Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) realizado em 21/11/2017

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115.   AZEVEDO, F. A. ; MARTELLI, I. B. ; Polydoro, D.A. ; PACHECO, C.A. ; SCHINOR, E. H. ; BASTIANEL, M.. Positive relationship between citrus leaf miner and alternaria brown spot. Ciência Rural. v. 45, p. 1160-1163, issn: 1678-4596, 2015.
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116.   AZEVEDO, FERNANDO ALVES ; PACHECO, CAMILLA DE ANDRADE ; SCHINOR, EVANDRO HENRIQUE ; CARVALHO, SÉRGIO ALVES DE ; Conceição, Patrícia Marluci da. Produtividade de laranjeira Folha Murcha enxertada em limoeiro Cravo sob adensamento de plantio. Bragantia (São Paulo, SP. Eletrônico). v. 74, p. 184-188, issn: 1678-4499, 2015.
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117.   Azevedo, Paula S. ; FERREIRA, VANESSA C. M. P. ; Santos, Priscila ; GONÇALVES, ANDRÉA DE FREITAS ; OKOSHI, M. P. ; FERNANDES, A. A. H. ; Roscani, Meliza G. ; Polegato, Bertha F. ; Paiva, Sergio ; ZORNOFF, LEONARDO A. M. ; MINICUCCI, M.. The Role of Glucose Metabolism in Cardiac Remodeling Induced by Tobacco Smoke Exposure. The FASEB Journal. v. 29, p. 370, issn: 0892-6638, 2015.
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118.   AZEVEDO, TÁSSIA LOPES DE ; CIA, Fabiana ; SPINAZOLA, CARIZA DE CÁSSIA ; Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves. AVALIAÇÃO DAS MÃES DE CRIANÇAS PEQUENAS PÚBLICO ALVO DA EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL SOBRE UM PROGRAMA DE INTERVENÇÃO. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. v. 21, p. 377-394, issn: 1413-6538, 2015.
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119.   AÍMOLA, TÚLIO J. ; LIMA, DIMAS J. P. ; Dias, Luiz C. ; Tormena, Cláudio F. ; Ferreira, Marco A. B.. H chemical shift differences of Prelog-Djerassi lactone derivatives: DFT and NMR conformational studies. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. v. 13, p. 2140-2145, issn: 1477-0520, 2015.
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120.   BABETTO, Alex Sandro ; AGNELLI, J. A. M. ; BETTINI, S.H.P.. Avaliação de sistemas pró-degradantes na degradação termooxidativa do PEAD. Polímeros (São Carlos. Online). v. 25, p. 68-76, issn: 1678-5169, 2015.
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121.   BAILONE, R.L. ; BORRA, R. C. ; ROCA, R. O.. Análise de Diferentes Parâmetros Relacionados com a Absorção de Água em Carcaça de Frango no Sistema de Pré-resfriamento por Imersão. Avicultura Industrial (Porto Feliz. Impresso). v. 03, p. 42-48, issn: 1516-3105, 2015.
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122.   BALDAN, C. S. ; MASSON, Igor Bordello ; ESTEVES JUNIOR, Ivaldo ; SCHIAVINATO, A. M. ; MACHADO, Aline Fernanda Perez ; CASAROTTO, Raquel Aparecida ; Liebano, R. E.. Inhibitory effects of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on skin flaps survival in rats. Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. v. 23, p. 35-39, issn: 1195-2199, 2015.
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123.   BALDON, R. D. M. ; PIVA, S. R. ; SCATTONE SILVA, R. ; SERRAO, F. V.. Evaluating Eccentric Hip Torque and Trunk Endurance as Mediators of Changes in Lower Limb and Trunk Kinematics in Response to Functional Stabilization Training in Women With Patellofemoral Pain. American Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 43, p. 1485-93, issn: 0363-5465, 2015.
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124.   Baltazar, Juliano M.; GORJÓN, SERGIO P. ; PILDAIN, MARÍA BELÉN ; RAJCHENBERG, MARIO ; DA SILVEIRA, ROSA MARA B.. Acanthocorticium brueggemannii , a new corticioid genus and species related to cyphelloid fungi in the euagarics clade (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Botany (Ottawa. Print). v. 93, p. 453-463, issn: 1916-2790, 2015.
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125.   BALZER, R. ; PROBST, L. ; CANTARERO, A. ; LIMA, M.M. ; Araújo, V. D. ; Bernardi, Maria I. B. ; W, Avansi ; ARENAL, R. ; FARJADO, H.. Ce1-xCoxO2 Nanorods Prepared by Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method: Novel Catalysts for Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds. Science of Advanced Materials (Print). v. 7, p. 1406-1414, issn: 1947-2935, 2015.
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126.   BAPTISTA-DE-SOUZA, DANIELA ; NUNCIATO, A. C. ; PEREIRA, B. C. ; FACHINI, G. ; ZANIBONI, C. R. ; CANTO-DE-SOUZA, A.. Mice undergoing neuropathic pain induce anxiogenic-like effects and hypernociception in cagemates. Behavioural Pharmacology. v. 26, p. 664-672, issn: 0955-8810, 2015.
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127.   BARBANO, L. ; CRUZ, D. M. C.. MACHISMO, PATRIARCALISMO, MORAL E A DISSOLUÇÃO DOS PAPÉIS OCUPACIONAIS. Revista Família, Ciclos de Vida e Saúde no Contexto Social. v. 3, p. 159-165, issn: 2318-8413, 2015.
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128.   BARBOSA, F. A. ; AGNELLI, J. A. M. ; MORENO, A. ; SCHEIDE, C. A. ; Casarin, Suzan A. ; VERGARA, W. R. H.. Projeto de uma planta para manufatura de produtos pecuários a partir do reaproveitamento de resíduos plásticos industriais e fibras vegetais. Produto & Produção (Online). v. 16, p. 1-23, issn: 1983-8026, 2015.
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129.   BARBOSA, GUSTAVO FRANCO; DE SOUZA, CARLOS HENRIQUE PEREIRA. ADVANTAGES REACHED BY REPLACEMENT OF 2D TO 3D PROGRAMMING TO AIM MACHINABILITY OF PRIMARY PARTS. Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management. v. 12, p. 116-123, issn: 1679-8171, 2015.
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130.   BARBOSA, J. C. ; MICHELON, A. L. S. ; ARAUJO, V. A. ; GAVA, M. ; MORALES, E. A. M. ; GARCIA, J. N. ; ROCCO, F. A. L. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L.. Medium Density Particleboard reinforced with bamboo laminas. Bioresources (Raleigh, N.C). v. 10, p. 330-335, issn: 1930-2126, 2015.
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131.   Barbosa, J. T. P. ; SANTOS, C. M. M. ; PERALVA, V. N. ; FLORES, É. M. M. ; KORN, M. ; Nóbrega, Joaquim A. ; Korn, M. G. A.. Microwave-assisted diluted acid digestion for trace elements analysis of edible soybean products. Food Chemistry. v. 175, p. 212-217, issn: 0308-8146, 2015.
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132.   BARBOSA, MARÍLIA I.F. ; Corrêa, Rodrigo S. ; POZZI, LUCAS V. ; LOPES, ÉRICA DE O. ; Pavan, Fernando R. ; Leite, Clarice Q.F. ; ELLENA, Javier ; MACHADO, SÉRGIO DE P. ; POELHSITZ, Gustavo Von ; Batista, Alzir A.. Ruthenium(II) complexes with hydroxypyridinecarboxylates: Screening potential metallodrugs against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Polyhedron. v. 85, p. 376-382, issn: 0277-5387, 2015.
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133.   BARBOSA, T. N. ; CARVALHO, J. G.. Os limites do desenvolvimento local: estudos sobre os pequenos municípios do interior de São Paulo. Revista Florestan. v. 02, p. 31-38, issn: 2357-8300, 2015.
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134.   Barchi, P. H. ; Hruschka Jr., E. R.. Two different approaches to Ontology Extension Through Machine Reading. Journal of Network and Innovative Computing. v. 3, p. 78-87, issn: 2160-2174, 2015.
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135.   BARDAGI, M. ; TEIXEIRA, M. A. P. ; SEGABINAZI, J. ; SCHELINI, P. W. ; NASCIMENTO, E.. Psychological evaluation teaching in Brazil: Survey with teachers from different regions. Avaliação Psicológica (Impresso). v. 14, p. 253-260, issn: 1677-0471, 2015.
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136.   BARON, D.; FERREIRA, G. ; BOARO, C.S.F ; RODRIGUES, J. D. ; AMARO, A. C. E. ; Mischan, M. M.. The Effect of the Ionic Strength of Nutrient Solution on Gas Exchange, Ionic Concentration and Leaf Biomass of Annona emarginata (Schltdl.) H. Rainer Variety -Terra-Fria? Seedlings. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION. v. 38, p. 00-00, issn: 0190-4167, 2015.
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138.   BARONAS, R. L. Enunciação aforizante versus textualizante: notas sobre tensões estruturais e extratextuais. Estudos Linguísticos (São Paulo. 1978). v. 43, p. 1323-1332, issn: 1413-0939, 2015.
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139.   BARONAS, R. L. A (des)ordem da imagem na comunicação política brasileira: possibilidades analíticas a partir da noção discursiva de relações intercenográficas. Linguagem em (Dis)curso (Online). v. 15, p. 401-413, issn: 1982-4017, 2015.
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140.   BARONAS, R. L.; ARAUJO, L. M. B. M.. Publicidade, humor e ensino: hipóteses de trabalho. Calidoscópio (UNISINOS). v. 13, p. 60-67, issn: 1679-8740, 2015.
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141.   BARONAS, R. L.; SANTOS, S. F.. Destextualização e(m) íconotextos na/da comunicação política brasileira. Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios del Discurso. v. 02, p. 09-26, issn: 1317-7389, 2015.
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142.   Barostichi, R.F.; Himonas, A., Alexandrou ; PETRONILHO, G.. A Cauchy-Kovalevsky theorem for nonlinear and nonlocal equations. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. v. 127, p. 59-68, issn: 2194-1009, 2015.
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143.   BARRETO, P. P. ; BETTANI, S. R. ; BORGES, M. T. M. R. ; VERRUMA-BERNARDI, M. R.. Avaliação físico-química e sensorial de diferentes melados. Revista de Agricultura (Piracicaba). v. 90, p. 217-228, issn: 0034-7655, 2015.
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144.   BARRETO, P. A. F. A. P. P. ; Bettani, S. R. ; BORGES, M. T. M. R. ; BERNARDI, M. R. V.. Avaliação físico-química e sensorial de diferentes melados. Revista de Agricultura (Piracicaba). v. 90, p. 217-228, issn: 0034-7655, 2015.
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145.   BARRILLI, GERMANO HENRIQUE COSTA ; Rocha, Odete ; NEGREIROS, NATALIA FELIX ; VERANI, JOSÉ ROBERTO. Influence of environmental quality of the tributaries of the Monjolinho River on the relative condition factor (Kn) of the local ichthyofauna. Biota Neotropica (Edição em Português. Online). v. 15, p. 1-9, issn: 1676-0603, 2015.
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146.   BARROS, A. B. ; SILVA, Silvana Maria Moura da ; COSTA, M. P. R. da. Dificuldades no processo de inclusão escolar: percepções dee professores e de alunos com deficiência visual nas escolas públicas. Boletim - Academia Paulista de Psicologia. v. 35, p. 145-163, issn: 1415-711X, 2015.
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147.   BARROS, L. ; Santos, U. ; Cioffi, M.B. ; DERGAM, J.A.. Evolutionary Divergence Among Oligosarcus spp. (Ostariophysi, Characidae) from the São Francisco and Doce River Basins: Oligosarcus solitarius Menezes, 1987 Shows the Highest Rates of Chromosomal Evolution in the Neotropical Region. Zebrafish (Larchmont, NY). v. 12, p. 102-110, issn: 1545-8547, 2015.
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148.   BARROS, P. M. ; TANABE, E. H. ; AGUIAR, M. L.. Performance of fibrous filters during nanoparticle cake formation. Separation Science and Technology (Print). v. 51, p. 1-11, issn: 0149-6395, 2015.
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149.   BARSUK, DARIA ; ZHANG, MIN ; PANAGIOTOPOULOS, NIKOLAOS T. ; JORGE, ALBERTO M. ; GEORGARAKIS, KONSTANTINOS ; YAVARI, ALAIN R.. Fabrication of nanoporous copper surface by leaching of chill-zone Cu-Zr-Hf alloys. Scripta Materialia. v. 104, p. 64-66, issn: 1359-6462, 2015.
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150.   BARUSSO, M. S. ; GIANJOPPE-SANTOS, J. ; BASSO-VANELLI, R. P. ; REGUEIRO, E. M. ; PANIN, J. C. ; PIRES DI LORENZO, V. A.. Limitation of Activities of Daily Living and Quality of Life Based on COPD Combined Classification. Respiratory Care. v. 60, p. 388-398, issn: 0020-1324, 2015.
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151.   BASSAN, H. ; MARTINS, Roberto Antonio. Geração de riqueza em empresas vencedoras do PNQ: uma análise usando EVA. Production. v. 1, p. 1-15, issn: 1980-5411, 2015.
