Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) realizado em 21/11/2017

Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira

Graduado em Medicina pela Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (1989), concluiu a residência médica em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo (Hospital Nove de Julho - SP) , é Especialista em Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo e Habilitação em Cirurgia Videolaparoscópica pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia do Aparelho Digestivo, pela Associação Medica Brasileira, e pelo Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões e Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologia (2005). Realizou especialização em Medicina do Trabalho (1998) e possui Mestrado (2010) e Doutorado (2014) em Ciências Fisiológicas - área: Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular, atuando nos seguintes temas: hernia incisional, DisBa-01 e metaloproteases, reparo tecidual. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (09/10/2017)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq:
  • Período de análise: 2012-2017
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde da UFSCAR, Departamento de Medicina. Universidade Federal de São Carlos Jardim Guanabara 13565905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil Telefone: (16) 33518382
  • Grande área: Ciências da Saúde
  • Área: Medicina
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (0)

    Participação em eventos

    • Total de participação em eventos (0)

      Organização de eventos

      • Total de organização de eventos (0)

        Lista de colaborações

        • Colaborações endôgenas (8)
          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Audrey Borghi Silva (10.0)
            1. ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; ANDAKU, DANIELA KUGUIMOTO ; CARUSO, FLÁVIA CRISTINA ROSSI ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO DE ; RICCI, PAULA ANGÉLICA ; AMARAL, ANDRÉ CAPALDO DO ; Mattiello, Stela Márcia ; LIBARDI, CLEITON AUGUSTO ; PHILLIPS, SHANE A. ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY. Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 1-10, issn: 0264-0414, 2017.
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            2. Jurgensen SP ; TRIMER, R. ; THOMMAZO, L. ; DOURADO, V. Z. ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; ARENA, R. ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Does the Incremental Shuttle Walking Test Require Maximal Effort in young Obese Women?. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (on line). v. 49, p. 15-20, issn: 1414-431X, 2016.
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            3. JÜRGENSEN, SORAIA P. ; TRIMER, RENATA ; DOURADO, VICTOR Z. ; DI THOMMAZO-LUPORINI, LUCIANA ; BONJORNO-JUNIOR, JOSÉ C. ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO R. ; ARENA, ROSS ; MENDES, RENATA G. ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Shuttle walking test in obese women: test-retest reliability and concurrent validity with peak oxygen uptake. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (Print). v. 35, p. 120-126, issn: 1475-0961, 2015.
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            4. Borghi-Silva, Audrey; Mendes, R.G. ; TRIMER, R. ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; Fregonezzi GAF ; RESQUETI, V. R. ; Arena, Ross ; SAMPAIO, Luciana Maria Maolsa ; COSTA, Dirceu. POTENTIAL EFFECT OF 6 VS 12-WEEKS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING ON CARDIAC AUTONOMIC FUNCTION AND EXERCISE CAPACITY IN CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE.. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Testo Stampato). v. 51, p. 211-221, issn: 1973-9087, 2015.
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            5. OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO RICARDO DE ; MARQUETI, RITA DE CASSIA ; COMINETTI, Marcia Regina ; DOUAT, ESTELA SANT'ANA VIEIRA ; RIBEIRO, Juliana Uema ; PONTES, Carmen Lucia Salla ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY ; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, HELOISA SOBREIRO. Effects of blocking αvβ3 integrin by a recombinant RGD disintegrin on remodeling of wound healing after induction of incisional hernia in rats. Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira (Online). v. 30, p. 134-142, issn: 1678-2674, 2015.
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            6. CARVALHO, LÍVIA PINHEIRO ; DI THOMMAZO-LUPORINI, LUCIANA ; AUBERTIN-LEHEUDRE, MYLÈNE ; BONJORNO JUNIOR, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO ; LUPORINI, RAFAEL LUÍS ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ZANGRANDO, KATIANY THAIS LOPES ; TRIMER, RENATA ; Arena, Ross ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Prediction of Cardiorespiratory Fitness by the Six-Minute Step Test and Its Association with Muscle Strength and Power in Sedentary Obese and Lean Young Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0145960, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.
