Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) realizado em 21/11/2017

Edson Roberto Leite

Edson Roberto Leite é atualmente professor do Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (SP). Formou-se em Ciências e Engenharia de Materiais pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos. De 1988-1992, trabalhou na 3M do Brasil, onde se dedicou à pesquisa e desenvolvimento de produtos eletrônicos e de telecomunicações. Recebeu seu Ph.D. em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais pela Universidade Federal de São Carlos em 1993. Em janeiro de 1994, ingressou no Departamento de Química da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. De 1998 a 1999, Edson foi Professor Visitante de Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais em Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA. Os seus interesses de pesquisas atuais incluem síntese e processo de crescimento de nanopartículas inorgânicas por abordagens químicas, caracterização de materiais por microscopia electrónica, estabilidade térmica de materiais nanoestruturados e materiais para dispositivos fotoelectroquímicos. Ele publicou mais de 300 artigos científicos e editou três livros (relacionados a materiais para energia) e é co-autor de um livro (relacionado ao processo de nucleação e crescimento em nanocristais). Edson recebeu vários prêmios, incluindo Scopus Prize da Elsevier / CAPES (2006) e John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fundação Fellowship da John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation (2009). Em 2012, Edson foi nomeado membro da World Academy of Ceramics e Membro da Academia de Ciências do Estado de São Paulo. Em 2014, foi co-presidente da MRS Spring Meeting em San Frascisco, CA. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (08/02/2017)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 1A
  • Período de análise: 1994-2017
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Química. Universidade Federal de São Carlos Monjolinho 13565905 - Sao Carlos, SP - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 676 Telefone: (16) 33518214
  • Grande área: Engenharias
  • Área: Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (8)
    1. 2012-Atual. Nanotecnologia
      Descrição: Sensores de Gases Baseados em Óxidos Semicondutores Nanoestruturados: A Busca pela Detecção sub-ppm (parte por milhão) - FASE II. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Petrobras S.A. - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    2. 2010-Atual. Nanotecnologia
      Descrição: Superfícies Namométricas Inteligentes: Processo auto-cicatrizante de Trincas bioinspirado na hemostasia (Self Healing). Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Petrobras S.A. - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    3. 2010-Atual. Nanotecnologia
      Descrição: Deposição de Nanocamadas de Óxido de Molibdenio Suportado em Alumina. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Petrobras S.A. - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    4. 2008-2011. nanotecnologia
      Descrição: Desenvolvimento de sensores nanometricos de gases para detecção sub ppm. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Petrobras S.A. - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    5. 2006-Atual. nanocompositos
      Descrição: Compósitos moleculares funcionais derivados de PU: síntese e caracterização. Projeto individual. Processo 2007/51002-1. Total R$ 160.000,00. Encerrado. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Mestrado acadêmico: (3) . Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    6. 2005-2007. dispositivos eletrocromicos
      Descrição: Filmes finos nanoestrutura dos e eletrólitos sólidos para aplicação em dispositivos eletrocrômicos - Projeto CAPES/DAAD processo 202/05 - Total R$29.000,00 - Encerrado. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (0) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissional: (0) / Doutorado: (0) . Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Auxílio financeiro.Número de orientações: 1
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    7. 2004-2006. energia solar
      Descrição: Células Fotoeletroquímicas Nanoestruturadas: Utilização Eficiente da Energia Solar - Projeto CT-Energia CNPq processo 504525/2004-2 - Total R$ R$ 230.000,00- Encerrado. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (0) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissional: (0) / Doutorado: (0) . Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Bolsa.Número de orientações: 1
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    8. 2003-2005. materiais nanoestruturados
      Descrição: Materiais Nanoestruturados: Síntese e Caracterização - Projeto Individual FAPESP processo 03/11936-5 - total R$ 100.000,00 - Encerrado. Situação: Concluído; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (0) / Especialização: (0) / Mestrado acadêmico: (0) / Mestrado profissional: (0) / Doutorado: (0) . Integrantes: Edson Roberto Leite - Coordenador.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (11)
    1. Prêmio Inventor, Petrobras.. 2012.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    2. Eleito membro da Academia de Ciência do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, 2012, Academia de Ciência do Estado de São Paulo.. 2012.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    3. Eleito para World Academy of Ceramics na 14th Election em 2011 - Por reconhecimento pela contribuição na área de Cerâmica Avançada - Itália, World Academy of Ceramics.. 2011.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    4. Fellowship of John Simon Guggenheimn Memorial Foundation, John Simon Guggenheimn Memorial Foundation- New York, NY- USA.. 2009.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    5. Prêmio Scopus Elsevier América Latina, Elsevier (América Latina)- CAPES- Brasiília DF.. 2006.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    6. 3o colocado no Concurso de Ceramografia oferecido pelo American Ceramic Soci ety, 101o Am. Ceram. Soc. Meeting, Indianópolis, USA.. 1999.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    7. Obtenção de Refratários à Base de MgO-C a partir de sucatas de Panela de Aço, SENAI do Rio de Janeiro.. 1996.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    8. Material Refratário Granulado para Vedação de Válvula de Aço, Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo.. 1996.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    9. Coating Cerâmico para Prevenção contra Oxidação de Refratários Contendo Carbono Durante Aquecimento a Altas Temperaturas, Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de São Paulo.. 1996.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    10. melhor micrografia cerâmica, 40 Congresso Brasileiro de Cerâmica, realizado em Criciúma, SC.. 1996.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.
    11. Composição Refratária Sílico-Aluminosa para Revestimentos Monolíticos., Prêmio Talento Brasileiro.. 1996.
      Membro: Edson Roberto Leite.

Participação em eventos

  • Total de participação em eventos (8)
    1. MRS Spring Meeting. 2014. (Encontro).
    2. MRS Spring Meeting. 2013. (Encontro).
    3. MRS Spring Meeting. 2012. (Encontro).
    4. MRS Spring Meeting. 2008. (Encontro).
    5. VII Encontro SBPMat. 2008. (Encontro).
    6. Gordon Research Conference. 2007. (Outra).
    7. Spring Meeting of the Materials Research Society.Nanostructured Materials in Alternative Energy Devies. 2004. (Simpósio).
    8. Workshop em Cerâmicas Nanoestruturadas e Interfaces.Coordenador Workshop. 2004. (Outra).

Organização de eventos

  • Total de organização de eventos (0)

    Lista de colaborações

    • Colaborações endôgenas (28)
      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Paulo Sergio Pizani (47.0)
        1. Leal, S.H. ; Escote, M.T. ; Pontes, F.M. ; Leite, E.R. ; Joya, M.R. ; Pizani, P.S. ; LONGO, E. ; Varela, J.A.. Structural transition on Pb1?xSrxTiO3 produced by chemical method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 475, p. 940-945, issn: 0925-8388, 2009.
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        2. PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; RISSATO, S ; PONTES, D ; LONGO, E ; LEITE, E ; CLARO NETO, S ; CHIQUITO, A ; PIZANI, P ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Leakage current, ferroelectric and structural properties in Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 69, p. 2796-2803, issn: 0022-3697, 2008.
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        3. PONTES, Fenelon M ; Galhiane, M S ; SANTOS, L. S. ; RISSATO, S. R. ; PONTES, Débora ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C. Structural and morphological characterization of Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route: An investigation of phase transition. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 108, p. 312-318, issn: 0254-0584, 2008.
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        4. Marques, Ana Paula A. ; Picon, Francini C. ; Melo, Dulce M. A. ; Pizani, Paulo S. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Varela, José A. ; Longo, Elson. Effect of the Order and Disorder of BaMoO4 Powders in Photoluminescent Properties. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 18, p. 51-59, issn: 1053-0509, 2008.
