Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) realizado em 21/11/2017

Artigos completos publicados em periódicos

Número total de itens: 21483
Página: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  


310.   BUFFO, M.M. ; CORRÊA, L.J. ; ESPERANÇA, M. N. ; CRUZ, A. J. G. ; Farinas, C.S. ; Badino, A.C.. Influence of dual-impeller type and configuration on oxygen transfer, power consumption, and shear rate in a stirred tank bioreactor. Biochemical Engineering Journal. v. 114, p. 130-139, issn: 1369-703X, 2016.
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311.   BUNGER, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA ; MAZINE, F. F. ; Forest, F. ; Bueno, M. ; STEHMANN, JOAO RENATO ; LUCAS, E. J.. The evolutionary history of Eugenia sect. Phyllocalyx (Myrtaceae) corroborates historically stable areas in the southern Atlantic forests. Annals of Botany (Print). v. 118, p. 1209-1223, issn: 0305-7363, 2016.
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312.   BUNGER, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA ; MAZINE, F. F. ; STEHMANN, JOAO RENATO. Eugenia ruschiana (Myrtaceae), a new species from southeastern Brazilian Atlantic forest. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy. v. 266, p. 40-44, issn: 1179-3155, 2016.
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313.   BUNGER, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA ; MAZINE, F. F. ; STEHMANN, JOAO RENATO. Nomenclatural notes on Eugenia section Phyllocalyx (Myrtaceae). Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy. v. 265, p. 295-296, issn: 1179-3155, 2016.
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314.   CABELLO, G. ; DAVOGLIO, R. A. ; HARTL, F. W. ; MARCO, J. F. ; Pereira, E C ; BIAGGIO, S. R. ; VARELA, H. ; Cuesta A. Modulation of the morphology, microstructural and magnetic properties on electrodeposited NiFeCu alloys. Surface & Coatings Technology. v. 311, p. 274-281, issn: 0257-8972, 2016.
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315.   CABIDDU, RAMONA ; PANTONI, CAMILA B. F. ; MENDES, RENATA G. ; TRIMER, RENATA ; Catai, Aparecida M. ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Inductive plethysmography potential as a surrogate for ventilatory measurements during rest and moderate physical exercise. Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia (Online). v. 20, p. 184-188, issn: 1809-9246, 2016.
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316.   CABIDDU, RAMONA ; Borghi-Silva, A ; TRIMER, VITOR ; TRIMER, R. ; RICCI, P. A. ; MANIGLIA, M. ; PEREIRA, M.A.S. ; Chagas G ; CARVALHO, E. M.. Hippotherapy acute impact on heart rate variability non-linear dynamics in neurological disorders. Physiology & Behavior. v. 15, p. 88-94, issn: 0031-9384, 2016.
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317.   CABRAL, THAIS INVENÇÃO ; DA SILVA, LOUISE GRACELLI PEREIRA ; MARTINEZ, CLÁUDIA MARIA SIMÕES ; Tudella, Eloisa. Analysis of sensory processing in preterm infants. Early Human Development. v. 103, p. 77-81, issn: 0378-3782, 2016.
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318.   CAIADO, Katia Regina Moreno; GONCALVES, T. G. G. L. ; SA, M. A.. Educação escolar no campo: desafios à educação especial. Linhas Críticas (UnB). v. 22, p. 324-345, issn: 1516-4896, 2016.
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319.   CACIHE, D. T. ; SILVA, S. R. M. ; VIANA, S. M. ; SILVA, Ricardo Siloto da. Análise da supressão da arborização viária na cidade de São Carlos/SP no período de 2004 a 2013. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Arborização Urbana. v. 11, p. 93-103-103, issn: 1980-7694, 2016.
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320.   CALAIS JÚNIOR, A. ; DAVID, J.A.O. ; NUNES, L.C.. Caracterização morfológica do esôfago de tartarugas-verdes (Chelonia mydas). Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia (Online). v. 68, p. 127-135, issn: 1678-4162, 2016.
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321.   CALAIS, LUCILA LEAL ; LIMA-GREGIO, AVELINY MANTOVAN ; ARANTES, PABLO ; GIL, DANIELA ; BORGES, ALDA CHRISTINA LOPES DE CARVALHO. Um estudo sobre associação semântica de palavras do português brasileiro. CODAS. v. 28, p. 497-506, issn: 2317-1782, 2016.
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322.   CALCAGNO, SOLANGE ; BARROS, ROMARIZ DA SILVA ; FERRARI, ISABELA SBRAVATTI ; DE SOUZA, DEISY DAS GRAÇAS. Análisis de errores presentados por adultos iletrados a lo largo de un programa computarizado para la enseñanza de lectura y escritura. Acta Colombiana de Psicologia. v. 19, p. 123-164, issn: 0123-9155, 2016.
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324.   CALHAU, JULIA ; COELHO, LÍVIA AGUIAR ; KAWADA, RICARDO ; LIMA, FELIPE VARUSSA DE OLIVEIRA ; Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer. Review of Rhinotora (Diptera, Heleomyzidae) with description of a new species and key to all known heleomyzid species from Brazil. Zootaxa (Online). v. 4138, p. 513, issn: 1175-5334, 2016.
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325.   CALHEIROS, David ; MENDES, ENICÉIA G.. Consultoria colaborativa a distância em tecnologia assistiva para professores. Cadernos de Pesquisa (Fundacao Carlos Chagas). v. 46, p. 1100-1123, issn: 1980-5314, 2016.
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326.   CALIARI, CLÁUDIA P. ; V. C. Souza ; MAZINE, F. F.. Two new species of Myrcia (Myrtaceae) from Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy. v. 267, p. 201-210, issn: 1179-3155, 2016.
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327.   CALIL NETO, C. ; ARROYO, F. ; ARAUJO, V. A. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L. ; LAHR, F. A. R. ; CALIL JUNIOR, C.. EDGE Glued Panels Grading through Transversal Vibration Testing. International Journal of Materials Engineering. v. 6, p. 97-102, issn: 2166-5400, 2016.
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328.   CALIXTO, F. C. ; ESCOBAL, Giovana ; ELIAS, N. C. ; GOYOS, A. C. N.. TOMADA DE DECISÃO: UMA FERRAMENTA INFORMATIZADA PARA A CONDUÇÃO DE TAREFAS EM ESQUEMAS CONCORRENTES. Perspectivas em Psicologia. v. 20, p. 202-217, issn: 2237-6917, 2016.
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329.   CALIXTRE, LETÍCIA BOJIKIAN ; GRÜNINGER, BRUNO LEONARDO DA SILVA ; HAIK, MELINA NEVOEIRO ; ALBURQUERQUE-SENDÍN, FRANCISCO ; Oliveira, Ana Beatriz. Effects of cervical mobilization and exercise on pain, movement and function in subjects with temporomandibular disorders: a single group pre-post test. Journal of Applied Oral Science (Online). v. 24, p. 188-197, issn: 1678-7765, 2016.
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330.   CALSAVARA, VINICIUS FERNANDO ; RODRIGUES, AGATHA SACRAMENTO ; TOMAZELLA, VERA LÚCIA DAMASCENO ; DE CASTRO DE ANDRADE FILHO, MÁRIO. Frailty models power variance function (PVF) with cure fraction and latent risk factors negative binomial. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. v. 1, p. 1-14, issn: 0361-0926, 2016.
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331.   CALVENTE, ALICE ; Moraes, Evandro M. ; LAVOR, P?MELA ; BONATELLI, ISABEL A. S. ; NACAGUMA, PAMELA ; VERSIEUX, LEONARDO M. ; TAYLOR, NIGEL P. ; ZAPPI, DANIELA C.. Phylogenetic analyses of Pilosocereus (Cactaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear sequences. BOTANICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. v. 183, p. 25-38, issn: 0024-4074, 2016.
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334.   CAMACHO, J. S. ; DORNELES, V. P. ; PARSEKIAN, G. A. ; FELIPE, A. S.. Aderência de revestimentos em paredes de blocos cerâmicos com função estrutural. Ambiente Construído (Online). v. 16, p. 109-119, issn: 1678-8621, 2016.
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335.   CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA ; ARAUJO, ANA CAROLINA VIEIRA ; MORAES, EVANDRO MARSOLA DE ; DOS SANTOS, ANDRÉ CORDEIRO ALVES. A comparison between cactophilic yeast communities isolated from Cereus hildmannianus and Praecereus euchlorus necrotic cladodes. Fungal Biology. v. 120, p. 1175-1183, issn: 1878-6146, 2016.
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336.   CAMARGO, FRANCIELE PEREIRA ; SÉRGIO TONELLO, PAULO ; DOS SANTOS, ANDRÉ CORDEIRO ALVES ; DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA SILVEIRA. Removal of Toxic Metals from Sewage Sludge Through Chemical, Physical, and Biological Treatments-a Review. Water, Air and Soil Pollution (Print). v. 227, p. 433, issn: 0049-6979, 2016.
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337.   CAMARGO, PAULO H. S. A. ; MARTINS, MILENE M. ; FEITOSA, RODRIGO M. ; Christianini, Alexander V.. Bird and ant synergy increases the seed dispersal effectiveness of an ornithochoric shrub. OECOLOGIA. v. 181, p. 507-518, issn: 0029-8549, 2016.
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338.   CAMARGO-MASCARENHAS, R. P. ; XAVIER, ALINE CARLA FARRAPO ; DEDA, D. K. ; MORAES, A. S. ; RODRIGUES, L. F. ; FERREIRA, M. ; SILVA, G. B.R.F. ; Leite, F.L.. DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF LIPOSOMES CONTAINING GLATIRAMER ACETATE FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. v. 7, p. 303-313, issn: 0976-4550, 2016.
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339.   CAMIOTO, FLÁVIA DE CASTRO ; MORALLES, H. F. ; MARIANO, ENZO BARBERIO ; REBELATTO, D. A. N.. Energy efficiency analysis of G7 and BRICS considering total-factor structure. Journal of Cleaner Production. v. 122, p. 67-77, issn: 0959-6526, 2016.
