Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) realizado em 21/11/2017

Paulo Sergio Pizani

Possui graduação em Fisica pela Faculdade de Filosofia Ciencias e Letras de Rio Claro (1972), mestrado em Fisica (Sao Carlos) pela Universidade de São Paulo (1977), doutorado em Fisica (Sao Carlos) pela Universidade de São Paulo (1983) e pós-doutorado na Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, França (1994-1995). Atualmente é Professor Titilar da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Tem experiência na área de Física, com ênfase em Prop. Óticas e Espectrosc. da Mat. Condens; Outras Inter. da Mat. com Rad. e Part., atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: espalhamento Raman, efeitos de altas pressões (hidrostaticas e não-hidrostáticas), transições de fase, fotoluminescência, desordem estrutural, materiais vítreos, ferroeletricos e semicondutores. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (03/10/2017)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 1B
  • Período de análise: 1974-2017
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Física. Rod. Washington Luis, km 235, caixa postal 676 monjolinho 13565-905 - Sao Carlos, SP - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 676 Telefone: (16) 33518222 Ramal: 240 Fax: (16) 33614835
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Física
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (1)
    1. 2006-Atual. LINHA GERAL DE PESQUISA: Efeitos de pressao hidrostatica e nao hidrostatica nas propriedades opticas, estruturais e dinamicas de solidos cristalinos ou desordenados.
      Descrição: LINHA GERAL DE PESQUISA:Estudo de transformaçoes de fase estruturais e geração de estados com multiplas fases em materiais semicondutores e ceramicos usando o espalhamento Raman. Propriedades ópticas, vibracionais e estruturais de materiais submetidos a altas pressões hidrostaticas, não hidrostaticas, variações de temperatura e redução do tamanho de particula à escala nanometrica. Efeitos anarmonicos no espectro de fonons e transições de fase. Estudo de nucleação de cristais em matrizes vitreas usando espalhamento Raman. Sub-Projetos: A- Mecano-síntese de materiais cerâmicos tipo ABO3 dopados com elementos de transição e terras raras: efeitos de redução do tamanho de partícula e de pressão hidrostática nas propriedades ópticas, estruturais e dinâmicas. Financiamentos: FAPESP proc. 2011/17875-4: R$ 338300,00 CNPq proc.470090/2012-0: R$ 20600,00 CNPq proc. 473001/2009-8: R$ 125000,00 B- Efeitos de pressão hidrostatica e não-hidrostatica nas propriedades estruturais e dinamicas de solidos cristalinos. Financiamentos: FAPESP proc. 2010/02660-0: R$ 140300,00 FAPESP proc. 2009/12136-9: R$ 53000,00 C- Estudo de nucleação de cristais em matrizes vitreas usando espalhamento Raman. FAPESP (CEPID): R$ 20 000 000,00 (recomendado, aguardando aprovação) Coordenador: Edgar D. Zanotto.. Situação: Em andamento; Natureza: Pesquisa. Alunos envolvidos: Graduação: (1) / Especialização: (1) / Doutorado: (1) . Integrantes: Paulo Sergio Pizani - Coordenador. Financiador(es): Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - Auxílio financeiro / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Auxílio financeiro.
      Membro: Paulo Sergio Pizani.

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (1)
    1. Outstanding Research Performed in Magnetic Resonance Laboratory, University of South Carolina.. 1977.
      Membro: Paulo Sergio Pizani.

Participação em eventos

  • Total de participação em eventos (5)
    1. International Conference on Solid State Chemistry. Pressure-induced multiphase state generation and phase transitions in semiconductors analyzed by Raman scattering. 2010. (Congresso).
    2. Second Internatinal Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids. The effect of non-hydrostatic pressure on the generation of metastable phases in Silicon. 2008. (Congresso).
    3. 3 International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Luiquids. 2 Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Luiquids. 2007. (Congresso).
    4. Conference on Non-Crystalline Solids. Disorder induced photoluminescence in silica glass. 2007. (Congresso).
    5. International Conference on High Pressure Semiconductor Physics. The effect of high non-hydrostatic pressure on the structural phase transitions of InSb. 2006. (Congresso).