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        5. PIZANI, P; JOYA, M ; PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; GODINHOJR, M ; LEITE, E ; LONGO, E. Tunable visible photoluminescence of powdered silica glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. v. 354, p. 476-479, issn: 0022-3093, 2008.
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        6. MARQUES, A ; LONGO, V ; DEMELO, D ; PIZANI, P ; LEITE, E ; VARELA, J ; LONGO, E. Shape controlled synthesis of CaMoO4 thin films and their photoluminescence property. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 181, p. 1249-1257, issn: 0022-4596, 2008.
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        7. Moreira, M. L. ; Mambrini, G. P. ; Volanti, D. P. ; LEITE, E. R. ; Orlandi, M. O. ; Pizani, P. S. ; Mastelaro, V. R. ; Paiva-Santos, C.O. ; PAIVA-SANTOS, C. O. ; Longo, E. ; Varela, J. A.. Hydrothermal Microwave: A New Route to Obtain Photoluminescent Crystalline BaTiO 3 Nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials. v. 20, p. 5381-5387, issn: 0897-4756, 2008.
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        8. Anicete-Santos, M. ; ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; MAURERA, Maria Aldeiza M A ; SIMÕES, L G P ; SOUZA, Antonio Gouveia de ; PIZANI, P S ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J. A. ; ANDRÉS, J. ; BELTRÀN, A. ; LONGO, E.. Contribution of structural order-disorder to the green photoluminescence of PbWO4. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 75, p. 165105, issn: 1098-0121, 2007.
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        9. LEITE, E. R.; MARQUES, Ana Paula D ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto ; LONGO, Elson. Photoluminescent BaMoO4 nanopowders prepared by complex polymerization method (CPM). Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 179, n. 3, p. 671-678, issn: 0022-4596, 2006.
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        10. M, Anicetesantos ; LEITE, E. R. ; PICON, Francini Cristiani ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Room-temperature photoluminescence in structurally disordered SrWO4. Applied Physics Letters. v. 88, n. 21, p. 211913, issn: 0003-6951, 2006.
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        11. PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEAL, S H ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Absence of relaxor-like ferroelectric phase transition in (Pb, Sr)TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 80, n. 4, p. 813-817, issn: 0947-8396, 2005.
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        12. CAMARA, M. S. C. ; GURGEL, M. F. C. ; S. R. Lazaro ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; P. S. Pizani ; A. Beltran ; LONGO, E.. Room temperature photoluminescence of the Li2ZnTi3O8 spinel: Experimental and theoretical study. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. v. 103, n. 5, p. 580-587, issn: 0020-7608, 2005.
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        13. E. Orhan ; VARELA, J. A. ; GURGEL, M. F. C. ; F.M.PONTES, ; E.R.Leite ; LONGO, E. ; P. S. Pizani ; A. Beltran ; ANDRES, J.. Room-temperature photoluminescence of BaTiO3: joint of experimental and theoretical study. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 71, n. 8, p. 085113, issn: 1098-0121, 2005.
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        14. ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the room-temperature photoluminescence of amorphized Pb (Zr,Ti)O3. Chemistry Physics Chemistry. v. 6, n. 8, p. 1530-1536, 2005.
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        15. MARQUES, A P A ; LEITE, E. R. ; MELO, D M A de ; LONGO, e ; PASKOCIMAS, C A ; PIZANI, P S. Photoluminescence properties of BaMoO4 amorphous thin films. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 178, n. 7, p. 2346-2353, issn: 0022-4596, 2005.
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        16. E. Orhan ; F.M.PONTES, ; C. D. Pinheiro ; LONGO, E. ; P. S. Pizani ; VARELA, J. A. ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; A. Beltran ; ANDRES, J.. Theoretical and experimental study of the relation between photoluminescence and structural disorder in barium and strontium titanate thin films. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. v. 25, n. 12, p. 2337-2340, issn: 0955-2219, 2005.
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        17. LEAL, S H ; PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Ferroelectric phase transition in Pb0.60Sr0.40TiO3 thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 87, n. 2-3, p. 353-356, issn: 0254-0584, 2004.
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        18. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A J ; MACHADO, M A C ; PIZANI, P S. A Raman and dielectric study of a diffuse phase transition in (Pb1-xCax) TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 78, p. 349-354, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        19. GFG, Freitas ; LEITE, E. R. ; B, Soledade L e ; LONGO, Longo e ; PS, Pizani ; CA, Paskocims ; A, Melo D M ; S, Nasar R. Photoluminescence in amorphous zirconium titanate. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 78, n. 3, p. 355-358, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        20. P. S. Pizani; A. Beltran ; E. Orhan ; ELONGO, ; E.R.Leite ; F.M.PONTES, ; JAVARELA, ; MACHADO, M. A. C.. Origin of photo luminescence in SrTiO3: a combinet experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 177, n. 11, p. 3879-3885, issn: 0022-4596, 2004.
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        21. E, Orhan ; LEITE, E. R. ; ALBARICI, V C ; PONTES, F M ; ESCOTE, M T ; MACHADO, Mac ; PIZANI, Ps. A DFT rationalization of the room temperature photoluminescence of Li2TiSiO5. Chemical Physics Letters. v. 398, n. 4-6, p. 330-335, issn: 0009-2614, 2004.
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        22. F.M.PONTES, ; ESCOTE, M. T. ; E.R.Leite ; LONGO, E. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; P. S. Pizani ; VARELA, J. A.. Characterization of BaTi1-xZrxO3 thin films obtained by a soft chemical spin-coating technique. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 96, n. 8, p. 4386-4391, issn: 0021-8979, 2004.
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        23. PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LEITE, E. R. ; LEAL, Sérgio Henrique ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; CHIQUITO, A J ; VARELA, José Arana. Investigation of phase transition in ferroelectric Pb0.70Sr0.30TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 96, n. 2, p. 1192-1196, issn: 0021-8979, 2004.
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        24. ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; SANTOS, M A ; BELTRAN, Armando ; ANDRÉS, Juan ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Combined experimental and theoretical study to understand the photoluminescence of Sr1-xTiO3-x. Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. v. 108, n. 26, p. 9221-9227, issn: 1520-6106, 2004.
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        25. LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PINHEIRO, Carlos Davidson ; VARELA, José Arana ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; ANDRÉS, Juan. Density functional theory calculation of the electronic structure of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3: photoluminescent properties and structural disorder. Physical Review B - Solid State. v. 69, n. 12, p. 125115, issn: 0556-2805, 2004.
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        26. LEE, Eduardo Jh ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; LONGO, Elson ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana. Effects of post-annealing on the dielectric properties of Au/BaTiO3/Pt thin films capacitors. Materials Letters (General ed.). v. 58, p. 1715-1721, issn: 0167-577X, 2004.
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        27. PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; LEITE, E. R. ; LEE, Eduardo Jian Hua ; LONGO, Elson ; PINHEIRO, Carlos Davidson ; TAFT, Carlton Anthony ; VARELA, José Arana. An investigation of metal oxides which are photoluminescent at room temperature. Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem. v. 668, n. 2-3, p. 87-91, issn: 0166-1280, 2004.
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        28. MELO, D. M. A. ; A. E. Martinelli ; ELONGO, ; P. S. Pizani. Room temperature photoluminescence of amorphous BaxSr1-xTiO3 doped with chromium. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 177, n. 3, p. 670-674, issn: 0022-4596, 2004.