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153.   BASSI, A.P.G. ; Paraluppi, A.L. ; Reis, V.R. ; CECCATO-ANTONINI, S.R.. Potassium metabisulphite as a potential biocide against Dekkera bruxellensis in fuel ethanol fermentations. Letters in Applied Microbiology. v. 60, p. 248-258, issn: 0266-8254, 2015.
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154.   BASSI, D. ; ARAKELIAN, V. M. ; MENDES, R. G. ; CARUSO, F. R. ; BONJORNO JUNIOR, J. C. ; ZANGRANDO, K. T. L. ; OLIVEIRA, C. R. ; HAUS, J. ; ARENA, R. ; BORGHI-SILVA, A. Poor glycemic control impacts linear and nonlinear dynamics of heart rate in DM type 2. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso). v. 21, p. 313-317, issn: 1517-8692, 2015.
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155.   Bassi, Daniela ; Arakelian V ; MENDES, Renata Gonçalves ; CARUSO, Flávia Cristina ; BONJORNO JR, J. C. ; ZANGRANDO, K. T. L. ; Oliveira CR ; HAUS, J. ; ARENA, R. ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Poor glycemic control negatively impacts linear and non linear dynamics of heart rate in Type 2 Diabetes. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso). v. 21, p. 313-317, issn: 1517-8692, 2015.
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156.   BASSI, DANIELA ; BUENO, PATRICIA DE GODOY ; NONAKA, KEICO OKINO ; SELISTRE-ARAUJO, HELOISA SOBREIRO ; LEAL, ANGELA MERICE DE OLIVEIRA. Exercise alters myostatin protein expression in sedentary and exercised streptozotocin-diabetic rats. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism. v. 59, p. 148-153, issn: 2359-4292, 2015.
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158.   BASSO, R. M.; PIRES DE OLIVEIRA, R.. Generic and Weak Demonstratives: The Realm of Kinds. JOURNAL OF PORTUGUESE LINGUISTICS. v. 14, p. 45-62, issn: 1645-4537, 2015.
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159.   BASSO-VANELLI, R. P. ; PIRES DI LORENZO, V. A. ; LABADESSA, I. G. ; REGUEIRO, E. M. G. ; JAMAMI, M. ; GOMES, E. L. ; COSTA, D.. Effects of Inspiratory Muscle Training and Calisthenics-and-Breathing Exercises in COPD With and Without Respiratory Muscle Weakness. Respiratory Care. v. 61, p. 50-60, issn: 0020-1324, 2015.
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160.   BASTOS, CATARINA ; BERNARDINI, ALEX E ; BERTOLAMI, ORFEU ; DIAS, NUNO COSTA ; PRATA, JOÃO NUNO. Robertson-Schrödinger formulation of Ozawa's uncertainty principle. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES (PRINT). v. 626, p. 012050, issn: 1742-6588, 2015.
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161.   BASTOS, CATARINA ; BERNARDINI, ALEX E. ; BERTOLAMI, Orfeu ; DIAS, NUNO COSTA ; PRATA, JOÃO NUNO. Phase-space noncommutative extension of the Robertson-Schrödinger formulation of Ozawa?s uncertainty principle. Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology. v. 91, p. 065036, issn: 1550-7998, 2015.
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162.   BASTOS, REINALDO GASPAR; VOLPI, M.P.C. ; MORAIS, D.V.. Influence of solid moisture and bed heigh in cultivation of Aspergillus niger from sugarcane bagasse with vinasse. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering (Online). v. 32, p. 377-384, issn: 1678-4383, 2015.
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163.   BATAEV, I.A. ; OGNEVA, T.S. ; BATAEV, A.A. ; MALI, V.I. ; ESIKOV, M.A. ; LAZURENKO, D.V. ; GUO, Y. ; JORGE JUNIOR, A.M.. Explosively welded multilayer Ni-Al composites. Materials & Design. v. 88, p. 1082-1087, issn: 0264-1275, 2015.
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164.   BATALHA, M. A.; PIPENBAHER, N. ; Bakan, B. ; Kaligari#269 ; ?KORNIK, S.. Assessing community assembly along a successional gradient in the North Adriatic Karst with functional and phylogenetic distances. Oecologia. v. 178, p. 1205-1214, issn: 0029-8549, 2015.
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165.   BATISTA'DEROCO, PATRÍCIA ; CAMPANHÃ'VICENTINI, FERNANDO ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. An Electrochemical Sensor for the Simultaneous Determination of Paracetamol and Codeine Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles and Carbon Black. Electroanalysis (New York, N.Y.). v. 27, p. 2214-2220, issn: 1040-0397, 2015.
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166.   Batista, F. A. H. ; Gava, L.M. ; Pinheiro, G. M. S. ; Ramos, C. H. I. ; Borges, Júlio C.. From Conformation to Interaction: Techniques to Explore the Hsp70/ Hsp90 Network. Current Protein and Peptide Science. v. 16, p. 735-753, issn: 1389-2037, 2015.
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167.   BATISTA, ÉRICA FERREIRA ; AUGUSTO, AMANDA SANTOS ; Pereira-Filho, Edenir Rodrigues. Determination of Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in cosmetics samples using a simple method for sample preparation. Analytical Methods (Print). v. 7, p. 329-335, issn: 1759-9660, 2015.
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168.   BATTISTELLE, R. A. G. ; BEZERRA, B. S. ; VALARELLI, I. D. ; BRANCO, L. A. M. N. ; CHAHUD, E. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L. ; ROCCO, F. A. L.. Evaluation of a Plastic Composite Produced with Residues of Sugarcane Bagasse and Polypropylene without Additives. Advanced Materials Research (Online). v. 1088, p. 407-410, issn: 1662-8985, 2015.
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169.   Bazon, F. V. M. ; Gomes, C. ; LOZANO, D.. Atuação e concepções in/exclusivas de professores regulares dos municípios de Alfenas e Araras. Educacao Unisinos (Online). v. 19, p. 243-251, issn: 2177-6210, 2015.
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170.   BELÃO, T.C. ; ZERAIK, V.M. ; FLORINDO, L.H. ; KALININ, A.L. ; Leite, C.A.C. ; RANTIN, F.T.. Control of cardiorespiratory function in response to hypoxia in an air-breathing fish, the African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part A, Molecular & Integrative Physiology. v. 187, p. 130-140, issn: 1095-6433, 2015.
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171.   BENAMARA, MOURAD ; MAZUR, YURIY I. ; LYTVYN, PETER ; WARE, MORGAN E. ; DOROGAN, VITALIY ; HU, XIAN ; DE SOUZA, LEONARDO D. ; MAREGA, EUCLYDES ; THEODORES, MARCIO ; MARQUES, GILMAR ; SALAMO, GREG. Ordering of InGaAs Quantum Dots Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy under As2 gas flux. MRS Proceedings. v. 1792, p. mrss15-2134709, issn: 1946-4274, 2015.
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172.   BENATTI, D. P. ; TONELLO, K. C. ; CARDOSO-LEITE, ELIANA ; FARIA, L. C.. Morfometria e uso e cobertura de uma microbacia no município de Sete Barras, São Paulo. Irriga (UNESP Botucatu). v. 21, p. 21-32, issn: 1413-7895, 2015.
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173.   Bendor, R. ; Anacleto, Junia ; FELS, S. ; Herom, T. ; Maggs, D. ; Peake, R. ; Robinson, J. ; Robinson, M.. Sustainability in an imaginary world. Interactions (New York, N.Y.). v. 22, p. 54-57, issn: 1072-5520, 2015.
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175.   BENEDETTI, LUZIA PIRES DOS SANTOS ; DOS SANTOS, VAGNER BEZERRA ; SILVA, TIAGO ALMEIDA ; FILHO, EDEMAR BENEDETTI ; MARTINS, VALDOMIRO LACERDA ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. A digital image-based method employing a spot-test for quantification of ethanol in drinks. Analytical Methods (Print). v. 7, p. 4138-4144, issn: 1759-9660, 2015.
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176.   BENITEZ, P. ; GOMES, M. L. C. ; SCHELINI, P. W. ; DOMENICONI, C.. Evidência de validade do Diagnóstico da Leitura e Escrita (DLE) em relação ao WISC III em deficientes intelectuais. Boletim de Psicologia. v. LXV, p. 83-96, issn: 0006-5943, 2015.
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177.   BENÍTEZ OLIVO, E.E. ; SANTOS FILHO, J.C.S. ; MOYA OSORIO, D.P. ; DA COSTA, D.B.. Multiuser incremental decode-and-forward relaying under outdated channel estimates. Electronics Letters. v. 51, p. 369-371, issn: 0013-5194, 2015.
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178.   BERBEL, T. R. L. ; GONZALEZ, S. M.. How to help end users to get better decisions? Personalizing OLAP aggregation queries through Semantic Recommendation of Text Documents. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining. v. 10, p. 1-18, issn: 1743-8187, 2015.
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179.   BERGAMASCHI, A. C. B. ; Del Lama, M. A.. Gene variation and genetic differentiation among populations of the solitary mud dauber wasp Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) albitarse Fabricius 1804 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae). Genetics and Molecular Biology (Impresso). v. 38, p. 519-526, issn: 1415-4757, 2015.
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334.   CARVALHO, FLÁVIO LEONEL DE; DIAZ, MARIA DOLORES MONTOYA ; BIALOSKORSKI NETO, SIGISMUNDO ; KALATZIS, AQUILES ELIE GUIMARÃES. Exit and Failure of Credit Unions in Brazil: A Risk Analysis. Revista Contabilidade & Finanças (Online). v. 26, p. 70-84, issn: 1808-057X, 2015.
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336.   CARVALHO, LÍVIA PINHEIRO ; DI THOMMAZO-LUPORINI, LUCIANA ; AUBERTIN-LEHEUDRE, MYLÈNE ; BONJORNO JUNIOR, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO ; LUPORINI, RAFAEL LUÍS ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ZANGRANDO, KATIANY THAIS LOPES ; TRIMER, RENATA ; Arena, Ross ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Prediction of Cardiorespiratory Fitness by the Six-Minute Step Test and Its Association with Muscle Strength and Power in Sedentary Obese and Lean Young Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0145960, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.
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337.   CARVALHO, L. P. N. ; CASEMIRO, F. G. ; MONTEIRO, LUZIA CRISTINA ANTONIOSSI. Desaposentação e as Contribuições Biopsicossociais para o Idoso: considerações gerontológicas. Revista Kairós. v. 18, p. 359-377, issn: 1516-2567, 2015.
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338.   CARVALHO, RODRIGO R.V. ; COELHO, JOMARC A.O. ; SANTOS, JOZEMIR M. ; AQUINO, FRANCISCO W.B. ; Carneiro, Renato L. ; PEREIRA-FILHO, EDENIR R.. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) combined with hyperspectral imaging for the evaluation of printed circuit board composition. Talanta (Oxford). v. 134, p. 278-283, issn: 0039-9140, 2015.
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339.   CARVALHO, S. M. S.; OLIVEIRA, A. R. L.. Interior Point Methods Applied to the Predispatch Hydroelectric System with Simulated Modification in the Network Topology. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 13, p. 143-149, issn: 1548-0992, 2015.
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340.   CARVALHO, S. S. ; PANZERA, T. H. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L. ; FIORELLI, J. ; ROCCO LAHR, F. A.. Pigmented epoxy- quartz particulate composite for small timber beam restoration. Wood Research (Bratislava). v. 60, p. 1-14, issn: 1336-4561, 2015.
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341.   CARVALHO, SHEILA SALLES DE ; VENDRAMIM, JOSÉ DJAIR ; SÁ, ISRAEL CÍVICO GIL DE ; SILVA, MARIA FÁTIMA DAS GARÇAS FERNANDES D ; RIBEIRO, LEANDRO DO PRADO ; Forim, Moacir Rossi. Efeito inseticida sistêmico de nanoformulações à base de nim sobre Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) biótipo B em tomateiro. Bragantia (São Paulo, SP. Eletrônico). v. 74, p. 298-306, issn: 1678-4499, 2015.
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343.   Castello-Simões, Viviane ; MINATEL, VINICIUS ; Karsten, Marlus ; SIMÕES, Rodrigo Polaquini ; PERSEGUINI, Natália Maria ; Milan, Juliana Cristina ; Arena, Ross ; Neves, Laura Maria Tomazi ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY ; CATAI, Aparecida Maria. Circulatory and Ventilatory Power: Characterization in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia (Impresso). v. 5, p. 66-78, issn: 0066-782X, 2015.
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349.   CEOLIM, A. J. ; CALDEIRA, A. D.. Modelagem Matemática na Educação Matemática: obstáculos segundo professores da Educação Básica. Educação Matemática em Revista. v. 1, p. 25-34, issn: 2317-904X, 2015.
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352.   CERRI, RICARDO; PAPPA, GISELE L. ; CARVALHO, ANDRÉ CARLOS P.L.F. ; FREITAS, ALEX A.. An Extensive Evaluation of Decision Tree-Based Hierarchical Multi-Label Classification Methods and Performance Measures. Computational Intelligence. v. 31, p. 1-46, issn: 0824-7935, 2015.