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            7. SIMÕES, RODRIGO POLAQUINI ; CASTELLO-SIMÕES, VIVIANE ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; DOS SANTOS, DANIEL AUGUSTO ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO RICARDO ; CATAI, APARECIDA MARIA ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Identification of anaerobic threshold by analysis of heart rate variability during discontinuous dynamic and resistance exercise protocols in healthy older men. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (Print). v. 34, p. 98-108, issn: 1475-0961, 2014.
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            8. Simões, R. ; CASTELLO-SIMÕES, V. ; MENDES, R. ; ARCHIZA, B. ; SANTOS, D. ; MACHADO, H. ; BONJORNO JR, J. ; OLIVEIRA, C. ; REIS, M. ; CATAI, A. ; ARENA, R. ; Borghi-Silva, A.. Lactate and Heart Rate Variability Threshold during Resistance Exercise in the Young and Elderly. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 34, p. 991-996, issn: 0172-4622, 2013.
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            9. Deus, A.P. ; Bassi, D. ; Simões, R. ; Oliveira, C. ; Baldissera, V. ; de Cássia Marqueti, R. ; Araujo, H.S. ; Arena, R. ; Borghi-Silva, A. ; Selistre de-Araújo, Heloísa S.. MMPÂ 2 Expression in Skeletal Muscle after Strength Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 33, p. 137-141, issn: 0172-4622, 2012.
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            10. de Deus, Ana Paula ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; SIMÕES, Rodrigo Polaquini ; BALDISSERA, Vilmar ; da Silva, Carlos Alberto ; Orsini Rossi, Bruno Rafael ; de Sousa, Hugo Celso Dutra ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio ; Arena, Ross ; Borghi-Silva A ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Metabolic and Cardiac Autonomic Effects of High-Intensity Resistance Training Protocol in Wistar Rats. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. v. 26, p. 1-624, issn: 1064-8011, 2012.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Renata Gonçalves Mendes (4.0)
            1. JÜRGENSEN, SORAIA P. ; TRIMER, RENATA ; DOURADO, VICTOR Z. ; DI THOMMAZO-LUPORINI, LUCIANA ; BONJORNO-JUNIOR, JOSÉ C. ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO R. ; ARENA, ROSS ; MENDES, RENATA G. ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Shuttle walking test in obese women: test-retest reliability and concurrent validity with peak oxygen uptake. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (Print). v. 35, p. 120-126, issn: 1475-0961, 2015.
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            2. Borghi-Silva, Audrey; Mendes, R.G. ; TRIMER, R. ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; Fregonezzi GAF ; RESQUETI, V. R. ; Arena, Ross ; SAMPAIO, Luciana Maria Maolsa ; COSTA, Dirceu. POTENTIAL EFFECT OF 6 VS 12-WEEKS OF PHYSICAL TRAINING ON CARDIAC AUTONOMIC FUNCTION AND EXERCISE CAPACITY IN CHRONIC OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE.. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (Testo Stampato). v. 51, p. 211-221, issn: 1973-9087, 2015.
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            3. CARVALHO, LÍVIA PINHEIRO ; DI THOMMAZO-LUPORINI, LUCIANA ; AUBERTIN-LEHEUDRE, MYLÈNE ; BONJORNO JUNIOR, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO ; LUPORINI, RAFAEL LUÍS ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ZANGRANDO, KATIANY THAIS LOPES ; TRIMER, RENATA ; Arena, Ross ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Prediction of Cardiorespiratory Fitness by the Six-Minute Step Test and Its Association with Muscle Strength and Power in Sedentary Obese and Lean Young Women: A Cross-Sectional Study. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0145960, issn: 1932-6203, 2015.
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            4. SIMÕES, RODRIGO POLAQUINI ; CASTELLO-SIMÕES, VIVIANE ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; DOS SANTOS, DANIEL AUGUSTO ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO RICARDO ; CATAI, APARECIDA MARIA ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Identification of anaerobic threshold by analysis of heart rate variability during discontinuous dynamic and resistance exercise protocols in healthy older men. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (Print). v. 34, p. 98-108, issn: 1475-0961, 2014.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Aparecida Maria Catai (2.0)