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        29. PONTES, F M ; LEITE, E. R. ; NUNES, M. S. J. ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; LONGO, E. ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J. A.. Preparation of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films by the soft chemical route. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. v. 24, p. 2969-2976, issn: 0955-2219, 2004.
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        30. Costa, C.E.F. ; PONTES, F M ; SOUZA, A.G. ; LEITE, E. R. ; PIZANI, P S ; LONGO, E.. Influence of strontium concentration on the structural, morphological, and electrical properties of lead zirconate titanate thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 79, p. 593-597, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        31. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; VARELA, J. A.. Electrical conduction mechanism and phase transition studies using dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopy in ferroelectric Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 94, n. 11, p. 7256-5260, issn: 0021-8979, 2003.
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        32. LEITE, E. R.; PARIS, e C ; PONTES, F M ; PASKOCIMAS, C A ; LONGO, e ; PINHEIRO, C D ; VARELA, J A ; PIZAN, P S ; CAMPOS, C e M ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. The origin of photoluminescence in amorphous lead titanate. Journal of Materials Science. v. 38, n. 6, p. 1175-1178, issn: 0022-2461, 2003.
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        33. PONTES, F M ; PINHEIRO, C D ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LAZARO, S R ; VARELA, J. A. ; PIZANI, P S ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. The role of network modifiers in the creation of photoluminescence in CaTiO3. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 78, n. 1, p. 227-233, issn: 0254-0584, 2003.
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        34. PINHEIRO, C D ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, F M ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; VARELA, J A ; PIZANI, P S ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. The role of defect states in the creation of photoluminescence in SrTiO3. Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing. v. 77, n. 1, p. 81-85, issn: 0947-8396, 2003.
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        35. BOUQUET, V ; VASCONCELOS, N S L S ; AGUIAR, Rosiana ; PINHEIRO, C D ; LEITE, E. R. ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J. A. ; LONGO, E. ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. Ferroelectric materials with photoluminescent properties. Ferroelectrics. v. 288, p. 315-326, issn: 0015-0193, 2003.
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        36. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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        37. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LEE, Eduardo Jh ; AGUIAR, Rosiana ; LONGO, Elson ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; NUNES, M. S. J. ; MACEDO, H. ; PIZANI, P. ; LANCIOTTI, F. ; BOSCHI, T. ; VARELA, José Arana ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto. A novel approach on the development of photoluminescent materials. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 4, p. 529-532, 2002.
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        38. F.M.PONTES, ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; E. M. S. Santos ; MERGULHAO, S. ; P. S. Pizani ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; JAVARELA,. Ferroelectric and optical properties of Ba0,8Sr0,2TiO3 thin film. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 9, p. 5972-5978, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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        39. LEITE, E. R.; PIZANI, P. S. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LONGO, Elson. Visible photoluminescence in amorphous ABO(3) perovskites. Applied Physics Letters. v. 81, n. 2, p. 253-255, issn: 0003-6951, 2002.
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        40. LEITE, E. R.; SOLEDADE, Luis Edmundo Bastos ; LONGO, Elson ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana. Room-temperature photoluminescence in amorphous SrTiO3 - the influence of acceptor-type dopants. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 5, p. 629-632, 2002.
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        41. LEITE, E. R.; LANCIOTTI, F. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; SANTOS, Luis Presley Serejo dos ; CARREÑO, Neftali L V ; LONGO, Elson. Amorphization and grain size effect on milled PbTiO3 studied by Raman scattering and visible photoluminescence emission. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 6, p. 787-789, 2002.
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        42. P. S. Pizani; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; JAVARELA,. Topotatic-like phase transformation of amorphous lead titanate to cubic lead titanate. Journal of the American ceramic Society. v. 85, n. 9, p. 2166-2170, issn: 0002-7820, 2002.
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        43. P. S. Pizani; RANGEL, J. ; CARRENO, N. ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; JAVARELA,. Photoluminescence in amorphous (Pb, La)TiO3 thin films deposited on different substrates. Journal of Luminescence. v. 99, n. 2, p. 85-90, issn: 0022-2313, 2002.
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        44. LEITE, E. R.; GOMES, J. ; OLIVEIRA, M M ; LEE, Eduardo Jh ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, José Arana ; PASKOCIMAS, C. A. ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F. ; PIZANI, P S ; SOARES, Pc. Synthesis of SnO2 nanoribbons by a carbothermal reduction process. Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology. v. 2, n. 2, p. 125-128, 2002.
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        45. L. P. S. Santos ; ELONGO, ; JAVARELA, ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; P. S. Pizani. Photoluminescence of nanostructured PbTiO3 processed by high-energy mechanical milling. Applied Physics Letters. v. 78, n. 15, p. 2148-2150, issn: 0003-6951, 2001.
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        46. LEITE, E. R.; PIZANI, P S ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PARIS, E. C. ; RANGEL, J. H. ; LEE, e J H ; LONGO, e ; SPAGNOL, P. D. ; VARELA, J. A.. Photoluminescence of disordered ABO3 perovskites. Applied Physics Letters. v. 77, n. 6, p. 824-826, issn: 0003-6951, 2000.
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        47. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, F M ; PARIS, E. C. ; PASKOCIMAS, C. A. ; LEE, Eduardo Jian Hua ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J A ; MASTELARO, V. R.. Amorphous lead titanate: a new wide band gap semiconductor with photoluminescence at room temperature. Advanced Materials for Optical and Electronics. v. 10, p. 235-240, issn: 1057-9257, 2000.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Adenilson José Chiquito (35.0)
        1. GOUVEIA, R.C. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; LEITE, E.R. ; CHIQUITO, A.J.. Schottky contacts in germanium nanowire network devices synthesized from nickel seeds. Physica. E, Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (Print). v. 84, p. 537-542, issn: 1386-9477, 2016.
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        2. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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        3. GOUVEIA, R C ; KAMIMURA, H ; MUNHOZ, RAFAEL ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Germanium nanowires grown using different catalyst metals. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 183, p. 145-151, issn: 0254-0584, 2016.
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        4. KAMIMURA, H ; DALMASCHIO, C J ; CARROCINE, S C ; RODRIGUES, A D ; GOUVEIA, R C ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A J. Optoelectronic characteristics of single InP nanowire grown from solid source. Materials Research Express. v. 2, p. 045012, issn: 2053-1591, 2015.
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          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        6. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; DALMASCHIO, C J ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A J. Synthesis and electrical characterization of Zn 3 P 2 nanowires. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 29, p. 015001, issn: 0268-1242, 2014.
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        7. Amorim, Cleber A. ; Dalmaschio, Cleocir J ; Leite, Edson R ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. Fluorine doped SnO 2 (FTO) nanobelts: some data on electronic parameters. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 47, p. 045301, issn: 0022-3727, 2014.
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        8. AMORIM, CLEBER A. ; DAMASCIO, CLEOCIR J. ; MELZI, ANDRÉ L.R. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J.. Weak localization and electron-electron scattering in fluorine-doped SnO2 random nanobelt thin films. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 75, p. 583-587, issn: 0022-3697, 2014.
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        9. Simon, R. A. ; Kamimura, H. ; Berengue, O. M. ; LEITE, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Disorder induced interface states and their influence on the Al/Ge nanowires Schottky devices. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 114, p. 243705, issn: 0021-8979, 2013.
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        10. Berengue, O. M. ; Amorim, Cleber A. ; Kamimura, H. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; Leite, E. R.. Oxygen-induced metal-insulator-transition on single crystalline metal oxide wires. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 111, p. 013713, issn: 0021-8979, 2012.