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368.   CHRISTOFOR, ANDRÉ LUIS; PANZERA, T. H. ; BRANDAO, L. C. ; ARAUJO, V. A. ; SILVA, D. A. L. ; ROCCO, F. A. L.. Comparison among the Longitudinal Modulus of Elasticity in Eucalyptus grandis Timber Beams by Alternative Methodologies. International Journal of Materials Engineering. v. 5, p. 77-81, issn: 2166-5400, 2015.
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369.   CHRISTOFORO, A. L.; LAHR, F. A. R. ; VALARELLI, I. D. ; BATTISTELLE, R. A. G. ; BRANCO, L. A. M. N. ; CHAHUD, E. ; PANZERA, T. H.. Evaluation of the Tensile Modulus of Elasticity in Parallel Direction to the Grain for Eucalyptus grandis Wood Specie. Advanced Materials Research (Online). v. 1088, p. 599-602, issn: 1662-8985, 2015.
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370.   CHRISTOFORO, A. L.; ROCCO, F. A. L. ; CAMPOS, C. I. ; MORALES, E. A. M. ; BARBOSA, J. C. ; PANZERA, T. H.. Resin-Wood Particulate Composite Reinforced with Piassava Fibre. Advanced Materials Research (Online). v. 1088, p. 415-418, issn: 1662-8985, 2015.
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371.   CHRISTOFORO, A. L.; SILVA, S. A. M. ; BARBOSA, J. C. ; RIBEIRO FILHO, S. L. M. ; PANZERA, T. H. ; LAHR, F. A. R.. Particleboards manufactured with Cordia goeldiana wood wastes. Engenharia Agrícola (Impresso). v. 35, p. 368-377, issn: 0100-6916, 2015.
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372.   CHRISTOFORO, A. L.; SILVA, S. A. M. ; BARBOSA, J. C. ; RIBEIRO FILHO, S. L. M. ; PANZERA, T. H. ; ROCCO, F. A. L.. Produção de Chapas de Partículas com Resíduos de Madeira Cordia goeldiana. Engenharia Agrícola (Impresso). v. 35, p. 368-377, issn: 0100-6916, 2015.
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373.   CHRISTOFORO, ANDRÉ LUÍS; PANZERA, T. H. ; Silva, L. J. ; ARAUJO, V. A. ; SILVA, D. A. L. ; ROCCO, F. A. L.. Evaluation of the Modulus of Elasticity in Damaged Wooden Beams. International Journal of Materials Engineering. v. 5, p. 92-97, issn: 2166-5400, 2015.
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483.   DE FREITAS TALLARICO, LENITA ; ORLANDI INTROÍNI, GISELE ; BONINI, AMANDA ; DIAS PASSOS, FLÁVIO ; MARCONDES MACHADO, FABRIZIO ; PINTOR DE ARRUDA, ELIANE ; RECCO-PIMENTEL, SHIRLEI MARIA. Spermatozoan ultrastructure and mitochondrial gene sequence of Caryocorbula caribaea (d'Orbigny, 1853) (Corbulidae: Bivalvia), a species with plasticity in shell morphology. Molluscan Research. v. 36, p. 1-6, issn: 1448-6067, 2015.
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484.   DE FREITAS, BRENO LIMA ; da SILVA, C. N. ; LUCCHESI, C. L.. Hypohamiltonian Snarks Have a 5-Flow. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. v. 50, p. 199-204, issn: 1571-0653, 2015.
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485.   DE GOBBI, JULIANA IRANI FRATUCCI ; OMOTO, ANA CAROLINA MIEKO ; SIQUEIRA, TAMIRES FERREIRA ; MATUSABARA, LUIZ SHIGUETO ; Roscani, Meliza Goi ; Matsubara, Beatriz Bojikian. Antidepressant treatment decreases daily salt intake and prevents heart dysfunction following subchronic aortic regurgitation in rats. Physiology & Behavior. v. 144, p. 124-128, issn: 0031-9384, 2015.
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492.   DE MELO BURGER, MARCELA CARMEN ; TEREZAN, ANA PAULA ; DE OLIVEIRA CUNHA, GRACIELLE SILVA ; FERNANDES, JOAO BATISTA ; DA SILVA, MARIA FATIMA DAS GRAÇAS FERNANDES ; VIEIRA, Paulo Cezar ; MENEZES, ANTONIO CARLOS SEVERO. Antimicrobial activity of the myrsinoic acid A from Myrsine coriacea and the semi-synthetic derivatives. Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia (Impresso). v. 25, p. 451-454, issn: 0102-695X, 2015.
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494.   DE MOURA, ANA P. ; OLIVEIRA, L. H. ; ROSA, I. L. V. ; XAVIER, CAMILA S. ; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N. ; LI, MÁXIMO S. ; LA PORTA, FELIPE A. ; LONGO, Elson ; Varela, José A.. Structural, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of NiMoO Nanorods Prepared by Microwave Sintering. The Scientific World Journal. v. 2015, p. 1-8, issn: 2356-6140, 2015.
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498.   DE OLIVEIRA, EZEQUIEL AGUIAR ; BERTOLLO, LUIZ ANTÔNIO CARLOS ; YANO, CASSIA FERNANDA ; Liehr, Thomas ; Cioffi, Marcelo de Bello. Comparative cytogenetics in the genus Hoplias (Characiformes, Erythrinidae) highlights contrasting karyotype evolution among congeneric species. Molecular Cytogenetics. v. 8, p. 56, issn: 1755-8166, 2015.
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499.   DE OLIVEIRA, FABIANA LUCI; FALAVINHA, DIEGO H. S. ; BRAGHIN, SIMONE. Processo decisório no STF e o caso da Reforma do Judiciário / Decision-making process in Supreme Court and the case of Judicial Reform. Revista Direito e Práxis. v. 6, p. 365-394, issn: 2179-8966, 2015.
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500.   DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS ; UESBECK, TOBIAS ; GONCALVES, TASSIA ; MAGON, CLÁUDIO JOSÉ ; Pizani, Paulo Sergio ; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA ; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Network Structure and Rare-Earth Ion Local Environments in Fluoride Phosphate Photonic Glasses Studied by Solid State NMR and EPR Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry. C. v. xx, p. 151006105232002, issn: 1932-7447, 2015.
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501.   DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Organic Synthesis in Brazil: Past, Present and Future (Part 1)). Current Organic Synthesis. v. 12, p. 495-495, issn: 1570-1794, 2015.
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502.   DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO. Editorial (Thematic Issue: Organic Synthesis in Brazil: Past, Present and Future (Part 2)). Current Organic Synthesis. v. 12, p. 674-674, issn: 1570-1794, 2015.
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503.   DE OLIVEIRA, LAIRA L. DAMASCENO ; ANTUNES, SARA CRISTINA ; GONÇALVES, FERNANDO ; Rocha, Odete ; NUNES, BRUNO. Acute and chronic ecotoxicological effects of four pharmaceuticals drugs on cladoceran Daphnia magna. Drug and Chemical Toxicology (New York, N.Y. 1978). v. 13, p. 1-9, issn: 0148-0545, 2015.
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504.   DE SOUSA MENDES, G. H. ; DE TOLEDO, J. C.. Organizational characteristics in concurrent engineering: Evidence from Brazilian small and medium enterprises in the medical device industry. Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications. v. 23, p. 135-144, issn: 1063-293X, 2015.
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506.   DE SOUSA, LORENA R.F. ; WU, HONGMEI ; Nebo, Liliane ; Fernandes, João B. ; DA SILVA, MARIA F. DAS G.F. ; KIEFER, WERNER ; SCHIRMEISTER, TANJA ; Vieira, Paulo C.. Natural products as inhibitors of recombinant cathepsin L of Leishmania mexicana. Experimental Parasitology. v. 156, p. 42-48, issn: 0014-4894, 2015.
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507.   DE SOUSA, ROMULO R. M. ; SATO, PATRICIA S. ; VIANA, BARTOLOMEU C. ; ALVES, CLODOMIRO ; NISHIMOTO, AKIO ; Nascente, Pedro A. P.. Cathodic cage plasma deposition of TiN and TiO2 thin films on silicon substrates. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A. Vacuum, Surfaces and Films (Cessou em 2002. Cont. ISSN 1553-1813 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology. A,. v. 33, p. 041502, issn: 0734-2101, 2015.
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508.   DE SOUZA, DANIEL CÂMARA ; De Luca, Jayme. Solutions of the Wheeler-Feynman equations with discontinuous velocities. Chaos (Woodbury, N.Y.). v. 25, p. 013102, issn: 1054-1500, 2015.
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509.   DE SOUZA, MAURÍCIO JORGE PINTO ; FERREIRA, ALEX LUIZ ; HANLEY, ANNE ; PIRES, JÚLIO MANUEL ; MARCONDES, RENATO LEITE ; DE FARIA, ROSANE NUNES ; SAKURAI, SÉRGIO NARUHIKO. A quantitative analysis of the academic economic literature regarding the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). Economia (Brasília). v. 16, p. 157-175, issn: 1517-7580, 2015.
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510.   DE SOUZA, REGIANE MÁXIMO ; Morabito, Reinaldo ; Chiyoshi, Fernando Y. ; IANNONI, Ana Paula. Incorporating priorities for waiting customers in the hypercube queuing model with application to an emergency medical service system in Brazil. European Journal of Operational Research. v. 242, p. 274-285, issn: 0377-2217, 2015.
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511.   DE TOLEDO, T.A. ; DA SILVA, L.E. ; TEIXEIRA, A.M.R. ; FREIRE, P.T.C. ; Pizani, P.S.. Characterization of Meldrum?s acid derivative 5-(5-Ethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylamino)methylene-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-dioxane-4,6-dione by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy and DFT calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure (Print). v. 1091, p. 37-42, issn: 0022-2860, 2015.
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512.   DE TOLEDO, T.A. ; Pizani, P.S. ; DA SILVA, L.E. ; TEIXEIRA, A.M.R. ; FREIRE, P.T.C.. Spectroscopy studies on Schiff Base N, N?-bis(salicylidene)-1,2-phenylenediamine by NMR, infrared, Raman and DFT calculations. Journal of Molecular Structure (Print). v. xxx, p. xx-xxx, issn: 0022-2860, 2015.
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513.   DE VINCENTIS, N.S. ; KLIAUGA, A. ; FERRANTE, M. ; AVALOS, M. ; BROKMEIER, H.-G. ; BOLMARO, R.E.. Evaluation of microstructure anisotropy on room and medium temperature ECAP deformed F138 steel. Materials Characterization. v. 107, p. 98-111, issn: 1044-5803, 2015.
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514.   Debiazi, Pedro Renan ; SOUZA, L. C. L.. Role of Vegetation in Modifying Thermal Conditions with Varying Sky View Factors. THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE CONSTRUCTED ENVIRONMENT. v. 6, p. 31-41, issn: 2154-8587, 2015.
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515.   DEGRAFF, DEBORAH S. ; FERRO, ANDREA R. ; LEVISON, DEBORAH. In Harm's Way: Children's Work in Risky Occupations in Brazil. Journal of International Development. v. 28, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0954-1748, 2015.
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516.   DEL CIAMPO, IEDA REGINA LOPES; DEL CIAMPO, LUIZ ANTONIO ; SAWAMURA, REGINA ; DE OLIVEIRA, LAIANE RENOLFI ; FERNANDES, MARIA INEZ MACHADO. Nutritional status of adolescents with cystic fibrosis treated at a reference center in the southeast region of Brazil. Italian Journal of Pediatrics. v. 41, p. 51, issn: 1824-7288, 2015.
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520.   DELLA BARBA, P. C. S.; RIZZO, I. ; SERRANO, A. M. S. P. H.. Ages and Stages Questionnaires, a facilitator system of parental involvement and knowledge of child development. Revista Portuguesa de Terapia da Fala. v. 04, p. 21-27, issn: 2183-1297, 2015.
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538.   DOS REIS, EGBERTO PEREIRA ; Rothen, José Carlos. O REGIME MILITAR, OS DIREITOS HUMANOS E A IGREJA (1972-1986) * THE MILITARY REGIME, HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE CHURCH (1972-1986). História e Cultura. v. 4, p. 27-49, issn: 2238-6270, 2015.
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539.   DOS SANTOS, CLÁUDIO G. ; DIAS, MARCOS L. ; Canevarolo, Sebastião V.. Polymer Education in Brazil: Present Situation. Macromolecular Symposia. v. 355, p. 111-118, issn: 1022-1360, 2015.
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540.   DOS SANTOS, JÔNATAS HENRIQUE SOUZA ; PITELLI, MARIUSA MOMENTI. Teste de perda crítica para delimitação do mercado relevante: aplicação no mercado de automóveis. Textos de Economia. v. 18, p. 60-79, issn: 0103-6017, 2015.
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542.   DOS SANTOS, VAGNER BEZERRA ; FAVA, ELSON LUIZ ; CURI, NEWTON SÁ DE MIRANDA ; FARIA, RONALDO CENSI ; GUERREIRO, THIAGO BRITO ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. An electrochemical analyzer for in situ flow determinations of Pb(II) and Cd(II) in lake water with on-line data transmission and a global positing system. Analytical Methods (Print). v. 7, p. 3105-3112, issn: 1759-9660, 2015.