Organização de eventos

  • Total de organização de eventos (0)

    Lista de colaborações

    • Colaborações endôgenas (20)
      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Edson Roberto Leite (47.0)
        1. Leal, S.H. ; Escote, M.T. ; Pontes, F.M. ; Leite, E.R. ; Joya, M.R. ; Pizani, P.S. ; LONGO, E. ; Varela, J.A.. Structural transition on Pb1?xSrxTiO3 produced by chemical method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 475, p. 940-945, issn: 0925-8388, 2009.
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        2. PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; RISSATO, S ; PONTES, D ; LONGO, E ; LEITE, E ; CLARO NETO, S ; CHIQUITO, A ; PIZANI, P ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Leakage current, ferroelectric and structural properties in Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 69, p. 2796-2803, issn: 0022-3697, 2008.
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        3. PONTES, Fenelon M ; Galhiane, M S ; SANTOS, L. S. ; RISSATO, S. R. ; PONTES, Débora ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C. Structural and morphological characterization of Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route: An investigation of phase transition. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 108, p. 312-318, issn: 0254-0584, 2008.
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        4. Marques, Ana Paula A. ; Picon, Francini C. ; Melo, Dulce M. A. ; Pizani, Paulo S. ; Leite, Edson R. ; Varela, José A. ; Longo, Elson. Effect of the Order and Disorder of BaMoO4 Powders in Photoluminescent Properties. Journal of Fluorescence. v. 18, p. 51-59, issn: 1053-0509, 2008.
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        5. PIZANI, P; JOYA, M ; PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; GODINHOJR, M ; LEITE, E ; LONGO, E. Tunable visible photoluminescence of powdered silica glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. v. 354, p. 476-479, issn: 0022-3093, 2008.
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        6. MARQUES, A ; LONGO, V ; DEMELO, D ; PIZANI, P ; LEITE, E ; VARELA, J ; LONGO, E. Shape controlled synthesis of CaMoO4 thin films and their photoluminescence property. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 181, p. 1249-1257, issn: 0022-4596, 2008.
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        7. Moreira, M. L. ; Mambrini, G. P. ; Volanti, D. P. ; LEITE, E. R. ; Orlandi, M. O. ; Pizani, P. S. ; Mastelaro, V. R. ; Paiva-Santos, C.O. ; PAIVA-SANTOS, C. O. ; Longo, E. ; Varela, J. A.. Hydrothermal Microwave: A New Route to Obtain Photoluminescent Crystalline BaTiO 3 Nanoparticles. Chemistry of Materials. v. 20, p. 5381-5387, issn: 0897-4756, 2008.
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        8. Anicete-Santos, M. ; ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; MAURERA, Maria Aldeiza M A ; SIMÕES, L G P ; SOUZA, Antonio Gouveia de ; PIZANI, P S ; LEITE, E. R. ; VARELA, J. A. ; ANDRÉS, J. ; BELTRÀN, A. ; LONGO, E.. Contribution of structural order-disorder to the green photoluminescence of PbWO4. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 75, p. 165105, issn: 1098-0121, 2007.
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        9. LEITE, E. R.; MARQUES, Ana Paula D ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto ; LONGO, Elson. Photoluminescent BaMoO4 nanopowders prepared by complex polymerization method (CPM). Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 179, n. 3, p. 671-678, issn: 0022-4596, 2006.
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        10. M, Anicetesantos ; LEITE, E. R. ; PICON, Francini Cristiani ; ESCOTE, Marcia T ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Room-temperature photoluminescence in structurally disordered SrWO4. Applied Physics Letters. v. 88, n. 21, p. 211913, issn: 0003-6951, 2006.
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        11. PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEAL, S H ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Absence of relaxor-like ferroelectric phase transition in (Pb, Sr)TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 80, n. 4, p. 813-817, issn: 0947-8396, 2005.
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        12. CAMARA, M. S. C. ; GURGEL, M. F. C. ; S. R. Lazaro ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; P. S. Pizani ; A. Beltran ; LONGO, E.. Room temperature photoluminescence of the Li2ZnTi3O8 spinel: Experimental and theoretical study. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. v. 103, n. 5, p. 580-587, issn: 0020-7608, 2005.