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340.   CAMPANELLI, LEONARDO CONTRI ; BORTOLAN, CAROLINA CATANIO ; DA SILVA, PAULO SERGIO CARVALHO PEREIRA ; Bolfarini, Claudemiro ; OLIVEIRA, NILSON TADEU CAMARINHO. Effect of an amorphous titania nanotubes coating on the fatigue and corrosion behaviors of the biomedical Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-6Al-7Nb alloys. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (Print). v. 65, p. 542-551, issn: 1751-6161, 2016.
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341.   CAMPANELLI, LEONARDO CONTRI ; DA SILVA, PAULO SERGIO CARVALHO PEREIRA ; Bolfarini, Claudemiro. High cycle fatigue and fracture behavior of Ti−5Al−5Mo−5V−3Cr alloy with BASCA and double aging treatments. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. v. 658, p. 203-209, issn: 0921-5093, 2016.
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342.   CAMPANHÃ VICENTINI, FERNANDO ; GARCIA, LÍVIA L.C. ; FIGUEIREDO-FILHO, LUIZ C.S. ; JANEGITZ, BRUNO C. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. A biosensor based on gold nanoparticles, dihexadecylphosphate, and tyrosinase for the determination of catechol in natural water. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. v. 84, p. 17-23, issn: 0141-0229, 2016.
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343.   CAMPANI, GILSON ; POSSEDENTE DOS SANTOS, MAURÍCIO ; GONÇALVES DA SILVA, GABRIEL ; CARLOS LUPERNI HORTA, ANTÔNIO ; COLLI BADINO, ALBERTO ; DE CAMPOS GIORDANO, ROBERTO ; MAIMONI GONÇALVES, VIVIANE ; CRISTINA ZANGIROLAMI, TERESA. Recombinant protein production by engineered Escherichia coli in a pressurized airlift bioreactor: A techno-economic analysis. Chemical Engineering and Processing. v. 103, p. 63-69, issn: 0255-2701, 2016.
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344.   CAMPANINI, E. B. ; de Brito, Reinaldo A. Molecular evolution of Odorant-binding proteins gene family in two closely related Anastrepha fruit flies. BMC Evolutionary Biology (Online). v. 16, p. 198, issn: 1471-2148, 2016.
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345.   CAMPESE, CARINA ; SILVA, TALITA NAIARA ROSSI DA ; SILVA, LARISSA LUNARDON GOMES DA ; FIGUEIREDO, JULIA PIERRE ; MENEGON, Nilton Luiz. Assistive technology and passengers with special assistance needs in air transport: contributions to cabin design. Produção (São Paulo. On-Line). v. 26, p. 303-312, issn: 1980-5411, 2016.
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346.   CAMPITELI, R. G. ; MORELLI, M. R.. Efeito da adição de coating de cromita de ferro na emissividade de concreto refratário de alta alumina. Ceramica. v. 62, p. 224-229, issn: 1678-4553, 2016.
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348.   CAMPOS, Regiane A. ; FAEZ, R ; REZENDE, Mirabel Cerqueira. Effect of oxidants and anionic surfactants on the morphology and permittivity of polypyrrole and its blends with epoxy resin. Polímeros (São Carlos. Online). v. 26, p. 197-206, issn: 1678-5169, 2016.
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349.   CAMPOS-FILHO, IVANKLIN SOARES ; BICHUETTE, MARIA ELINA ; TAITI, STEFANO. Three new species of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea) from Brazilian caves. Nauplius. v. 24, p. 1-19, issn: 2358-2936, 2016.
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350.   CANDIDO, L. P. ; Varela, R.M ; Torres, A. ; Gonzalez, J.M.G ; GUALTIERI, S.C.J. ; Macias, F.A.. Evaluation of the allelopathic potential of leaf, stem and root extracts of Ocotea pulchella Nees et Mart. Chemistry & Biodiversity. v. 13, p. 1058-1067, issn: 1612-1880, 2016.
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351.   CANO, A. ; PAULILLO, L. F. O. E.. Evolução da ocupação territorial do cultivo da cana no estado de São Paulo entre 1983 e 2013.. Informações Econômicas (Impresso). v. 46, p. 1-16, issn: 0100-4409, 2016.
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352.   CANOSA, A. C. ; POSTALLI, L. M. M.. Análise da interação mãe e criança cega. Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas). v. 33, p. 37-49, issn: 1982-0275, 2016.
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353.   CANTELLI, L. C. ; SANTOS, Janaina S ; TRIVINHO-STRIXINO, F.. The effect of anodization temperature on optical properties of nanoporous anodic alumina (NAA) films. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. v. 1, p. xxx, issn: 1572-6657, 2016.
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354.   CANTO-DE-SOUZA, L. ; MATTIOLI, R.. The consolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory in mice depends on the intensity of the aversive stimulus: The involvement of the amygdala, dorsal hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Print). v. 130, p. 44-51, issn: 1074-7427, 2016.
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355.   CANTON, J. A. ; TORRES, I. ; FONTES, Andréa Regina Martins. Discussion after implementation of possible ergonomics contributions in production lines automation project. GEPROS. Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (Online). v. 11, p. 267-283, issn: 1984-2430, 2016.
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356.   CAPALONGA, LUCAS ; KARSTEN, MARLUS ; HENTSCHKE, VÍTOR SCOTTA ; ROSSATO, DOUGLAS DALCIN ; DORNELLES, MAURÍCIO PINTO ; SONZA, ANELISE ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; FERRARESI, CLEBER ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio ; DAL LAGO, PEDRO. Light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) improves functional capacity in rats with heart failure. Lasers in Medical Science. v. 31, p. 937, issn: 0268-8921, 2016.
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357.   CAPELATO, Érika ; GENTILE, C. Pullback attractors and extremal global solutions for p-Laplacian problems. Nonlinear Studies (Abingdon). v. 23, p. 411-421, issn: 1359-8678, 2016.
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358.   Caracelli, Ignez ; Zukerman-Schpector, Julio ; Madureira, Lucas Sousa ; Maganhi, Stella H. ; Stefani, Hélio A. ; Guadagnin, Rafael C. ; Tiekink, Edward R.T.. Crystallographic, DFT and docking (cathepsin B) studies on an organotellurium(IV) compound. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. v. 231, p. 321-328, issn: 2194-4946, 2016.
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359.   Caracelli, Ignez ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, JÚLIO ; Haiduc, Ionel ; Tiekink, Edward R. T.. Main group metal lone-pair...pi(arene) interactions: A new bonding mode for supramolecular associations. CrystEngComm (Cambridge. Online). v. 18, p. 6953-6978, issn: 1466-8033, 2016.
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360.   CARBINATTO, FERNANDA M. ; Ribeiro, Tatiana S. ; COLNAGO, LUIZ ALBERTO ; EVANGELISTA, RAUL CESAR ; CURY, BEATRIZ S.F.. Preparation and Characterization of Amylose Inclusion Complexes for Drug Delivery Applications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. v. 105, p. 231-241, issn: 0022-3549, 2016.
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361.   CARDOSO DE MORAES, JOÃO LUÍS ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY LOPES ; PIRES, LUÍS FERREIRA ; DO PRADO, ANTONIO FRANCISCO. A methodology based on openEHR archetypes and software agents for developing e-health applications reusing legacy systems. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Print). v. 134, p. 267-287, issn: 0169-2607, 2016.
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362.   CARDOSO, A. O. ; KWONG, W. H.. Williams-Otto plant control based on production planning associated to coordinated decentralizes optimization and plantwide control techniques. JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING. v. 10, p. 77-89, issn: 1934-7383, 2016.
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363.   Cardoso, F.C.I. ; CARDOSO, J. C.. O problema do lixo e algumas perspectivas para redução de impactos. Ciência e Cultura. v. 68, p. 25-29, issn: 2317-6660, 2016.
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364.   Cardoso, Ivanilda Amado ; NUNES, M. D. F. ; ARAGON, E. ; RODRIGUES, T. C.. Concepções docentes sobre relações étnico-raciais. Presença Pedagogica. v. 127, p. 1, issn: 1413-1862, 2016.
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365.   Cardoso, Ivanilda Amado ; Rodrigues, Tatiane C. ; SANTOS, M. R.. Ações afirmativa na UFSCar: desdobramentos no curso de Pedagogia. Laplage em Revista (Sorocaba). v. 2, p. 70-83, issn: 2446-6220, 2016.
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366.   CARDOSO, J. R. ; OLIVEIRA, Gustavo Nunes de ; Furlan, Paula Giovana. Gestão democrática e práticas de apoio institucional na Atenção Primária à Saúde no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Online). v. 32, p. e00009315, issn: 1678-4464, 2016.
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367.   CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; MARTINELLI, ADRIANA PINHEIRO ; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A.. A novel approach for the selection of Cattleya hybrids for precocious and season-independent flowering. Euphytica (Wageningen). v. 210, p. 143-150, issn: 0014-2336, 2016.
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368.   CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS; Teixeira da Silva, Jaime A. ; VENDRAME, WAGNER A.. Impacts of deforestation on some orchids of São Paulo State, Brazil. Natureza & Conservação. v. 14, p. 28-32, issn: 1679-0073, 2016.
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369.   CARDOSO, JOSIANE ; THOMASI, SÉRGIO ; Venâncio, Tiago ; PITTA, IVAN ; DE LIMA, MARIA DO CARMO ; OLIVEIRA, REGINA. Preparative Separation and Structural Identification of Impurities of a New α2 Adrenoceptor Agonist Using Stacking Injection, LC-MSn and LC-SPE-NMR. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (IMPRESSO). v. 28, p. 1038-1047, issn: 0103-5053, 2016.
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370.   CARDOSO, L. C. ; Aline Maria de Medeiros Rodrigues. Aprendizagem da docência e desenvolvimento profissional na educação infantil - aproximações junto ao contexto escolar.. Revista Educação (PUCRS. Online). v. 39, p. 220-230, issn: 1981-2582, 2016.