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543.   DOS SANTOS, VAGNER BEZERRA ; FAVA, ELSON LUIZ ; CURI, NEWTON SÁ DE MIRANDA ; Faria, Ronaldo Censi ; GUERREIRO, THIAGO BRITO ; Fatibello-Filho, Orlando. An electrochemical analyzer for in situ flow determination of Pb( ii ) and Cd( ii ) in lake water with on-line data transmission and a global positioning system. Analytical Methods (Print). p. 3105-3112, issn: 1759-9660, 2015.
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544.   Driele von Dreifus ; Marcio de Godoy ; Adriano Rabelo ; Ariano Rodrigues ; GALVÃO GOBATO, Y. ; Paulo de Camargo ; PEREIRA, Ernesto ; OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Antiferromagnetism induced by oxygen vacancies in V 2 O 5 polycrystals synthesized by the Pechini method. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 48, p. 445002, issn: 0022-3727, 2015.
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546.   Duarte, I.C.S.; FRANCA, P. ; Okada , D. Y ; PRADO, P. F. ; VARESCHE, M. B.. Anaerobic degradation of anionic surfactants by indigenous microorganisms from sediments of a tropical polluted river in Brazil. Revista de Biologia Tropical. v. 1, p. 295, issn: 0034-7744, 2015.
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547.   DUARTE, IOLANDA CRISTINA SILVEIRA; OLIVEIRA, LORENA LIMA DE ; Okada, Dagoberto Yukio ; PRADO, PIERRE FERREIRA DO ; Varesche, Maria Bernadete Amâncio. Evaluation of the microbial diversity in sequencing batch reactor treating linear alkylbenzene sulfonate under denitrifying and mesophilic conditions using swine sludge as inoculum. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology (Impresso). v. 00, p. 00-00, issn: 1516-8913, 2015.
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548.   DUNCAN, WALLICE PAXIÚBA ; SILVA, MARIA ISABEL DA ; Fernandes, Marisa Narciso. Gill dimensions in near-term embryos of Amazonian freshwater stingrays (Elasmobranchii: Potamotrygonidae) and their relationship to the lifestyle and habitat of neonatal pups. Neotropical Ichthyology (Impresso). v. 13, p. 123-136, issn: 1679-6225, 2015.
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568.   FAGGION, HERON ; TUSSOLINI, LOYSE ; FREIRE, Fábio Bentes ; FREIRE, JOSÉ TEIXEIRA ; ZANOELO, EVERTON FERNANDO. Mechanisms of heat and mass transfer during drying of mate ( Ilex paraguariensis ) twigs. Drying Technology. v. 34, p. 150706132028008, issn: 0737-3937, 2015.
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569.   FALDONI, L. ; CRISTOFANI-YALY, M. ; BOAVA, L. P. ; SCHINOR, E. H. ; KUPPER, K. C.. Effect of Organic Manure in the Induction of Resistance of Citrus to Phytophthora parasitica. Journal of Agricultural Science. v. 7, p. 135-143, issn: 1916-9760, 2015.
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570.   FAN, XIAOBO ; SUPIWONG, WEERAYUTH ; WEISE, ANJA ; MRASEK, KRISTIN ; Kosyakova, Nadezda ; TANOMTONG, ALONGKOAD ; PINTHONG, KRIT ; TRIFONOV, VLADIMIR A. ; Cioffi, Marcelo de Bello ; GROTHMANN, PIERRE ; Liehr, Thomas ; OLIVEIRA, EDIVALDO H.C.DE. Comprehensive characterization of evolutionary conserved breakpoints in four New World Monkey karyotypes compared to Chlorocebus aethiops and Homo sapiens. Heliyon. v. 1, p. e00042, issn: 2405-8440, 2015.
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572.   Fantinato, A.C. ; CIA, F.. ?Habilidades sociais educativas, relacionamento conjugal e comportamento infantil na visão paterna: um estudo correlacional. Psico (PUCRS. Impresso). v. 46, p. 122-130, issn: 0103-5371, 2015.
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573.   FANTINI, J. A. Raízes da Intolerância: A segregação imaginária do outro. SIG: Revista de Psicanálise. v. 4, p. 113-120, issn: 2238-9083, 2015.
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574.   FANTINI, J. A. Intolerância em tempos de mudança. Leitura Flutuante. v. 7, p. 02-11, issn: 2175-7291, 2015.
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575.   FANTINI, J. A. O corpo na política. Leitura Flutuante. v. 7, p. 3-11, issn: 2175-7291, 2015.
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576.   FARIA, Graciela S. S. ; RACHID, Alessandra. Jornada de trabalho dos professores da rede pública de ensino. Revista da FAE. v. 18, p. 162-177, issn: 1516-1234, 2015.
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577.   FARIA, L. A. ; PELUZIO, J. M. ; AFFÉRRI, F. S. ; CARVALHO, E. V. ; DOTTO, M. A. ; FARIA, E. A.. Análise de trilha para crescimento e rendimento de genótipos de milho sob diferentes doses nitrogenadas. Journal of Bioenergy and Food Science. v. 2, p. 1-11, issn: 2359-2710, 2015.
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578.   FARIA, L. F. F. ; SILVA, J. E. A. R.. Effects of maintenance management procedures in sugarcane mechanic harvesting system equipment. Engenharia Agrícola (Online). v. 35, p. 1187-1197, issn: 1809-4430, 2015.
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579.   FARIA, Luiz Henrique Lima ; GIULIANI, A. C. ; CUNHA, C. F. ; SACOMANO NETO, M. ; FARIA, R. S. F.. A PESQUISA EM COMPORTAMENTO DO CONSUMIDOR NO BRASIL, DE 2007 A 2011, SOB A PERSPECTIVA DA ANÁLISE DAS REDES SOCIAIS (ARS). Revista de Administração da UEG. v. 06, p. 11-27, issn: 2236-1197, 2015.
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580.   FARIA, R. N. ; Souza C. S. ; VIEIRA, J. G. V.. Evaluation of logistic performance indicators of Brazil in the international trade. RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie (Impresso). v. 16, p. 213-235, issn: 1518-6776, 2015.
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581.   FELIPE, F. I. ; PAULILLO, L. F. O. E.. Formas plurais de coordenação das fecularias na compra de mandioca no estado do Paraná. Revista de Politica Agricola. v. XXIV, p. 118-126, issn: 1413-4969, 2015.
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582.   FELTRAN, G. S. Conflito Urbano e gramáticas de mediação. Margem Esquerda. v. 24, p. 51-57, issn: 1678-7684, 2015.
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583.   FELTRAN, G. S. Políticas estatales y políticas del crimen: el gobierno de los homicidios en São Paulo.. Violencia Urbana - Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. v. 1, p. 19-51-51, issn: 2422-4316, 2015.
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584.   FELTRE, Cristiane ; PAULILLO, LUIZ FERNANDO DE ORIANI E. Plurality in different groupings: sugarcane supply in Brazil. British Food Journal (1966). v. 117, p. 2265-2281, issn: 0007-070X, 2015.
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585.   FERNANDES, A. P. ; CAIADO, Katia Regina Moreno. Evasão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em escolas ribeirinhas: limites e desafios ao Atendimento Educacional Especializado. Revista Cocar (UEPA). v. 1, p. 127-146, issn: 1981-9269, 2015.
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586.   FERNANDES, AMANDA DOURADO ; MATSUKURA, THELMA SIMÕES. Adolescentes no CAPSi: relações sociais e contextos de inserção. Revista de Terapia Ocupacional da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 26, p. 216-224, issn: 1415-9104, 2015.
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587.   FERNANDES, MARIA APARECIDA ; DE MELLO AFFONSO, PAULO ROBERTO ANTUNES ; de Bello Cioffi, Marcelo ; Bertollo, Luiz Antonio Carlos ; COSTA, GIDEÃO WAGNER WERNECK FÉLIX ; MOLINA, Wagner Franco. Atlantic surgeonfishes bear only minor microstructural changes in highly derived karyotypes. Zoologischer Anzeiger. v. 254, p. 62-66, issn: 0044-5231, 2015.
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588.   FERNANDES, WOQUITON LIMA ; COSTA, CAROLINA SEVERINO LOPES DA. Possibilidades da Tutoria de Pares para Estudantes com Deficiência Visual no Ensino Técnico e Superior. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. v. 21, p. 39-56, issn: 1980-5470, 2015.
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589.   FERNHALL, B. ; Borghi-Silva A ; BABU, A. S.. The Future of Physical Activity Research: Funding, Opportunities and Challenges.. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases. v. 57, p. 299-305, issn: 0033-0620, 2015.
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590.   FERNÁNDEZ, CLAUDIA P. ; ZABOTTO, FABIO L. ; Garcia, Ducinei ; KIMINAMI, RUTH H.G.A.. In situ sol-gel co-synthesis under controlled pH and microwave sintering of PZT/CoFe2O4 magnetoelectric composite ceramics. Ceramics International. p. 3239-3249, issn: 0272-8842, 2015.
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591.   FERRARA, TAÍSE FERNANDA DA SILVA ; SCHNEIDER, VANESSA KARINE ; KISHI, LUCIANO TAKESHI ; CARMONA, ADRIANA KARAOGLANOVIC ; ALVES, MARCIO FERNANDO MADUREIRA ; BELASQUE-JÚNIOR, JOSE ; Rosa, José César ; HUNTER, WAYNE BRIAN ; Henrique-Silva, Flávio ; Soares-Costa, Andrea. Characterization of a Recombinant Cathepsin B-Like Cysteine Peptidase from Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae): A Putative Target for Control of Citrus Huanglongbing. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0145132, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.
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592.   FERRARESI, CLEBER ; BELTRAME, THOMAS ; FABRIZZI, FERNANDO ; NASCIMENTO, EDUARDO SANCHES PEREIRA DO ; KARSTEN, MARLUS ; FRANCISCO, CRISTINA DE OLIVEIRA ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY ; CATAI, APARECIDA MARIA ; CARDOSO, DANIEL RODRIGUES ; FERREIRA, ANTONIO GILBERTO ; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R. ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio. Muscular pre-conditioning using light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) for high-intensity exercise: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial with a single elite runner. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. v. 31, p. 1-8, issn: 0959-3985, 2015.
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593.   FERRARESI, CLEBER ; DE SOUSA, MARCELO VICTOR PIRES ; HUANG, YING-YING ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio ; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R.. Time response of increases in ATP and muscle resistance to fatigue after low-level laser (light) therapy (LLLT) in mice. Lasers in Medical Science. v. 30, p. 1259-1267, issn: 0268-8921, 2015.
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594.   FERRARESI, CLEBER ; DOS SANTOS, RICARDO VINICIUS ; MARQUES, GUILHERME ; ZANGRANDE, MARCELO ; LEONALDO, ROBERLEY ; HAMBLIN, MICHAEL R. ; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio. Light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) before matches prevents increase in creatine kinase with a light dose response in volleyball players. Lasers in Medical Science. v. 30, p. 1281-1287, issn: 0268-8921, 2015.
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595.   FERRARI, FABIANO C.; P. CAFEO, BRUNO B. ; LEVIN, THIAGO G. ; S. LACERDA, JÉSUS T. ; L. LEMOS, OTÁVIO A. ; C. MALDONADO, JOSÉ ; MASIERO, PAULO C.. Testing of aspect-oriented programs: difficulties and lessons learned based on theoretical and practical experience. Journal of The Brazilian Computer Society (Online). v. 21, p. 1-25, issn: 1678-4804, 2015.
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596.   FERREIRA, A. G. ; Romano LH ; PAIVA DE SOUSA, C. ; Badino Júnior, AC ; BAPTISTA NETO, A.. Endophytics and soil microorganisms biological degradation of dyes and residues isolated in Brazilian tropical savannah of Sao Carlos, Brazil. Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada. v. 36, p. 125-134, issn: 1808-4542, 2015.
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597.   FERREIRA, C. S. ; CUNHA-SANTINO, M. B. ; BIANCHINI Jr., I.. Eutrofização: aspectos conceituais, usos da água e diretrizes para a gestão ambiental. Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais. v. 6, p. 65-77, issn: 2179-6858, 2015.
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598.   FERREIRA, D. ; PALMA, A. A.. Forecasting Inflation with the Phillips Curve: a dynamic model averaging approach for Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Economia (Impresso). v. 69, p. 331-354, issn: 0034-7140, 2015.
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599.   FERREIRA, D. F. ; LEITE, K. C. ; CORROCHANO, M. C.. Gestão escolar e conselho de escola: que relação é essa?. Eccos Revista Científica (Impresso). v. 38, p. 173-188, issn: 1517-1949, 2015.
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601.   FERREIRA, D. F.; LEITE, K.C. ; CORROCHANO, M. C.. Gestão escolar e conselho de escola, que relação é esta?Um estudo em busca de novas formas de cooperação entre escola-comunidade na Região de Sorocaba -SP. Eccos Revista Científica (Online). v. 38, p. 173-188, issn: 1983-9278, 2015.
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602.   Ferreira, Elizângela Fernandes ; MUNSTER, Mey de Abreu van. Métodos de avaliação do comportamento adaptativo em pessoas com deficiência intelectual: uma revisão de literatura. Revista Educação Especial (Online). v. 1, p. 193-208, issn: 1984-686X, 2015.