            1. SIMÕES, RODRIGO POLAQUINI ; CASTELLO-SIMÕES, VIVIANE ; MENDES, RENATA GONÇALVES ; ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; DOS SANTOS, DANIEL AUGUSTO ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; DE OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO RICARDO ; CATAI, APARECIDA MARIA ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, Audrey. Identification of anaerobic threshold by analysis of heart rate variability during discontinuous dynamic and resistance exercise protocols in healthy older men. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (Print). v. 34, p. 98-108, issn: 1475-0961, 2014.
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            2. Simões, R. ; CASTELLO-SIMÕES, V. ; MENDES, R. ; ARCHIZA, B. ; SANTOS, D. ; MACHADO, H. ; BONJORNO JR, J. ; OLIVEIRA, C. ; REIS, M. ; CATAI, A. ; ARENA, R. ; Borghi-Silva, A.. Lactate and Heart Rate Variability Threshold during Resistance Exercise in the Young and Elderly. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 34, p. 991-996, issn: 0172-4622, 2013.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Heloisa Sobreiro Selistre de Araujo (2.0)
            1. OLIVEIRA, CLAUDIO RICARDO DE ; MARQUETI, RITA DE CASSIA ; COMINETTI, Marcia Regina ; DOUAT, ESTELA SANT'ANA VIEIRA ; RIBEIRO, Juliana Uema ; PONTES, Carmen Lucia Salla ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY ; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, HELOISA SOBREIRO. Effects of blocking αvβ3 integrin by a recombinant RGD disintegrin on remodeling of wound healing after induction of incisional hernia in rats. Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira (Online). v. 30, p. 134-142, issn: 1678-2674, 2015.
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            2. Deus, A.P. ; Bassi, D. ; Simões, R. ; Oliveira, C. ; Baldissera, V. ; de Cássia Marqueti, R. ; Araujo, H.S. ; Arena, R. ; Borghi-Silva, A. ; Selistre de-Araújo, Heloísa S.. MMPÂ 2 Expression in Skeletal Muscle after Strength Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 33, p. 137-141, issn: 0172-4622, 2012.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Vilmar Baldissera (2.0)
            1. Deus, A.P. ; Bassi, D. ; Simões, R. ; Oliveira, C. ; Baldissera, V. ; de Cássia Marqueti, R. ; Araujo, H.S. ; Arena, R. ; Borghi-Silva, A. ; Selistre de-Araújo, Heloísa S.. MMPÂ 2 Expression in Skeletal Muscle after Strength Training. International Journal of Sports Medicine. v. 33, p. 137-141, issn: 0172-4622, 2012.
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            2. de Deus, Ana Paula ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; SIMÕES, Rodrigo Polaquini ; BALDISSERA, Vilmar ; da Silva, Carlos Alberto ; Orsini Rossi, Bruno Rafael ; de Sousa, Hugo Celso Dutra ; Parizotto, Nivaldo Antonio ; Arena, Ross ; Borghi-Silva A ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Metabolic and Cardiac Autonomic Effects of High-Intensity Resistance Training Protocol in Wistar Rats. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. v. 26, p. 1-624, issn: 1064-8011, 2012.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Cleiton Augusto Libardi (1.0)
            1. ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; ANDAKU, DANIELA KUGUIMOTO ; CARUSO, FLÁVIA CRISTINA ROSSI ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO DE ; RICCI, PAULA ANGÉLICA ; AMARAL, ANDRÉ CAPALDO DO ; Mattiello, Stela Márcia ; LIBARDI, CLEITON AUGUSTO ; PHILLIPS, SHANE A. ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY. Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 1-10, issn: 0264-0414, 2017.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ José Carlos Bonjorno Júnior (1.0)
            1. Jurgensen SP ; TRIMER, R. ; THOMMAZO, L. ; DOURADO, V. Z. ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; OLIVEIRA, Claudio Ricardo de ; ARENA, R. ; Borghi-Silva, Audrey. Does the Incremental Shuttle Walking Test Require Maximal Effort in young Obese Women?. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (on line). v. 49, p. 15-20, issn: 1414-431X, 2016.
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          • Claudio Ricardo de Oliveira ⇔ Stela Márcia Mattiello (1.0)
            1. ARCHIZA, BRUNO ; ANDAKU, DANIELA KUGUIMOTO ; CARUSO, FLÁVIA CRISTINA ROSSI ; BONJORNO, JOSÉ CARLOS ; OLIVEIRA, CLÁUDIO RICARDO DE ; RICCI, PAULA ANGÉLICA ; AMARAL, ANDRÉ CAPALDO DO ; Mattiello, Stela Márcia ; LIBARDI, CLEITON AUGUSTO ; PHILLIPS, SHANE A. ; ARENA, ROSS ; BORGHI-SILVA, AUDREY. Effects of inspiratory muscle training in professional women football players: a randomized sham-controlled trial. JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 1-10, issn: 0264-0414, 2017.
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        Data de processamento: 24/11/2017 12:06:49