Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Física (DF)

Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)
Campus São Carlos

Plataforma Lattes / outubro de 2020

Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues

Graduado em Física pela Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (2002), mestrado (2004) e doutorado (2008) pelo Departamento de Física da Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar e pós-doutorado pelo Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP (2008). Atualmente é Professor Associado do Departamento de Física da UFSCar. Desenvolve estudos sobre propriedades eletrônicas e estruturais de materiais, como óxidos semicondutores e perovskitas ferroelétricas, através de análises espectroscópicas, incluindo espectroscopia Raman, fotoluminescência e espectrofotometria de absorção. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (12/10/2020)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq: Nível 2
  • Período de análise: 2009-2020
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Física. Departamento de Física - UFSCar (sala 06) , Rod. Washington Luís, km 235 Monjolinho 13565905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 676 Telefone: (16) 33519730 URL da Homepage:
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Física
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

  • Total de prêmios e títulos (0)

    Participação em eventos

    • Total de participação em eventos (0)

      Organização de eventos

      • Total de organização de eventos (0)

        Lista de colaborações

        • Colaborações endôgenas (14)
          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Marcio Peron Franco de Godoy (12.0)
            1. IANHEZ-PEREIRA, CAMILA ; ONOFRE, YINA JULIETH ; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSÉ ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; DE GODOY, MARCIO PERON FRANCO. The interplay between Mn valence and the optical response of ZnMnO thin films. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING. v. 126, p. 337-347, issn: 0947-8396, 2020.
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            2. SCOLFARO, D. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; de Godoy, M. P. F.. Optical absorption in full composition range of ZnCuO thin films synthesized by spray pyrolysis. APPLIED PHYSICS. A, MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING (INTERNET). v. 124, p. 774, issn: 1432-0630, 2018.
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            3. ONOFRE, Y.J. ; DE CASTRO, S. ; Rodrigues, A.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F.. Influence of Co-doping on optical properties and traps localization of ZnO films obtained by spray pyrolysis. JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS. v. 128, p. 131-135, issn: 0165-2370, 2017.
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            4. DE CASTRO, S. ; DOS REIS, S. L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; GODOY, M P F. Defects-related optical properties of Zn1. Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. v. 212, p. 96-100, issn: 0921-5107, 2016.
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            5. RIGHETTI, V. A. N. ; GRATENS, X. ; Chitta, V. A. ; de Godoy, M. P. F. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; ABRAMOF, E. ; DIAS, J. F. ; SCHIKORA, D. ; AS, D. J. ; LISCHKA, K.. Magnetic and structural properties of Fe-implanted cubic GaN. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 120, p. 103901, issn: 0021-8979, 2016.
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            6. HERVAL, LEONILSON K.S. ; VON DREIFUS, DRIELE ; RABELO, ADRIANO C. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C. ; GOBATO, YARA G. ; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J.A. ; DE GODOY, MARCIO P.F.. The role of defects on the structural and magnetic properties of Nb2O5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 653, p. 358-362, issn: 0925-8388, 2015.