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371.   CARDOSO, RODRIGO TORRES ; OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRE KANNEBLEY DE ; GARAVELLO, JULIO CESAR. Longitudinal distribution of the ichthyofauna in a tributary of Tietê River with sources on the Basaltic Cuestas of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil. Biota Neotropica (Online. Edição em Inglês). v. 16, p. e20150005, issn: 1676-0611, 2016.
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373.   CARDOZO, M. C. ; ARRUDA, E. M.. Análise Ambiental e Ocupação de Áreas de Risco na Bacia do Córrego dos Ourives, Salto de Pirapora - SP. Observatorium. v. 7, p. 34-50, issn: 1984-4891, 2016.
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374.   CARLA, TIM ; CINTIA, MARTIGNAGO ; LIA, NEVES ; NIVALDO, PARIZOTTO ; ANA CLAUDIA, RENN'. Enzymatic control of chitosan gelation for cell delivery vehicle. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. v. 4, p. 1, issn: 2296-4185, 2016.
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375.   CARLI, J. P. C. ; FIGUEIRA, T. G. ; MAGOSSO, R. F. ; CAMPANHOLI NETO, J. ; SOUZA, G.S. ; PEREZ, Sergio e A ; BALDISSERA, V. Are There Differences Between 1RM Loads Determined in Isolated Tests vs. In Three Different Sequences?. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online. v. 19, p. 104-104, issn: 1097-9751, 2016.
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376.   CARMEN MARTINEZ, MARIA ; DA SILVA ALEXANDRE, TIAGO ; DIAS DE OLIVEIRA LATORRE, MARIA DO ROSARIO ; MARINA FISCHER, FRIDA. Longitudinal associations between stressors and work ability in hospital workers. Chronobiology International (Online). v. 33, p. 754-758, issn: 1525-6073, 2016.
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377.   CARMO, D ; Colauto, F ; DE ANDRADE, A M H ; Oliveira, A A M ; Ortiz, W A ; JOHANSEN, T H. Controllable injector for local flux entry into superconducting films. Superconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 29, p. 095003, issn: 0953-2048, 2016.
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378.   CARMO, M. S. ; COMITRE, V. ; BORSATTO, R. S.. Sustentabilidade nos quilombos João Surá e Jaó. Espacios (Caracas). v. 37, p. 15, issn: 0798-1015, 2016.
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439.   Chagas G ; BORGES, V. M. ; REIS, Michel da Silva ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey ; CARVALHO, E. M.. ANALYSIS OF HEART RATE VARIABILITY AND CARDIOVASCULAR RESPONSE IN THE ALVEOLAR RECRUITMENT MANOEUVER IN ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME. Journal of Respiratory and Cardiovascular Physical Therapy. v. 3, p. 30-39, issn: 2238-4677, 2016.
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531.   COSTA, E. A. ; ANONI, C. O. ; MANCINI, M. C. ; SANTOS, F. R. C. ; MARCONI, T. G. ; Gazaffi, R. ; PASTINA, M. M. ; PERECIN, D. ; MOLLINARI, M. ; XAVIER, M. A. ; PINTO, L. R. ; SOUZA, A. P. ; GARCIA, A. A. F.. QTL mapping including codominant SNP markers with ploidy level information in a sugarcane progeny. EUPHYTICA. v. 211, p. 1-16, issn: 0014-2336, 2016.
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535.   COSTA, FLÁVIO HENRIQUE DE OLIVEIRA ; SILVA, ANDREA LAGO DA ; PEREIRA, CARLA ROBERTA. O que favorece a resiliência na cadeia de suprimentos? Insights a partir de uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Revista Produção Online. v. 16, p. 916, issn: 1676-1901, 2016.
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561.   CUTRIM, RIALBERTH M. ; RODRIGUES, SAMUEL F. ; REIS, GEDEON S. ; SILVA, EDEN S. ; ARANAS, CLODUALDO ; Balancin, Oscar. Hot Deformation Behavior and Microstructural Evolution of a Medium Carbon Vanadium Microalloyed Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. v. 25, p. 5102-5108, issn: 1544-1024, 2016.
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564.   DA COSTA, FERNANDO MORAIS ; CARREIRO, RODRIGO ; MIRANDA, SUZANA RECK. -Uma entrevista com Claudia Gorbman. Rebeca. v. 5, p. 387-401, issn: 2316-9230, 2016.
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565.   DA COSTA, R. C. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; PIZANI, P. S.. Phase mixture, solid solution or composite: Raman scattering analyses of NixPb1-xTiO3 and (NiTiO3)x + (PbTiO3)1-x. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 697, p. 68-71, issn: 0925-8388, 2016.
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566.   da Cruz, André Luis ; Fernandes, Marisa Narciso. What is the most efficient respiratory organ for the loricariid air-breathing fish Pterygoplichthys anisitsi, gills or stomach? A quantitative morphological study. Zoology (Jena). v. 119, p. 526-533, issn: 0944-2006, 2016.
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568.   DA FONTOURA SPRENGER, RICARDO ; THOMASI, SÉRGIO SCHERRER ; FERREIRA, ANTONIO GILBERTO ; Cass, Quezia Bezerra ; BATISTA JUNIOR, JOAO MARCOS. Solution-state conformations of natural products from chiroptical spectroscopy: the case of isocorilagin. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. v. xxx, p. 3369-3375, issn: 1477-0520, 2016.
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569.   DA PAZ, RENÊ ANÍSIO ; LEITE, AMANDA MELISSA DAMIÃO ; ARAÚJO, EDCLEIDE MARIA ; MELO, TOMÁS JEFERSON ALVES ; Pessan, Luiz Antonio ; PASSADOR, FÁBIO ROBERTO. Effect of Molecular Weight of Polyamide 6 in Rheological Properties of Nanocomposites with Brazilian Organoclay. Materials Science Forum (Online). v. 869, p. 293-297, issn: 1662-9752, 2016.
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570.   DA PAZ, ROSINEIDE FERNANDO ; LUIS BAZÁN, JORGE ; APARECIDO MILAN, LUIS. Bayesian estimation for a mixture of simplex distributions with an unknown number of components: HDI analysis in Brazil. Journal of Applied Statistics. v. 43, p. 1-14, issn: 0266-4763, 2016.
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571.   DA RÓZ, ALESSANDRA LUZIA ; VEIGA-SANTOS, PRICILA ; FERREIRA, ADRIANE MEDEIROS ; ANTUNES, THAÍS CRISTINA RIBEIRO ; LEITE, FABIO DE LIMA ; Yamaji, Fabio Minoru ; CARVALHO, ANTONIO JOSÉ FELIX DE. Water Susceptibility and Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Starch?Pectin Blends Reactively Extruded with Edible Citric Acid. Materials Research. v. 19, p. 138-142, issn: 1980-5373, 2016.
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572.   DA SILVA NETO, ALANO VIERA ; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO ; DA SILVA, VICTOR TEIXEIRA ; ZOTIN, JOSÉ LUIZ ; URQUIETA-GONZÁLEZ, ERNESTO ANTONIO. NiMoS HDS catalysts - The effect of the Ti and Zr incorporation into the silica support and of the catalyst preparation methodology on the orientation and activity of the formed MoS2 slabs. Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print). v. 528, p. 74-85, issn: 0926-860X, 2016.
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573.   DA SILVA RODRIGUES, RODRIGO; GUIMARÃES, MATEUS BALBINO. Existence of solution for a Kirchhoff type system with weight and nonlinearity involving a $(p,q)$-superlinear term and critical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg growth. Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis. v. 48, p. 1, issn: 1230-3429, 2016.
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574.   DA SILVA, DANIEL JOSÉ ; ESCOTE, MÁRCIA TSUYAMA ; CRUZ, SANDRA ANDREA ; SIMIÃO, DANIEL FELIPE ; ZENATTI, ALESSANDRA ; CURVELLO, MARCIO SENA. Polycarbonate/TiO 2 nanofibers nanocomposite: Preparation and properties. Polymer Composites. v. 00, p. 00, issn: 0272-8397, 2016.
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575.   DA SILVA, FABIO JOSÉ ; FELLI, VANDA ELISA ANDRES ; MARTINEZ, MARIA CARMEN ; MININEL, VIVIAN ALINE ; RATIER, ANA PAULA PELEGRINI. Association between work ability and fatigue in Brazilian nursing workers. Work (Reading, MA). v. 53, p. 225-232, issn: 1051-9815, 2016.
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576.   DA SILVA, FERNANDO R.; PROVETE, DIOGO B. ; HAWKINS, BRADFORD A.. Range maps and checklists provide similar estimates of taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha diversity, but less so for beta diversity, of Brazilian Atlantic Forest anurans. Natureza & Conservação. v. 14, p. 99-105, issn: 1679-0073, 2016.
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577.   DA SILVA, FERNANDO R.; ROSSA-FERES, DENISE DE CERQUEIRA. Fragmentation gradients differentially affect the species range distributions of four taxonomic groups in semi-deciduous Atlantic forest. BIOTROPICA. v. 49, p. 283-292, issn: 0006-3606, 2016.
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578.   DA SILVA, K. PEREIRA ; PTAK, M. ; Pizani, P.S. ; Filho, J. Mendes ; MELO, F.E.A. ; FREIRE, P.T.C.. Raman spectroscopy of l-phenylalanine nitric acid submitted to high pressure. Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print). v. 85, p. 97-103, issn: 0924-2031, 2016.
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579.   da Silva, Luís F. ; CATTO, ARIADNE C. ; Avansi, Waldir ; CAVALCANTE, LAÉCIO S. ; Mastelaro, Valmor R. ; Andrés, Juan ; AGUIR, KHALIFA ; Longo, Elson. Acetone gas sensor based on α-Ag2WO4 nanorods obtained via a microwave-assisted hydrothermal route. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 683, p. 186-190, issn: 0925-8388, 2016.