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        13. E. Orhan ; VARELA, J. A. ; GURGEL, M. F. C. ; F.M.PONTES, ; E.R.Leite ; LONGO, E. ; P. S. Pizani ; A. Beltran ; ANDRES, J.. Room-temperature photoluminescence of BaTiO3: joint of experimental and theoretical study. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 71, n. 8, p. 085113, issn: 1098-0121, 2005.
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        14. ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Experimental and theoretical investigation of the room-temperature photoluminescence of amorphized Pb (Zr,Ti)O3. Chemistry Physics Chemistry. v. 6, n. 8, p. 1530-1536, 2005.
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        15. MARQUES, A P A ; LEITE, E. R. ; MELO, D M A de ; LONGO, e ; PASKOCIMAS, C A ; PIZANI, P S. Photoluminescence properties of BaMoO4 amorphous thin films. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 178, n. 7, p. 2346-2353, issn: 0022-4596, 2005.
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        16. E. Orhan ; F.M.PONTES, ; C. D. Pinheiro ; LONGO, E. ; P. S. Pizani ; VARELA, J. A. ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; A. Beltran ; ANDRES, J.. Theoretical and experimental study of the relation between photoluminescence and structural disorder in barium and strontium titanate thin films. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. v. 25, n. 12, p. 2337-2340, issn: 0955-2219, 2005.
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        17. LEAL, S H ; PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Ferroelectric phase transition in Pb0.60Sr0.40TiO3 thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 87, n. 2-3, p. 353-356, issn: 0254-0584, 2004.
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        18. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A J ; MACHADO, M A C ; PIZANI, P S. A Raman and dielectric study of a diffuse phase transition in (Pb1-xCax) TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 78, p. 349-354, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        19. GFG, Freitas ; LEITE, E. R. ; B, Soledade L e ; LONGO, Longo e ; PS, Pizani ; CA, Paskocims ; A, Melo D M ; S, Nasar R. Photoluminescence in amorphous zirconium titanate. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 78, n. 3, p. 355-358, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        20. P. S. Pizani; A. Beltran ; E. Orhan ; ELONGO, ; E.R.Leite ; F.M.PONTES, ; JAVARELA, ; MACHADO, M. A. C.. Origin of photo luminescence in SrTiO3: a combinet experimental and theoretical study. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 177, n. 11, p. 3879-3885, issn: 0022-4596, 2004.
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        21. E, Orhan ; LEITE, E. R. ; ALBARICI, V C ; PONTES, F M ; ESCOTE, M T ; MACHADO, Mac ; PIZANI, Ps. A DFT rationalization of the room temperature photoluminescence of Li2TiSiO5. Chemical Physics Letters. v. 398, n. 4-6, p. 330-335, issn: 0009-2614, 2004.
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        22. F.M.PONTES, ; ESCOTE, M. T. ; E.R.Leite ; LONGO, E. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; P. S. Pizani ; VARELA, J. A.. Characterization of BaTi1-xZrxO3 thin films obtained by a soft chemical spin-coating technique. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 96, n. 8, p. 4386-4391, issn: 0021-8979, 2004.
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        23. PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LEITE, E. R. ; LEAL, Sérgio Henrique ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; CHIQUITO, A J ; VARELA, José Arana. Investigation of phase transition in ferroelectric Pb0.70Sr0.30TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 96, n. 2, p. 1192-1196, issn: 0021-8979, 2004.
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        24. ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; SANTOS, M A ; BELTRAN, Armando ; ANDRÉS, Juan ; VARELA, José Arana ; LONGO, Elson. Combined experimental and theoretical study to understand the photoluminescence of Sr1-xTiO3-x. Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. v. 108, n. 26, p. 9221-9227, issn: 1520-6106, 2004.
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        25. LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, E. R. ; ORHAN, Emmanuelle A ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PINHEIRO, Carlos Davidson ; VARELA, José Arana ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; ANDRÉS, Juan. Density functional theory calculation of the electronic structure of Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3: photoluminescent properties and structural disorder. Physical Review B - Solid State. v. 69, n. 12, p. 125115, issn: 0556-2805, 2004.
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        26. LEE, Eduardo Jh ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; LONGO, Elson ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana. Effects of post-annealing on the dielectric properties of Au/BaTiO3/Pt thin films capacitors. Materials Letters (General ed.). v. 58, p. 1715-1721, issn: 0167-577X, 2004.