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            7. VON DREIFUS, D. ; de Godoy, M. P. F. ; RABELO, A. C. ; Galvão- GOBATO, Y ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; CAMARGO, P. C. ; PEREIRA, E. C. ; OLIVEIRA, A. J. A.. Antiferromagnetism induced by oxygen vacancies in V O polycrystals synthesized by the Pechini method. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 48, p. 445002, issn: 0022-3727, 2015.
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            8. RODRIGUES, A.D. ; DE GODOY, M.P.F. ; MIETZE, C. ; AS, D.J.. Phonon localization in cubic GaN/AlN superlattices. Solid State Communications. v. 186, p. 18-22, issn: 0038-1098, 2014.
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            9. SANTOS, CAMILA IANHEZ PEREIRA DOS ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; GODOY, MARCIO PERON FRANCO DE. Growth and characterization of Mn-doped ZnO thin films. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2017.
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            10. RODRIGUES, A. D. ; de Godoy, M. P. F. ; MIETZE, C. ; AS, D. J. ; LISCHKA, K.. Phonon Localization in cubic GaN/AlN superlattices. Em: 16th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2013, Itirapina - SP. Abstract book of 16th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, p. 162, 2013.
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            11. HERVAL, L. K. S. ; RABELO, A. C. ; de Godoy, M. P. F. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; Galvão- GOBATO, Y ; PEREIRA, E. C.. Study of undoped and Er-doped Nb2O5. Em: 16th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 2013, Itirapina - SP. Abstract book of 16th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, p. 190, 2013.
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            12. HERVAL, L. K. S. ; RABELO, A. C. ; de Godoy, M. P. F. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; Galvão- GOBATO, Y ; PEREIRA, E. C.. Study of Oxygen Vacancies in Nb2O5. Em: XI Encontro da Sociedade Brasileiras de Pesquisa em Materiais, 2012, Florianópolis. Proceedings do XI Encontro da Sociedade Brasileiras de Pesquisa em Materiais, 2012.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Jose Claudio Galzerani (10.0)
            1. Rodrigues, A. D. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; ZANELATTO, G. ; MILEKHIN, A. G. ; Nikiforov, A. I. ; Ulyanov, V. V. ; Pchelyakov, O. P. ; ZAHN, D. R. T. ; GALZERANI, J. C.. Ge/Si Quantum Dots Superlattices Grown at Different Temperatures and Characterized by Raman Spectroscopy and Capacitance Measurements. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (Print). v. 2012, p. 1-7, issn: 1687-8108, 2012.
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            2. SOUZA, N. S. ; Rodrigues A. D. ; C. A. Cardoso ; PARDO, H. ; FACCIO, R. ; Mombru A. W. ; GALZERANI, J. C. ; LIMA, O. F. ; SERGEENKOV, S. ; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Physical properties of nanofluid suspension of ferromagnetic graphite with high Zeta potential. Physics Letters. A (Print). v. 376, p. 544-546, issn: 0375-9601, 2012.
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            3. A. G. Rodrigues ; Galzerani, J. C.. Espectroscopias de infravermelho, Raman e de fotoluminescência: potencialidades e complementaridades. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física (Impresso). v. 34, p. 4309-4317, issn: 1806-1117, 2012.
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            4. Rodrigues A. D. ; PUSEP, Y. A. ; GALZERANI, J. C.. Raman investigation of plasmon localization in GaAs/AlGaAs superlattices. Vibrational Spectroscopy (Print). v. 54, p. 174-178, issn: 0924-2031, 2010.
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            5. Mohseni, P. K. ; Rodrigues, A. D. ; Galzerani, J. C. ; PUSEP, Y. A. ; LaPierre, R. R.. Structural and optical analysis of GaAsP/GaP core-shell nanowires. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 106, p. 124306-1-124306-7, issn: 0021-8979, 2009.
