Relatório de produção acadêmica da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar)
Departamento de Química (DQ)

Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET)
Campus São Carlos

Plataforma Lattes / outubro de 2020

Timothy John Brocksom

possui graduação em Química pela Universidade de Liverpool (1964 e 1965) e doutorado em Química Orgânica pela Universidade de Liverpool (1968). Atualmente é professor titular da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Tem experiência na área de Química Orgânica, com ênfase em Síntese Orgânica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: sintese enantio- e diaestereosseletiva de terpenos bioativos a partir de monoterpenos abundantes encontrados em óleos essenciais brasileiros; metodologias sintéticas de carbociclização e oxaciclização, especialmente cicloadições [2+2], [3+2] e [4+2]; reações mediadas por complexos de metais de transição inclusive metátese de fechamento de anéis; reações de Alder-ene, anelações e fragmentações, ciclopropanações e reações de expansão de anel; estudo dos mecanismos das reações orgãnicas de interesse do laboratório; bioensaios dos compostos orgânicos sintetizados no laboratório. (Texto informado pelo autor)

  • (23/05/2020)
  • Rótulo/Grupo:
  • Bolsa CNPq:
  • Período de análise: 1978-2013&2015-2019&2019-2020
  • Endereço: Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia, Departamento de Química. RODOVIA WASHINGTON LUIZ ,KM 235 Monjolinho 13565905 - São Carlos, SP - Brasil - Caixa-postal: 676 Telefone: (16) 33518208 Fax: (16) 33518350 URL da Homepage:
  • Grande área: Ciências Exatas e da Terra
  • Área: Química
  • Citações: Google Acadêmico

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

Prêmios e títulos

Participação em eventos

Organização de eventos

Lista de colaborações

Produção bibliográfica

Produção técnica

Produção artística

Orientações em andamento

Supervisões e orientações concluídas

Projetos de pesquisa

  • Total de projetos de pesquisa (0)

    Prêmios e títulos

    • Total de prêmios e títulos (1)
      1. Medalha Simão Mathias, Sociedade Brasileira de Química.. 2005.
        Membro: Timothy John Brocksom.

    Participação em eventos

    • Total de participação em eventos (0)

      Organização de eventos

      • Total de organização de eventos (0)