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        11. Chiquito, Adenilson J; Amorim, Cleber A. ; Berengue, Olivia M ; Araujo, Luana S. ; Bernardo, Eric P ; Leite, Edson R. Back-to-back Schottky diodes: the generalization of the diode theory in analysis and extraction of electrical parameters of nanodevices. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online). v. 24, p. 225303, issn: 1361-648X, 2012.
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        12. BERENGUE, OLIVIA M ; LEITE, EDSON R ; DALMASCHIO, CLEOCIR J ; KANASHIRO, MARIANA K ; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON J. Detection of oxygen vacancy defect states in oxide nanobelts by using thermally stimulated current spectroscopy. Semiconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 27, p. 065021, issn: 0268-1242, 2012.
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        13. Amorim, Cleber A. ; Berengue, Olivia M ; Kamimura, Hanay ; Leite, Edson R ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. Measuring the mobility of single crystalline wires and its dependence on temperature and carrier density. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Online). v. 23, p. 205803, issn: 1361-648X, 2011.
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        14. BERENGUE, OLIVIA M ; SIMON, RICARDO A ; LEITE, EDSON R ; CHIQUITO, ADENILSON J. The study of electron scattering mechanisms in single crystal oxide nanowires. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 44, p. 215405, issn: 0022-3727, 2011.
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        15. Berengue, O. M. ; Simon, R. A. ; Chiquito, A. J. ; Dalmaschio, C. J. ; LEITE, E. R. ; Guerreiro, H. A. ; Guimara?es, F. E. G.. Semiconducting Sn[sub 3]O[sub 4] nanobelts: Growth and electronic structure. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 107, p. 033717, issn: 0021-8979, 2010.
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        16. Jose Damaschio, Cleocir ; Berengue, Olivia M. ; Stroppa, Daniel G. ; Simon, Ricardo A. ; Ramirez, Antonio J. ; Herwig Schreiner, Wido ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. ; Leite, Edson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Sn3O4 single crystal nanobelts grown by carbothermal reduction process. Journal of Crystal Growth. v. 312, p. 2881-2886, issn: 0022-0248, 2010.
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        17. Pinto, Alexandre H. ; Souza, Flavio L. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. ; LONGO, Elson ; Leite, Edson R. ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Characterization of dense lead lanthanum titanate ceramics prepared from powders synthesized by the oxidant peroxo method. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 124, p. 1051-1056, issn: 0254-0584, 2010.
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        18. Conti, Tiago G. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. ; Da Silva, Rafael O. ; LONGO, Elson ; Leite, Edson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Electrical Properties of Highly Conducting SnO2:Sb Nanocrystals Synthesized using a Nonaqueous Sol-Gel Method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society. v. 93, p. 3862-3866, issn: 0002-7820, 2010.
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        19. Berengue, Olívia M. ; Lanfredi, Alexandre J. C. ; Pozzi, Livia P. ; Rey, José F. Q. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J.. Magnetoresistance in Sn-Doped In2O3 Nanowires. Nanoscale Research Letters. v. 4, p. 921-925, issn: 1931-7573, 2009.
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        20. Berengue, O. M. ; Berengue, Olivia Maria ; DALMASCHIO, C. J. ; Chiquito, A. J. ; LEITE, E. R. ; DALMASCHIO, CLEOCIR J. ; Conti, Tiago G. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J.. Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of Tin Oxide Nanostructures. MRS Proceedings. v. 1178, p. 1178-AA06-33, issn: 1946-4274, 2009.
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        21. CHIQUITO, A. J.; LANFREDI, Alexandre José de Castro ; LEITE, Edson Roberto. One-dimensional character of Sn doped In2O3 nanowires probed by magnetotransport measurements. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics. v. 41, p. 045106, issn: 0022-3727, 2008.
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        22. CHIQUITO, A. J.; LANFREDI, Alexandre José de Castro ; LEITE, Edson Roberto. Electron-electron scattering in Sn doped In2O3 nanowires. Physica E. Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. v. 40, p. 449-451, issn: 1386-9477, 2008.
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        23. PONTES, Fenelon M ; Galhiane, M S ; SANTOS, L. S. ; RISSATO, S. R. ; PONTES, Débora ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; Jardim, R. ; ESCOTE, Marcia T. Pressure-induced electrical and structural anomalies in Pb1-xCaxTiO3 thin films grown at various oxygen pressures by chemical solution route. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics. v. 41, p. 115402, issn: 0022-3727, 2008.
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        24. PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; RISSATO, S ; PONTES, D ; LONGO, E ; LEITE, E ; CLARO NETO, S ; CHIQUITO, A ; PIZANI, P ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Leakage current, ferroelectric and structural properties in Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 69, p. 2796-2803, issn: 0022-3697, 2008.
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        25. PONTES, Fenelon M ; Galhiane, M S ; SANTOS, L. S. ; RISSATO, S. R. ; PONTES, Débora ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C. Structural and morphological characterization of Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route: An investigation of phase transition. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 108, p. 312-318, issn: 0254-0584, 2008.
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        26. CHIQUITO, A. J.; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; ORLANDI, Marcelo ; LANFREDI, Alexandre José de Castro ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson. Temperature dependence of electron properties of Sn doped In2O3 nanobelts. Physica. B, Condensed Matter. v. 400, p. 243-247, issn: 0921-4526, 2007.
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        27. CHIQUITO, A. J.; LANFREDI, Alexandre José de Castro ; OLIVEIRA, R. F. M. ; POZZI, L. P. ; LEITE, Edson Roberto. Electron dephasing and weak localization in sn doped In2O3 nanowires. Nano Letters. v. 7, p. 1439-1443, issn: 1530-6984, 2007.
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        28. GIRALDI, T. R. ; LANFREDI, Alexandre José de Castro ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, J. A. ; RIBEIRO, C. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Electrical characterization of SnO2 : Sb ultrathin films obtained by controlled thickness deposition. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 102, p. 034312, issn: 0021-8979, 2007.
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        29. Mambrini, G. ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, J. A. ; Jardim, R.. Structural, microstructural, and transport properties of highly oriented LaNiO3 thin films deposited on SrTiO3(100) single crystal. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 102, p. 043708, issn: 0021-8979, 2007.
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        30. GIRALDI, T. R. ; RIBEIRO, C. ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; CONTI, T. G. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, J. A.. Deposition of controlled thickness ultrathin SnO2 : Sb films by spin-coating. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. v. 6, p. 3849-3853, issn: 1533-4880, 2006.
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        31. PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEAL, S H ; SANTOS, M R M C ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SOLEDADE, L e B ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Structural and ferroelectric properties of Pb1-xSrxTiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 80, n. 4, p. 875-880, issn: 0947-8396, 2005.
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        32. PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEAL, S H ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Absence of relaxor-like ferroelectric phase transition in (Pb, Sr)TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 80, n. 4, p. 813-817, issn: 0947-8396, 2005.
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        33. LEAL, S H ; PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Ferroelectric phase transition in Pb0.60Sr0.40TiO3 thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 87, n. 2-3, p. 353-356, issn: 0254-0584, 2004.
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        34. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; VARELA, J. A.. Electrical conduction mechanism and phase transition studies using dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopy in ferroelectric Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 94, n. 11, p. 7256-5260, issn: 0021-8979, 2003.
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        35. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Emerson Rodrigues de Camargo (19.0)
        1. Francato, P ; NETO, FRANCISCO NUNES SOUZA ; NOGUEIRA, A. E. ; Kubo, A. M. ; Ribeiro, L S. ; Gonçalves, L. P. ; GORUP, LUIZ F. ; LEITE, E. R. ; CAMARGO, E. R.. Enhanced reactivity of peroxo-modified surface of titanium dioxide nanoparticles used to synthesize ultrafine bismuth titanate powders at lower temperatures. Ceramics International. v. 42, p. 15767-15772, issn: 0272-8842, 2016.