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        27. PONTES, Fenelon Martinho ; LEITE, E. R. ; LEE, Eduardo Jian Hua ; LONGO, Elson ; PINHEIRO, Carlos Davidson ; TAFT, Carlton Anthony ; VARELA, José Arana. An investigation of metal oxides which are photoluminescent at room temperature. Journal of Molecular Structure. Theochem. v. 668, n. 2-3, p. 87-91, issn: 0166-1280, 2004.
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        28. MELO, D. M. A. ; A. E. Martinelli ; ELONGO, ; P. S. Pizani. Room temperature photoluminescence of amorphous BaxSr1-xTiO3 doped with chromium. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. v. 177, n. 3, p. 670-674, issn: 0022-4596, 2004.
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        29. PONTES, F M ; LEITE, E. R. ; NUNES, M. S. J. ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; LONGO, E. ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J. A.. Preparation of Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 thin films by the soft chemical route. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. v. 24, p. 2969-2976, issn: 0955-2219, 2004.
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        30. Costa, C.E.F. ; PONTES, F M ; SOUZA, A.G. ; LEITE, E. R. ; PIZANI, P S ; LONGO, E.. Influence of strontium concentration on the structural, morphological, and electrical properties of lead zirconate titanate thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 79, p. 593-597, issn: 0947-8396, 2004.
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        31. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; VARELA, J. A.. Electrical conduction mechanism and phase transition studies using dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopy in ferroelectric Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 94, n. 11, p. 7256-5260, issn: 0021-8979, 2003.
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        32. LEITE, E. R.; PARIS, e C ; PONTES, F M ; PASKOCIMAS, C A ; LONGO, e ; PINHEIRO, C D ; VARELA, J A ; PIZAN, P S ; CAMPOS, C e M ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. The origin of photoluminescence in amorphous lead titanate. Journal of Materials Science. v. 38, n. 6, p. 1175-1178, issn: 0022-2461, 2003.
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        33. PONTES, F M ; PINHEIRO, C D ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; LAZARO, S R ; VARELA, J. A. ; PIZANI, P S ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. The role of network modifiers in the creation of photoluminescence in CaTiO3. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 78, n. 1, p. 227-233, issn: 0254-0584, 2003.
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        34. PINHEIRO, C D ; LONGO, E. ; LEITE, E. R. ; PONTES, F M ; MAGNANI, Ricardo ; VARELA, J A ; PIZANI, P S ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. The role of defect states in the creation of photoluminescence in SrTiO3. Applied Physics A - Materials Science & Processing. v. 77, n. 1, p. 81-85, issn: 0947-8396, 2003.
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        35. BOUQUET, V ; VASCONCELOS, N S L S ; AGUIAR, Rosiana ; PINHEIRO, C D ; LEITE, E. R. ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J. A. ; LONGO, E. ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F.. Ferroelectric materials with photoluminescent properties. Ferroelectrics. v. 288, p. 315-326, issn: 0015-0193, 2003.
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        36. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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        37. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LEE, Eduardo Jh ; AGUIAR, Rosiana ; LONGO, Elson ; PONTES, D. S. L. ; NUNES, M. S. J. ; MACEDO, H. ; PIZANI, P. ; LANCIOTTI, F. ; BOSCHI, T. ; VARELA, José Arana ; PASKOCIMAS, Carlos Alberto. A novel approach on the development of photoluminescent materials. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 4, p. 529-532, 2002.
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        38. F.M.PONTES, ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; E. M. S. Santos ; MERGULHAO, S. ; P. S. Pizani ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; JAVARELA,. Ferroelectric and optical properties of Ba0,8Sr0,2TiO3 thin film. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 9, p. 5972-5978, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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        39. LEITE, E. R.; PIZANI, P. S. ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; LONGO, Elson. Visible photoluminescence in amorphous ABO(3) perovskites. Applied Physics Letters. v. 81, n. 2, p. 253-255, issn: 0003-6951, 2002.
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        40. LEITE, E. R.; SOLEDADE, Luis Edmundo Bastos ; LONGO, Elson ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; VARELA, José Arana. Room-temperature photoluminescence in amorphous SrTiO3 - the influence of acceptor-type dopants. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 5, p. 629-632, 2002.