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            6. Rodrigues A. D. ; SOUZA, N. S. ; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M. ; GALZERANI, J. C.. Raman study in nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite. Em: XX International Materials Research Congress, 2011, Cancun (México). Proceedings of the XX International Materials Research Congress, v. Único, 2011.
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            7. Galzerani, J. C. ; Rodrigues, A. D. ; Pusep, Yu. A.. Raman scattering analysis of highly doped semiconductor superlattices. Em: Solid State Chemistry 2010, 2010, Praga. Solid State Chemistry 2010. Praga: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry AS SR, v.v.i, v. Único, p. 221-221, 2010.
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            8. Rodrigues, A. D.; Souza, N. S. ; Cardoso, C. A. ; Araújo-Moreira, F. M. ; Galzerani, J. C.. Structural study of nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite by Raman Spectroscopy. Em: IX Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais - SBPMat Brazilian MRS Meeting, 2010, Ouro Preto. Resumos do IX SBPMat, v. Único, 2010.
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            9. RODRIGUES, A. D.; GALZERANI, José Cláudio ; PUSEP, Y. A. ; Comedi, D.. Observation of elastic relaxation in porous silicon. Em: Ecoss 26 - European Conference on Surface Science, 2009, Parma - Itália. Proceedings of the European Conference on Surface Science. Parma, v. único, p. 154-154, 2009.
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            10. RODRIGUES, A. D.; Galzerani, J. C. ; Pusep, Yu. A.. Study of the plasmon localization in semiconductor superlattices. Em: I Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, 2009, São Pedro - SP. Proceedings do Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, v. Único, 2009.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Adenilson José Chiquito (9.0)
            1. GOUVEIA, R.C. ; Rodrigues, A.D. ; LEITE, E.R. ; CHIQUITO, A.J.. Schottky Contacts in Germanium Nanowire Network Devices Synthesized from Nickel Seeds. Physica. E, Low-Dimensional Systems and Nanostructures (Print). v. 84, p. 537-542, issn: 1386-9477, 2016.
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            2. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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            3. GOUVEIA, R C ; KAMIMURA, H ; MUNHOZ, RAFAEL ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Germanium nanowires grown using different catalyst metals. Materials Chemistry and Physics. v. 183, p. n/a, issn: 0254-0584, 2016.
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            4. KAMIMURA, H ; DALMASCHIO, C J ; CARROCINE, S C ; RODRIGUES, A D ; GOUVEIA, R C ; LEITE, E R ; CHIQUITO, A J. Optoelectronic characteristics of single InP nanowire grown from solid source. Materials Research Express. v. 2, p. 045012, issn: 2053-1591, 2015.
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            6. Rodrigues, A. D. ; CHIQUITO, A. J. ; ZANELATTO, G. ; MILEKHIN, A. G. ; Nikiforov, A. I. ; Ulyanov, V. V. ; Pchelyakov, O. P. ; ZAHN, D. R. T. ; GALZERANI, J. C.. Ge/Si Quantum Dots Superlattices Grown at Different Temperatures and Characterized by Raman Spectroscopy and Capacitance Measurements. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics (Print). v. 2012, p. 1-7, issn: 1687-8108, 2012.
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            7. Berengue, Olivia M ; Rodrigues, Ariano D ; Dalmaschio, Cleocir J ; Lanfredi, Alexandre J C ; Leite, Edson R ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. Structural characterization of indium oxide nanostructures: a Raman analysis. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 43, p. 045401, issn: 0022-3727, 2010.
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            8. Amaral, L. M ; RODRIGUES, Ariano ; Chiquito, Adenilson J. Influência da potência do laser nos espectros Raman de nanofios de Si. Em: IV Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, 2015, Juiz de Fora. Anais do IV Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, v. 1, p. 021-021, 2015.