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        2. NOGUEIRA, ANDRÉ E. ; LIMA, ALAN R.F. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Effect of lanthanum and lead doping on the microstructure and visible light photocatalysis of bismuth titanate prepared by the Oxidant Peroxide Method (OPM). Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology. A, Chemistry. v. 312, p. 55-63, issn: 1010-6030, 2015.
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        3. NOGUEIRA, ANDRÉ E. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Visible-light photocatalysis with bismuth titanate (Bi12TiO20) particles synthesized by the oxidant peroxide method (OPM). Ceramics International. v. 41, p. 12073-12080, issn: 0272-8842, 2015.
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        4. SALA, RENATA L. ; Arantes, Tatiane M. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; PARANHOS, CAIO M. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Evaluation of Modified Silica Nanoparticles in Carboxylated Nitrile Rubber Nanocomposites. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Print). v. 462, p. 45-51, issn: 0927-7757, 2014.
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        5. NOGUEIRA, ANDRÉ E. ; LONGO, Elson ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Synthesis and photocatalytic properties of bismuth titanate with different structures via oxidant peroxo method (OPM). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print). v. 415, p. 89-94, issn: 0021-9797, 2014.
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        6. NOGUEIRA, ANDRÉ E. ; LIMA, ALAN R. F. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Structure and photocatalytic properties of Nb-doped Bi12TiO20 prepared by the oxidant peroxide method (OPM). Journal of Nanoparticle Research. v. 16, p. 2653, issn: 1388-0764, 2014.
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        7. Arantes, Tatiane M. ; SALA, RENATA L. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; LONGO, Elson ; Camargo, Emerson R.. Comparison of the nanoparticles performance in the photocatalytic degradation of a styrene-butadiene rubber nanocomposite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print). v. 128, p. 2368-2374, issn: 0021-8995, 2013.
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        8. PINTO, ALEXANDRE HENRIQUE ; Leite, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; DE CAMARGO, EMERSON RODRIGUES. Crystallization at room temperature from amorphous to trigonal selenium as a byproduct of the synthesis of water dispersible zinc selenide. Materials Letters (General ed.). v. 87, p. 62-65, issn: 0167-577X, 2012.
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        9. PINTO, A.H. ; Arantes, Tatiane M. ; E, Longo ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Synthesis and Optimization of Colloidal Silica Nanoparticles and their Functionalization with Methacrylic Acid. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Print). v. 415, p. 209-217, issn: 0927-7757, 2012.
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        10. PINTO, A.H. ; SOUZA, F. L. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E.R. ; CAMARGO, E. R.. Structural and dielectric characterization of praseodymium-modified lead titanate ceramics synthesized by the OPM route. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 130, p. 256-263, issn: 0254-0584, 2011.
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        11. GORUP, LUIZ F. ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, EDSON R.. Moderating effect of ammonia on particle growth and stability of quasi-monodisperse silver nanoparticles synthesized by the Turkevich method. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print). v. 360, p. 355-358, issn: 0021-9797, 2011.
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        12. Pinto, Alexandre H. ; Souza, Flavio L. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. ; LONGO, Elson ; Leite, Edson R. ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Characterization of dense lead lanthanum titanate ceramics prepared from powders synthesized by the oxidant peroxo method. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 124, p. 1051-1056, issn: 0254-0584, 2010.
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        13. Arantes, Tatiane M. ; Mambrini, Giovanni P. ; Stroppa, Daniel G. ; Leite, Edson R. ; LONGO, Elson ; Ramirez, Antonio J. ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Stable colloidal suspensions of nanostructured zirconium oxide synthesized by hydrothermal process. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. v. 12, p. 3105-3110, issn: 1388-0764, 2010.
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        14. da Silva, Rafael O. ; Conti, Tiago G. ; de Moura, André F. ; Stroppa, Daniel G. ; Freitas, Luiz C. G. ; Ribeiro, Caue ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; Longo, Elson ; Leite, Edson R.. Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Solubility Behavior in Organic Solvents. ChemPhysChem (Print). v. 10, p. 841-846, issn: 1439-4235, 2009.
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        15. RIBEIRO, C. ; BARRADO, C. M. ; CAMARGO, E. R. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E.R.. Phase Transformation in Titania Nanocrystals by the Oriented Attachment Mechanism: The Role of the pH Value. Chemistry - A European Journal. v. 15, p. 2217-2222, issn: 0947-6539, 2009.
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        16. CAMARGO, E. R. ; LEITE, E. R. ; E, Longo. Synthesis and characterization of lead zirconate titanate powders obtained by the oxidant peroxo method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 469, p. 523-528, issn: 0925-8388, 2009.
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        17. CAMARGO, E. R.; BARRADO, C. M. ; RIBEIRO, C. ; LEITE, E.R. ; LONGO, E.. Nanosized lead lanthanum titanate (PLT) ceramic powders synthesized by the oxidant peroxo method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 475, p. 817-821, issn: 0925-8388, 2009.
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        18. ARANTES, T.M. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; CAMARGO, E. R.. Nanocomposites of Styrene-Butadiene Rubber and Synthetic Anatase Obtained by a Colloidal Route and Their Photooxidation. Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Print). v. 113, p. 1889-1904, issn: 0021-8995, 2009.
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        19. SANTOS, L.P.S. ; CAMARGO, E. R. ; FABBRO, M.T. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R.. Wet-chemical synthesis of magnesium niobate nanoparticles powders. Ceramics International. v. 33, p. 1205-1209, issn: 0272-8842, 2007.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (10.0)
        1. MARQUES, ANA PAULA A. ; TANAKA, MARCOS TAKASHI S. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; ROSA, IEDA LUCIA VIANA. The Role of the Eu3+ Concentration on the SrMoO4:Eu Phosphor Properties: Synthesis, Characterization and Photophysical Studies. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 21, p. 893-899, issn: 1053-0509, 2011.
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        2. Mazzo, Tatiana M. ; Moreira, Mario L. ; Pinatti, Ivo M. ; Picon, Francini C. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Rosa, Ieda L.V. ; Varela, José A. ; Perazolli, Leinig A. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R.. CaTiO3:Eu3+ obtained by microwave assisted hydrothermal method: A photoluminescent approach. Optical Materials (Amsterdam. Print). v. 32, p. 990-997, issn: 0925-3467, 2010.
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        3. Rosa, Ieda L. V.; Marques, Ana Paula A. ; Tanaka, Marcos T. S. ; Motta, Fabiana V. ; Varela, José A. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Longo, Elson. Europium(III) Concentration Effect on the Spectroscopic and Photoluminescent Properties of BaMoO4:Eu. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 19, p. 495-500, issn: 1053-0509, 2009.
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        4. ROSA, I. L. V.; OLIVEIRA, L. H. ; SUZUKI, C. K. ; VARELA, J. A. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E.. SiO2-GeO2 Soot Perform as a Core for Eu2O3 Nanocoating: Synthesis and Photophysical Study. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 18, p. 541-545, issn: 1053-0509, 2008.
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        5. Silva C. C. ; P. FILHO, F. ; SOMBRA, A. S. B. ; ROSA, I. L. V. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E. ; VARELA, J. A.. Study of structural and photoluminescent properties of Ca8Eu2(PO4)(6)O-2. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 18, p. 253-259, issn: 1053-0509, 2008.
