, 1978.
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              49. IGA, I. ; SANCHES, I P ; SUGOHARA, R T ; Rosani, L ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Cross Sections for Elastic Electron Collisions with Hydrocarbon Molecules. Em: XX International Conference on Phiotonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions, 2007, Freiburg, Alemanha. ABSTRACTS, v. 1, p. Fr078-Fr078, 2007.
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              50. MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM; IGA, I. ; MACHADO, L e ; BRESCANSIN, L. M.. A theoretical study on electron-CF2 radical collisions. Em: International Symposium Scattering Coincidence and Absorption Studies of Molecules, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. livro de resumos, v. 1, p. 46-46, 2006.
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              51. MACHADO, L. E. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM ; IGA, I. ; BRESCANSIN, L M. Elastic and Absorption cross sections for electron-water collisions in the low- and intermediate-energy range. Em: International Symposium Scattering Coincidence and Absorption Studies of Molecules, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. livro de resumos, v. 1, p. 51-51, 2006.
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              52. IGA, I. ; SANCHES, I P ; SUGOHARA, R T ; ROSANI, L ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Elastic cross sections for electron-molecule collisions. Em: Symposium Scattering, Coincidence and Absorption Studies of Molecules (SCASM), 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Livros de Resumos, v. 1, p. 54-54, 2006.
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              53. IGA, I.; LEE, M. -T. ; RAWAT, P. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MACHADO, L. E.. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Elastic and total cross sections for electron scattering by acetylene. Em: VIII European Physics Society (EPS) Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, 2004, Rennes. Europhysics Conference Abstract, v. 1, p. 62-62, 2004.
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              54. MACHADO, L e ; IGA, I. ; BRESCANSIN, L. M. ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Seções de choque elástica e de excitação rotacional para colisões elétron-N2O. Em: XI Simpósio Brasileiro de Química Teórica, 2001, Caxambu. XI-SBQT Livro de Resumos, p. P214-P214, 2001.
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              55. IGA, I ; MU-TAO, L. ou LEE, M.-T. ou TAO LM. Role of Intramolecular Multiple Scattering, Exchange and Bond-Formation Effects in Electron Diffraction from Nitrogen Molecule in the Intermediate Energy Range. Em: International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Ion and Electron Swarms, 1997, Engelberg, Switzerland. International Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Ion and Electron Swarms - Program and Abstracts, v. 1, p. P19-P19, 1997.
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            • Lee Mu Tao ⇔ Alejandro López Castillo (1.0)
              1. Manoel Gustavo Petrucelli Homem ; López-Castillo, Alejandro ; Mario Barbatti ; Lucio Rosa ; Peter Iza ; Reinaldo Luiz Cavasso-Filho ; Lúcio Sartori Farenzena ; Mu-Tao Lee ; Ione Iga. Experimental and theoretical investigations on photoabsorption and photoionization of trimethylphosphate in the vacuum-ultraviolet energy range. The Journal of Chemical Physics. v. 137, p. 184305, issn: 0021-9606, 2012.
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          Data de processamento: 13/10/2020 00:11:44