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603.   FERREIRA, EVERTON L. F. ; WILLIAMS, DAVID E. ; IÓCA, LAURA P. ; MORAIS-URANO, RAQUEL P. ; SANTOS, MARIO F. C. ; PATRICK, BRIAN O. ; ELIAS, LUCIANA M. ; LIRA, SIMONE P. ; FERREIRA, ANTONIO G. ; PASSARINI, MICHEL Z. R. ; Sette, Lara D. ; ANDERSEN, RAYMOND J. ; BERLINCK, ROBERTO G. S.. Structure and Biogenesis of Roussoellatide, a Dichlorinated Polyketide from the Marine-Derived Fungus Roussoella sp. DLM33. Organic Letters (Print). v. 17, p. 151007155217004-5155, issn: 1523-7060, 2015.
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604.   FERREIRA, F. H. ; WERNET, M. ; MARSKI, B. S. L. ; FERREIRA, G. I. ; TOLEDO, L. P. N. ; FABBRO, M. R. C.. Experiência paterna no primeiro ano de vida da criança: revisão integrativa de pesquisas qualitativas. Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem. v. 17, p. 01-12, issn: 1518-1944, 2015.
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605.   FERREIRA, GABRIELLA R. ; SOARES, FREDERICO L.F. ; Carneiro, Renato L. ; UMPIERRE, ALEXANDRE P. ; MACHADO, FABRICIO. Evaluation of Conversion during the Synthesis of Aluminum (III) Methacrylate - Based Copolymers Using Raman Spectroscopy and Multivariate Curve Resolution. Microchemical Journal (Print). v. 123, p. 62-69, issn: 0026-265X, 2015.
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606.   FERREIRA, GABRIELLA RIBEIRO ; JENSEN, ALAN THYAGO ; ARDILA, JORGE ARMANDO ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO ; UMPIERRE, ALEXANDRE PEREZ ; MACHADO, FABRICIO. Tailoring copper (II) methacrylate-containing copolymers and its use as electrode modifier agent in electroanalytical applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print). v. 133, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0021-8995, 2015.
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607.   FERREIRA, HELOÍSA GONÇALVES ; Barham, Elizabeth Joan ; FONTAINE, ANNE MARIE G. V.. A Measure to Assess Elderly Brazilians? Involvement in Pleasant Activities: Initial Evidence of Internal and External Validity. Clinical Gerontologist (Print). v. 1, p. 150706145826005, issn: 0731-7115, 2015.
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608.   FERREIRA, KARINE ARAUJO ; ALCÂNTARA, ROSANE LÚCIA CHICARELLI. Postponement application in orange juice companies: case studies. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management (Print). v. 22, p. 331, issn: 1742-7967, 2015.
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609.   FERREIRA, MARCO; DIAS, LUIZ ; LEONARCZYK, IVES ; POLO, ELLEN ; DE LUCCA, EMÍLIO. Exploring the Aldol Reaction in the Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds. Current Organic Synthesis. v. 12, p. 547-564, issn: 1570-1794, 2015.
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610.   FERREIRA, P. H. D.; OTUKA, A.J.G. ; BARBANO, E.C. ; MANOEL, D.S. ; DE VICENTE, F.S. ; Vollet, D.R. ; Donatti, D.A. ; Misoguti, L. ; MENDONÇA, C. R.. Femtosecond laser fabrication of waveguides in Rhodamine B-doped GPTS/TEOS-derived organic/silica monolithic xerogel. Optical Materials (Amsterdam. Print). v. 47, p. 310-314, issn: 0925-3467, 2015.
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611.   FERREIRA, PAULO H. ; Louzada, Francisco ; Diniz, Carlos. CREDIT SCORING MODELING WITH STATE-DEPENDENT SAMPLE SELECTION: A COMPARISON STUDY WITH THE USUAL LOGISTIC MODELING. Pesquisa Operacional (Online). v. 35, p. 39-56, issn: 1678-5142, 2015.
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612.   FERREIRA, R. C. Z. ; CALIARI, J. ; FIGUEIREDO, R. M.. Concepts of nurses on supervised treatment of tuberculosis in Brazil. Revista Ibero-americana de Saúde e Envelhecimento. v. 1, p. 204-216, issn: 1677-7050, 2015.
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613.   FERREIRA, SANDRO DA COSTA ; CHACHÁ, SILVANA GAMA FLORÊNCIO ; SOUZA, FERNANDA FERNANDES ; TEIXEIRA, ANDREZA CORRÊA ; DE CARVALHO SANTANA, RODRIGO ; DEGHAIDE, NEIFI HASSAN SALOUN ; RODRIGUES, SANDRA ; MARANO, LEONARDO ARDUÍNO ; MENDES-JUNIOR, CELSO TEIXEIRA ; ZUCOLOTO, Sérgio ; DONADI, EDUARDO ANTÔNIO ; DE LOURDES CANDOLO MARTINELLI, ANA. , , and alleles and genotypes are associated with susceptibility to chronic hepatitis B infection and severity of liver injury. Journal of Medical Virology (Print). v. 87, p. 1689-1696, issn: 0146-6615, 2015.
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614.   FERREIRA-FILHO, PEDRO J. ; PIÑA-RODRIGUES, FÁTIMA C.M. ; SILVA, JOSÉ M.S. ; GUERREIRO, JULIO C. ; GHIOTTO, THAÍS C. ; PIOTROWSKI, IVONIR ; DIAS, LUIZ P. ; WILCKEN, CARLOS F. ; ZANUNCIO, JOSÉ C.. The exotic wasp Megastigmus transvaalensis (Hymenoptera: Torymidae): first record and damage on the Brazilian peppertree, Schinus terebinthifolius drupes, in São Paulo, Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso). v. 87, p. 2091-2095, issn: 0001-3765, 2015.
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615.   FERREIRA-FILHO, P. J. ; WILCKEN, C. F. ; NEVES, D. A. ; POGETTO, M. H. F. A. D. ; Carmo, J. B. ; GUERREIRO, J. C. ; SERRAO, J. E. ; ZANUNCIO, J. C.. Does Diatomaceous Earth Control Leaf-Cutter Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Eucalyptus Plantations?. Journal of Economic Entomology. v. 108, p. 1124-1128, issn: 0022-0493, 2015.
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616.   FILHO, PEDRO JOSÉ FERREIRA ; WILCKEN, CARLOS FREDERICO ; LIMA, ALEXANDRE COUTINHO VIANNA ; DE SÁ, LUIZ ALEXANDRE NOGUEIRA ; DO CARMO, JANAINA BRAGA ; GUERREIRO, JULIO CESAR ; ZANUNCIO, JOSÉ COLA. Biological control of Glycaspis brimblecombei (Hemiptera: Aphalaridae) in eucalyptus plantations. PHYTOPARASITICA. v. 43, p. 151-157, issn: 0334-2123, 2015.
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617.   FERREIRA-NETO, ELIAS P. ; ULLAH, SAJJAD ; DE CARVALHO, FLAVIO L.S. ; DE SOUZA, ADRIANO L. ; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS ; SCHNEIDER, JOSÉ F. ; MASCARENHAS, YVONNE P. ; JORGE, ALBERTO M. ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, UBIRAJARA P.. Preparation, characterization and photochromic behavior of phosphotungstic acid-ormosil nanocomposites. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 153, p. 410-421, issn: 0254-0584, 2015.
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618.   FERRO, F. S. ; ICIMOTO, F. H. ; SOUZA, A. M. ; ALMEIDA, D. H. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L. ; ROCCO, F. A. L.. Produção de Painéis de Partículas Orientadas (OSB) com Schizolobium Amazonicum e Resina Poliuretana à Base de Óleo de Mamona. Scientia Forestalis (IPEF). v. 43, p. 313-320, issn: 1413-9324, 2015.
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620.   FERRO, J. ; PINHEIRO, Rosa A.. A Ação Docente e o Currículo na EJA: um repensar a partir das diferenças socioculturais dos alunos. Revista Brasileira de Educação de Jovens e Adultos. v. 03, p. 99-120, issn: 2317-6571, 2015.
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621.   FERRO, LETÍCIA M. M. ; Ferreira, Marystela ; TRIVINHO-STRIXINO, FRANCISCO. GOx LbL Based Film Growth over Porous Alumina (PA) Followed by Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy. MRS Proceedings. v. 1805, p. 1805, issn: 1946-4274, 2015.
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622.   FIGUEIREDO, A. ; VIEIRA, N. C. S. ; SANTOS, J. F. ; JANEGITZ, B. C. ; AOKI, S. M. ; P. JUNIOR, P. ; LOVATO, R. L. ; ZUCOLOTTO, V. ; GUIMARAES, F. E.. Electrical Detection of Dengue Biomarker Using Egg Yolk Immunoglobulin as the Biological Recognition Element. Scientific Reports. v. 5, p. 7865, issn: 2045-2322, 2015.
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623.   FIGUEIREDO, M.O.; EMMEL, MARIA LUÍSA GUILLAUMON ; VILLA, M. B.. Terapia ocupacional e alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem: análise de uma intervenção nos aspectos psicomotores. Temas sobre Desenvolvimento. v. 20, p. 125-131, issn: 0103-7749, 2015.
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624.   FIGUEIREDO, MARINA ; Cervini, Marcelo ; RODRIGUES, FERNANDO ; EIZIRIK, EDUARDO ; AZEVEDO, FERNANDO ; CULLEN, LAURY ; CRAWSHAW, PETER ; GALETTI, PEDRO. Lack of Population Genetic Structuring in Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) in a Fragmented Landscape. Diversity. v. 7, p. 295-306, issn: 1424-2818, 2015.
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625.   FIGUEIREDO-FILHO, LUIZ ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO ; SARTORI, ELEN ROMÃO. Electroanalytical determination of the linuron herbicide using a cathodically pretreated boron-doped diamond electrode: comparison with a boron-doped diamond electrode modified with platinum nanoparticles. Analytical Methods (Print). v. 7, p. 643-649, issn: 1759-9660, 2015.
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626.   FIGUEREDO-SOBRINHO, FRANCISCO DE ASSIS AVELINO DE ; LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN DE SOUZA ; FILL, TAICIA PACHECO ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, EDSON ; Mascaro, Lucia Helena ; CASCIANO, PAULO NAFTALI DA SILVA ; Lima-Neto, Pedro de ; Correia, Adriana Nunes. Insights into electrodegradation mechanism of tebuconazole pesticide on Bi-doped PbO2 electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. v. 154, p. 278-286, issn: 0013-4686, 2015.
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627.   Filoso, Solange ; Carmo, Janaina Braga do ; MARDEGAN, SÍLVIA FERNANDA ; LINS, SILVIA RAFAELA MACHADO ; GOMES, TACIANA FIGUEIREDO ; Martinelli, Luiz Antonio. Reassessing the environmental impacts of sugarcane ethanol production in Brazil to help meet sustainability goals. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. v. 52, p. 1847-1856, issn: 1364-0321, 2015.
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629.   FIORELLI, J. ; CHRISTOFORO, A. L. ; ROCCO, F. A. L. ; NASCIMENTO, M. F. ; CURTOLO, D. D. ; SARTORI, D. ; BELINI, U.. Painéis de partículas fabricados com resíduo de madeira e fibra do coco verde. Scientia Forestalis (IPEF). v. 43, p. 1-8, issn: 1413-9324, 2015.
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630.   FISCHER, C. N. ; CARARETO, C. M. ; SANTOS, R. A. C. ; CERRI, R. ; COSTA, E. P. ; SCHIETGAT, L. ; VENS, C.. Learning HMMs for Nucleotide Sequences from Amino Acid Alignments. Bioinformatics (Oxford. Print). v. 31, p. 1-3, issn: 1367-4803, 2015.
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708.   GODOY, ADRIANA CRISTINA DE ; LASTÓRIA, ANDREA COELHO ; SILVA, FERNANDA KEILA MARINHO DA. Representações visuais no ensino-aprendizagem da localidade: Estudo sobre a produção de imagens no Ensino Fundamental. Revista Eletrônica de Educação (São Carlos). v. 9, p. 362-378, issn: 1982-7199, 2015.
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712.   GOMES, BRUNA CARRER ; ROSA, PAULA RÚBIA FERREIRA ; ETCHEBEHERE, CLAUDIA ; SILVA, EDSON LUIZ ; AMÂNCIOVARESCHE, MARIA BERNADETE. Role of homo-and heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria on hydrogen-producing reactors operated with cheese whey wastewater. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. v. 40, p. 8650/8660, issn: 0360-3199, 2015.
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713.   GOMES, C. G. S. ; HANNA, E. S. ; de Souza, DdG. Ensino de Relações entre Figuras e Palavras Impressas com Emparelhamento Multimodelo a Crianças com Autismo. Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento. v. 11, p. 24-36, issn: 1807-8338, 2015.
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714.   GOMES, L. R. Cultura Digital, Esfera Pública e Educação. Ixtli Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofia da Educação. v. 2, p. 129-145, issn: 2408-4751, 2015.
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715.   GOMES, L. R. TEORIA CRÍTICA DA EDUCAÇÃO: experiências atuais de pesquisa no Brasil e na Alemanha. revista Comunicações. v. 22, p. 145-154, issn: 2238-121X, 2015.