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580.   da Silva, Luís F. ; LOPES, OSMANDO F. ; CATTO, ARIADNE C. ; Avansi, Waldir ; Bernardi, Maria I. B. ; LI, MÁXIMO SIU ; RIBEIRO, Caue ; LONGO, Elson. Hierarchical growth of ZnO nanorods over SnO 2 seed layer: insights into electronic properties from photocatalytic activity. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 6, p. 2112-2118, issn: 2046-2069, 2016.
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581.   DA SILVA, MARINA MEDINA ; Mascaro, Lucia Helena ; Pereira, Ernesto Chaves ; Zimer, Alexsandro Mendes. Near-surface solution pH measurements during the pitting corrosion of AISI 1020 steel using a ring-shaped sensor. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. v. 780, p. 379-385, issn: 1572-6657, 2016.
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582.   DA SILVA, MURILLO ROMERO ; GARGARELLA, Piter ; GUSTMANN, TOBIAS ; Botta Filho, Walter José ; Kiminami, Claudio S. ; ECKERT, JÜRGEN ; PAULY, SIMON ; BOLFARINI, Claudemiro. Laser surface remelting of a Cu-Al-Ni-Mn shape memory alloy. Materials Science & Engineering. A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. v. 661, p. 61-67, issn: 0921-5093, 2016.
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609.   DE CASTRO, FRANCINE ATTIÉ ; SCATENA, GABRIEL DOS SANTOS ; ROCHA, OTÁVIO PELEGRINO ; MARQUES, MARIA PAULA ; Cass, Quézia Bezerra ; SIMÕES, BELINDA PINTO ; LANCHOTE, VERA LUCIA. Enantioselective analysis of 4-hydroxycyclophosphamide in human plasma with application to a clinical pharmacokinetic study. Journal of Chromatography. B (Print). v. 1011, p. 53-61, issn: 1570-0232, 2016.
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613.   DE GRANDIS, RONE APARECIDO ; RESENDE, FLÁVIA APARECIDA ; DA SILVA, MONIZE MARTINS ; PAVAN, FERNANDO ROGÉRIO ; Batista, Alzir Azevedo ; VARANDA, ELIANA APARECIDA. In vitro evaluation of the cyto-genotoxic potential of Ruthenium(II) SCAR complexes: a promising class of antituberculosis agents. Mutation Research. Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis. v. 798-799, p. 11-18, issn: 1383-5718, 2016.
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614.   DE LA TORRE, ALEXANDER FERNANDEZ ; RIVERA, DANIEL G. ; CONCEPCIÓN, ODETTE ; ECHEMENDÍA, RADELL ; Corrêa, Arlene G. ; PAIXAO, MARCIO W.. Multicomponent Synthesis of Cyclic Depsipeptide Mimics by Ugi Reaction Including Cyclic Hemiacetals Derived from Asymmetric Organocatalysis. Journal of Organic Chemistry. v. 81, p. 803-809, issn: 0022-3263, 2016.
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615.   DE LIMA ANDREANI, GISELE FERREIRA ; TRIQUES, MARIA REGINA MARTINS ; KIMINAMI, Claudio Shyinti ; Botta, Walter Jose ; ROCHE, VIRGINIE ; Jorge, Alberto Moreira. Characterization of hydrogen storage properties of Mg-Fe-CNT composites prepared by ball milling, hot-extrusion and severe plastic deformation methods. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. v. 41, p. 23092-23098, issn: 0360-3199, 2016.
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616.   DE LIMA, LIONETE NUNES ; VIEIRA, GUSTAVO NAKAMURA ALVES ; KOPP, WILLIAN ; Tardioli, Paulo Waldir ; GIORDANO, RAQUEL L.C.. Mono- and heterofunctionalized silica magnetic microparticles (SMMPs) as new carriers for immobilization of lipases. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR CATALYSIS B-ENZYMATIC. v. 133, p. S491-S499, issn: 1381-1177, 2016.
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618.   DE MATTOS, DENISE ; PERGHER, PEDRO L.Q. ; DOS SANTOS, EDIVALDO L. ; SINGH, MAHENDER. Zero sets of equivariant maps from products of spheres to Euclidean spaces. Topology and its Applications. v. 202, p. 7-20, issn: 0166-8641, 2016.
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619.   DE MENEZES FRANCO, MAÍRA ; Driusso, Patricia ; Bø, Kari ; CARVALHO DE ABREU, DANIELA CRISTINA ; DA SILVA LARA, LUCIA ALVES ; DE SÁ ROSA E SILVA, ANA CAROLINA JAPUR ; FERREIRA, CRISTINE HOMSI JORGE. Relationship between pelvic floor muscle strength and sexual dysfunction in postmenopausal women: a cross-sectional study. International Urogynecology Journal. v. 28, p. 931-936, issn: 1433-3023, 2016.
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620.   DE MORAES, MARCELA ; CARDOSO, CARMEN ; SEIDL, CLAUDIA ; MOADDEL, RUIN ; Cass, Quezia. Targeting Anti-Cancer Active Compounds: Affinity-Based Chromatographic Assays. Current Pharmaceutical Design (Print). v. 22, p. 1-1, issn: 1381-6128, 2016.
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622.   DE MOURA-TONELLO, SÍLVIA CRISTINA GARCIA ; PORTA, ALBERTO ; MARCHI, ANDREA ; DE ALMEIDA FAGUNDES, ALESSANDRA ; FRANCISCO, CRISTINA DE OLIVEIRA ; REHDER-SANTOS, PATRÍCIA ; MILAN-MATTOS, JULIANA CRISTINA ; SIMÕES, Rodrigo Polaquini ; GOIS, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA ; CATAI, Aparecida Maria. Cardiovascular Variability Analysis and Baroreflex Estimation in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes in Absence of Any Manifest Neuropathy. Plos One. v. 11, p. e0148903, issn: 1932-6203, 2016.
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623.   DE OLIVEIRA BRUDER NASCIMENTO, ARIANE CRISTINA MENDES ; DOS REIS, THAILA FERNANDA ; De Castro, Patrícia Alves ; HORI, JULIANA I. ; BOM, VINÍCIUS LEITE PEDRO ; DE ASSIS, LEANDRO JOSÉ ; RAMALHO, LEANDRA NAIRA ZAMBELLI ; ROCHA, MARINA CAMPOS ; Malavazi, Iran ; BROWN, NEIL ANDREW ; VALIANTE, VITO ; Brakhage, Axel A. ; HAGIWARA, DAISUKE ; Goldman, Gustavo H.. Mitogen activated protein kinases SakA HOG1 and MpkC collaborate for Aspergillus fumigatus virulence. Molecular Microbiology (Print). v. x, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0950-382X, 2016.
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624.   DE OLIVEIRA BÜNGER, MARIANA ; Mazine, Fiorella Fernanda ; LUCAS, EVE J. ; STEHMANN, JOAO RENATO. Circumscription and synopsis of Eugenia section Speciosae Bünger. PhytoKeys. v. 61, p. 73-80, issn: 1314-2003, 2016.
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625.   DE OLIVEIRA GAMA, RENATA ; Bretas, Rosario E. S. ; ORÉFICE, RODRIGO LAMBERT. Control of the Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Behavior of Biodegradable Natural Polymers by Decorating Surfaces with Nano- and Micro-Components. Advances in Polymer Technology (Print). v. 00, p. 21706, issn: 0730-6679, 2016.
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626.   DE OLIVEIRA, BRUNO JOSÉ SILVA ; CAMPANELLI, LEONARDO CONTRI ; OLIVEIRA, DIEGO PEDREIRA ; DE BRIBEAN GUERRA, ANA PAULA ; Bolfarini, Claudemiro. Surface characterization and fatigue performance of a chemical-etched Ti-6Al-4V femoral stem for cementless hip arthroplasty. Surface & Coatings Technology. v. 309, p. 1126-1134, issn: 0257-8972, 2016.
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627.   de Oliveira, César R.; Verri, Alessandra A.. CONVERGENCE OF SOLUTIONS TO SOME ELLIPTIC EQUATIONS IN BOUNDED NEUMANN THIN DOMAINS. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (2001. Print). v. 100, p. 252-271, issn: 1446-7887, 2016.
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628.   de Oliveira, Kleber T.; MILLER, L. ZANE ; MCQUADE, D. TYLER. Exploiting photooxygenations mediated by porphyrinoid photocatalysts under continuous flow conditions. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 6, p. 12717-12725, issn: 2046-2069, 2016.
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629.   DE OLIVEIRA, OSMAIR VITAL ; DA COSTA, LUCIANO TAVARES ; LEITE, EDSON ROBERTO. Molecular modeling of a polymer nanocomposite model in water and chloroform solvents. Computational and Theoretical Chemistry. v. 1092, p. 52-56, issn: 2210-271X, 2016.
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630.   de Oliveira, Rafael Furlan ; CASALINI, STEFANO ; CRAMER, TOBIAS ; LEONARDI, FRANCESCA ; Ferreira, Marystela ; VINCIGUERRA, VINCENZO ; CASUSCELLI, VALERIA ; ALVES, NERI ; MURGIA, MAURO ; OCCHIPINTI, LUIGI ; BISCARINI, FABIO. Water-gated organic transistors on polyethylene naphthalate films. Flexible and Printed Electronics. v. 1, p. 025005, issn: 2058-8585, 2016.
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631.   de Rose, J. C. A importância dos respondentes e das relações simbólicas para uma análise comportamental da cultura. Acta Comportamentalia. v. 24, p. 201-220, issn: 0188-8145, 2016.
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632.   DE SOUSA-MENDES, GLAUCO HENRIQUE; GOMES-SALGADO, EDUARDO ; MORO-FERRARI, BRUNO ENRICO. Priorización de las prácticas de GCT en empresas de dispositivos médicos brasileños utilizando el Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). DYNA (Medellín). v. 83, p. 194, issn: 0012-7353, 2016.