        Lista de colaborações

        • Colaborações endôgenas (8)
          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Kleber Thiago de Oliveira (25.0)
            1. GOBO, NICHOLAS ROBERTO DA SILVA ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Synthesis of a Naphthalocyanine-Like Dye: The First Report on Zn(II)-1,6-methano[10]annulenecyanine. MOLECULES. v. 25, p. 2164-xx, issn: 1420-3049, 2020.
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            2. COSTA E SILVA, RODRIGO ; OLIVEIRA DA SILVA, LUELY ; DE ANDRADE BARTOLOMEU, ALOISIO ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Recent applications of porphyrins as photocatalysts in organic synthesis: batch and continuous flow approaches. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry. v. 16, p. 917-955, issn: 1860-5397, 2020.
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            3. BARTOLOMEU, ALOISIO DE ANDRADE ; SILVA, RODRIGO COSTA ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J ; NOËL, TIMOTHY ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Photoarylation of Pyridines using Aryldiazonium Salts and Visible Light: An EDA Approach. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. v. 84, p. 10459-10471, issn: 0022-3263, 2019.
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            4. BARTOLOMEU, ALOISIO DE A. ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; DA SILVA FILHO, LUIZ C. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Multicomponent reactions mediated by NbCl 5 for the synthesis of phthalonitrile-quinoline dyads: Methodology, scope, mechanistic insights and applications in phthalocyanine synthesis. DYES AND PIGMENTS. v. 151, p. 391-402, issn: 0143-7208, 2018.
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            5. SOUZA, JULIANA M. DE ; GALAVERNA, RENAN ; SOUZA, ALINE A.N. DE ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; PASTRE, JULIO C. ; SOUZA, RODRIGO O.M.A. DE ; OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T. DE. Impact of continuous flow chemistry in the synthesis of natural products and active pharmaceutical ingredients. ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS (ONLINE). v. 90, p. 1131-1174, issn: 1678-2690, 2018.
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            6. DE SOUZA, JULIANA MARIA ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J ; MCQUADE, D. TYLER ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Continuous endoperoxidation of conjugated dienes, and subsequent rearrangements leading to C-H oxidized synthons. JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. v. 83, p. 7574-7585, issn: 0022-3263, 2018.
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            7. GOBO, NICHOLAS ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER. Soluble and Non-aggregated Phthalocyanines: Synthesis, Mechanistic aspects and Their Main Building Blocks. CURRENT ORGANIC SYNTHESIS. v. 14, p. 1-1, issn: 1570-1794, 2017.
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            8. BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER ; DESIDERÁ, ANDRÉ. The Chemistry of the Sesquiterpene Alkaloids. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY (IMPRESSO). v. 28, p. 933-942, issn: 0103-5053, 2017.
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            9. CARMONA-VARGAS, CHRISTIAN CAMILO ; ALVES, LEANDRO DE CARVALHO ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Combining batch and continuous flow setups in the end-to-end synthesis of naturally occurring curcuminoids. React. Chem. Eng.. v. 2, p. 366-374, issn: 2058-9883, 2017.
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            10. BARONA-CASTAÑO, JUAN ; CARMONA-VARGAS, CHRISTIAN ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER. Porphyrins as Catalysts in Scalable Organic Reactions. Molecules (Basel. Online). v. 21, p. 310-337, issn: 1420-3049, 2016.
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            11. DONATONI, MARIA C. ; Vieira, Ygor W. ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; RABELO, ADRIANO C. ; LEITE, EDSON R. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. One-pot Sequential Functionalizations of meso-Tetrathienylporphyrins via Heck-Mizoroki Cross-coupling Reactions. Tetrahedron Letters. v. 57, p. 3016-3020, issn: 0040-4039, 2016.