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        6. ROSA, I. L. V.; MARQUES, A. P. A. ; TANAKA, M. T. S. ; MELO, D. M. A. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E. ; VARELA, J. A.. Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of Eu3+ doped in BaMoO4. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 18, p. 239-245, issn: 1053-0509, 2008.
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        7. CAVALCANTE, L. S. ; ANICETE-SANTOS, M. ; PONTES, F. M. ; SOUZA, I. A. ; SANTOS, L. P. S. ; ROSA, I. L. V. ; SANTOS, M. R. M. C. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; SANTOS-JUNIOR, L. S.. Effect of annealing time on morphological characteristics of Ba(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 437, p. 269-273, issn: 0925-8388, 2007.
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        8. GURGEL, M. F. C. ; ESPINOSA, J.W.M. ; Rosa, I.L.V. ; Joya, M.R. ; SOUZA, Antonio Gouveia de ; ZAGHETE, M. A. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J. A. ; LONGO, E.. Photoluminescence of crystalline and disordered BTO : Mn powder: Experimental and theoretical modeling. Journal of Luminescence. v. 126, p. 771-778, issn: 0022-2313, 2007.
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        9. ROSA, I. L. V.; MACIEL, A. P. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J. A.. Synthesis and photoluminescence study of La1.8Eu0.2O3 coating on nanometric alpha-Al2O3. Materials Research Bulletin. v. 41, n. xxx, p. 1791-1797, issn: 0025-5408, 2006.
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        10. Anicete-Santos, M. ; L.S. Cavalcante ; ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; SIMÕES, L G P ; PARIS, E. C. ; Joya, M.R. ; Rosa, I.L.V. ; de LUCENA, P.R. ; PIZANI, P S ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J. A. ; LONGO, E.. The role of structural order-disorder for visible intense photoluminescence in the BaZr0.5Ti0.5O3 thin films. Chemical Physics. v. 316, p. 260-266, issn: 0301-0104, 2005.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Wilson Aires Ortiz (10.0)
        1. LISBOA FILHO, Paulo Noronha ; LEITE, E. R. ; MOMBRU, A W ; PARDO, H ; ORTIZ, W A. Extrinsic properties of colossal magnetoresistive samples. Solid State Communications. v. 130, n. 1-2, p. 31-36, issn: 0038-1098, 2004.
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        2. LISBOAFILHO, Paulo Noronha ; MOMBRÚ, A. W. ; PARDO, H. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; LEITE, E. R.. Influence of processing conditions on the crystal structure and magnetic behavior of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3. samples. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 64, n. 4, p. 583-591, issn: 0022-3697, 2003.
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        3. CAMARA, M. ; LISBOAFILHO, Paulo Noronha ; CABRELON, M. ; GAMMA, L. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; PAIVASANTOS, C. O. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E.. Synthesis and characterization of Li2ZnTi3O8 spinel using the modified polymeric precursors method. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 82, p. 68-72, issn: 0254-0584, 2003.
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        4. C. Vila ; LISBOAFILHO, P. N. ; GAMMA, L. ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; LONGO, E.. Structural and magnetic properties of Zn4Ni3Sb2O12 thin films deposited by spin coating. Thin Solid Films. v. 414, n. 2, p. 270-274, issn: 0040-6090, 2002.
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        5. LISBOAFILHO, Paulo Noronha ; ZENATTI, A. ; CASALI, G. M. ; PASKOCIMAS, C. A. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E.. Magnetic behavior at low temperatures of Ti oxide polycrystalline samples. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. v. 24, n. 3, p. 241-245, issn: 0928-0707, 2002.
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        6. LISBOAFILHO, Paulo Noronha ; ZANETTI, S. M. ; MOMBRÚ, A. W. ; P. A. P. Nascente ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; ARAÚJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Crystallographic, microstructural and magnetic properties of polycrystalline PrBa2Cu3O7-delta. Superconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 14, n. 8, p. 522-527, issn: 0953-2048, 2001.
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        7. ANDRADE JR, R. ; LANFREDI, A. J. ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORTIZ, W. A.. Vortex-lattice melting in HgBa2CaCu2O6+delta: changes in dimensionality. Physica. C, Superconductivity. v. 354, n. 1-4, p. 294-298, issn: 0921-4534, 2001.
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        8. ARAÚJO-MOREIRA, F. M. ; LISBOAFILHO, P. N. ; LANFREDI, A. J. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; ZANETTI, S. M. ; LEITE, E. R. ; MOMBRÚ, A. W. ; GHIVELDER, L. ; ZHAO, Y. G. ; VENKATESSAN, V.. The search for superconductivity in PrBa2Cu3O7-delta. Physica. C, Superconductivity. v. 341, p. 413-416, issn: 0921-4534, 2000.
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        9. LISBOAFILHO, P. N. ; ZANETTI, S. M. ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORTIZ, W. A.. Effects of copper deficiency on the magnetic response of La1.85Sr0,15 Cu1-gO4+d. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 85, n. 8, p. 4515-4517, issn: 0021-8979, 1999.
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        10. LEITE, E. R.; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; LANFREDI, A. J. ; ORTIZ, W. A.. The irreversibility line of magnetically grain-aligned Hg-1212 sample - Evidennces of flux line lattice melting. Physica. C, Superconductivity. v. 282-28, n. 287, p. 2051-2052, issn: 0921-4534, 1997.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Fernando Manuel Araújo Moreira (6.0)
        1. CLABEL H., J.L. ; ZABOTTO, F.L. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; SCHIO, P. ; GARCIA, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; MOREIRA, F.M.A. ; CARDOSO, C.a.. Magnetoelectric properties of laminated La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 ceramic composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 364, p. 18-23, issn: 0304-8853, 2014.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        2. SERGEENKOV, S. ; ANDREETA, M. R. B. ; HERNANDES, A. C. ; LEITE, E. R. ; MOREIRA, F. M. ARAúJO- ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Growth and magnetic properties of bulk electron doped La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 manganites. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applications and Materials Science (Print). v. 208, p. 1704-1707, issn: 1862-6300, 2011.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        3. MOMBRú, A. ; LEITE, E. ; ZANELATTO, G. ; DE LIMA, O. ; PARDO, H. ; LANFREDI, A. ; CARDOSO, C. ; FACCIO, R. ; ARAúJO-MOREIRA, F.. Multilevel ferromagnetic behavior of room-temperature bulk magnetic graphite. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 71, p. 100404R, issn: 1098-0121, 2005.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        4. LISBOAFILHO, Paulo Noronha ; ZANETTI, S. M. ; MOMBRÚ, A. W. ; P. A. P. Nascente ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORTIZ, W. A. ; ARAÚJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Crystallographic, microstructural and magnetic properties of polycrystalline PrBa2Cu3O7-delta. Superconductor Science and Technology (Print). v. 14, n. 8, p. 522-527, issn: 0953-2048, 2001.
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        5. ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F.M; ZHAO, Y.G ; LISBOA-FILHO, P.N ; LANFREDI, A.J.C ; ORTIZ, W.A ; GHIVELDER, L ; MOMBRú, A.W ; ZANETTI, S.M ; LEITE, E.R ; VENKATESAN, V. Structural, thermal and magnetic properties of Pr-123 polycrystalline and thin film superconductors. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 226-230, p. 283-284, issn: 0304-8853, 2001.
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        6. LEITE, E. R.; MOREIRA, F. M. A. ; LISBOA FILHO, Paulo Noronha ; ZANETTI, Sonia Maria ; ORTIZ, W. A.. Superconductivity in sintered-polycrystalline PrBa2Cu3O7â δ. Physica. B, Condensed Matter (Print). v. 284-288, p. 1033-1034, issn: 0921-4526, 2000.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues (5.0)
        1. GOUVEIA, R.C. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; LEITE, E.R. ; CHIQUITO, A.J.. Schottky contacts in germanium nanowire network devices synthesized from nickel seeds. Physica. E, Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (Print). v. 84, p. 537-542, issn: 1386-9477, 2016.