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633.   DE SOUZA LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN ; WELCH, ADAM W. ; BARANOWSKI, LAURYN L. ; DIPPO, PATRICIA C. ; HEMPEL, HANNES ; UNOLD, THOMAS ; EICHBERGER, RAINER ; BLANK, BEATRIX ; RAU, UWE ; Mascaro, Lucia H. ; ZAKUTAYEV, ANDRIY. Effects of Thermochemical Treatment on CuSbS Photovoltaic Absorber Quality and Solar Cell Reproducibility. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. 120, p. 18377-18385, issn: 1932-7447, 2016.
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635.   DE SÁ, L. G., LUCAS ; DEL PRETTE, Z. A, ZILDA APARECIDA. Habilidades De Enfrentamento Antecipatório Para Abstinência De Substâncias: Construção De Um Novo Instrumento De Medida. Avances en Psicologia Latinoamericana. v. 34, p. 351-363, issn: 1794-4724, 2016.
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636.   DE TOLEDO, T.A. ; DA COSTA, R.C. ; DA SILVA, L.E. ; TEIXEIRA, A.M.R. ; LIMA, V.N. ; SENA, D.M. ; COUTINHO, H.D. MELO ; FREIRE, P.T.C. ; Pizani, P.S.. Thermal and biological properties of the Schiff base N,N--bis(salicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine, a potential adjuvant to antibiotic therapy. Journal of Molecular Structure (Print). v. 1115, p. 105-108, issn: 0022-2860, 2016.
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637.   DEBASTIANI-JUNIOR, J. R. ; NALIATO, D. A. ; PERBICHE-NEVES, G. ; NOGUEIRA, M.. Fluvial lateral environments in Río de La Plata basin: effects of hydropower damming and eutrophication. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia (Online). v. 28, p. 1-11, issn: 2179-975X, 2016.
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638.   DECARLI, MONIZE CAIADO ; CARVALHO, MARIANA TORRES ; CORRÊA, THAILA QUATRINI ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; DE SOUZA, CLOVIS WESLEY OLIVEIRA. Different Photoresponses of Microorganisms: From Bioinhibition to Biostimulation. Current Microbiology (Print). v. 72, p. 473-481, issn: 0343-8651, 2016.
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639.   DEFFENDI, L. T. ; SCHELINI, P. W.. O monitoramento metacognitivo em tarefas que envolvem criatividade verbal. PSICOLOGIA: TEORIA E PESQUISA (UNB. IMPRESSO). v. 32, p. 1-8, issn: 0102-3772, 2016.
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641.   DEL CIAMPO, I. R. L.; DEL CIAMPO, LUIZ ANTONIO ; Sawamura R ; FERNANDES, M. I. M.. A Comparison of serum magnesium concentration among cystic fibrosis patients groups of a Brazilian Reference Center. JSM Genetics & Genomics. v. 3, p. 1-2, issn: 9999-9991, 2016.
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645.   DELLA BARBA, P. C. S.; GONCALVES, A. ; ANICETO, B. ; RIZZO, I. ; CRIPPA, J. ; LOURENCO, M. ; ABREU, N. A. S. ; NISHIAMA, T. ; JOIA, A. F. ; Pinheiro, RC ; RICCI, B. M.. RETRATOS DO COTIDIANO: EXPERIÊNCIA JUNTO AOS EDUCADORES DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL. Revista Ciência em Extensão. v. 12, p. 52-62, issn: 1679-4605, 2016.
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715.   FAUSTINO, A. S. ; TAO, N. G. R. ; SOUSA, I. C. N. ; PERES, R. B. ; MOSCHINI, L. E.. Proposta metodológica para a análise de áreas verdes: adequações à legislação e à qualidade de vida urbana. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física. v. 9, p. 1, issn: 1984-2295, 2016.
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716.   FEJES, MONICA DE ARAUJO NAGY ; Ferigato, Sabrina Helena ; MARCOLINO, TAIS QUEVEDO. Saúde e cotidiano para mulheres em uso abusivo de álcool e outras drogas: uma questão para a Terapia Ocupacional. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 27, p. 254-262, issn: 1415-9104, 2016.
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717.   FELIPE, F. I. ; PAULILLO, L. F. O. E.. Determinantes das estruturas de governança das fecularias na compra de mandioca no estado do Paraná. Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional. v. 12, p. 288-311, issn: 1809-239X, 2016.
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718.   FELSEMBURGH, C. A. ; PELEJA, V. L. ; CARMO, J. B.. Fenologia de Aniba parviflora (Meins.) Mez. em uma região do estado do Pará, Brasil. Biota Amazônia. v. 6, p. 31-39, issn: 2179-5746, 2016.
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719.   FELSEMBURGH, C. A. ; SANTOS, K. J. S. ; CAMARGO, P. B. ; CARMO, J. B. ; TRIBUZY, E. S.. Respostas ecofisiológicas de Aniba parviflora ao sombreamento artificial. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira (Online). v. 36, p. 201-210, issn: 1983-2605, 2016.
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720.   FELTRAN, G. S. La guerre au quotidien: notes ethnographiques sur le conflit urbain à São Paulo (Brésil). L'Homme (Paris. 1961). v. 219, p. 1-22, issn: 0439-4216, 2016.
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721.   FELTRAN, GABRIEL DE SANTIS. La valeur des pauvres. Le pari sur l?argent comme médiateur du conflit social contemporainO valor dos pobres. Apostas sobre o dinheiro como um mediador do conflito social contemporâneaThe value of the poor. Betting on the money as a mediator of contemporary social conflict. Confins (Paris). v. 1, p. 2, issn: 1958-9212, 2016.
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722.   FENLEY, A. ; SILVA, L. C. ; REIS, H. V. ; SAMPAIO, L. M. M. ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey ; REIS, Michel Silva. Ajustes cardiorrespiratórios durante a manobra de acentuação da arritmia sinusal respiratória: influência do tempo da manobra sobre o volume minuto, fração expirada de CO₂ e variabilidade da frequência cardíaca.. Revista Fisioterapia e Pesquisa. v. 21, p. 68-73, issn: 1809-2950, 2016.
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723.   Ferigato, Sabrina Helena; BALLARIN, MARIA LUISA GAZABIN SIMÕES ; MARCOLINO, TAÍS QUEVEDO ; INDIANNI, SANDRINA KELLEN. As residências terapêuticas e a clínica do cotidiano: contribuições da terapia ocupacional.. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 27, p. 80-87, issn: 2238-6149, 2016.
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724.   FERIGATO, Sabrina Helena; CARVALHO, S. R. ; TEIXEIRA, R. R.. Cartografia dos Centros de Convivência: a produção de encontros e redes. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 27, p. 12, issn: 2238-6149, 2016.
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725.   FERIGATO, Sabrina Helena; CARVALHO, S. R. ; TEIXEIRA, R. R.. Os Centros de Convivência: Dispositivos híbridos para a produção de redes que extrapolam as fronteiras sanitárias. Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental. v. 8, p. 79-100, issn: 1984-2147, 2016.
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726.   Ferigato, Sabrina Helena; SILVA, CARLA REGINA ; LOURENÇO, GERUSA FERREIRA. A convivência e o com-viver como dispositivos para a Terapia Ocupacional. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar. v. 24, p. 849-857, issn: 2238-2860, 2016.
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727.   FERIGATO, Sabrina Helena; SILVA, M. C.. Saúde mental e terapia ocupacional: a construção de um projeto terapêutico singular. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar. v. 24, p. 379-386, issn: 0104-4931, 2016.
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728.   FERNANDES DOS SANTOS, L. ; CASTELANO, L. K. ; PADILHA, J. X. ; PUSEP, Y. ; MARQUES, G. E. ; SMIRNOV, D. ; BAKAROV, A. ; TOROPOV, A. ; LOPEZ-RICHARD, VICTOR. Excitonic spin-splitting in quantum wells with a tilted magnetic field. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 055503, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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730.   FERNANDES, CAMILE SORBO ; BATALHA, MARCO ANTONIO ; BICHUETTE, MARIA ELINA. Does the Cave Environment Reduce Functional Diversity?. Plos One. v. 11, p. e0151958, issn: 1932-6203, 2016.
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731.   FERNANDES, DANIEL JOGAIB ; ELIAS, CARLOS NELSON ; DE SOUZA RESENDE, CELSO RENATO ; Bolfarini, Claudemiro. Mechanical Strength and Surface Roughness of Magnesium-Based Metallic Glasses. JOM (Warrendale). v. 68, p. 1493, issn: 1047-4838, 2016.
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734.   FERNANDES, JARINA RODRIGUES ; SISLA, HELOISA CHALMERS ; NASCENTE, RENATA MARIA MOSCHEN. Pibid como espaço de formação docente. Revista Educação (PUCRS. Online). v. 39, p. 291-301, issn: 0101-465X, 2016.
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735.   FERNANDES, KR ; MAGRI, AMP ; KIDO, HW ; UENO, F ; ASSIS, L ; FERNANDES, KPS ; MESQUITA-FERRARI, RA ; MARTINS, VC ; PLEPIS, AM ; ZANOTTO, ED ; PEITL, O ; RIBEIRO, D ; VAN DEN BEUCKEN, JJ ; RENNO, ACM. Characterization and biological evaluation of the introduction of PLGA into biosilicate ®. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B, Applied Biomaterials. v. 00, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 1552-4973, 2016.
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736.   FERNANDES, P. R. ; SERRANO, A. M. S. P. H. ; DELLA BARBA, P. C. S.. DIÁLOGOS SOBRE A INTERVENÇÃO PRECOCE. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. v. 16, p. 373-377, issn: 1471-3802, 2016.
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737.   FERNANDES, RICARDO A. S. ; LAGE, GUILHERME G. ; DA COSTA, GERALDO R. M.. A Decision-making Framework Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Agents for Transmission Grid Operation. Electric Power Components and Systems. v. 44, p. 883-893, issn: 1532-5016, 2016.