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            9. Dragonetti, T. ; Amaral, L. M. ; Chiquito, Adenilson J ; RODRIGUES, A. D.. Análise por espectroscopia Raman das modificações de nanofios de silício induzidas por temperatura. Em: III Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, 2013, Fortaleza. Anais do III Encontro Brasileiro de Espectroscopia Raman, 2013.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Paulo Sergio Pizani (7.0)
            1. CUNHA, T.R. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; RODRIGUES, J.E. ; SAMPAIO, D.V. ; MOULTON, B.J.A. ; DA COSTA, R.C. ; Pizani, P.S.. Thermal expansion, compressibility and bulk modulus of ilmenite-type CoTiO3: X-ray diffraction at high pressures and temperatures. SOLID STATE SCIENCES. v. 88, p. 1-5, issn: 1293-2558, 2019.
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            2. CURCIO, ANA LAURA ; MARTÍNEZ ESPINOSA, JOSE WALDO ; Pizani, Paulo Sergio ; DE GIOVANNI RODRIGUES, ARIANO. Effects of cadmium insertion in blue-excited photoluminescence of ZnO. OPTICAL MATERIALS. v. 89, p. 344-348, issn: 0925-3467, 2019.
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            3. FIGUEIREDO SOARES RODRIGUES, JOÃO ELIAS ; FERRER, M. M. ; MOREIRA, M. L. ; SAMBRANO, J. R. ; COSTA, RENILTON C ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; PIZANI, P S ; HUTTEL, Y. ; ALONSO, J. A. ; PECHARROMAN, C.. Unveiling the infrared complex dielectric function of ilmenite CdTiO3. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. v. 813, p. 152136, issn: 0925-8388, 2019.
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            4. DA COSTA, R.C. ; RODRIGUES, J.E. ; GUALDI, A.J. ; CUNHA, T.R. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; MARQUES, P.W. ; HERNANDES, A.C. ; Pizani, P.S.. Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Ni x Pb 1-x TiO 3 Solid Solution and Composite: Coexistence of Ferroelectric and Antiferromagnetic Order. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. v. 739, p. 600-606, issn: 0925-8388, 2018.
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            5. CUNHA, T.R. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; RODRIGUES, J.E. ; DA COSTA, R.C. ; TOLEDO, T.A. ; Pizani, P.S.. Combining XRD and Raman spectroscopy techniques to probe the solid solution and composite forms of Pb 1-x Co x TiO 3 systems. MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN. v. 107, p. 462-467, issn: 0025-5408, 2018.
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            6. FIGUEIREDO SOARES RODRIGUES, JOÃO ELIAS ; FERRER, MATEUS M ; CUNHA, THIAGO R ; COSTA, RENILTON C ; SAMBRANO, J R ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; Pizani, P S. First-principles calculations and Raman scattering evidences for local symmetry lowering in rhombohedral ilmenite: temperature- and pressure-dependent studies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONDENSED MATTER (ONLINE). v. 30, p. 485401, issn: 0953-8984, 2018.
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            7. DA COSTA, R. C. ; Rodrigues, Ariano D ; CUNHA, T. R. ; ESPINOSA, J. W. M. ; PIZANI, P. S.. Raman scattering and phonon anharmonicity as a tool for assisting TiO2-based ceramics synthesis. Ceramics International. v. 43, p. 116-120, issn: 0272-8842, 2017.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Fernando Manuel Araújo Moreira (5.0)
            1. SOUZA, N. S. ; Rodrigues A. D. ; C. A. Cardoso ; PARDO, H. ; FACCIO, R. ; Mombru A. W. ; GALZERANI, J. C. ; LIMA, O. F. ; SERGEENKOV, S. ; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Physical properties of nanofluid suspension of ferromagnetic graphite with high Zeta potential. Physics Letters. A (Print). v. 376, p. 544-546, issn: 0375-9601, 2012.
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            2. CARDOSO, C. A.; Souza, N.S. ; Sergeenkov, S. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; Rodrigues, A. D. ; Pardo, H. ; Faccio, R. ; Mombrú, A. W. ; Galzerani, J. C. ; de Lima, O. F. ; Araújo-Moreira, F. M.. Stability Issues and Structure-Sensitive Magnetic Properties of Nanofluid Ferromagnetic Graphite. Journal of Nanofluids. v. 1, p. 143-147, issn: 2169-432X, 2012.