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        41. LEITE, E. R.; LANCIOTTI, F. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; SANTOS, Luis Presley Serejo dos ; CARREÑO, Neftali L V ; LONGO, Elson. Amorphization and grain size effect on milled PbTiO3 studied by Raman scattering and visible photoluminescence emission. Applied Physics A. v. 74, n. 6, p. 787-789, 2002.
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        42. P. S. Pizani; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; JAVARELA,. Topotatic-like phase transformation of amorphous lead titanate to cubic lead titanate. Journal of the American ceramic Society. v. 85, n. 9, p. 2166-2170, issn: 0002-7820, 2002.
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        43. P. S. Pizani; RANGEL, J. ; CARRENO, N. ; E.R.Leite ; ELONGO, ; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; JAVARELA,. Photoluminescence in amorphous (Pb, La)TiO3 thin films deposited on different substrates. Journal of Luminescence. v. 99, n. 2, p. 85-90, issn: 0022-2313, 2002.
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        44. LEITE, E. R.; GOMES, J. ; OLIVEIRA, M M ; LEE, Eduardo Jh ; LONGO, Elson ; VARELA, José Arana ; PASKOCIMAS, C. A. ; BOSCHI, T M ; LANCIOTTI, F. ; PIZANI, P S ; SOARES, Pc. Synthesis of SnO2 nanoribbons by a carbothermal reduction process. Journal of Nanoscience and nanotechnology. v. 2, n. 2, p. 125-128, 2002.
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        45. L. P. S. Santos ; ELONGO, ; JAVARELA, ; LANCIOTTI JR, F. ; CAMPOS, C. E. M. ; P. S. Pizani. Photoluminescence of nanostructured PbTiO3 processed by high-energy mechanical milling. Applied Physics Letters. v. 78, n. 15, p. 2148-2150, issn: 0003-6951, 2001.
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        46. LEITE, E. R.; PIZANI, P S ; PONTES, Fenelon Martinho Lima ; PARIS, E. C. ; RANGEL, J. H. ; LEE, e J H ; LONGO, e ; SPAGNOL, P. D. ; VARELA, J. A.. Photoluminescence of disordered ABO3 perovskites. Applied Physics Letters. v. 77, n. 6, p. 824-826, issn: 0003-6951, 2000.
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        47. LEITE, E. R.; PONTES, F M ; PARIS, E. C. ; PASKOCIMAS, C. A. ; LEE, Eduardo Jian Hua ; PIZANI, P S ; VARELA, J A ; MASTELARO, V. R.. Amorphous lead titanate: a new wide band gap semiconductor with photoluminescence at room temperature. Advanced Materials for Optical and Electronics. v. 10, p. 235-240, issn: 1057-9257, 2000.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Adenilson José Chiquito (11.0)
        1. Pontes, D. S. L. ; Pontes, F. M. ; SILVA, L. F. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; Pizani, P. S. ; LONGO, E.. Influence of a co-substituted A-site on structural characteristics and ferroelectricity of (Pb, Ba, Ca)TiO3 complex perovskites: analysis of local-, medium- and long-range order. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. v. 69, p. 605-616, issn: 0928-0707, 2014.
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        2. PONTES, D.S.L. ; Pontes, F.M. ; Pereira-da-Silva, Marcelo A. ; Zampieri, M. ; CHIQUITO, A.J. ; Pizani, P.S. ; LONGO, E.. Ferroelectric and structural instability of (Pb,Ca)TiO3 thin films prepared in an oxygen atmosphere and deposited on LSCO thin films which act as a buffer layer. Ceramics International. v. 40, p. 4085-4093, issn: 0272-8842, 2013.
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        3. Pontes, D. S. L. ; LONGO, E. ; M Pontes, F. ; Pereira-da-Silva, Marcelo A. ; da Silva, J. H. D. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; Pizani, P. S.. Investigation in SrTiO3-CaTiO3-PbTiO3 ternary thin films by dielectric proprieties and Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. v. 55, p. 151-157, issn: 0928-0707, 2010.
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        4. Pontes, D. S. L. ; LONGO, E. ; Pontes, F. M. ; Galhiane, M. S. ; Santos, L. S. ; Pereira-da-Silva, Marcelo A. ; SILVA, J. H. D. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; Pizani, P. S.. Effects of strontium and calcium simultaneous substitution on electrical and structural properties of Pb1?x?y Ca x Sr y TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 96, p. 731-740, issn: 0947-8396, 2009.