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716.   GOMES, LUCIANA T.; BARROS, LAÉCIO C.. A note on the generalized difference and the generalized differentiability. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. v. 280, p. 142-145, issn: 0165-0114, 2015.
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717.   GOMES, M.P.M. ; PULSHEN, A. ; SOUZA, C.F. ; BASTOS, REINALDO GASPAR. Eficiência de estação de tratamento de esgoto doméstico visando reuso agrícola. Revista Ambiente & Água. v. 10, p. 587-597, issn: 1980-993X, 2015.
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718.   GOMES, R. ; LIMA, Valéria Vernaschi ; SCHIESARI, L. M. C. ; SOEIRO, E. ; DAMAZIO, L. F. ; PETTA, H. L. ; OLIVEIRA, M. S. ; SILVA, S. F. ; SAMPAIO, S. F. ; PADILHA, R. Q. ; MACHADO, J. L. M. ; CALEMAN, G.. A Polissemia da Governança Clínica: uma revisão da literatura. Ciência e Saúde Coletiva (Impresso). v. 20, p. 2431-2439, issn: 1413-8123, 2015.
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719.   GOMES-SILVA, ALLYNE C. ; NOGUEIRA-MELO, GEORGEA S. ; Baltazar, Juliano M. ; DRECHSLER-SANTOS, ELISANDRO R. ; SOUSA LIRA, CARLA R. ; MEDEIROS, PRISCILA S. ; SOTÃO, HELEN M. P. ; RYVARDEN, LEIF ; DE Q. CAVALCANTI, MARIA A. ; GIBERTONI, TATIANA B.. Notes on (Polyporales, Agaricomycetes) from North and Northeast Brazil. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society. v. 142, p. 179-185, issn: 1095-5674, 2015.
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726.   GONZALEZ, RODRIGO VALIO DOMINGUEZ ; MARTINS, MANOEL FERNANDO. The implications of organisational characteristics on the knowledge management process. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies (Online). v. 6, p. 223, issn: 1743-8276, 2015.
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727.   GONÇALVES JUNIOR, Luiz; CARMO, Clayton da S. ; CORRÊA, Denise A.. Cicloviagem, lazer e educação ambiental: processos educativos vivenciados na Serra da Canastra. Licere (Centro de Estudos de Lazer e Recreação. Online). v. 18, p. 173-208, issn: 1981-3171, 2015.
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728.   GONÇALVES JUNIOR, Luiz; CORRÊA, Denise A. ; CARMO, Clayton da S. ; BELMONTE, Maurício M. ; COLLOCA, Edson A.. PEDAL: Projeto de educação ambiental e lazer: um relato de experiências em cicloturismo. Lecturas Educación Física y Deportes. v. 20, p. 1-9, issn: 0329-0069, 2015.
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729.   GONÇALVES, A. M. S.; REIS, L. T. ; BARBOZA, M. C. N. ; BERNARDES, L.. Rastreamento de sintomas psiquiátricos não-psicóticos entre gestantes de um município do estado de Mato Grosso. Journal of Nursing and Health. v. 5, p. 141-152, issn: 2236-1987, 2015.
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730.   GONÇALVES, DIMAS JOSÉ; CASTILHO DE MELLO, THIAGO. Minimal Varieties and Identities of Relatively Free Algebras. Communications in Algebra. v. 43, p. 5217-5235, issn: 0092-7872, 2015.
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731.   GONÇALVES, GABRIEL LUIZ PADOAN ; RIBEIRO, LEANDRO DO PRADO ; GIMENES, LEILA ; VIEIRA, Paulo Cezar ; Silva, Maria Fátima das Graças Fernandes d ; Forim, Moacir Rossi ; FERNANDES, João Batista ; VENDRAMIM, JOSÉ DJAIR. Lethal and Sublethal Toxicities of Annona sylvatica (Magnoliales: Annonaceae) Extracts to Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae). The Florida Entomologist. v. 98, p. 921-928, issn: 0015-4040, 2015.
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732.   GONÇALVES, J. ; DOS SANTOS, J.F. ; CANTO, L.B. ; AMANCIO-FILHO, S.T.. Friction spot welding of carbon fiber-reinforced polyamide 66 laminate. Materials Letters (General ed.). v. 159, p. 506-509, issn: 0167-577X, 2015.
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733.   GONÇALVES, JOEL ; DOS SANTOS, JORGE FERNANDEZ ; CANTO, LEONARDO BRESCIANI ; FILHO, SERGIODE TRAGLIA AMANCIO. Improvement of friction spot welding (FSpW) to join polyamide 6 and polyamide 66/carbon fibre laminate. Welding International (Online). v. 30, p. 247-254, issn: 1754-2138, 2015.
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734.   GONÇALVES, JULIANA MACHION ; CAMAROTTO, JOÃO ALBERTO. Estratégias operatórias frente ao trabalho repetitivo. Produção (São Paulo. Impresso). v. 25, p. 190-200, issn: 0103-6513, 2015.
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735.   GONÇALVES, R. F. ; CAVALCANTE, L. S. ; NOGUEIRA, I. C. ; LONGO, E. ; GODINHO, M. J. ; SCZANCOSKI, J. C. ; MASTELARO, V. R. ; PINATTI, I. M. ; ROSA, I. L. V. ; MARQUES, A. P. A.. Rietveld refinement, cluster modelling, growth mechanism and photoluminescence properties of CaWO 4 :Eu 3+ microcrystals. CrystEngComm (Cambridge. Online). v. 17, p. 1654-1666, issn: 1466-8033, 2015.
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736.   GONÇALVES, R. F. ; GODINHO, M. J. ; MARQUES, A. P. A. ; SANTOS, M. R. C. ; ROSA, I. L. V. ; LONGO, E. ; LI, M. SIU ; SA, J. L. S. ; CAVALCANTE, L. S.. Structure, morphology, and optical properties of (Ca1−3x Eu2x )WO4 microcrystals. ELECTRON MATER LETT. v. 11, p. 193-197, issn: 1738-8090, 2015.
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737.   GONÇALVES, RICARDO H. ; FIEL, RODRIGO ; SOARES, MARIO R. S. ; SCHREINER, W. H. ; SILVA, CAIO M. P. ; LEITE, E. R.. Single-Step Exfoliation and Covalent Functionalization of MoS 2 Nanosheets by an Organosulfur Reaction. Chemistry - A European Journal. v. 21, p. 15583-15588, issn: 0947-6539, 2015.
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738.   GONÇALVES, RICARDO H. ; FIEL, RODRIGO ; SOARES, MARIO R. S. ; SCHREINER, WIDO H. ; SILVA, CAIO M. P. ; LEITE, EDSON R.. Single-Step Exfoliation and Covalent Functionalization of MoS Nanosheets by an Organosulfur Reaction. Chemistry - A European Journal. v. 21, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0947-6539, 2015.
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739.   GONÇALVES, VINÍCIUS P. ; DE ALMEIDA NERIS, VÂNIA P. ; SERAPHINI, SIBELIUS ; DIAS, TERESA C. M. ; PESSIN, GUSTAVO ; JOHNSON, THIENNE ; UEYAMA, JÓ. Providing adaptive smartphone interfaces targeted at elderly people: an approach that takes into account diversity among the elderly. Universal Access in the Information Society (Print). v. 1, p. 1-21, issn: 1615-5289, 2015.
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740.   GORDO, V. O. ; AYVACIKLI, M. ; CANIMOGLU, A. ; GALVÃO GOBATO, Y. ; HENINI, M. ; CAN, N.. Visible to infrared low temperature luminescence of Er3+, Nd3+ and Sm3+ in CaSnO3 phosphors. Applied Radiation and Isotopes. p. 69, issn: 0969-8043, 2015.
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741.   GOULART, C. T. ; Guido LA ; Silva RM ; BUBLITZ, S. ; GRAZZIANO, E. S.. Effects of stress management programs on worker's health: integrative review. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE On Line. v. 9, p. 7431-7438, issn: 1981-8963, 2015.
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742.   GOULART, LORENA ATHIE ; DE MORAES, FERNANDO CRUZ ; Mascaro, Lucia Helena. Influence of the different carbon nanotubes on the development of electrochemical sensors for bisphenol A. Materials Science & Engineering. C, Biomimetic Materials, Sensors and Systems (Print). v. 58, p. 768-773, issn: 0928-4931, 2015.
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746.   GRANDE, RAFAEL ; Pessan, Luiz A. ; CARVALHO, ANTONIO J.F.. Ternary melt blends of poly(lactic acid)/poly(vinyl alcohol)-chitosan. Industrial Crops and Products (Print). v. 72, p. 159-165, issn: 0926-6690, 2015.
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750.   GRAZZIANO, E. S.; Bianchini C ; Lopes LFD ; Souza BF ; FRANCO, D. M.. RESISTANCE TO STRESS AND DEPRESSION IN STUDENTS OF NURSING TECHNICAL COURSES. Revista de Enfermagem UFPE On Line. v. 9(S 2), p. 837-843, issn: 1981-8963, 2015.
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753.   GRÀCIA, MARTA ; Benitez, Priscila ; VEGA, FÀTIMA ; DOMENICONI, CAMILA. Escala de Valoración de la Enseñanza del Lenguaje Oral en contexto Escolar: adaptación para su uso en educación especial. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología (Ed. Impresa). v. 1, p. 1, issn: 0214-4603, 2015.
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756.   GUERREIRO, J. C. ; QUIQUI, E. M. ; OLIVEIRA, A. H. M. ; MACIEL, J. P. ; DILELI, M. W. ; FERREIRA-FILHO, P. J.. Susceptibility of spp. (Myrtales: Myrtaceae) and Clones to (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Paraná, Brazil. The Florida Entomologist. v. 98, p. 787-789, issn: 0015-4040, 2015.
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757.   GUERTA, R. S. ; LUCON, L. G. ; FIGUEIREDO, R. A.. Fenologia de três espécies de Tillandsia (Bromeliaceae), em um fragmento de Cerrado no sudeste do Brasil. Revista Biociências (Taubaté). v. 21, p. 118-128, issn: 1415-7411, 2015.
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758.   GUILHERME, LUIS HENRIQUE ; DELLA ROVERE, CARLOS ALBERTO ; Kuri, Sebastião Elias ; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCELO FALÇÃO. Corrosion behaviour of a dissimilar joint TIG weld between austenitic AISI 316L and ferritic AISI 444 stainless steels. Welding International (Online). v. 30, p. 268-276, issn: 1754-2138, 2015.
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759.   GUILLERMO-FERREIRA, R; GORB, S. ; APPEL, E. ; KOVALEV, A. ; BISPO, P C. Variable assessment of wing colouration in aerial contests of the red-winged damselfly Mnesarete pudica (Zygoptera, Calopterygidae). Naturwissenschaften. v. 102, p. 13, issn: 0028-1042, 2015.
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760.   Guillermo-Ferreira, Rhainer; Bispo, Pitágoras C. ; APPEL, ESTHER ; KOVALEV, ALEXANDER ; GORB, STANISLAV N.. Mechanism of the wing colouration in the dragonfly Zenithoptera lanei (Odonata: Libellulidae) and its role in intraspecific communication. Journal of Insect Physiology. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 0022-1910, 2015.
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967.   MARQUES, LEYLIANE E. ; COSTA, ALBERTH M. C. ; CROVACE, MURILO C. ; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M. ; CABRAL, ALUISIO A. ; PINCKNEY, L.. Influence of Particle Size on Nonisothermal Crystallization in a Lithium Disilicate Glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. v. 98, p. 774-780, issn: 0002-7820, 2015.
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968.   MARQUES, P.W.B. ; CHAVES, J.M. ; SILVA, P.S. ; FLORÊNCIO, O. ; MORENO-GOBBI, A. ; Aliaga, L.C.R. ; Botta, W.J.. Mechanical spectroscopy study on the Cu54Zr40Al6 amorphous matrix alloy at low temperature. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 621, p. 319-323, issn: 0925-8388, 2015.
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969.   MARQUES, W. J. Book Reviewed - Literatura e cultura: do nacional ao transnacional, de José Luís Jobim.. Luso-Brazilian Review. v. 52, p. 170-172, issn: 0024-7413, 2015.
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970.   MARQUETI, RITA DE CASSIA ; HASHIMOTO, NARA YUMI ; Durigan, João Luiz Quaglioti ; BATISTA E SILVA, LÍVIA LARISSA ; ALMEIDA, JEESER ALVES DE ; SILVA, MARIA DA GLÓRIA DA ; OLIVEIRA, EDILAMAR MENEZES DE ; ARAÚJO, HELOISA SOBREIRO SELISTRE DE. Nandrolone increases angiotensin-I converting enzyme activity in rats tendons. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte. v. 21, p. 173-177, issn: 1806-9940, 2015.
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971.   MARRETO, PAOLA D. ; TRENCH, ALINE B. ; VICENTINI, FERNANDO C. ; FIGUEIREDO-FILHO, LUIZ C. S. ; MEDEIROS, ROBERTA A. ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO. C. ; FATIBELLO-FILHO, ORLANDO. Square-Wave Voltammetric Determination of Nanomolar Levels of Linuron in Environmental Water Samples Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode Modified with Platinum Nanoparticles within a Dihexadecyl Phosphate Film. Australian Journal of Chemistry (Print). v. 68, p. 800-805, issn: 0004-9425, 2015.