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            3. SOUZA, N. S. ; DE LIMA, O. F. ; PARDO, H. ; ARAUÌ'JO-MOREIRA, F. M. ; MOMBRUÌ', A. W. ; RIVERA, V. A. G. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; SERGEENKOV, S. ; SPEGLICH, C. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties of room-temperature nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite. Applied Physics Letters. v. 95, p. 233120, issn: 0003-6951, 2009.
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            4. Souza, N. S. ; Rodrigues, A. D. ; Cardoso, C. A. ; Araújo-Moreira, F. M.. Study of physico-chemical properties of nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite. Em: IX Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais - SBPMat Brazilian MRS Meeting, 2010, São Carlos. Resumos do IX SBPMat, 2010.
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            5. Rodrigues, A. D.; Souza, N. S. ; Cardoso, C. A. ; Araújo-Moreira, F. M. ; Galzerani, J. C.. Structural study of nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite by Raman Spectroscopy. Em: IX Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais - SBPMat Brazilian MRS Meeting, 2010, Ouro Preto. Resumos do IX SBPMat, v. Único, 2010.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Yara Galvão Gobato (5.0)
            1. RIZZO PITON, MARCELO ; KOIVUSALO, EERO ; HAKKARAINEN, TEEMU ; GALETI, HELDER V A ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; TALMILA, SOILE ; SOUTO, SERGIO ; LUPO, DONALD ; GALVAO GOBATO, Y ; GUINA, MIRCEA. Gradients of Be-dopant concentration in self-catalyzed GaAs nanowires. NANOTECHNOLOGY. v. 30, p. 335709, issn: 0957-4484, 2019.
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            3. PRANDO, GABRIELA A ; ORSI GORDO, VANESSA ; PUUSTINEN, JANNE ; HILSKA, JOONAS ; ALGHAMDI, HAIFA ; SÖM, GÜLCAN ; GÜNE', MUSTAFA ; AKYOL, MUSTAFA ; SOUTO, SERGIO ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI ; GALETI, HELDER V A ; HENINI, MOHAMED ; GALVÃO GOBATO, YARA ; GUINA, MIRCEA. Exciton localization and structural disorder of GaAs1-xBix/GaAs quantum wells grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on (311)B GaAs substrates. SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. v. 33, p. 084002, issn: 0268-1242, 2018.
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            4. BALANTA, M. A. G. ; KOPACZEK, J. ; Vanessa Orsi Gordo ; SANTOS, B. H. B. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; GALETI, H. V. A. ; RICHARDS, R. D. ; BASTIMAN, F. ; DAVID, J. P. R. ; R. Kudrawiec, ; GALVÃO GOBATO, Y.. Optical and spin properties of localized and free excitons in GaBi As /GaAs multiple quantum wells. Journal of Physics. D, Applied Physics (Print). v. 49, p. 355104, issn: 0022-3727, 2016.
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            5. HERVAL, LEONILSON K.S. ; VON DREIFUS, DRIELE ; RABELO, ADRIANO C. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C. ; GOBATO, YARA G. ; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J.A. ; DE GODOY, MARCIO P.F.. The role of defects on the structural and magnetic properties of Nb2O5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 653, p. 358-362, issn: 0925-8388, 2015.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Claudio Antonio Cardoso (3.0)
            1. SOUZA, N. S. ; Rodrigues A. D. ; C. A. Cardoso ; PARDO, H. ; FACCIO, R. ; Mombru A. W. ; GALZERANI, J. C. ; LIMA, O. F. ; SERGEENKOV, S. ; ARAUJO-MOREIRA, F. M.. Physical properties of nanofluid suspension of ferromagnetic graphite with high Zeta potential. Physics Letters. A (Print). v. 376, p. 544-546, issn: 0375-9601, 2012.
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            2. CARDOSO, C. A.; Souza, N.S. ; Sergeenkov, S. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; Rodrigues, A. D. ; Pardo, H. ; Faccio, R. ; Mombrú, A. W. ; Galzerani, J. C. ; de Lima, O. F. ; Araújo-Moreira, F. M.. Stability Issues and Structure-Sensitive Magnetic Properties of Nanofluid Ferromagnetic Graphite. Journal of Nanofluids. v. 1, p. 143-147, issn: 2169-432X, 2012.