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            12. OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO DE ; SOUZA, JULIANA MARIA DE ; GOBO, NICHOLAS ROBERTO DA SILVA ; ASSIS, FRANCISCO FÁVARO DE ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN. Basic Concepts and Applications of Porphyrins, Chlorins and Phthalocyanines as Photosensitizers in Photonic Therapies. Revista Virtual de Química. v. 7, p. 310-335, issn: 1984-6835, 2015.
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            13. MOMO, PATRÍCIA B. ; SAMPAIO, OLÍVIA M. ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Selective Vilsmeier-Haack aryl-formylations of tetrathienylporphyrin and its Ni(II) complex. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. v. 19, p. 745-752, issn: 1088-4246, 2015.
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            14. BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY ; DESIDERÁ, ANDRÉ ; CARVALHO ALVES, LEANDRO ; OLIVEIRA, KLEBER. The New Directions of Organic Synthesis. Current Organic Synthesis. v. 12, p. 496-522, issn: 1570-1794, 2015.
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            15. MOMO, PATRÍCIA BETONI ; BELLETE, BÁRBARA S ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE SOUZA, RODRIGO OCTAVIO M A ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Exploiting Novel Process Windows for the Synthesis of meso-Substituted Porphyrins under Continuous Flow Conditions. RSC Advances: an international journal to further the chemical sciences. v. 5, p. 84350-84355, issn: 2046-2069, 2015.
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            16. ALVES, LEANDRO DE CARVALHO ; DESIDERÁ, ANDRÉ LUIZ ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO ; NEWTON, SEAN ; LEY, STEVEN V ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN. A Practical Deca-gram Scale Ring Expansion of (R)-(-)-carvone to (R)-(+)-3-methyl-6-isopropenyl-cyclohept-3-enone-1. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. v. 13, p. 7633-7642, issn: 1477-0520, 2015.
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            17. DE ASSIS, FRANCISCO FÁVARO ; FERREIRA, MARCO AB ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. NIR Bacteriochlorin Chromophores Accessed by Heck and Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Reactions on a Tetrabromobacteriochlorin Derivative. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. v. 14, p. 1402-1412, issn: 1477-0520, 2015.
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            18. GOBO, NICHOLAS R. S. ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, JULIO ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Synthesis of an Octa- tert -butylphthalocyanine: A Low-Aggregating and Photochemically Stable Photosensitizer. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Print). v. 2013, p. 5028-5031, issn: 1434-193X, 2013.
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            19. CARVALHO, CARLA MARISA BRITO ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Tetrabenzoporphyrins: synthetic developments and applications. Chemical Society Reviews (Print). v. 42, p. 3302-3317, issn: 0306-0012, 2013.
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            20. DE ASSIS, FRANCISCO F. ; DE SOUZA, JULIANA M. ; ASSIS, BEATRIZ H.K. ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Synthesis and Photophysical Studies of a Chlorin Sterically Designed to Prevent Self-Aggregation. Dyes and Pigments. v. 98, p. 153-159, issn: 0143-7208, 2013.
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            21. DOS SANTOS, FABIANE A.B. ; UCHOA, ADJACI F. ; BAPTISTA, MAURICIO S. ; IAMAMOTO, YASSUKO ; SERRA, OSVALDO A. ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Synthesis of functionalized chlorins sterically-prevented from self-aggregation. Dyes and Pigments. v. 99, p. 402-411, issn: 0143-7208, 2013.
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            22. CARVALHO, CARLA MARISA BRITO ; FUJITA, MARTA AKEMI ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. Synthesis and photophysical evaluations of β-fused uracil-porphyrin derivatives. Tetrahedron (Oxford. Print). v. 69, p. 9986-9993, issn: 0040-4020, 2013.
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            23. BROCKSOM, T. J.; Leandro de C. Alves ; Glaudeston D. Wulf ; André L. Desiderá ; Kleber T. de Oliveira. O Prêmio Nobel de Química em 2010: União direta de carbonos sp2 e sp. Química Nova na Escola (Impresso). v. 32, p. 233-239, issn: 0104-8899, 2010.