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738.   FERNANDEZ, C. P. ; KIMINAMI, R. H. G. A. ; GARCIA, D.. Structural and dielectric properties of multiferroic (1-x)(0.675PMN-0.325PT)/(x)CoFe 2 O 4 particulate composites obtained by microwave sintering. Integrated Ferroelectrics (Print). v. 174, p. 146-154, issn: 1058-4587, 2016.
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739.   FERNÁNDEZ, CLAUDIA P. ; ZABOTTO, FABIO L. ; Garcia, Ducinei ; KIMINAMI, RUTH H.G.A.. In situ sol-gel co-synthesis under controlled pH and microwave sintering of PZT/CoFe2O4 magnetoelectric composite ceramics. Ceramics International. v. 42, p. 3239-3249, issn: 0272-8842, 2016.
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740.   Ferraresi, Cleber ; BERTUCCI, DANILO ; SCHIAVINATO, JOSIANE ; Reiff, Rodrigo ; ARAÚJO, AMÉLIA ; Panepucci, Rodrigo ; MATHEUCCI, EUCLIDES ; CUNHA, ANDERSON FERREIRA ; ARAKELIAN, VIVIAN MARIA ; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R. ; Parizotto, Nivaldo ; Bagnato, Vanderlei. Effects of Light-Emitting Diode Therapy on Muscle Hypertrophy, Gene Expression, Performance, Damage, and Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. v. Ahead, p. 1, issn: 0894-9115, 2016.
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741.   FERRARESI, CLEBER ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio ; PIRES DE SOUSA, MARCELO VICTOR ; KAIPPERT, BEATRIZ ; HUANG, YING-YING ; KOISO, TOMOHARU ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R.. Light-emitting diode therapy in exercise-trained mice increases muscle performance, cytochrome c oxidase activity, ATP and cell proliferation [J. Biophotonics 8, No. 9, 740-754 (2015)]. J BIOPHOTONICS. v. 9, p. 976-976, issn: 1864-063X, 2016.
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742.   Ferrari Ruffino, Fabio. Differential K-characters and D-branes. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics. v. 93, p. 151, issn: 0082-0717, 2016.
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743.   FERRARI, DANIEL AUGUSTO ; UNIV. ESTADUAL PAULISTA - FACULDADE DE ARQUITETURA, ARTES E COMUNICAÇÃO - DEP. DE DESIGN ; CAMAROTTO, JOÃO ALBERTO ; GUARNETTI DOS SANTOS, JOÃO EDUARDO. The labor activity of dental surgeons within the multidisciplinary context of ergonomics: a review of the domains to be considered in dental environments. GEPROS. Gestão da Produção, Operações e Sistemas (Online). v. 11, p. 159-178, issn: 1984-2430, 2016.
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744.   FERREIRA, A. ; Felipussi, S.C. ; ALFARO, C. ; FONSECA, P. ; VARGAS, J. E. ; SANTOS, J. A. ; ROCHA, A.. Behavior Knowledge Space-Based Fusion for Copy-Move Forgery Detection. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. v. PP, p. 1-14, issn: 1057-7149, 2016.
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745.   FERREIRA, C. R. ; BARHAM, E.J.. Uma intervenção para reduzir a sobrecarga em cuidadores que assistem idosos com doença de Alzheimer. REVISTA KAIRÓS GERONTOLOGIA. v. 19, p. 111-130, issn: 2176-901X, 2016.
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746.   FERREIRA, Carla A.; PELLEGRINI, T.. A Trace of Blood: Marçal Aquino and the New Realism (tradução). Metamorphoses. v. 24, p. 64-71, issn: 1068-7831, 2016.
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747.   FERREIRA, DULCINÉIA DE FÁTIMA ; CORROCHANO, Maria Carla ; BRITO, ANA PAULA SOUZA ; BERGAMINI, DEBORA ; GINZEL, FLÁVIA ; JOSÉ, CAIO RENNÓ. Como uma onda no mar: o jogo de forças entre regulação e emancipação no processo de construção do Plano Municipal de Educação em Sorocaba - São Paulo. Crítica Educativa. v. 2, p. 79-95, issn: 2447-4223, 2016.
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748.   Ferreira, Fabiano Candido ; Bertucci, Danilo R. ; BARBOSA, M. R. ; NUNES, João Elias ; BOTERO, J. P. ; Rodrigues. M F C ; SHIGUEMOTO, Gilberto Eiji ; SANTORO, V. ; VERZOLA A.C ; NONAKA, R. O. ; VERZOLA, R. M. M. ; Baldissera, Vilmar ; PEREZ, Sergio e A. Circuit Resistance Training in Women with Normal Weight Obesity Syndrome: body composition, cardiometabolic and echocardiographic parameters, and cardiovascular and skeletal muscle fitness. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. v. 56, p. 710-716, issn: 1827-1928, 2016.
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749.   FERREIRA, J. O. ; DOMINGOS, J. C. ; BATALHA, M. O.. Integrated planning model for citrus agribusiness system using systems dynamics. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. v. 126, p. 1-11, issn: 0168-1699, 2016.
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750.   FERREIRA, K.A. ; ALCANTARA, R. L. C.. Postponement adoption in manufacturers of tomato-derived products. British Food Journal (1966). v. 118, p. 362-378, issn: 0007-070X, 2016.
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751.   FERREIRA, NAIDSON CLAYR SANTOS ; COSTA, CAROLINA SEVERINO LOPES DA. A concepção de professores sobre o atendimento educacional especializado em salas de recursos multifuncionais. Revista Eletrônica de Educação (São Carlos). v. 10, p. 23-36, issn: 1982-7199, 2016.
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752.   FERREIRA, NAIDSON CLAYR SANTOS ; COSTA, CAROLINA SEVERINO LOPES DA. The teachers’ conception of specialized educational service in multifunctional resource classrooms. Revista Eletrônica de Educação (São Carlos). v. 10, p. 37-49, issn: 1982-7199, 2016.
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753.   FERREIRA, P.A. ; BOSCOLO, D. ; LOPES, L. E.. Da matriz à matiz: em busca de uma abordagem funcional na Ecologia de Paisagens. Filosofia e História da Biologia. v. 11, p. 157-187, issn: 1983-053X, 2016.
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754.   FERREIRA, RICARDO MATTOS ; BORGES, VERA ; HUEB, JOÃO CARLOS ; BAZAN, RODRIGO ; DA SILVA FERREIRA, SIMONE ; Roscani, Meliza Goi ; PERAÇOLI, JOSÉ CARLOS ; MARTIN, LUIS CUADRADO ; ZANATI BAZAN, SILMÉIA GARCIA. 1 Cardiovascular risk factors in women with preeclampsia history and their association with myocardial hypertrophy and intima-media thickening of the carotids. Pregnancy Hypertension: an international journal of women's cardiovascular health. v. 6, p. 178, issn: 2210-7789, 2016.
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755.   FERREIRA, ROBERTA MACHADO ; CHIARATTI, MR ; MACABELLI, CAROLINA HABERMANN ; RODRIGUES, C. A. ; Ferraz, Márcio Leão ; WATANABE, YEDA FUMIE ; Smith, L. C. ; Meirelles, F. V. ; Baruselli, Pietro Sampaio. The Infertility of Repeat-Breeder Cows During Summer Is Associated with Decreased Mitochondrial DNA and Increased Expression of Mitochondrial and Apoptotic Genes in Oocytes. Biology of Reproduction. v. 94, p. 1-10, issn: 0006-3363, 2016.
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756.   FERREIRA, SAVIO SIQUEIRA ; HOTTA, CARLOS TAKESHI ; POELKING, VIVIANE GUZZO DE CARLI ; LEITE, DEBORA CHAVES COELHO ; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA ; LOUREIRO, MARCELO EHLERS ; BARBOSA, MARCIO HENRIQUE PEREIRA ; CARNEIRO, MONALISA SAMPAIO ; SOUZA, GLAUCIA MENDES. Co-expression network analysis reveals transcription factors associated to cell wall biosynthesis in sugarcane. Plant Molecular Biology. v. 90, p. 1-27, issn: 0167-4412, 2016.
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757.   FERREIRA1, C. S. S. ; PEREIRA, E. L. ; CAVALCANTI, N. T. F. ; MARJOTTA-MAISTRO, M. C.. Mercados de orgânicos no Brasil: vantagens e desvantagens para diferentes tipos de agricultores. Cadernos de Agroecologia. v. 10, p. 11058, issn: 2236-7934, 2016.
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758.   Ferroli, A.M. ; BASSO VANELLI, R. P. ; LABADESSA, I. G. ; Nyssen, S.M. ; Jamami, Maurício. Força de preensão palmar, alterações hemodinâmicas e fadiga em adolescentes saudáveis. Revista Saúde. v. 5, p. 25-40, issn: 2237-6003, 2016.
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759.   FIDELIX, MELAINE PRISCILA ; TANNI, Suzana Erico ; ROSCANI, M. G. ; MESQUITA, CAROLINA BONFANTI ; SCHELINI, KARIME NAFAD DE MELO ; POLEGATO, BERTHA FURLAN ; GAIOLLA, PAULA SCHMIDT AZEVEDO ; MINICUCCI, Marcos Ferreira ; ZORNOFF, LEONARDO ANTONIO MEMEDE ; PAPINI, SILVIA JUSTINA ; DE GODOY, IRMA ; DE PAIVA, SERGIO ALBERTO RUPP. Vitamin D role in smoking women and cardiac remodeling. Nutrire - Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Alimentação e Nutrição. v. 41, p. 13, issn: 2316-7874, 2016.