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            3. SOUZA, N. S. ; DE LIMA, O. F. ; PARDO, H. ; ARAUÌ'JO-MOREIRA, F. M. ; MOMBRUÌ', A. W. ; RIVERA, V. A. G. ; RODRIGUES, A. D. ; SERGEENKOV, S. ; SPEGLICH, C. ; CARDOSO, C. A.. Synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties of room-temperature nanofluid ferromagnetic graphite. Applied Physics Letters. v. 95, p. 233120, issn: 0003-6951, 2009.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Adilson Jesus Aparecido de Oliveira (2.0)
            1. VON DREIFUS, DRIELE ; PEREIRA, RODRIGO ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C. ; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J.A.. Sol-gel synthesis of triclinic CoV 2 O 6 polycrystals. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL. v. 44, p. 19397-19401, issn: 0272-8842, 2018.
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            2. HERVAL, LEONILSON K.S. ; VON DREIFUS, DRIELE ; RABELO, ADRIANO C. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; PEREIRA, ERNESTO C. ; GOBATO, YARA G. ; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J.A. ; DE GODOY, MARCIO P.F.. The role of defects on the structural and magnetic properties of Nb2O5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 653, p. 358-362, issn: 0925-8388, 2015.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Alexandre José Gualdi (1.0)
            1. DA COSTA, R.C. ; RODRIGUES, J.E. ; GUALDI, A.J. ; CUNHA, T.R. ; RODRIGUES, A.D. ; MARQUES, P.W. ; HERNANDES, A.C. ; Pizani, P.S.. Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Ni x Pb 1-x TiO 3 Solid Solution and Composite: Coexistence of Ferroelectric and Antiferromagnetic Order. JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS. v. 739, p. 600-606, issn: 0925-8388, 2018.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Gilmar Eugenio Marques (1.0)
            1. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Marcio Daldin Teodoro (1.0)
            1. KAMIMURA, H ; GOUVEIA, R C ; CARROCINE, S C ; SOUZA, L. ; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D. ; Teodoro, M. D. ; Marques, G. E. ; Leite, E. R. ; CHIQUITO, A. J.. Optical and transport properties correlation driven by amorphous/crystalline disorder in InP nanowires. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter (Print). v. 28, p. 475303, issn: 0953-8984, 2016.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Michel Venet Zambrano (1.0)
            1. QUIROGA, DAVID ANTONIO BARBOSA ; ALBORNOZ DIAZ, JULIO CESAR CAMILO ; VENET, MICHEL ; RODRIGUES, Ariano De Giovanni ; FLORÊNCIO, Odila ; DA SILVA, PAULO SERGIO. Evolution of crystalline phases and morphotropic phase boundary of the (Bi,Na)TiO3-(Bi,K)TiO3-BaTiO3 lead-free ceramic system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 691, p. 498-503, issn: 0925-8388, 2017.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Odila Florêncio (1.0)
            1. QUIROGA, DAVID ANTONIO BARBOSA ; ALBORNOZ DIAZ, JULIO CESAR CAMILO ; VENET, MICHEL ; RODRIGUES, Ariano De Giovanni ; FLORÊNCIO, Odila ; DA SILVA, PAULO SERGIO. Evolution of crystalline phases and morphotropic phase boundary of the (Bi,Na)TiO3-(Bi,K)TiO3-BaTiO3 lead-free ceramic system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 691, p. 498-503, issn: 0925-8388, 2017.
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          • Ariano De Giovanni Rodrigues ⇔ Paulo Sergio da Silva Junior (1.0)
            1. QUIROGA, DAVID ANTONIO BARBOSA ; ALBORNOZ DIAZ, JULIO CESAR CAMILO ; VENET, MICHEL ; RODRIGUES, Ariano De Giovanni ; FLORÊNCIO, Odila ; DA SILVA, PAULO SERGIO. Evolution of crystalline phases and morphotropic phase boundary of the (Bi,Na)TiO3-(Bi,K)TiO3-BaTiO3 lead-free ceramic system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. v. 691, p. 498-503, issn: 0925-8388, 2017.
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        Data de processamento: 12/10/2020 23:49:36