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973.   MARTHA, D.J.B. Poesia e crítica: por uma leitura intervalar em defesa do leitor sitiadP. Revista do GEL. v. 12, p. 11-29, issn: 1984-591X, 2015.
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974.   MARTHA, D.J.B. Poesia e crítica. Palavra e corpo. Algumas considerações sobre textos de Mia Couto. Abril (Niterói). v. 7, p. 161, issn: 1984-2090, 2015.
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975.   MARTHA, D.J.B. Lirismo, aceleração e excesso: Haroldo de Campos canta 'são paulo'. e-lyra. v. 6, p. 16, issn: 2182-8954, 2015.
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976.   MARTINES, GUILHERME AUGUSTO ; TAMANINI, JOSÉ TADEU NUNES. Relação entre Atividade Física e Incontinência Urinária: Informações Relevantes ao Educador Físico. Saúde e Pesquisa. v. 8, p. 149, issn: 1983-1870, 2015.
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977.   MARTINEZ, J. J. L. V. ; Alem, D.. Energy Rationalization in Water Supply Networks via Stochastic Programming. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 13, p. 2742-2756, issn: 1548-0992, 2015.
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978.   MARTINEZ, JULIANA DE FATIMA ; Lui, Roberto Laridondo ; Traldi, Josiane Baccarin ; BLANCO, Daniel Rodrigues ; Moreira-Filho, Orlando. Occurrence of Natural Hybrids Among Sympatric Karyomorphs in (Characiformes, Erythrinidae). Zebrafish (Larchmont, NY). v. 00, p. 150623065955000, issn: 1545-8547, 2015.
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979.   MARTINEZ, MARCELO ; SAUCE, RAFAEL ; OLIVEIRA, SUELEN ALVES ; DE ALMEIDA CHUFFA, LUIZ GUSTAVO ; STEFANINI, MAÍRA APARECIDA ; LIZARTE NETO, FERMINO SANCHES ; TAKASE, LUIZ FERNANDO ; TIRAPELLI, LUIZ FERNANDO ; MARTINEZ, FRANCISCO EDUARDO. Ethanol intake-induced apoptosis in glial cells and axonal disorders in the cerebellar white matter of UChA rats (voluntary ethanol consumers). Tissue & Cell. v. 47, p. 389-394, issn: 0040-8166, 2015.
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980.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Primitivismo Penal. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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981.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Golpe de Estado nos EUA. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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982.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Caso HSBC nos afeta?. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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983.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Direito Moral?. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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984.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. PETROBRAX. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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985.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Teorias para o Estado brasileiro. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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986.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Misoginia. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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987.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. O ilegítimo debate da pena de morte. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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988.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Sou Charlie. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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989.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Justiça Poética. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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990.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. HISBA. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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991.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. O Estado de Exceção do tipo fascista. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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992.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. ESTADO DE EXCEÇÃO NA SEGURANÇA PÚBLICA. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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993.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Liquidez jurídica de 16 anos. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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994.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. NAZIS. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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995.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. O Estado de Exceção provoca um sentimento de FUGA EM MASSA Leia mais: Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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996.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. O Estado de Exceção Purificador. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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997.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Uma crônica do Estado de Direito. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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998.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. A falência do Estado. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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999.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. O impeachment como golpe político e constitucional. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1000.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Estado Hobbesiano. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1001.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. A luta pelo direito. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1002.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Maioridade moral na Câmara dos Deputados. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1003.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho. Reengenharia Ética do Estado. Reengenharia Ética do Estado.. Revista Gestão e Controle. v. 2, p. 1, issn: 2447-200X, 2015.
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1004.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho; DEL ROIO, M.. Micro e macro-Estado de Exceção. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1005.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho; LEVEL, Inaê. Meninos negros. Jus Navigandi. v. 1, p. 1, issn: 1518-4862, 2015.
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1006.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho; SILVA, A. A.. A Teoria do Estado e a Modernidade Tardia. Revista de Direito (Viçosa). v. 7, p. 61-86, issn: 1806-8790, 2015.
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1007.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho; SILVA, Antenor Alves. Regionalismo X Internacionalismo e as Formas Contemporâneas do Estado. Terr@ Plural (UEPG. Online). v. 9, p. 91-107, issn: 1982-095X, 2015.
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1008.   MARTINEZ, Vinício Carrilho; SILVA, Antenor Alves. As Teorias do Estado e a Modernidade Tardia. Revista de Direito (Viçosa). v. 7, p. 61-86, issn: 1806-8790, 2015.
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1009.   Martins FAG ; Souto BGA. Indicação de punção lombar para diagnóstico da neurossífilis. ABCS Health Sciences. v. 40, p. 92-95, issn: 2357-8114, 2015.
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1010.   MARTINS, ALECSANDER PEREIRA ; PIZOLATO JR., JOSÉ CARLOS ; BELINI, VALDINEI LUÍS. Avaliação automática da taxa de crescimento de colônias de leveduras incubadas em placas de Petri usando Plataforma Móvel. Semina. Ciências Exatas e Tecnológicas (Online). v. 36, p. 33, issn: 1679-0375, 2015.
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1011.   MARTINS, A. S. ; VASCONCELOS, V. M. ; FERREIRA, T. C. R. ; PEREIRA FILHO, E. R. ; Lanza, M. R. V.. Simultaneous Degradation of Diuron and Hexazinone Herbicides by Photo-Fenton: Assessment of Concentrations of H2O2 and Fe2+ by the Response Surface Methodology. Journal of AOTs. Advanced Oxidation Technologies. v. 18, p. 9, issn: 1203-8407, 2015.
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1012.   MARTINS, DILÉIA AP. ; LACERDA, CRISTINA BROGLIA FEITOSA. Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio e acesso de estudantes surdos ao Ensino Superior Brasileiro. PRÓ-POSIÇÕES (UNICAMP. ONLINE). v. 26, p. 83-101, issn: 1980-6248, 2015.
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1013.   MARTINS, DILÉIA APARECIDA; LEITE, LÚCIA PEREIRA ; LACERDA, Cristina Broglia Feitosa de. Políticas públicas para acesso de pessoas com deficiência ao ensino superior brasileiro: uma análise de indicadores educacionais. Ensaio (Rio de Janeiro. Online). v. 23, p. 984-1014, issn: 1809-4465, 2015.
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1014.   MARTINS, JOSÉ M. ; GALINARI, ÉDER ; PIMENTEL-FILHO, NATAN J. ; RIBEIRO JR, JOSÉ I. ; FURTADO, MAURO M. ; FERREIRA, CÉLIA L.L.F.. Determining the minimum ripening time of artisanal Minas cheese, a traditional Brazilian cheese. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (Online). v. 46, p. 219-230, issn: 1678-4405, 2015.
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1015.   MARTINS, KARINA ; KIMURA, RENATO KENJI ; FRANCISCONI, ANA FLÁVIA ; GEZAN, SALVADOR ; KAINER, KAREN ; Christianini, Alexander V.. The role of very small fragments in conserving genetic diversity of a common tree in a hyper fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest landscape. Conservation Genetics. v. 17, p. 509-520, issn: 1566-0621, 2015.
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1016.   MARTINS, L. D. ; EUGENIO, F. C. ; RODRIGUES, W.N. ; BRINATE, S. V. B. ; COLODETI, T. V. ; DO AMARAL, JOSÉ FRANCISCO TEIXEIRA ; de Jesus Junior, Waldir Cintra ; RAMALHO, J. C. ; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos ; TOMAZ, M.A.. A bitter cup: the estimation of spatial distribution of carbon balance in Coffea spp. plantations reveals increased carbon footprint in tropical regions. Plant, Soil and Environment (Praha). v. 61, p. 544-552, issn: 1214-1178, 2015.
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1017.   MARTINS, M J. The symmetric six-vertex model and the Segre cubic threefold. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical (Print). v. 48, p. 334002, issn: 1751-8113, 2015.
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1018.   MARTINS, M. S. C. Letramento e identidade: as fronteiras da tradução DOI - 10.5752/P.2358-3428.2013v17n32p97. SCRIPTA. v. 17, p. 1/10.5752/P.235-16, issn: 2358-3428, 2015.
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1019.   Martins, M.J. An integrable nineteen vertex model lying on a hypersurface. Nuclear Physics. B (Print). v. 892, p. 306-336, issn: 0550-3213, 2015.
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1020.   MARTINS, M. P. ; OUAZZANI, J. ; ARCILE, G. ; JELLER, A. H. ; LIMA, J. P. F. ; SELEGHIM, M. H. R. ou REGALI-SELEGHIM, M.H. ou REGALI-SELEGHIN, M.H. ; OLIVEIRA, A. L. L. ; DEBONSI, H. M. ; VENANCIO, T. ; YOKOYA, N. S. ; FUJII, M. T. ; PORTO, A. L. M.. Biohydroxylation of (−)-Ambrox®, (−)-Sclareol, and (+)-Sclareolide by Whole Cells of Brazilian Marine-Derived Fungi. Marine Biotechnology (Print). v. 17, p. 211-218, issn: 1436-2228, 2015.
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1021.   MARTINS, Mirian Celeste ; LOMBARDI, L. M. S. S.. Apresentação do Dossiê Arte na Pedagogia. Revista TRAMA Interdisciplinar. v. 6, p. 10-11, issn: 2177-5672, 2015.
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1023.   MARTINS, RICARDO MIRANDA ; MEREU, ANA CRISTINA ; OLIVEIRA, REGILENE D. S.. An estimation for the number of limit cycles in a Liénard-like perturbation of a quadratic nonlinear center. Nonlinear Dynamics. v. 79, p. 185-194, issn: 0924-090X, 2015.
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1024.   MARTINS, Rodrigo Constante. A classificação disciplinar no mercado dos enunciados ambientais. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais (Online). v. 30, p. 97-113, issn: 1806-9053, 2015.
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1025.   MARTINS, RODRIGO CONSTANTE. Boundaries between inequality and difference in water governance. Ambiente & Sociedade (Online). v. 18, p. 211-228, issn: 1809-4422, 2015.
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1026.   MARTINS, SUSIAN CHRISTIAN ; Neto, Eráclito Sousa ; de Cássia Piccolo, Marisa ; ALMEIDA, DIEGO Q.A. ; DE CAMARGO, PLÍNIO BARBOSA ; DO CARMO, JANAÍNA BRAGA ; PORDER, STEPHEN ; LINS, SILVIA RAFAELA MACHADO ; Martinelli, Luiz Antonio. Soil texture and chemical characteristics along an elevation range in the coastal Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil. Geoderma Regional. v. 5, p. 106-116, issn: 2352-0094, 2015.
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1027.   MARTINS, V. R. O.; NASCIMENTO, L. C. R.. Algumas análises da disciplina de Libras nos cursos de licenciaturas: Reflexões e desdobramentos. Intellectus. Revista Acadêmica Digital da Faculdade de Jaguariúna. v. 3, p. 15-37, issn: 1679-8902, 2015.
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1028.   MARTINS, V. R. O. ; NASCIMENTO, V.. Da formação comunitária à formação universitária (e vice e versa): novo perfil dos tradutores e intérpretes de língua de sinais no contexto brasileiro. Cadernos de Tradução. v. 35, p. 78-112, issn: 2175-7968, 2015.
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1029.   MARTINS, V. R. O.; OLIVEIRA, G. S.. Literatura surda e ensino fundamental: resgates culturais a partir de um modelo tradutório com especificidades visuais. Educação e sociedade. v. 36, p. 1041-1058, issn: 1678-4626, 2015.
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1030.   MARTINS, VANESSA REGINA DE OLIVEIRA; ALBRES, NEIVA DE AQUINO ; SOUSA, WILMA PASTOR DE ANDRADE. Contribuições da Educação Infantil e do brincar na aquisição de linguagem por crianças surdas. Pró-Posições (UNICAMP. Online). v. 26, p. 103-124, issn: 1980-6248, 2015.
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1031.   MARTÍNEZ, KARIM YANETH PÉREZ ; TOSO, ELI ANGELA VITOR. Planejamento da produção na indústria de embalagens de polpa moldada. Gestão & Produção. v. 33, p. 649-660, issn: 1806-9649, 2015.
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1032.   Mascaro, Lucia H.; LUCAS, FRANCISCO WILLIAN ; LIMA, ALAN ROGERIO FERREIRA. Glycerol as additive in Copper indium gallium diselenide electrodeposition: Morphological, structural and electronic effects. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 1, p. 1-6, issn: 2046-2069, 2015.
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1033.   MASIERO, Érico ; SOUZA, L. C. L.. ESTABILIDADE ATMOSFÉRICA E COMPORTAMENTO DE ZONAS CLIMÁTICAS LOCAIS EM SÃO JOSÉ DO RIO PRETO - SP. Revista Brasileira de Climatologia. v. 15, p. 163, issn: 2237-8642, 2015.
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1034.   MASSAROLO, J. C. Jornalismo transmídia: a notícia na cultura participativa. Rebej (Brasília). v. 5, p. 135-158, issn: 1981-4542, 2015.