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760.   FIGUEIREDO, DOUGLAS B. ; CARVALHO, ENEAS ; SANTOS, MAURICIO P. ; KRASCHOWETZ, STEFANIE ; ZANARDO, RAFAELA T. ; CAMPANI, GILSON ; SILVA, GABRIEL G. ; SARGO, CÍNTIA R. ; HORTA, ANTONIO CARLOS L. ; DE C. GIORDANO, ROBERTO ; MIYAJI, ELIANE N. ; ZANGIROLAMI, TERESA C. ; CABRERA-CRESPO, JOAQUIN ; GONÇALVES, Viviane Maimoni. Production and purification of an untagged recombinant pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA4Pro) with high-purity and low endotoxin content. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. v. online, p. December 2016, issn: 0175-7598, 2016.
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761.   FIGUEIREDO, GIOVANY M. ; GUIMARÃES, MATEUS BALBINO ; Rodrigues, Rodrigo da Silva. Solutions for a Kirchhoff equation with weight and nonlinearity with subcritical and critical Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg growth. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. v. 59, p. 925-944, issn: 0013-0915, 2016.
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762.   FIGUEIREDO, L. C. ; GRATÃO, A. C. M. ; MARTINS, E.F.. O novo código de ética para fisioterapeutas incorporou tendências da bioética?. Revista Bioética (Online). v. 24, p. 315-321, issn: 1983-8034, 2016.
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763.   FIGUEIREDO, VILENA BARROS DE ; FERREIRA, CRISTINE HOMSI JORGE ; Driusso, Patrícia. The effects of individual pelvic floor muscle training versus individual treatment with progression to group versus group training for women with stress urinary incontinence: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Clinical Trials. v. 3, p. 233-237, issn: 2349-3259, 2016.
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764.   FIL, TAÍCIA PACHECO ; PALLINI, HELOISA FASSINA ; AMARAL, Luciana da Silva ; SILVA, JOSÉ VINICIUS DA ; BIDÓIA, DANIELLE LAZARIN ; PERON, FRANCIELI ; GARCIA, FRANCIELLE PELEGRIN ; Nakamura, Celso Vataru ; Rodrigues-Filho, Edson. Copper and Manganese Cations Alter Secondary Metabolism in the Fungus. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 01, p. 1, issn: 0103-5053, 2016.
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765.   Filho, Moacir Godinho; UTIYAMA, MARCEL HEIMAR RIBEIRO. Comparing the effect of different strategies of continuous improvement programmes on repair time to reduce lead time. International Journal, Advanced Manufacturing Technology. v. 84, p. 1-13, issn: 0268-3768, 2016.
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766.   FILLA, M. G. ; FANTINI, J. A.. A construção mutual de discursos intolerantes: ateus, agnósticos e religiosos. MEMORANDUM (BELO HORIZONTE). v. 30, p. 199-223, issn: 1676-1669, 2016.
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767.   FILOGONIO, RENATO ; WANG, TOBIAS ; TAYLOR, EDWIN W. ; ABE, AUGUSTO S. ; LEITE, CLÉO A. C.. Vagal tone regulates cardiac shunts during activity and at low temperatures in the South American rattlesnake, Crotalus durissus. Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. v. 186, p. 1-8, issn: 0174-1578, 2016.
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768.   FINOTTI, PABLO F. M. ; Costa, Lidiane C. ; CHINELATTO, MARCELO A.. Effect of the Chemical Structure of Compatibilizers on the Thermal, Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Immiscible PLA/PCL Blends. Macromolecular Symposia. v. 368, p. 24-29, issn: 1022-1360, 2016.
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769.   FISCHER, JAN-HENDRIK ; THOMÉ, ANTÔNIO MÁRCIO T. ; SCAVARDA, LUIZ FELIPE ; HELLINGRATH, BERND ; MARTINS, ROBERTO. Development and Application of a Maturity Measurement Framework for Supply Chain Flexibility. Procedia CIRP. v. 41, p. 514-519, issn: 2212-8271, 2016.
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770.   FITARONI, LAYS B. ; DE LIMA, JULIANA A. ; CRUZ, SANDRA A. ; WALDMAN, WALTER R.. Effect of compatibilizer and Irganox MD 1024 on the thermo-oxidative stability of PP/PP-g-MA/OMMT nanocomposites. Polymer Testing. v. 53, p. 165-173, issn: 0142-9418, 2016.
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771.   FLORENCIO, CAMILA ; Badino, Alberto C. ; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S.. Soybean protein as a cost-effective lignin-blocking additive for the saccharification of sugarcane bagasse. Bioresource Technology. v. 221, p. 172-180, issn: 0960-8524, 2016.
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772.   FLORENCIO, CAMILA ; CUNHA, FERNANDA M. ; Badino, Alberto C. ; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S. ; XIMENES, EDUARDO ; LADISCH, MICHAEL R.. Secretome analysis of Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger cultivated by submerged and sequential fermentation processes: enzyme production for sugarcane bagasse hydrolysis. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. v. 90, p. 53-60, issn: 0141-0229, 2016.
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773.   FLORENCIO, CAMILA ; CUNHA, FERNANDA M. ; Badino, Alberto C. ; FARINAS, CRISTIANE S. ; XIMENES, EDUARDO ; LADISCH, MICHAEL R.. Secretome data from Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger cultivated in submerged and sequential fermentation methods. Data in Brief. v. 8, p. 588-598, issn: 2352-3409, 2016.
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774.   FLORIANO, RICARDO ; LEIVA, Daniel Rodrigo ; DESSI, JOÃO GUILHERME ; ASSELLI, ALEXANDRE AUGUSTO CESÁRIO ; Jorge Junior, Alberto Moreira ; Botta, Walter José. Mg-based Nanocomposites for Hydrogen Storage Containing Ti-Cr-V Alloys as Additives. Materials Research (São Carlos. On-line). v. online, p. online-online, issn: 1980-5373, 2016.
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775.   FOCHI, ALEXANDRE ; DAMAS, FELIPE ; BERTON, RICARDO ; ALVAREZ, IEDA ; MIQUELINI, MAIARA ; SALVINI, TANIA ; LIBARDI, CLEITON. Greater eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage by large versus small range of motion with the same end-point. Biology of Sport. v. 33, p. 285-289, issn: 0860-021X, 2016.
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1061.   LOPES, THIARA REIS ; COSTA JUNIOR, ISMAEL LAURINDO ; PERIOTTO, FERNANDO ; LOWE PLETSCH, ADELMO. Antibiotic Resistance in Isolated in Effluent From Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sediment in Receiver Body. International Journal of River Basin Management. v. 15, p. 1-11, issn: 1814-2060, 2016.
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1087.   MACHADO, CAROLINA DE BARROS ; ISHIZUKA, TAMYLIN KAORI ; FREITAS, PATRÍCIA DOMINGUES DE ; VALIATI, VICTOR HUGO ; GALETTI, PEDRO MANOEL. DNA barcoding reveals taxonomic uncertainty in (Characiformes). SYSTEMATICS AND BIODIVERSITY. v. 1, p. 1-11, issn: 1477-2000, 2016.
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1091.   MACHADO, I. J. R. Migração, deslocamentos e as franjas do parentesco (2014, publicado em 2016)). R@U : Revista de Antropologia Social dos Alunos do PPGAS-UFSCAR. v. 6, p. 130-145, issn: 2175-4705, 2016.
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1092.   MACHADO, I. J. R.; MARQUES, A. C. D. R.. Entrevista com Janet Carsten (2014, publicado em 2016). R@U : Revista de Antropologia Social dos Alunos do PPGAS-UFSCAR. v. 6, p. 147-159, issn: 2175-4705, 2016.
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1093.   MACHADO, P. C. ; ANDRADE, P. H. M. ; QUECINE, M. C. ; LACAVA, P. T.. Potencial de promoção de crescimento vegetal de bactérias endofíticas associadas a Jatropha curcas L.. Ciência & Tecnologia: Fatec-JB (Online). v. 8, p. 1-14, issn: 2178-9436, 2016.
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1094.   MACHADO, R. C. ; Pereira-Filho, Edenir Rodrigues ; Araujo Nogueira, Ana Rita. Strategy of Sample Preparation for Arsenic Determination in Mineral Fertilizers. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). p. 1273-1278, issn: 0103-5053, 2016.
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1095.   MACHADO, RAQUEL C. ; Virgilio, Alex ; AMARAL, CLARICE D. B. ; Schiavo, Daniela ; Nóbrega, Joaquim A. ; Nogueira, Ana Rita A.. Evaluation of Inductively Coupled Plasma Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Determination of As in Agricultural Inputs with High REE Contents. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 27, p. 2076-2081, issn: 0103-5053, 2016.
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1098.   MACIEL, L. V. C. De Dostoiévski ao vestibular Unicamp: um diálogo possível?. Linguasagem (São Paulo). v. 26, p. 1-14, issn: 1983-6988, 2016.
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1099.   MACIEL, LUCAS VINÍCIO DE CARVALHO. Diferenças entre dialogismo e polifonia. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem. v. 24, p. 580-601, issn: 0104-0588, 2016.
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1101.   MADEIRA, G. F. Nonlinear Fredholm alternative for the p-Laplacian under nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. v. 2016, p. 1-7, issn: 1072-6691, 2016.
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1139.   MARQUES NETTO, CATERINA G. C.; DA SILVA, DELMÁRCIO G. ; TOMA, SERGIO H. ; Andrade, Leandro H. ; Nakamura, Marcelo ; Araki, Koiti ; Toma, Henrique E.. Bovine glutamate dehydrogenase immobilization on magnetic nanoparticles: conformational changes and catalysis. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 6, p. 12977-12992, issn: 2046-2069, 2016.
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1141.   MARQUES, JOANA BRÁS VARANDA ; DE FREITAS, DENISE. Mapping the future of non-formal education and the scientific dissemination of astronomy in Brazil: A Delphi study. Policy Futures in Education (Online). v. 14, p. 1153-1181, issn: 1478-2103, 2016.
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1143.   MARQUES, WILTON JOSÉ. Diálogos de além-mar: um artigo inédito de José de Alencar. Navegações (Impresso) (Porto Alegre). v. 8, p. 179-187, issn: 1982-8527, 2016.