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        2. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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        3. GOUVEIA, R C ; KAMIMURA, H ; MUNHOZ, RAFAEL ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Germanium nanowires grown using different catalyst metals. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 183, p. 145-151, issn: 0254-0584, 2016.
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        4. KAMIMURA, H ; DALMASCHIO, C J ; CARROCINE, S C ; RODRIGUES, A D ; GOUVEIA, R C ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A J. Optoelectronic characteristics of single InP nanowire grown from solid source. Materials Research Express. v. 2, p. 045012, issn: 2053-1591, 2015.
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          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]

      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Antonio Gilberto Ferreira (4.0)
        1. MOTTA F V ; MARQUES A P A ; ESCOTE M T ; MELO D M A ; Ferreira, Antonio G. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J Arana. Preparation and characterizations of Ba0.8Ca0.2TiO3 by complex polymerization method (CPM). Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 465, p. 452-457, issn: 0925-8388, 2008.
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        2. VALENTINI, A. ; Carreno, N V ; LONGO, Elson ; FERREIRA, A. G. ; BARISON, ANDERSSON ; LEITE, E. R. ; PROBST, L. F. D.. Ni : CeO2 nanocomposite catalysts prepared by polymeric precursor method. Applied Catalysis. A, General. v. 310, p. 174-182, issn: 0926-860X, 2006.
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        3. FERREIRA, A. G.; CARRENO, N. L. V. ; LIMA, R. C. ; SOLEDADE, L. E. B. ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; BARISON, A ; VALENTINI, A. ; PROBST, L. F. D.. Synthesis of metal-oxide matrix with embedded nickel nanoparticles by a bottom-up chemical process. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. v. 3, n. 6, p. 516-520, issn: 1533-4880, 2003.
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        4. FERREIRA, A. G.; LEITE, E. R. ; CARRENO, N. L. V. ; LONGO, Elson ; PONTES, F. M. ; BARISON, Andersson ; MANIETTE, Y. ; VARELA, J. A.. Development of Metal-SiO2 nanocomposites in a single-step process by the polumerizable complex method. Journal American Chemistry Materials. v. 14, p. 3722-3729, issn: 0897-4756, 2002.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Claudio Antonio Cardoso (4.0)
        1. CLABEL H, J.L. ; FERRI, F.A. ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; RIVERA, V.A.G. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; Garcia, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, M.A. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Grain size and interfacial interdiffusion influence on the magnetic and dielectric properties of magnetoelectric La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 407, p. 160-166, issn: 0304-8853, 2016.
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        2. CLABEL H., J.L. ; ZABOTTO, F.L. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; SCHIO, P. ; GARCIA, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; MOREIRA, F.M.A. ; CARDOSO, C.a.. Magnetoelectric properties of laminated La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 ceramic composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 364, p. 18-23, issn: 0304-8853, 2014.
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        3. SERGEENKOV, S. ; ANDREETA, M. R. B. ; HERNANDES, A. C. ; LEITE, E. R. ; MOREIRA, F. M. ARAúJO- ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Growth and magnetic properties of bulk electron doped La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 manganites. Physica Status Solidi. A, Applications and Materials Science (Print). v. 208, p. 1704-1707, issn: 1862-6300, 2011.
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        4. Gonçalves, Ricardo H. ; Cardoso, Claudio A. ; Leite, Edson R. ; LEITE, E. R.. Synthesis of colloidal magnetite nanocrystals using high molecular weight solvent. Journal of Materials Chemistry (Print). v. 20, p. 1167, issn: 0959-9428, 2010.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Jose Antonio Eiras (4.0)
        1. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; RANGEL, J. H. G. ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, José Arana ; ARAUJO, E. ; EIRAS, J.. Microstructure and electrical properties of perovskite (Pb,La)TiO3 thin film deposited at low temperature by the polymeric precursor method.. Journal of Materials Science. v. 36, n. 14, p. 3565-3571, issn: 0022-2461, 2001.
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        2. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LONGO, Elson ; RANGEL, J. H. ; EIRAS, J. A. ; ARAUJO, E. B. ; VARELA, José Arana. Low temperature synthesis and electrical properties of PbTiO3 thin films prepared by the polymeric precursor method. Thin Solid Films. v. 366, n. 1-2, p. 232-236, issn: 0040-6090, 2000.
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        3. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; ARAUJO, E. B. ; EIRAS, J. A. ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, José Arana ; SILVA, M. A. P.. Microstructure and dielectric properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO3 thin films produced by the polymeric precursors method. Journal of Materials Research. v. 15, n. 5, p. 1176-1181, issn: 0884-2914, 2000.
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        4. ZANETTI, S M ; LEITE, e R ; LONGO, e ; ARAUJO, E. B. ; CHIQUITO, A J ; EIRAS, Jose Antonio ; VARELA, J. A.. An Alternative Chemical Route for Synthesis of SrBi2Ta2O9 Thin Films. Journal of Materials Research. v. 15, n. 10, p. 2091-2095, issn: 0884-2914, 2000.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Ernesto Chaves Pereira de Souza (3.0)
        1. DA SILVEIRA FIRMIANO, EDNEY GERALDO ; RABELO, ADRIANO C. ; DALMASCHIO, CLEOCIR J. ; PINHEIRO, ANTONIO N. ; Pereira, Ernesto C. ; SCHREINER, WIDO H. ; LEITE, EDSON ROBETO. Supercapacitor Electrodes Obtained by Directly Bonding 2D MoS 2 on Reduced Graphene Oxide. ADV ENERGY MATER. v. 4, p. n/a-n/a, issn: 1614-6832, 2013.
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        2. FIRMIANO, E. G. S. ; Cordeiro, M. L. ; Rabelo, A. C. ; Pinheiro, A. N. ; DALMASCHIO, C. J. ; LEITE, E. R. ; Souza, E. C. P.. Graphene oxide as a highly selective substrate to synthesize a layered MoS2 hybrid electrocatalyst. Chemical Communications (London. 1996. Online). v. 48, p. 7687-7689, issn: 1364-548X, 2012.
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        3. Xavier, Miguel G. ; Venancio, Everaldo C. ; Pereira, Ernesto C. ; Leite, Fabio L. ; Leite, Edson R. ; MacDiarmid, Alan G. ; Mattoso, L. H. C.. Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanofibers of Polyaniline by Potentiodynamic Electrochemical Polymerization. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. v. 9, p. 2169-2172, issn: 1533-4880, 2009.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Pedro Augusto de Paula Nascente (3.0)
        1. Nascente, P.A.P. ; MALUF, S.S. ; AFONSO, C.R.M. ; LANDERS, R. ; PINHEIRO, A.N. ; LEITE, E.R.. Au and Pd nanoparticles supported on CeO2, TiO2, and Mn2O3 oxides. Applied Surface Science. v. 315, p. 490-498, issn: 0169-4332, 2014.
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        2. Dalmaschio, Cleocir José ; Mastelaro, Valmor R. ; Nascente, Pedro ; Bettini, Jefferson ; Zotin, José Luiz ; LONGO, Elson ; Leite, Edson Roberto ; LEITE, E. R.. Oxide surface modification: Synthesis and characterization of zirconia-coated alumina. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Print). v. 343, p. 256-262, issn: 0021-9797, 2010.