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            24. Corrêa, A. G ; OLIVERIA, K. T. ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; WEBER PAIXÃO, MÁRCIO. Química Orgânica Experimental - Uma abordagem de Química Verde. 1 ed. rio de janeiro: elsevier editora, 2016. v. 1, p. 188.
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            25. BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T. ; Ferreira, Marco A. B. ; SERVILHA, BRUNO M.. Essential Oils as Raw Materials in the Synthesis of Anticancer Drugs. Bioactive Essential Oils and Cancer. 1ed.New York. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2015.p. 81-109.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Ursula Brocksom (11.0)
            1. FERRAZ, H. M. C. ; GRAZINI, M. V. A. ; RIBEIRO, C. M. R. ; BROCKSOM, U. ; Timothy John Brocksom. A Short Route to (-)-Mintlactone by Thallium (III) Mediated Cyclization of (-)-Isopulegol. Journal of Organic Chemistry. v. 65, n. 8, p. 2606-2607, issn: 0022-3263, 2000.
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            2. M.L. de Faria ; R. de A. Magalhães ; F.C. Silva ; MATIAS, L. G. O. ; CESCHI, M. A. ; BROCKSOM, U. ; Timothy John Brocksom. Enantiodivergent Syntheses of Cycloheptenone Intermediates for Guaiane Sesquiterpenes. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. v. 11, p. 4093-4103, 2000.
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            3. SANTOS, R. B. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; BROCKSOM, U.. A Convenient Deoxigenation Of Alfa-Beta-Epoxy Ketones To Enones. Tetrahedron Letters. v. 38, n. 5, p. 745-748, issn: 0040-4039, 1997.
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            4. BROCKSOM, U.; ANA PAULA TOLOI, TIMOTHY JOHN BROCKSOM URSULA BROCKSOM* ; Enantioselective Syntheses Of The Linden Ether. Enantioselective Syntheses Of The Linden Ethers. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. v. 7, n. 5, p. 237-242, issn: 0103-5053, 1996.
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            5. FERRAZ, H. M. C. ; RIBEIRO, C. M. R. ; GRAZINI, M. V. A. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; BROCKSOM, U.. Cyclization Of Unsaturated Monoterpenic Alcohols Mediated By Thallium (Iii) Salts. Tetrahedron Letters. v. 35, p. 1497-1500, issn: 0040-4039, 1994.
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            6. BROCKSOM, U.; VARANDA, N. A. ; SANTOS, R. B. ; PESQUERO, E. T. C. ; MATIAS, L. G. O. ; ALVES, M. F. F. ; ANDRADE, M. C. C. ; MOREIRA, L. A. ; OLIVEIRA, S. M. ; FACCIONE, M. ; SILVA, M. L. F. C. ; CESCHI, M. A. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTRO, J. ; LOUREIRO, A. P. ; CASTELLANO, E. E. ; FERRAZ, H. M. C. ; M, C.. Enantioselective Terpene Synthesis From P-Menthane Monoterpene Chirons. Organic Synthesis in Brazil: an Overview. São Paulo, Br. Em: J. V. Comasseto e J. T.B. Ferreira. (Org.). Organic Synthesis in Brazil ; an Overview. 1994.v. 1, p. 111-127.
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            7. SANTOS, M. G. ; BROCKSOM, U. ; Timothy John Brocksom. Reversible Oxy-Epoxy Silicon Rearrangements in a 4,4-Dimethyl-2-Isopropenyl-Cyclopentanol. Em: VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis, 1998, São Pedro, SP. VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis. São Pedro, v. 1, p. 117, 1998.
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            8. BROCKSOM, U.; MARCIO, G. ; TIMOTHY, J. S. ; BROCKOSM, B. U.. Dichloro-Cyclobutanone Alkylation Reaction: Fomannosane Sesquiterpenes. Em: VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis, 1998, São Pedro. VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis. São Pedro, SP, v. 1, p. 233, 1998.
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            9. SANTOS, M. G. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; BROCKOSM, U. ; SANTOS, R. H. A. ; GAMBARDELLA, M. T. P.. Estudo da Reação de Cicloadição de Diclorocetenos Com Derivados do 4,4-Dimetil-2-Isopropenil-Ciclopentanol e do Neo-Isopulegol. Em: 20 Reunião Anual da SBQ, 1997, Poços de Caldas. Resumos da 20 Reunião Anual da SBQ. Poços de Caldas, MG, v. 2, p. qo004, 1997.
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            10. ZANOTTO, P. R. ; BROCKSOM, U. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; SANTOS, R. B. ; SANTOS, R. H. A. ; GAMBARDELLA, M. T. P.. Controle Regio e Estereoseeletivo da Abertura de Epóxidos Com Fenilselenolato. Em: 20 Reunião Anual da SBQ, 1997, Poços de Caldas. Resumos da 20 Reunião Anual da SBQ. Poços de Caldas, v. 2, p. QO92, 1997.