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1147.   MARTELLI, I. B. ; PACHECO, C. A. ; BASTIANEL, M. ; SCHINOR, E. H. ; CONCEIÇÃO, P. M. ; AZEVEDO, F. A.. Diagrammatic scale for assessing foliar symptoms of alternaria brown spot in citrus. AGRONOMY SCIENCE AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. v. 2, p. 57-61, issn: 2359-1455, 2016.
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1148.   MARTHA, D.J.B. La dolce vita e as formas do nada: o desejo sob um lance de dados. REDISCO - Revista Eletrônica de Estudos do Discurso e do Corpo. v. 9, p. 65-83, issn: 2316-1213, 2016.
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1151.   MARTINEZ, C. M. S.; FONTAINE, A. M. ; SANTOS, J. L. F. ; MARINI, B. ; MANZINI, M. G.. REDES DE COLABORAÇÃO E INTERSETORIALIDADE NAS CRECHES PÚBLICAS DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar. v. 24, p. 673-680, issn: 0104-4931, 2016.
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1152.   MARTINEZ, JULIANA F. ; LUI, ROBERTO L. ; TRALDI, JOSIANE B. ; BLANCO, DANIEL R. ; Moreira-Filho, Orlando. Comparative Cytogenetics of Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus (Agassiz, 1829) (Characiformes, Erythrinidae) Species Complex from Different Brazilian Hydrographic Basins. Cytogenetic and Genome Research (Printed ed.). v. 00, p. ooo, issn: 1424-8581, 2016.
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1153.   MARTINEZ, M.; MILTON, FLORA A. ; PINHEIRO, PATRICIA FERNANDA F. ; ALMEIDA-FRANCIA, CAMILA C.D. ; Cagnon, Valéria Helena Alves ; TIRAPELLI, LUIZ F. ; PADOVANI, Carlos Roberto ; CHUFFA, LUIZ GUSTAVO A. ; Martinez, Francisco Eduardo. Chronic ethanol intake leads to structural and molecular alterations in the rat endometrium. Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.). v. 52, p. 55-61, issn: 0741-8329, 2016.
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1154.   MARTINI, Cristina ; TAUK-TORNISIELO, S. M. ; CODATO, Carolina Brito ; BASTOS, R.G. ; CECCATO-ANTONINI, S.R.. A strain of Meyerozyma guilliermondii isolated from sugarcane juice is able to grow and ferment pentoses in synthetic and bagasse hydrolysate media. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology Incorporating the MIRCEN Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Dordrecht. Online). v. 32, p. 1-9, issn: 0959-3993, 2016.
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1155.   MARTINS, A. L. ; GALLÃO, J. E. ; BICHUETTE, M. E. ; SANTOS, E. F.. The first record of Notocyphus tyrannicus Smith, (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) as parasitoid of Acanthoscurria Ausserer, 1871 (Teraphosidae: Teraphosinae). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF BIOLOGY (ONLINE). v. 76, p. 806-807, issn: 1678-4375, 2016.
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1156.   MARTINS, A. O. ; ALVES, F. D. ; SOMMERHALDER, A.. Brincar no recreio escolar: ouvindo crianças dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. EDUCAÇÃO EM FOCO (BELO HORIZONTE. 1996). v. 19, p. 241-262, issn: 1519-3322, 2016.
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1157.   MARTINS, F. R. ; LIMA, J. C.. Las múltiplas caras del trabajo precario y del sindicalismo: la experiencia brasileña. Trabajo y Sociedad. v. 27, p. 93-108, issn: 1514-6871, 2016.
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1158.   MARTINS, M. F. Educação não escolar: discussão terminológica e mapeamento dos fundamentos das tendências. Contrapontos (Online). v. 16, p. 40-61, issn: 1984-7114, 2016.
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1159.   MARTINS, M. F. Pesquisa em educação e transformações sociais. Argumentos Pró-educação. v. 1, p. 173-192, issn: 2448-2803, 2016.
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1160.   MARTINS, M. F.; Corrochano, Maria Carla ; LEITE, Kelen C. ; MENDONÇA, V. M. ; PEREIRA, D. F. F.. Sociologia e movimentos sociais: mapeamento do ensino na região de Sorocaba-SP. CRÍTICA EDUCATIVA. v. 2, p. 212-230, issn: 2447-4223, 2016.
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1161.   MARTINS, M. F.; BERGAMINI, D.. Educação e movimentos sociais na região de Sorocaba-SP: incipiente mapeamento. Crítica Educativa. v. 2, p. 96-115, issn: 2447-4223, 2016.
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1162.   MARTINS, M. S. C. O papel da língua nheengatu na construção da identidade indígena. REVISTA DIGITAL DE POLITICAS LINGUISTICAS. v. 08, p. 56-70, issn: 1853-3256, 2016.
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1163.   Martins, M.J. Algebraic geometry methods associated to the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Nuclear Physics. B (Print). v. 907, p. 479-494, issn: 0550-3213, 2016.
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1165.   MARTINS, V. R. O. Educação de Surdos e Proposta Bilíngue: ativação de novos saberes sob a ótica da filosofia da diferença. EDucação e Realidade Edição eletrônica. v. 41, p. 713-729, issn: 2175-6236, 2016.
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1166.   MARTINS, V. R. O. Tradutor e intérprete de língua de sinais educacional: desafios da formação. Revista Belas Infiéis. v. v. 5, p. 147-163, issn: 2316-6614, 2016.
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1167.   MARTINS, V. R. O. ; LACERDA, C. B. F. de. Educação inclusiva bilíngue para surdos: problematizações acerca das políticas educacionais e linguísticas. REVISTA DE EDUCAÇÃO PUC-CAMPINAS. v. 21, p. 163-178, issn: 2318-0870, 2016.
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1168.   MARTINS, V. R. O.; NASCIMENTO, L. C. R.. Educação de surdos e as resistências na atualidade: diálogos necessários sobre a educação e a função de intérpretes educacionais. Periódico Acadêmico-Científico do Instituto Nacional de Educação de Surdos: Revista Espaço. v. V.46, p. 97-117, issn: 2525-6203, 2016.
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1169.   MARTINS, V.F.; CORREA, G.W.. Avaliação da arborização da Praça Barão de Araras (Araras SP). REVISTA CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA & AMBIENTE (ONLINE). v. 4, p. 20-29, issn: 2359-6643, 2016.
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1170.   MARTÍNEZ, KARIM Y.P. ; TOSO, Eli A.V. ; Morabito, Reinaldo. Production planning in the molded pulp packaging industry. Computers & Industrial Engineering. v. 98, p. 544-566, issn: 0360-8352, 2016.
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1171.   MASCAGNI, DANIELA BRANCO TAVARES ; MIYAZAKI, CELINA MASSUMI ; DA CRUZ, NILSON CRISTINO ; DE MORAES, MARLI LEITE ; Riul, Antonio ; Ferreira, Marystela. Layer-by-layer assembly of functionalized reduced graphene oxide for direct electrochemistry and glucose detection. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print). v. 68, p. 739-745, issn: 0928-4931, 2016.
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1172.   MASIERO, Érico ; Souza, Léa Cristina Lucas de. Improving urban thermal profile with trees and water features. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. URBAN DESIGN AND PLANNING (ONLINE). v. 169, p. 66-77, issn: 1755-0793, 2016.
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1173.   MASSAROLO, J. C. ; MESQUITA JUNIOR, D. S.. Design do mundo ficcional da série Game Of Thrones. Lumina (UFJF. Online). v. 10, p. 01-21, issn: 1981-4070, 2016.
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1174.   MATEUS, RODRIGO COSTA ; Siqueira, Thiago Luís Lopes ; Times, Valéria Cesário ; Ciferri, Ricardo Rodrigues ; DE AGUIAR CIFERRI, CRISTINA DUTRA. Spatial data warehouses and spatial OLAP come towards the cloud: design and performance. Distributed and Parallel Databases (Dordrecht. Online). v. 34, p. 425-461, issn: 1573-7578, 2016.
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1175.   MATIAS, T.B. ; ROCHE, V. ; NOGUEIRA, R.P. ; ASATO, G.H. ; Kiminami, C.S. ; BOLFARINI, C. ; Botta, W.J. ; Jorge Jr., A.M.. Mg-Zn-Ca amorphous alloys for application as temporary implant: Effect of Zn content on the mechanical and corrosion properties. Materials & Design. v. 110, p. 188-195, issn: 0264-1275, 2016.
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1176.   MATSUDA, SUZANA DA COSTA ; BAPTISTA, JAQUELINE DE OLIVEIRA ; SACOMANI, RAFAEL AUGUSTO ; CARDOSO, JEAN CARLOS. Emergência e desenvolvimento de tansagem (Plantago major) e arnica-do-campo (Porophyllum ruderale) em monocultivo e consórcio. REVISTA CIÊNCIA, TECNOLOGIA & AMBIENTE (ONLINE). v. 4, p. 56-61, issn: 2359-6643, 2016.
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1177.   MATTOX, G. M. T.; Britz, R. ; TOLEDO-PIZA, M.. Osteology of Priocharax and remarkable developmental truncation in a miniature Amazonian fish (Teleostei: Characiformes: Characidae). Journal of Morphology (1931. Print). v. 277, p. 65-85, issn: 0362-2525, 2016.
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1250.   MONTEIRO, ROSANA BATISTA. Educação permanente em saúde e as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Educação das relações étnico-raciais e para ensino de História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Africana. Saúde e Sociedade (Online). v. 25, p. 524-534, issn: 1984-0470, 2016.
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1260.   MORAES, VALÉRIA ; THOMASI, SÉRGIO ; SPRENGER, RICARDO ; PRADO, VILMA ; CRUZ, ELIZANGELA ; Cass, Quezia ; FERREIRA, ANTÔNIO ; BLANK, ARIE. Secondary Metabolites from an Infusion of Lippia gracilis Schauer Using the LC-DAD-SPE/NMR Hyphenation Technique. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (Impresso). v. 00, p. 1335-1340, issn: 0103-5053, 2016.
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