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        5. PONTES, F ; SANTOS, L ; RISSATO, S ; PONTES, D ; LONGO, E ; LEITE, E ; CLARO NETO, S ; CHIQUITO, A ; PIZANI, P ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Leakage current, ferroelectric and structural properties in Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 69, p. 2796-2803, issn: 0022-3697, 2008.
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        6. PONTES, Fenelon M ; Galhiane, M S ; SANTOS, L. S. ; RISSATO, S. R. ; PONTES, Débora ; LONGO, Elson ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C. Structural and morphological characterization of Pb1?xBaxTiO3 thin films prepared by chemical route: An investigation of phase transition. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 108, p. 312-318, issn: 0254-0584, 2008.
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        7. PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEAL, S H ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Absence of relaxor-like ferroelectric phase transition in (Pb, Sr)TiO3 thin films. Applied Physics. A, Materials Science & Processing. v. 80, n. 4, p. 813-817, issn: 0947-8396, 2005.
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        8. CHIQUITO, A. J.; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; SOUZA, Marcelo Gustavo de. Controlling the optical properties of disordered GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices. Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter. (Cessou 1997. Cont. 1098-0121 Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics). v. 69, n. 113310, p. 113310, issn: 0163-1829, 2004.
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        9. LEAL, S H ; PONTES, Fenelon M ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; MACHADO, Marcos A C ; VARELA, J. A.. Ferroelectric phase transition in Pb0.60Sr0.40TiO3 thin films. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 87, n. 2-3, p. 353-356, issn: 0254-0584, 2004.
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        10. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; VARELA, J. A.. Electrical conduction mechanism and phase transition studies using dielectric properties and Raman spectroscopy in ferroelectric Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 94, n. 11, p. 7256-5260, issn: 0021-8979, 2003.
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        11. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ José Pedro Rino (5.0)
        1. RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M ; RINO, J. P. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; Edgar Dutra Zanotto. Structural and dynamic properties of vitreous and crystalline barium disilicate: molecular dynamics simulation and Raman scattering experiments. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 49, p. 435301, issn: 0022-3727, 2016.
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        2. MOTA, Rita de Cassia ; COSTA, Sandra C ; PIZANI, Paulo Sergio ; RINO, J. P.. Molecular dynamics simulation of the structural and dynamical properties of crystalline BaO. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 71, n. 224141, p. 22411, issn: 0163-1829, 2005.
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        3. COSTA, Sandra C ; PIZANI, Paulo S ; RINO, J. P. ; BORGES, Denilson S. Structural phase transition and dynamical properties of PbTiO3 simulated by molecular dynamics. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. v. 17, p. 5771-5783, issn: 0953-8984, 2005.
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        4. RINO, J. P.; PIZANI, Paulo S ; COSTA, Sandra C. Interaction potential for InSb: a molecular dynamics study. Brazilian Journal of Physics. v. 34, n. 2A, p. 347-353, issn: 0103-9733, 2004.
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        5. COSTA, Sandra C ; PIZANI, Paulo S ; RINO, J. P.. Molecular dynamics simulation of the dynamical properties of InSb. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. v. 68, n. 073204, p. 73204-73204, issn: 0163-1829, 2003.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Jose Antonio Eiras (3.0)
        1. MASTELARO, V. R. ; Mesquita, A. ; Neves, P. P. ; Michalowicz, A. ; Bounif, M. ; Pizani, P S. ; JOYA, M. R. ; EIRAS, J. A.. Short-range structure of Pb[sub 1?x]Ba[sub x]Zr[sub 0.65]Ti[sub 0.35]O[sub 3] ceramic compounds probed by XAS and Raman scattering techniques. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 105, p. 033508, issn: 0021-8979, 2009.
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        2. VENET, M ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; EIRAS, Jose Antonio ; RINCON, M. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; GARCIA, D. Characterization of La-Doped PBN Ferroelectric Ceramics. Ferroelectrics (Print). v. 337, p. 213-218, issn: 0015-0193, 2006.