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            11. ZANOTTO, P. R. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; PEREIRA, E. C. ; BROCKSOM, U.. The Stereoselective Synthesis Of Beta-Methylene-Tetrahydrofurans From 2-Carene. Em: VII BMOS, 1996, Rio De Janeiro. VII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, p. 69-69, 1996.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Julio Zukerman Schpector (10.0)
            1. GOBO, NICHOLAS R. S. ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, JULIO ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T.. Synthesis of an Octa- tert -butylphthalocyanine: A Low-Aggregating and Photochemically Stable Photosensitizer. European Journal of Organic Chemistry (Print). v. 2013, p. 5028-5031, issn: 1434-193X, 2013.
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            2. CARACELLI, I. ; Caracelli, Ignez ; Zukerman-Schpector, J. ; André T. Lousada Machado ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; Edward R.T. Tiekink. (4aS,4bR,7R,10aS)-3,7-Dimethyl-10a-(propan-2-yl)-1,4,4a,4b,5,6,7,8,10,10a-decahydrophenanthrene-1,4-dione. Acta Crystallographica. Section E. v. E67, p. 03192-sup-10, issn: 1600-5368, 2011.
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            3. CARACELLI, I. ; Caracelli, Ignez ; Zukerman-Schpector, J. ; André T. Lousada Machado ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; M. Lúcia Ferreira ; Edward R.T. Tiekink. (4R,4aS,4bS,7R,10aR)-4-Hydroxy-4a,7-dimethyl-2-(propan-2-yl)-1,4,4a,4b,5,6,7,8,10,10a-decahydrophenanthren-1-one. Acta Crystallographica. Section E. v. E67, p. o3136-o3136, issn: 1600-5368, 2011.
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            4. Caracelli, Ignez ; Zukerman-Schpector, J. ; André Tivagus Lousada Machado ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; FERREIRA, M. L. ; Tiekink, E.R.T.. (4R *,4aS *,4bS *,5R *,10aR *)-4-Hydroxy-4a,5-dimethyl-2-(propan-2-yl)-1,4,4a,4b,5,6,7,8,10,10a-decahydrophenanthren-1-one. Acta Crystallographica. Section E. v. E67, p. o3338-o3338, issn: 1600-5368, 2011.
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            5. ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J. ; CARACELLI, I. ; C.C Carvalho ; M.L. de Faria ; F.C. Silva ; MATIAS, L. G. O. ; Timothy John Brocksom. A Novel Dihydroxy Nor-Guaiane Sesquiterpene: Synthesis and Crystal Structure Analysis. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. v. 12, n. 2, p. 154-158, issn: 0103-5053, 2001.
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            6. CARACELLI, I. ; IULEK, J. ; NEVES, A. ; VENCATO, I. ; F.Silva Jr. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J.. Intermediates In The Synthesis Of Cembrane Diterpenes(I).. Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications. v. C53, n. 9, p. 1282-1284, issn: 0108-2701, 1997.
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            7. ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J. ; CARACELLI, I. ; OLIVEIRA, S. M. ; MEDEIROS, E. F. ; Timothy John Brocksom. A Key Intermediate In The Synthesis Of (+)-Hernandulcin. Acta Crystallographica. Section C, Crystal Structure Communications. v. C52, n. 6, p. 1579-1581, issn: 0108-2701, 1996.
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            8. Timothy John Brocksom; CORRÊA, A. G. ; NAVES, R. M. ; F.Silva Jr. ; V. Catani ; CESCHI, M. A. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J. ; TOLOI, A. P. ; M.L. Ferreira ; U., B.. Diels-Alder Reactions in the Synthesis of Higher Terpenes. In: Tomas Hudlicky. (Org.). Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications. Em: Tomas Hudlicky. (Org.). Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications. : Oxford. : Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001.v. 5, p. 39-87.
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            9. BROCKSOM, T. J. ; CORREA, A. G. ; NAVES, R. M. ; SILVA, F. ; CESCHI, M. A. ; CATANI, V. ; LOUREIRO, A. P. ; SA, A. J. L. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR ; CASTELLANO, E. F.. P-Benzoquinone Diels-Alder Reactions: Applications In Terpene Synthesis. Em: J. V. Comasseto e J.T.B. Ferreira. (Org.). Organic Synthesis in Brazil : an Overview. São Paulo, Br. 1994.v. 1, p. 129-144.