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1035.   MASSAROLO, J. C.; Dario MESQUITA. ESTRATEGIAS CONTEMPORÁNEAS DE LA NARRACIÓN DE CUENTOS PARA MÚLTIPLES PANTALLAS. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación Online. v. 11, p. pdf-pdf, issn: 2238-1694, 2015.
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1036.   MASSAROLO, J. C.; MARLET, R. Q.. Sobre a midiatização do consumo ficcional transmidiático e seus efeitos. REVISTA FRONTEIRAS (ONLINE). v. 17, p. 221-230, issn: 1984-8226, 2015.
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1037.   MASTELARO, V.R. ; FAVARIM, H.R. ; Mesquita, A. ; MICHALOWICZ, A. ; MOSCOVICI, J. ; Eiras, J.A.. Local structure and hybridization states in Ba0.9Ca0.1Ti1−xZrxO3 ceramic compounds: Correlation with a normal or relaxor ferroelectric character. Acta Materialia (Oxford). v. 84, p. 164-171, issn: 1359-6454, 2015.
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1038.   MATOS, BRUNO R. ; SANTIAGO, ELISABETE I. ; FERNANDO Q. REY, JOSE ; SCURACCHIO, CARLOS H. ; Mantovani, Gerson L. ; Hirano, Laos A. ; FONSECA, FABIO C.. dc Proton conductivity at low-frequency in Nafion conductivity spectrum probed by time-resolved SAXS measurements and impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Polymer Science. Part B, Polymer Physics. v. 53, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 0887-6266, 2015.
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1039.   MATOS, S.N. ; Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves. Demandas de Professores Decorrentes da Inclusão Escolar. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial. v. 21, p. 9-22, issn: 1980-5470, 2015.
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1040.   MATSUDA, PATRICIA MARI ; DONADONE, JULIO CESAR. A mudança da carreira dos dirigentes após o processo de privatização: estudo de caso no setor elétrico paulista. Gestão & Produção. v. 22, p. 419-430, issn: 1806-9649, 2015.
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1041.   MATTOS, L.F.A. ; BASTOS, R. G.. COD and nitrogen removal from sugarcane vinasse by heterotrophic green algae sp.. Desalination and Water Treatment (Print). v. 54, p. 1-9, issn: 1944-3994, 2015.
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1042.   MATURANA, A. P. P. M. ; MENDES, E. G.. o cenário das pesquisas internacionais sobre a inclusão e escolarização do aluno com deficiência intelectuali. OLHARES. v. 3, p. 168-193, issn: 2317-7853, 2015.
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1043.   MATURANA, ANA PAULA PACHECO MORAES ; CIA, FABIANA. Educação Especial e a Relação Família - Escola: Análise da produção científica de teses e dissertações. Revista Psicologia Escolar e Edcuacional. v. 19, p. 349-358, issn: 2175-3539, 2015.
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1044.   MAZINE, F. F. HERBÁRIO DA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS - CAMPUS SOROCABA, SÃO PAULO (SORO). Unisanta Bioscience. v. 4, p. 446-449, issn: 2317-1111, 2015.
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1045.   MAZINE, F. F.; V. C. Souza. Lectotypifications and a new combination in Eugenia sect. Racemosae (Myrtaceae). Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy. v. 205, p. 157-167, issn: 1179-3155, 2015.
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1046.   MAZINE, FIORELLA; Faria, J. E. Q. ; Souza, M.C. ; LUCAS, E. J.. Eugenia kuhlmanniana (Myrtaceae), a new synonym of E. hiraeifolia, a Mesoamerican species cultivated in Brazil. Phytotaxa: a rapid international journal for accelerating the publication of botanical taxonomy. v. 207, p. 141-142, issn: 1179-3155, 2015.
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1061.   MELO, DANIELA DE CASTRO ; ALCÂNTARA, ROSANE LÚCIA CHICARELLI. Um modelo da maturidade da gestão da demanda: Um estudo multicaso na cadeia de suprimento de produtos de mercearia básica. Gestão & Produção (UFSCAR. Impresso). v. 22, p. 53-66, issn: 0104-530X, 2015.
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1063.   MELO, Ivy Frizo de ; ARAUJO, Carolina Rodrigues de ; Penteado-Dias, AM. New species of Exochus Gravenhorst and Trieces Townes (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Metopiinae) and first record of seven species from Brazil.. Zootaxa (Auckland. Print). v. 4059, p. 40-50, issn: 1175-5326, 2015.
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1070.   MENDES, CAROLINA ROSAI ; DILARRI, GUILHERME ; PELEGRINI, RONALDO TEIXEIRA. Aplicação da biomassa Saccharomyces cerevisiae como agente adsorvente do corante Direct Orange 2GL e os possíveis mecanismos de interações adsorbato/adsorvente. Matéria (UFRJ). v. 20, p. 898-908, issn: 1517-7076, 2015.
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1073.   Mendes, Enicéia Gonçalves; CABRAL, Leonardo S. A. ; D'AFFONSECA, Sabrina Mazo ; CALHEIROS, David. A formação de professores especializados segundo os pesquisadores do Observatório Nacional de Educação Especial. REVISTA EDUCAÇÃO E FRONTEIRAS ON-LINE. v. 5, p. 151, issn: 2237-258X, 2015.
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1074.   Mendes, Marcio Andreato Batista ; Kiminami, Claudio Shyinti ; BOTTA FILHO, Walter José ; Bolfarini, Claudemiro ; OLIVEIRA, Marcelo Falcão de ; KAUFMAN, MICHAEL JOSEPH. Crystallization Behavior of Amorphous Ti51.1Cu38.9Ni10.0 Alloy. Materials Research (São Carlos. On-line). v. 18, p. 104-108, issn: 1980-5373, 2015.
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1076.   MENDES, R. ; SOUZA, C. R. ; MACHADO, M. N. ; CORREA, P. C. ; THOMMAZO-LUPORINI L, ; ARENA, R. ; MYERS, JONATHAN ; PIZZOLATTO, E. B. ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Predicting reintubation, prolonged mechanical ventilation and death in post-coronary artery bypass graft surgery: a comparison between artificial neural networks and logistic regression models.. Archives of Medical Science. v. 11, p. 756-763, issn: 1734-1922, 2015.
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1077.   MENDONCA, T. G. ; QUERIDO, D. C. M. ; SOUZA, C. F.. EFICIÊNCIA DO POLÍMERO HIDROABSORVENTE NA MANUTENÇÃO DA UMIDADE DO SOLO NO CULTIVO DE ALFACE. Revista brasileira de agricultura irrigada. v. 9, p. 239-245, issn: 1982-7679, 2015.
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1081.   MENOTTI, C. C. ; ONOFRE, E. M. C.. A experiência docente de minitores sobre o oficio de professores na prisão. Teias (Rio de Janeiro. Impresso). v. 16, p. 205-222, issn: 1518-5370, 2015.
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1082.   Mesquita, A. ; RHODES, F.P. ; DA SILVA, R.T. ; NEVES, P.P. ; DE ZEVALLOS, A.O. ; Andreeta, M.R.B. ; DE LIMA, M.M. ; CANTARERO, A. ; DA SILVA, I.S. ; BOSELLI, M.A. ; GRATENS, X. ; CHITTA, V.A. ; DORIGUETTO, A.C. ; FERRAZ, W.B. ; SABIONI, A.C.S. ; DE CARVALHO, H.B.. Dynamics of the incorporation of Co into the wurtzite ZnO matrix and its magnetic properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 637, p. 407-417, issn: 0925-8388, 2015.
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1089.   MICHELOTTO, MARCOS DONISETI ; BARIONI, WALDOMIRO ; DE RESENDE, MARCOS DEON VILELA ; DE GODOY, IGNÁCIO JOSÉ ; Leonardecz, Eduardo ; FÁVERO, Alessandra Pereira. Identification of Fungus Resistant Wild Accessions and Interspecific Hybrids of the Genus Arachis. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0128811, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.
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1090.   MIGUEL, C. ; FRAMPTON, S. E. ; LANTAYA, C. A. ; LAFRANCE, D. L. ; QUAH, K. ; MEYER, C. S. ; ELIAS, N. C. ; FERNAND, J. K.. The effects of tact training on the development of analogical reasoning. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. v. 104, p. 96-118, issn: 0022-5002, 2015.
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1091.   MILANI, EDER A. ; Tomazella, Vera L. D. ; DIAS, TERESA C. M. ; LOUZADA, FRANCISCO. The generalized time-dependent logistic frailty model: An application to a population-based prospective study of incident cases of lung cancer diagnosed in Northern Ireland. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. v. 29, p. 132-144, issn: 0103-0752, 2015.
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1092.   MILL, D.; CARMO, H.. Gestão Estratégica de Sistemas de Educação a Distância no Brasil e em Portugal: a propósito da flexibilidade educacional. Educação e sociedade. v. 36, p. 407-426, issn: 1678-4626, 2015.
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1094.   MILTON, FLAVIO P. ; LONDONO, FERNANDO A. ; BOTERO, ERITON R. ; Eiras, J. A. ; Garcia, Ducinei. Thermal Behavior of Electrically Induced Birefringence of La-Doped PMN-PT Ceramics. Integrated Ferroelectrics (Print). v. 166, p. 180-185, issn: 1058-4587, 2015.
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1095.   MINATEL, MARTHA MORAIS ; MATSUKURA, THELMA SIMÕES. Familiares de crianças e adolescentes com autismo: percepções do contexto escolar. Revista Educação Especial (Online). v. 28, p. 429-442, issn: 1984-686X, 2015.
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1100.   MIRANDA, E. A. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; SILVA, A. C. R. A. E. ; SILVA, C. I. ; Del Lama, M. A.. Natural history and biogeography of Partamona rustica, an endemic bee in dry forests of Brazil. Insectes Sociaux (Printed ed.). v. 62, p. 1-11, issn: 0020-1812, 2015.
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1101.   MIRANDA, MARIA A. F. M. ; VARELA, ROSA M. ; TORRES, ASCENSION ; MOLINILLO, JOSÉ M. G. ; GUALTIERI, SONIA C. J. ; MACÍAS, FRANCISCO A.. Phytotoxins from Tithonia diversifolia. Journal of Natural Products (Print). v. 75, p. 150416131502000-1083, issn: 0163-3864, 2015.
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1102.   MIRANDA, SUZANA RECK. Que coisas nossas são estas? Música popular, disco e o início do cinema sonoro no Brasil. Significação: Revista de Cultura Audiovisual. v. 42, p. 29-44, issn: 1516-4330, 2015.
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1103.   MIRANDOLA, T. B. S. ; MENDES, G. H. S.. Acreditação hospitalar como estratégia de melhoria: impactos em seis hospitais acreditados. Gestão & Produção. v. 22, p. 636-648, issn: 1806-9649, 2015.
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1104.   MISHIMA, SILVANA MARTINS ; AIUB, ALLAN CORREA ; RIGATO, ANNA FRANCINE GONÇALO ; FORTUNA, CINIRA MAGALI ; MATUMOTO, SILVIA ; OGATA, MARCIA NIITUMA ; SILVA, MONICA VILCHEZ DA ; NOGUEIRA, ANA CAROLINA. Managers' perspective on continuous health education in a region of São Paulo State. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Online). v. 49, p. 0665-0673, issn: 1980-220X, 2015.
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1105.   Miskolci, Richard. 'Discreet and out of the gay scene' - notes on contemporary sexual visibility. Cadernos Pagu. v. 44, p. 61-90, issn: 1809-4449, 2015.
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1106.   Miskolci, Richard; Campana, Maximiliano. Direito às Diferenças: notas sobre desafios às demandas de reconhecimento. Hendu - Revista Latinoamericana de Derechos Humanos. v. 6, p. 55-64, issn: 2236-6334, 2015.
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1107.   MIWA, R. H. ; KAGIMURA, R. ; LIMA, MATHEUS P. ; Fazzio, A.. Valley Hall effect in silicene and hydrogenated silicene ruled by grain boundaries: An ab initio investigation. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 91, p. 205442, issn: 1098-0121, 2015.
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1108.   MIYAJI, DAN YUSHIN ; OTOFUJI, CAIO ZUCCOLOTTO ; PEREIRA, ANTONIO HENRIQUE ALVES ; RODRIGUES, JOSÉ DE ANCHIETA. Effect of Specimen Size on the Resistance to Thermal Shock of Refractory Castables Containing Eutectic Aggregates. Materials Research (São Carlos. Impresso). v. 18, p. 250-257, issn: 1516-1439, 2015.
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1109.   MOCCELLIN, A. S. ; NORA, F. G. A. S. ; LOBO DA COSTA, P. H. ; DRIUSSO, P.. Static postural control assessment during pregnancy. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior. v. 9, p. 1-9, issn: 1980-5586, 2015.
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1110.   Moccellin, Ana Silvia ; RETT, MARIANA TIROLLI ; Driusso, Patricia. Comparison of Electromyographic Evaluation of Pelvic Floor Muscles in Third Trimester Between Pregnant Women With and Without Urinary Incontinence. Journal of Clinical Gynecology and Obstetrics. v. 4, p. 297-301, issn: 1927-1271, 2015.
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