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        3. F. Lanciotti Jr. ; PIZANI, Paulo S ; SANTOS, I. A. ; CARMO, C. G. V. ; GARCIA, D. ; EIRAS, J. A.. Raman scattering investigation on the phase evolution of the ferroelectric lead barium niobate. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 62, n. 7, p. 1247-1250, issn: 0022-3697, 2001.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Ducinei Garcia (2.0)
        1. VENET, M ; ZABOTTO, F. L. ; EIRAS, Jose Antonio ; RINCON, M. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; GARCIA, D. Characterization of La-Doped PBN Ferroelectric Ceramics. Ferroelectrics (Print). v. 337, p. 213-218, issn: 0015-0193, 2006.
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        2. F. Lanciotti Jr. ; PIZANI, Paulo S ; SANTOS, I. A. ; CARMO, C. G. V. ; GARCIA, D. ; EIRAS, J. A.. Raman scattering investigation on the phase evolution of the ferroelectric lead barium niobate. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. v. 62, n. 7, p. 1247-1250, issn: 0022-3697, 2001.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Edgar Dutra Zanotto (2.0)
        1. TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON ESQUINA ; FERRI, FABIO APARECIDO ; Pizani, Paulo Sergio ; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA ; KUNDU, SWARUP ; SCHNEIDER, JOSÉ FABIÁN ; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Ionic conductivity and mixed-ion effect in mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 19, p. 6594-6600, issn: 1463-9076, 2017.
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        2. RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M ; RINO, J. P. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; Edgar Dutra Zanotto. Structural and dynamic properties of vitreous and crystalline barium disilicate: molecular dynamics simulation and Raman scattering experiments. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 49, p. 435301, issn: 0022-3727, 2016.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Ieda Lucia Viana Rosa (2.0)
        1. Volanti, Diogo P. ; Rosa, Ieda L.V. ; Paris, Elaine C. ; Paskocimas, Carlos A. ; Pizani, Paulo S. ; Varela, José A. ; Longo, Elson. The role of the Eu3+ ions in structure and photoluminescence properties of SrBi2Nb2O9 powders. Optical Materials (Amsterdam). v. 31, p. 995-999, issn: 0925-3467, 2009.
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        2. Gonçalves, M.D. ; Cavalcante, L.S. ; Sczancoski, J.C. ; Espinosa, J.W.M. ; Pizani, P.S. ; LONGO, E. ; Rosa, I.L.V.. (Sr,Tm)ZrO3 powders prepared by the polymeric precursor method: Synthesis, optical properties and morphological characteristics. Optical Materials (Amsterdam). v. 31, p. 1134-1143, issn: 0925-3467, 2009.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Ana Candida Martins Rodrigues (1.0)
        1. TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON ESQUINA ; FERRI, FABIO APARECIDO ; Pizani, Paulo Sergio ; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA ; KUNDU, SWARUP ; SCHNEIDER, JOSÉ FABIÁN ; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Ionic conductivity and mixed-ion effect in mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 19, p. 6594-6600, issn: 1463-9076, 2017.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues (1.0)
        1. DA COSTA, R. C. ; Rodrigues, Ariano D ; CUNHA, T. R. ; ESPINOSA, J. W. M. ; PIZANI, P. S.. Raman scattering and phonon anharmonicity as a tool for assisting TiO2-based ceramics synthesis. Ceramics International. v. 43, p. 116-120, issn: 0272-8842, 2017.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Clelia Mara de Paula Marques (1.0)
        1. Rocha, K.O. ; Rocha, K.O. ; SANTOS, J.B ; MEIRA, D. M ; PIZANI, P. S ; Marques, C. M. P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Santos, J.B.O. ; Meira, D. ; Marques, C.M.P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Zanchet, D. ; Pizani, P.S.. Catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming of methane on La2O3 Al2O3 supported Pt catalysts as observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print). v. 431-432, p. 79-87, issn: 0926-860X, 2012.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Fábio Aparecido Ferri (1.0)