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            10. FERREIRA, M. L. ; BROCKSOM, U. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J. ; Timothy John Brocksom. Synthesis of Single-Isomer Intermediates for Tricyclic Diterpenes: Chatancin. Em: 22nd IUPAC International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 2000, São Carlos. 22nd IUPAC International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products, 2000.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Arlene Gonçalves Corrêa (6.0)
            1. Uliana, Marciana P. ; Vieira, Ygor W. ; Donatoni, Maria Carolina ; Corrêa, Arlene G. ; Brocksom, Ursula ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; Correa, A.G.. Oxidation of Mono-Phenols to para-Benzoquinones: A Comparative Study. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society. v. 19, p. 1484-1489, issn: 0103-5053, 2008.
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            2. Corrêa, A. G ; OLIVERIA, K. T. ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; WEBER PAIXÃO, MÁRCIO. Química Orgânica Experimental - Uma abordagem de Química Verde. 1 ed. rio de janeiro: elsevier editora, 2016. v. 1, p. 188.
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            3. Timothy John Brocksom; CORRÊA, A. G. ; NAVES, R. M. ; F.Silva Jr. ; V. Catani ; CESCHI, M. A. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR, J. ; TOLOI, A. P. ; M.L. Ferreira ; U., B.. Diels-Alder Reactions in the Synthesis of Higher Terpenes. In: Tomas Hudlicky. (Org.). Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications. Em: Tomas Hudlicky. (Org.). Organic Synthesis: Theory and Applications. : Oxford. : Elsevier Science Ltd. 2001.v. 5, p. 39-87.
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            4. BROCKSOM, T. J. ; CORREA, A. G. ; NAVES, R. M. ; SILVA, F. ; CESCHI, M. A. ; CATANI, V. ; LOUREIRO, A. P. ; SA, A. J. L. ; ZUKERMAN-SCHPECTOR ; CASTELLANO, E. F.. P-Benzoquinone Diels-Alder Reactions: Applications In Terpene Synthesis. Em: J. V. Comasseto e J.T.B. Ferreira. (Org.). Organic Synthesis in Brazil : an Overview. São Paulo, Br. 1994.v. 1, p. 129-144.
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            5. NAKAMURA, J. ; Timothy John Brocksom ; CORREA, A. G.. Diels-Alder Reaction of 2-Carbomethoxy-3,5-Dimethyl-P-Benzoquinone with 2-Trimethylsilyloxy-4-Methyl-1,3-Pentadiene. Em: VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis, 1998, São Pedro. VIII Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis. São Pedro, SP, v. 1, p. 116, 1998.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Marco Antonio Barbosa Ferreira (2.0)
            1. DE ASSIS, FRANCISCO FÁVARO ; FERREIRA, MARCO AB ; BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY JOHN ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER THIAGO. NIR Bacteriochlorin Chromophores Accessed by Heck and Sonogashira Cross-Coupling Reactions on a Tetrabromobacteriochlorin Derivative. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. v. 14, p. 1402-1412, issn: 1477-0520, 2015.
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            2. BROCKSOM, TIMOTHY J. ; DE OLIVEIRA, KLEBER T. ; Ferreira, Marco A. B. ; SERVILHA, BRUNO M.. Essential Oils as Raw Materials in the Synthesis of Anticancer Drugs. Bioactive Essential Oils and Cancer. 1ed.New York. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2015.p. 81-109.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Edson Rodrigues-Filho (1.0)
            1. DIN, ZIA UD ; FILL, TAICIA P. ; DONATONI, M. CAROLINA ; DOS SANTOS, CAROLINA A. A. ; Brocksom, Timothy J. ; RODRIGUES-FILHO, E.. Microbial diversification of Diels-Alder cycloadducts by whole cells of Penicillium brasilianum. Molecular Diversity. v. 14, p. 1-9, issn: 1381-1991, 2016.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Edward Ralph Dockal (1.0)
            1. E.R. Dockal ; Q.B. Cass ; Timothy John Brocksom ; BROCKSOM, U. ; CORRÊA, A. G.. A Simple and Efficient Synthesis of Thymoquinone and Methyl p-Benzoquinone,Synth. Commun., 15, 1033-1036, 1985.. Synthetic Communications. v. 15, p. 1033-1036, issn: 0039-7911, 1985.
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          • Timothy John Brocksom ⇔ Márcio Weber Paixão (1.0)
            1. Corrêa, A. G ; OLIVERIA, K. T. ; BROCKSOM, T. J. ; WEBER PAIXÃO, MÁRCIO. Química Orgânica Experimental - Uma abordagem de Química Verde. 1 ed. rio de janeiro: elsevier editora, 2016. v. 1, p. 188.
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