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        3. SOUZA, F L ; LOPES, K. P. ; Nascente, P.A.P. ; LEITE, E. R. ; E, Longo. Nanostructured hematite thin films produced by spin-coating deposition solution: application in water splitting. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. v. 93, p. 362-368, issn: 0927-0248, 2009.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ André Farias de Moura (2.0)
        1. Dalmaschio, Cleocir José ; DA SILVEIRA FIRMIANO, EDNEY GERALDO ; PINHEIRO, ANTONIO NARCISIO ; SOBRINHO, DIEGO GUEDES ; FARIAS DE MOURA, ANDRÉ ; Leite, Edson Roberto. Nanocrystals self-assembled in superlattices directed by the solvent-organic capping interaction. Nanoscale (Print). v. 5, p. 5602-5610, issn: 2040-3364, 2013.
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        2. da Silva, Rafael O. ; Conti, Tiago G. ; de Moura, André F. ; Stroppa, Daniel G. ; Freitas, Luiz C. G. ; Ribeiro, Caue ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; Longo, Elson ; Leite, Edson R.. Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Solubility Behavior in Organic Solvents. ChemPhysChem (Print). v. 10, p. 841-846, issn: 1439-4235, 2009.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Ducinei Garcia (2.0)
        1. CLABEL H, J.L. ; FERRI, F.A. ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; RIVERA, V.A.G. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; Garcia, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, M.A. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Grain size and interfacial interdiffusion influence on the magnetic and dielectric properties of magnetoelectric La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 407, p. 160-166, issn: 0304-8853, 2016.
          [ citações Google Scholar | citações Microsoft Acadêmico | busca Google ]
        2. CLABEL H., J.L. ; ZABOTTO, F.L. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; SCHIO, P. ; GARCIA, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; MOREIRA, F.M.A. ; CARDOSO, C.a.. Magnetoelectric properties of laminated La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 ceramic composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 364, p. 18-23, issn: 0304-8853, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Fabio Luis Zabotto (2.0)
        1. CLABEL H, J.L. ; FERRI, F.A. ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; RIVERA, V.A.G. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; Garcia, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, M.A. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Grain size and interfacial interdiffusion influence on the magnetic and dielectric properties of magnetoelectric La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 407, p. 160-166, issn: 0304-8853, 2016.
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        2. CLABEL H., J.L. ; ZABOTTO, F.L. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; SCHIO, P. ; GARCIA, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; MOREIRA, F.M.A. ; CARDOSO, C.a.. Magnetoelectric properties of laminated La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 ceramic composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 364, p. 18-23, issn: 0304-8853, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Sergio Mergulhao (2.0)
        1. PONTES, F. M. ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LONGO, E. ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHAO, S. ; VARELA, J. A.. Synthesis, ferroelectric and optical properties of (Pb,Ca)TiO3 thin films by soft solution processing. Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology. v. 27, n. 2, p. 137-147, issn: 0928-0707, 2003.
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        2. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Arlene Gonçalves Corrêa (1.0)
        1. LIMA, CAROLINA G. S. ; SILVA, SANDRINA ; GONÇALVES, RICARDO H. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; Schwab, Ricardo S. ; Corrêa, Arlene G. ; Paixão, Márcio W.. Highly Efficient and Magnetically Recoverable Niobium Nanocatalyst for the Multicomponent Biginelli Reaction. ChemCatChem. v. 6, p. 3455-3463, issn: 1867-3880, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Caio Marcio Paranhos da Silva (1.0)
        1. SALA, RENATA L. ; Arantes, Tatiane M. ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; PARANHOS, CAIO M. ; CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Evaluation of Modified Silica Nanoparticles in Carboxylated Nitrile Rubber Nanocomposites. Colloids and Surfaces. A, Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Print). v. 462, p. 45-51, issn: 0927-7757, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Conrado Ramos Moreira Afonso (1.0)
        1. Nascente, P.A.P. ; MALUF, S.S. ; AFONSO, C.R.M. ; LANDERS, R. ; PINHEIRO, A.N. ; LEITE, E.R.. Au and Pd nanoparticles supported on CeO2, TiO2, and Mn2O3 oxides. Applied Surface Science. v. 315, p. 490-498, issn: 0169-4332, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Fábio Aparecido Ferri (1.0)
        1. CLABEL H, J.L. ; FERRI, F.A. ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; RIVERA, V.A.G. ; NOGUEIRA, I.C. ; Garcia, D. ; DE LIMA, O.F. ; LEITE, E.R. ; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, M.A. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Grain size and interfacial interdiffusion influence on the magnetic and dielectric properties of magnetoelectric La0.7Ba0.3MnO3-BaTiO3 composites. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. v. 407, p. 160-166, issn: 0304-8853, 2016.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Fabio de Lima Leite (1.0)
        1. Xavier, Miguel G. ; Venancio, Everaldo C. ; Pereira, Ernesto C. ; Leite, Fabio L. ; Leite, Edson R. ; MacDiarmid, Alan G. ; Mattoso, L. H. C.. Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Nanofibers of Polyaniline by Potentiodynamic Electrochemical Polymerization. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. v. 9, p. 2169-2172, issn: 1533-4880, 2009.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Gilmar Eugenio Marques (1.0)
        1. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ José Augusto Marcondes Agnelli (1.0)
        1. MONTEIRO, V. F. ; PINHEIRO, A. S. ; LEITE, E. R. ; AGNELLI, J. A. M. ; SILVA, M. A. P. ; LONGO, E.. UV radiation: Aggressive agent to the hair - AFM, a new methodology of evaluation. Journal of Cosmetic Science. v. 54, p. 271-281, issn: 1525-7886, 2003.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Luiz Carlos Gomide Freitas (1.0)
        1. da Silva, Rafael O. ; Conti, Tiago G. ; de Moura, André F. ; Stroppa, Daniel G. ; Freitas, Luiz C. G. ; Ribeiro, Caue ; Camargo, Emerson R. ; Longo, Elson ; Leite, Edson R.. Antimony-Doped Tin Oxide Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Solubility Behavior in Organic Solvents. ChemPhysChem (Print). v. 10, p. 841-846, issn: 1439-4235, 2009.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Marcio Daldin Teodoro (1.0)
        1. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Márcio Weber Paixão (1.0)
        1. LIMA, CAROLINA G. S. ; SILVA, SANDRINA ; GONÇALVES, RICARDO H. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; Schwab, Ricardo S. ; Corrêa, Arlene G. ; Paixão, Márcio W.. Highly Efficient and Magnetically Recoverable Niobium Nanocatalyst for the Multicomponent Biginelli Reaction. ChemCatChem. v. 6, p. 3455-3463, issn: 1867-3880, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Ricardo Samuel Schwab (1.0)
        1. LIMA, CAROLINA G. S. ; SILVA, SANDRINA ; GONÇALVES, RICARDO H. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; Schwab, Ricardo S. ; Corrêa, Arlene G. ; Paixão, Márcio W.. Highly Efficient and Magnetically Recoverable Niobium Nanocatalyst for the Multicomponent Biginelli Reaction. ChemCatChem. v. 6, p. 3455-3463, issn: 1867-3880, 2014.
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      • Edson Roberto Leite ⇔ Waldir Avansi Junior (1.0)
        1. AVANSI, W. ; OLIVEIRA, C. L. P. ; RIBEIRO, C. ; LEITE, E. R. ; Mastelaro, V. R.. Study of the morphological evolution of vanadium pentoxide nanostructures under hydrothermal conditions. CrystEngComm (Cambridge. Online). v. 18, p. 7636-7641, issn: 1466-8033, 2016.
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    Data de processamento: 24/11/2017 12:06:50