        1. TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON ESQUINA ; FERRI, FABIO APARECIDO ; Pizani, Paulo Sergio ; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA ; KUNDU, SWARUP ; SCHNEIDER, JOSÉ FABIÁN ; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Ionic conductivity and mixed-ion effect in mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses. PCCP. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (Print). v. 19, p. 6594-6600, issn: 1463-9076, 2017.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Giuseppe Antonio Cirino (1.0)
        1. Jasinevicius, R G ; Duduch, J G ; CIRINO, G A ; Pizani, P S. Diamond turning of small Fresnel lens array in single crystal InSb. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Print). v. 23, p. 055025, issn: 0960-1317, 2013.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Joao Batista Oliveira dos Santos (1.0)
        1. Rocha, K.O. ; Rocha, K.O. ; SANTOS, J.B ; MEIRA, D. M ; PIZANI, P. S ; Marques, C. M. P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Santos, J.B.O. ; Meira, D. ; Marques, C.M.P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Zanchet, D. ; Pizani, P.S.. Catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming of methane on La2O3 Al2O3 supported Pt catalysts as observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print). v. 431-432, p. 79-87, issn: 0926-860X, 2012.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Jose Maria Corrêa Bueno (1.0)
        1. Rocha, K.O. ; Rocha, K.O. ; SANTOS, J.B ; MEIRA, D. M ; PIZANI, P. S ; Marques, C. M. P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Santos, J.B.O. ; Meira, D. ; Marques, C.M.P. ; Bueno, J.M.C. ; Zanchet, D. ; Pizani, P.S.. Catalytic partial oxidation and steam reforming of methane on La2O3 Al2O3 supported Pt catalysts as observed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Applied Catalysis. A, General (Print). v. 431-432, p. 79-87, issn: 0926-860X, 2012.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Marcio Peron Franco de Godoy (1.0)
        1. DE HERVAL, L.K.S. ; TUNCER ARSLANLAR, Y. ; AYVACIKLI, M. ; IIKAWA, F. ; NOBREGA, J.A. ; Pizani, P.S. ; GALVÃO GOBATO, Y. ; CAN, N. ; HENINI, M. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Enhancement of the luminescence intensity by co-doping Mn2+ into Er3+ -doped SrAl2O4. Journal of Luminescence. v. 162, p. 17-20, issn: 0022-2313, 2015.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Márcio Raymundo Morelli (1.0)
        1. FREDERICCI, C. ; PIZANI, P. S. ; MORELLI, M. R.. Crystallization of blast furnace slag glass melted in SnO2 crucible. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. v. 353, p. 4062-4065, issn: 0022-3093, 2007.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Pedro Augusto de Paula Nascente (1.0)
        1. BANDA, Giancarlo R Salazar ; ANDRADE, Leonardo S ; NASCENTE, P. A. P. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; ROCHA FILHO, Romeu C ; AVACA, Luis A. On the changing electrochemical behaviour of boron-doped diamond surfaces with time after cathodic pre-treatments. Electrochimica Acta. v. 51, n. 22, p. 4612-4619, issn: 0013-4686, 2006.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Romeu Cardozo Rocha Filho (1.0)
        1. BANDA, Giancarlo R Salazar ; ANDRADE, Leonardo S ; NASCENTE, P. A. P. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; ROCHA FILHO, Romeu C ; AVACA, Luis A. On the changing electrochemical behaviour of boron-doped diamond surfaces with time after cathodic pre-treatments. Electrochimica Acta. v. 51, n. 22, p. 4612-4619, issn: 0013-4686, 2006.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Sergio Mergulhao (1.0)
        1. PONTES, Fenelon M ; PONTES, Débora ; LEITE, Edson Roberto ; LONGO, Elson ; SANTOS, E. M. S. ; MERGULHÃO, Sérgio ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; PIZANI, Paulo Sérgio ; LANCIOTTI JR, Francesco ; BOSCHI, T. M. ; VARELA, J. A.. Influence of Ca concentration on the electric, morphological, and structural properties of (Pb, Ca) TiO3 thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 91, n. 10, p. 6650-6655, issn: 0021-8979, 2002.
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      • Paulo Sergio Pizani ⇔ Yara Galvão Gobato (1.0)
        1. DE HERVAL, L.K.S. ; TUNCER ARSLANLAR, Y. ; AYVACIKLI, M. ; IIKAWA, F. ; NOBREGA, J.A. ; Pizani, P.S. ; GALVÃO GOBATO, Y. ; CAN, N. ; HENINI, M. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Enhancement of the luminescence intensity by co-doping Mn2+ into Er3+ -doped SrAl2O4. Journal of Luminescence. v. 162, p. 17-20, issn: 0022-2313, 2015.
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